CNN Melts Down Over Barr Press Conference


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
CNN Melts Down Over Barr Press Conference

Calls Barr’s Presser “An Extraordinary Political Commercial For the President”

CNN Melts Down Over Barr Press Conference - Calls Barr's Presser "An Extraordinary Political Commercial For the President" (VIDEO)
Barr made it clear that President Trump did not collude with the Russian government during the 2016 election — this angered the sycophantic reporters who hate Trump.
As expected, the ‘reporters’ acted more like Democrat activists and fired off a series of biased questions, many of them accused Barr of protecting President Trump.... Fake News CNN melted down and piled on Barr following his presser.... CNN had EIGHT people discussing the Barr presser — all of them are liberal Trump haters.... All eight people on CNN’s panel agree with each other — talk about diversity!

If you think they look sad now? Wait until the indictments start coming down for the treacherous scum who used the power of the federal government to spy on political opponents. They are waiting for their Media Matters/WaPo/NYT/Politico/HuffPo/DNC TALKING POINTS. Leftists are Hive Mind creatures. They have great difficulty thinking for themselves.
So much winning.... Translation: "blame the messenger." That is the intellectual deep end of the pool over at CNN.
CNN Melts Down Over Barr Press Conference

Calls Barr’s Presser “An Extraordinary Political Commercial For the President”

CNN Melts Down Over Barr Press Conference - Calls Barr's Presser "An Extraordinary Political Commercial For the President" (VIDEO)
Barr made it clear that President Trump did not collude with the Russian government during the 2016 election — this angered the sycophantic reporters who hate Trump.
As expected, the ‘reporters’ acted more like Democrat activists and fired off a series of biased questions, many of them accused Barr of protecting President Trump.... Fake News CNN melted down and piled on Barr following his presser.... CNN had EIGHT people discussing the Barr presser — all of them are liberal Trump haters.... All eight people on CNN’s panel agree with each other — talk about diversity!

If you think they look sad now? Wait until the indictments start coming down for the treacherous scum who used the power of the federal government to spy on political opponents. They are waiting for their Media Matters/WaPo/NYT/Politico/HuffPo/DNC TALKING POINTS. Leftists are Hive Mind creatures. They have great difficulty thinking for themselves.
So much winning.... Translation: "blame the messenger." That is the intellectual deep end of the pool over at CNN.

I never imagined our America would arrive at this state of chaotic barbarism; nor that such a day ever could reign our nation. A day when even despite numerous revelations revealing clearly to everyone's eyes the modern Media's mass conspiracy to lie to the American people, that same media continues to lie, publicly, nationally on nationwide broadcast air, knowing we know they are lying. I cannot believe the MSNBC/Microsoft headlines. They, the Left leaning/consumed MSM are still fucking trying to tear our nation apart and subvert both our President's authority and the working processes of our political system. Sure, I'm pissed off, seeing red over what our nation has become . . . however, were I in power I'd arrest all MSM new anchors/contributors, producers and pundits . . . lock them all up. They're trying their damnedest to destroy our nation and they're doing it right before every American's eyes.
Of course they are Pelosi and Schumer condemned it before it even took place. If they upset Pelosi and Schumer to the point they stop watching CNN they lose half their viewership.
So Barr blatantly lying about what the report said doesn't bother you huh?

As long as he is lying in favor of your cult leader huh??

I bet you think your cult leader will always be in office too huh?

I bet you will keep that same energy when a new AG lies about a report to protect the Democrat president huh?

10 different Benghazi investigations and no indictments or convictions huh, we probably need 10 more Benghazi investigations before we know what really happened too huh?
So Barr blatantly lying about what the report said doesn't bother you huh?

As long as he is lying in favor of your cult leader huh??

I bet you think your cult leader will always be in office too huh?

I bet you will keep that same energy when a new AG lies about a report to protect the Democrat president huh?

10 different Benghazi investigations and no indictments or convictions huh, we probably need 10 more Benghazi investigations before we know what really happened too huh?

AG Barr vowed he would release the Mueller report as best as he could. From what I understand he has done that and redacted as little as possible for transparency reasons. The Progressive Marxist Socialist Left would reject anything that showed they are wrong in the statements. Democrats have become an on going joke to America.... The plain fact is Trump did nothing to stop the investigation.
So Barr blatantly lying about what the report said doesn't bother you huh?

As long as he is lying in favor of your cult leader huh??

I bet you think your cult leader will always be in office too huh?

I bet you will keep that same energy when a new AG lies about a report to protect the Democrat president huh?

10 different Benghazi investigations and no indictments or convictions huh, we probably need 10 more Benghazi investigations before we know what really happened too huh?
What did he lie about?
CNN, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, NYT, Washpo, AP, Reuters, etc are just the Propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. Of course they will meltdown when once again revealed as LIARS.
So Barr blatantly lying about what the report said doesn't bother you huh?

As long as he is lying in favor of your cult leader huh??

I bet you think your cult leader will always be in office too huh?

I bet you will keep that same energy when a new AG lies about a report to protect the Democrat president huh?

10 different Benghazi investigations and no indictments or convictions huh, we probably need 10 more Benghazi investigations before we know what really happened too huh?

^^ Talk about an unhinged leftwing retard.

The “Benghazi investigations” were never criminal investigations by the FBI. They were merely Congressional ones meant to find out the truth of what happened, report it, and help prevent something like that from happening again. Those investigations did indeed expose the mistakes of Hillary and the Hussein. America found out how immoral and incompetent the Secretary of State was, and hence why they rejected her bid for the Presidency.
Must be hard for them to see the teleprompters with egg on their face.
They missed the biggest real story right in plain sight, because they chose to be deaf, dumb, and blind and participate in the abuses.
CNN Melts Down Over Barr Press Conference

Calls Barr’s Presser “An Extraordinary Political Commercial For the President”

CNN Melts Down Over Barr Press Conference - Calls Barr's Presser "An Extraordinary Political Commercial For the President" (VIDEO)
Barr made it clear that President Trump did not collude with the Russian government during the 2016 election — this angered the sycophantic reporters who hate Trump.
As expected, the ‘reporters’ acted more like Democrat activists and fired off a series of biased questions, many of them accused Barr of protecting President Trump.... Fake News CNN melted down and piled on Barr following his presser.... CNN had EIGHT people discussing the Barr presser — all of them are liberal Trump haters.... All eight people on CNN’s panel agree with each other — talk about diversity!

If you think they look sad now? Wait until the indictments start coming down for the treacherous scum who used the power of the federal government to spy on political opponents. They are waiting for their Media Matters/WaPo/NYT/Politico/HuffPo/DNC TALKING POINTS. Leftists are Hive Mind creatures. They have great difficulty thinking for themselves.
So much winning.... Translation: "blame the messenger." That is the intellectual deep end of the pool over at CNN.
Look at CNN right now...the sad faces are priceless....:crying::laughing0301:

This video just about sums it up for the MSM and all the lefttards today.

So Barr blatantly lying about what the report said doesn't bother you huh?

As long as he is lying in favor of your cult leader huh??

I bet you think your cult leader will always be in office too huh?

I bet you will keep that same energy when a new AG lies about a report to protect the Democrat president huh?

10 different Benghazi investigations and no indictments or convictions huh, we probably need 10 more Benghazi investigations before we know what really happened too huh?
You typed a lot there, and nothing but hyperbole.
What did Barr lie about?
So Barr blatantly lying about what the report said doesn't bother you huh?

As long as he is lying in favor of your cult leader huh??

I bet you think your cult leader will always be in office too huh?

I bet you will keep that same energy when a new AG lies about a report to protect the Democrat president huh?

10 different Benghazi investigations and no indictments or convictions huh, we probably need 10 more Benghazi investigations before we know what really happened too huh?

^^ Talk about an unhinged leftwing retard.

The “Benghazi investigations” were never criminal investigations by the FBI. They were merely Congressional ones meant to find out the truth of what happened, report it, and help prevent something like that from happening again. Those investigations did indeed expose the mistakes of Hillary and the Hussein. America found out how immoral and incompetent the Secretary of State was, and hence why they rejected her bid for the Presidency.
Speaking of Benghazi, Obama used Executive Privilege to highly redact the report.
Trump did no such thing.
So Barr blatantly lying about what the report said doesn't bother you huh?

As long as he is lying in favor of your cult leader huh??

I bet you think your cult leader will always be in office too huh?

I bet you will keep that same energy when a new AG lies about a report to protect the Democrat president huh?

10 different Benghazi investigations and no indictments or convictions huh, we probably need 10 more Benghazi investigations before we know what really happened too huh?
It must really suck to be you and wake every morning to face yet another day of wollowing in bullshit all day.
the left/Dems/etc have been melting since 2016
now they are going CRAZY
the sky is NOT blue
Trump CAN'T be POTUS---something must be WRONG
So Barr blatantly lying about what the report said doesn't bother you huh?

As long as he is lying in favor of your cult leader huh??

I bet you think your cult leader will always be in office too huh?

I bet you will keep that same energy when a new AG lies about a report to protect the Democrat president huh?

10 different Benghazi investigations and no indictments or convictions huh, we probably need 10 more Benghazi investigations before we know what really happened too huh?
???? what??!!
you have lost your mind to TDS
CNN Melts Down Over Barr Press Conference

Calls Barr’s Presser “An Extraordinary Political Commercial For the President”

CNN Melts Down Over Barr Press Conference - Calls Barr's Presser "An Extraordinary Political Commercial For the President" (VIDEO)
Barr made it clear that President Trump did not collude with the Russian government during the 2016 election — this angered the sycophantic reporters who hate Trump.
As expected, the ‘reporters’ acted more like Democrat activists and fired off a series of biased questions, many of them accused Barr of protecting President Trump.... Fake News CNN melted down and piled on Barr following his presser.... CNN had EIGHT people discussing the Barr presser — all of them are liberal Trump haters.... All eight people on CNN’s panel agree with each other — talk about diversity!

If you think they look sad now? Wait until the indictments start coming down for the treacherous scum who used the power of the federal government to spy on political opponents. They are waiting for their Media Matters/WaPo/NYT/Politico/HuffPo/DNC TALKING POINTS. Leftists are Hive Mind creatures. They have great difficulty thinking for themselves.
So much winning.... Translation: "blame the messenger." That is the intellectual deep end of the pool over at CNN.

I never imagined our America would arrive at this state of chaotic barbarism; nor that such a day ever could reign our nation. A day when even despite numerous revelations revealing clearly to everyone's eyes the modern Media's mass conspiracy to lie to the American people, that same media continues to lie, publicly, nationally on nationwide broadcast air, knowing we know they are lying. I cannot believe the MSNBC/Microsoft headlines. They, the Left leaning/consumed MSM are still fucking trying to tear our nation apart and subvert both our President's authority and the working processes of our political system. Sure, I'm pissed off, seeing red over what our nation has become . . . however, were I in power I'd arrest all MSM new anchors/contributors, producers and pundits . . . lock them all up. They're trying their damnedest to destroy our nation and they're doing it right before every American's eyes.
Truth burns you scumbags.

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