CNN: Matt Gaetz showed nude photos of women he slept with to fellow members of Congress...lmao

Welp, bye bye.

This guy needs to not talk.

This will make him more popular with the Trump cult.
Just locker room talk. They can all relate.

Absence of gender dysphoria is an actual blessing.. Matt Gaetz likes being single. Travels with his girlfriends. I just can't get irate about all that...
Agreed, although he ought to be more careful about bopping jailbait. I read he's engaged, I think. Of course, I've heard lots of people call whoever they're living with their 'fiance,' it doesn't mean much unless they've sent out the invitations.
Welp, bye bye.

This guy needs to not talk.

This will make him more popular with the Trump cult.
Just locker room talk. They can all relate.

Absence of gender dysphoria is an actual blessing.. Matt Gaetz likes being single. Travels with his girlfriends. I just can't get irate about all that...
Topic is allegations against Gaetz
and the possible extortion of his family for money...
Correct. Two completely separate issues.
I agree that they are two separate issues. However it does seem like only one of those issues is being investigated by the FBI. I could be wrong on this. Again... Evidence... Proof.
Did you not click the op link? Very first sentence:

(CNN)Rep. Matt Gaetz, the Florida Republican being investigated by the Justice Department over sex trafficking allegations,

CNN purposely getting it wrong.. Even NYTimes says Matt Gaetz is a not a subject as of now..

Let's analyze this lie.. Gaetz's rich dad gets extorted for tons of money by an ex DOJ employee who CLAIMS that Matt was "traveling with a minor girl".. Father Gaetz wears a wire for the FBI and records a direct meeting with the corrupt ex DOJ blackmailer.. MATT GAETZ WANTS this investigation. In fact, he was on media DEMANDING that the FBI RELEASE the tapes to prove his innocence..

Investigation INVOLVES MATT Gaetz - therefore the journalism butchers at CNN make that phony and fake as shit lead line.. About "Matt Gaetz being investigated by the FBI" They're totally butchers of news..

WHEN THE FUCK are you mushrooms gonna wake up and NOT FALL for this crap????
The news said this EX Doj guy you keep mentioning worked for the doj OVER 20 YEARS why is that even important?

And allegedly the Doj began investigating Gaetz when the Greenberg investigation lead them there under Bill Barr 6 months ago, and Barr approved it???

Are you saying this is not true???
Just typed in "Gaetz nude pictures"...................

ZERO naked females.....but I did get this.


Unless he's into carnal activities with grizzlies I'd suggest the article is a FAIL!!!!!

Notice how Q Trumpers come to Gaetz’s defense. These loons go crazy over a lie of a child sex ring in a pizza parlor, but credible evidence of sex trafficking by a deviant Trumpist congressman is not only ignored but ridiculed. Qs are such hypocrites.

I’ll wait and see how it plays out, just like I am doing with Cuomo, until there is more evidence, I will sit and watch. It is a lot easier than jumping to conclusions.
Welp, bye bye.

This guy needs to not talk.

Unnamed sources? Without evidence, I refuse to jump to conclusions, just like with Cuomo. Innocent until proven otherwise.
Notice how Q Trumpers come to Gaetz’s defense. These loons go crazy over a lie of a child sex ring in a pizza parlor, but credible evidence of sex trafficking by a deviant Trumpist congressman is not only ignored but ridiculed. Qs are such hypocrites.

I’ll wait and see how it plays out, just like I am doing with Cuomo, until there is more evidence, I will sit and watch. It is a lot easier than jumping to conclusions.
I guess you forgot Avenatti and Covington, didn't ya? :laugh2:
Topic is allegations against Gaetz
and the possible extortion of his family for money...
Correct. Two completely separate issues.
I agree that they are two separate issues. However it does seem like only one of those issues is being investigated by the FBI. I could be wrong on this. Again... Evidence... Proof.
Did you not click the op link? Very first sentence:

(CNN)Rep. Matt Gaetz, the Florida Republican being investigated by the Justice Department over sex trafficking allegations,

CNN purposely getting it wrong.. Even NYTimes says Matt Gaetz is a not a subject as of now..

Let's analyze this lie.. Gaetz's rich dad gets extorted for tons of money by an ex DOJ employee who CLAIMS that Matt was "traveling with a minor girl".. Father Gaetz wears a wire for the FBI and records a direct meeting with the corrupt ex DOJ blackmailer.. MATT GAETZ WANTS this investigation. In fact, he was on media DEMANDING that the FBI RELEASE the tapes to prove his innocence..

Investigation INVOLVES MATT Gaetz - therefore the journalism butchers at CNN make that phony and fake as shit lead line.. About "Matt Gaetz being investigated by the FBI" They're totally butchers of news..

WHEN THE FUCK are you mushrooms gonna wake up and NOT FALL for this crap????
The sad thing is, you won't feel the slightest bit of embarrassment or shame when these allegations are proven.
Did you not click the op link? Very first sentence:

(CNN)Rep. Matt Gaetz, the Florida Republican being investigated by the Justice Department over sex trafficking allegations,
Yes I did. And... I also read what CNN has said in the past. If I'm going to look stupid, I prefer to be for something that I said or did in reference to something I actually believe in. I'm not going to let CNN or any other news channel make me look stupid by believing something they haven't even remotely shown any evidence for, let alone proven.

You are absolutely welcome to disagree with that way of life.
How pathetic.
I don't understand why he's so hot with the ladies. He looks like he's 50% Neanderthal--or his mother had a difficult birth. And his fashion sense is all in his mouth.
Must be a big spender.
Topic is allegations against Gaetz
and the possible extortion of his family for money...
Correct. Two completely separate issues.
I agree that they are two separate issues. However it does seem like only one of those issues is being investigated by the FBI. I could be wrong on this. Again... Evidence... Proof.
Did you not click the op link? Very first sentence:

(CNN)Rep. Matt Gaetz, the Florida Republican being investigated by the Justice Department over sex trafficking allegations,

CNN purposely getting it wrong.. Even NYTimes says Matt Gaetz is a not a subject as of now..

Let's analyze this lie.. Gaetz's rich dad gets extorted for tons of money by an ex DOJ employee who CLAIMS that Matt was "traveling with a minor girl".. Father Gaetz wears a wire for the FBI and records a direct meeting with the corrupt ex DOJ blackmailer.. MATT GAETZ WANTS this investigation. In fact, he was on media DEMANDING that the FBI RELEASE the tapes to prove his innocence..

Investigation INVOLVES MATT Gaetz - therefore the journalism butchers at CNN make that phony and fake as shit lead line.. About "Matt Gaetz being investigated by the FBI" They're totally butchers of news..

WHEN THE FUCK are you mushrooms gonna wake up and NOT FALL for this crap????
The news said this EX Doj guy you keep mentioning worked for the doj OVER 20 YEARS why is that even important?

And allegedly the Doj began investigating Gaetz when the Greenberg investigation lead them there under Bill Barr 6 months ago, and Barr approved it???

Are you saying this is not true???
I predict crickets.
I don't understand why he's so hot with the ladies. He looks like he's 50% Neanderthal--or his mother had a difficult birth. And his fashion sense is all in his mouth.
Must be a big spender.
Wait... Wait... I got this one..

The fact that you reflivly need to comment on HER appearance rather that focus on the total person and her accomplishments, makes you a FUCKING MORONIC BIGOT

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