CNN must apologize???

Don’t good, productive people ALWAYS have something better to do with their time?

Naw, productive people manage their time effectively... I'm sorry you never learned this.
We constantly hear about private entities being engaged in censorship, but there doesn't seem to be any interest in a government entity, the WH, doing the same!

Trump campaign demands CNN apologize for poll that shows Biden leading
holy crap - i was hoping that was an Onion headline, but it isn't.

wow.............. just wow.
What about Fox News poll showing Biden winning in a landslide?
Shill games.
We constantly hear about private entities being engaged in censorship, but there doesn't seem to be any interest in a government entity, the WH, doing the same!

Trump campaign demands CNN apologize for poll that shows Biden leading
There's a thread on this from just a few hours ago.
Here's the deal, (foreign?) posters find a CNN blog they like and they post it without comment because they don't have the time or more likely the intelligence to defend it. Lately it's all we see on the forum.
What about Fox News poll showing Biden winning in a landslide?
Link me please.

Fox News Poll
Published June 3
Fox News Poll: Biden leads Trump in Wisconsin

Fox News Poll: Biden leads Trump in Wisconsin

Hot Topics

Fox News Poll
Published June 3
Fox News Poll: Biden ahead in Arizona, Kelly trouncing McSally in Senate race

Fox News Poll: Biden ahead in Arizona, Kelly trouncing McSally in Senate race

New Fox News poll finds Biden with healthy lead, sends Trump into tailspin

The president is mad that Fox News isn’t rigging polls for him.
By Aaron Rupar@atrupar May 22, 2020, 1:10pm EDT
New Fox News poll finds Biden with healthy lead, sends Trump into tailspin
You want the definition of melt down? It is a POTUS writing a bullshit letter threatening a news network over a poll. The lawyers who wrote that letter were laughing and had to be thinking this guy has to be the biggest asshole that ever existed. This letter reminded me of Trump’s letter to Bill Maher over Bill’s orangutan challenge. Trump for some reason does not get it that people are now laughing at him.
Last edited:
Small loss.

Since the public schools ceased educating in favour of leftist indoctrination they have served no useful purpose.

Those parents who want their offspring educated have the opportunity to do so at home.

Those who want the children to be good little liberals like themselves have the opportunity to do do at home - if they can get their git to pay attention at all.

The young who want success can take on apprenticeship. Eschew courses in weaving colourful baskets and learn a skill that earns a living.

Of course there will need to be some sort of re-education for former "teachers". Some might have to be coerced into the camps and others might have to be beaten into their new role as pullers of plows.

The public schools have not ceased educating in favour of leftist indoctrination they have served no useful purpose. Many schools never did.

Those parents who want their offspring educated have the opportunity to do so at home and have had that option all along.

You said, "if they can get their git to pay attention at all." "Get their git"? What does that mean?

Laziness is the main reason why the young who want success can take on apprenticeship. Eschew courses in weaving colourful baskets and learn a skill that earns a living has always been an option.

Of course there will need to be some sort of re-education for former "teachers". Some might have to be coerced into the camps and others might have to be beaten into their new role as pullers of plows. "

How about we start re-education of dullards like you who make false claims about public education? A camp would work wonders for you to make a great puller of plows.

Another desperate tactic from a President on the verge of going down in flames. His massive defeat at the hands of Vice President Biden is a foregone conclusion. The big question is how many other Republicans bite the dust with him. His only real hope will be in trying to invalidate the election,, and with the SCOTUS in his pocket, he could damn well do it. You know he will try. He has met the perfect storn, a pandemic well beyond his ability to deal with killing Americans and race issues that, as the racist in chief, confounds him.

If, as he constantly claims, CNN is nothing but "fake news," then why is he concerned about a poll that he sees as fake?

So do you like all lies and believe there is no need to apologize for them? Or only lies you like or, perhaps, originate?
Wrong thread quoted for my post in Education.

ok. I stand by what I said. Echo chambers are not helpful to change.
This is funny.

trump is demanding that CNN retract a poll.

He claims he hired a company to "analyze" the CNN and other polls.


Obviously he's never read the first Amendment.

I fail to see why any poll figures should bother him; he just has to look at the 2016 polls reflecting his run against Clinton, for a good chuckle.

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