CNN must apologize???

Liberal pukes lie and broadcast fake polls in an attempt to rig elections. President Trump calls them out and triggers them.

The only one trying to rig the election is Trump, and he's got his lord and master on his side. Putin may pull it off for him.

View attachment 348439
Youre still mad that Putin made the brown turd Oblummer look like a fag, infront of millions of US citizens, and once that was done, the turd came out of the closet, with his first tranny...

Another desperate tactic from a President on the verge of going down in flames. His massive defeat at the hands of Vice President Biden is a foregone conclusion. The big question is how many other Republicans bite the dust with him. His only real hope will be in trying to invalidate the election,, and with the SCOTUS in his pocket, he could damn well do it. You know he will try. He has met the perfect storn, a pandemic well beyond his ability to deal with killing Americans and race issues that, as the racist in chief, confounds him.

If, as he constantly claims, CNN is nothing but "fake news," then why is he concerned about a poll that he sees as fake?
No, I think CNN should be burnt to the ground by antifa blm queers.

What news outlet would you leave standing since you're one of the morons who maintains the media is all left wing lies?
I know, I know.....Fox. The Trump Channel. A line up of central casting suck-ups who will lose their job if they don't kiss Trump ass.
Yeah, let's burn 'em all down.
Pretty much damn near all of them can be burnt to the ground for what they are worth. News journalism integrity is very low. This is what I get. Repubs do all the bad things. Progs are as innocent as newborn babes. And speaking of that....Get the baby food!

So our news is mainly comprised of video and photos. Video and audio of the subject at hand speaking in front of cameras. Like Trump pressers, and the Press Secty pressers, and politicians being interviewed. Not some anchor droning on about the days news with maybe a black/white photo over the anchor's shoulder, like we had back in the 60's and 70's.
It's not fake news, if there's video/audio/photo PROOF.
If what CNN or any other channel was lying, the lawsuits would be flying.
But they're not.
Liberal pukes lie and broadcast fake polls in an attempt to rig elections. President Trump calls them out and triggers them.

The only one trying to rig the election is Trump, and he's got his lord and master on his side. Putin may pull it off for him.

View attachment 348439
Youre still mad that Putin made the brown turd Oblummer look like a fag, infront of millions of US citizens, and once that was done, the turd came out of the closet, with his first tranny...

No, ignorant cocksocket.
I'm still mad that Trump got down on his knees and sucked Putin's cock in Helsinki.
If you had have a brain, you would be too.

Another desperate tactic from a President on the verge of going down in flames. His massive defeat at the hands of Vice President Biden is a foregone conclusion. The big question is how many other Republicans bite the dust with him. His only real hope will be in trying to invalidate the election,, and with the SCOTUS in his pocket, he could damn well do it. You know he will try. He has met the perfect storn, a pandemic well beyond his ability to deal with killing Americans and race issues that, as the racist in chief, confounds him.

If, as he constantly claims, CNN is nothing but "fake news," then why is he concerned about a poll that he sees as fake?
Lol he’s such a fucking idiot. He’s apparently too stupid to realize that this will only bring more attention to the poll’s existence.
The poll called me and I told them Mayor Pete.
Liberal pukes lie and broadcast fake polls in an attempt to rig elections. President Trump calls them out and triggers them.

The only one trying to rig the election is Trump, and he's got his lord and master on his side. Putin may pull it off for him.

View attachment 348439
Youre still mad that Putin made the brown turd Oblummer look like a fag, infront of millions of US citizens, and once that was done, the turd came out of the closet, with his first tranny...

No, ignorant cocksocket.
I'm still mad that Trump got down on his knees and sucked Putin's cock in Helsinki.
If you had have a brain, you would be too.
Only ones getting on their knees are the Demoncraps so they can show their support for convicted felons, try again, asshat.

Obama bowed to dictators. This group bowed to a common criminal...

Another desperate tactic from a President on the verge of going down in flames. His massive defeat at the hands of Vice President Biden is a foregone conclusion. The big question is how many other Republicans bite the dust with him. His only real hope will be in trying to invalidate the election,, and with the SCOTUS in his pocket, he could damn well do it. You know he will try. He has met the perfect storn, a pandemic well beyond his ability to deal with killing Americans and race issues that, as the racist in chief, confounds him.

If, as he constantly claims, CNN is nothing but "fake news," then why is he concerned about a poll that he sees as fake?
No, I think CNN should be burnt to the ground by antifa blm queers.

Do you think about things other than doing violence to liberals and others? Do you think about doing positive things, to help build up your nation?

Another desperate tactic from a President on the verge of going down in flames. His massive defeat at the hands of Vice President Biden is a foregone conclusion. The big question is how many other Republicans bite the dust with him. His only real hope will be in trying to invalidate the election,, and with the SCOTUS in his pocket, he could damn well do it. You know he will try. He has met the perfect storn, a pandemic well beyond his ability to deal with killing Americans and race issues that, as the racist in chief, confounds him.

If, as he constantly claims, CNN is nothing but "fake news," then why is he concerned about a poll that he sees as fake?
The desperate move was the fake news poll.....
Liberal pukes lie and broadcast fake polls in an attempt to rig elections. President Trump calls them out and triggers them.

The only one trying to rig the election is Trump, and he's got his lord and master on his side. Putin may pull it off for him.

View attachment 348439

Hahahaha you're still doing the Putin thingy even though there wasn't a shred of evidence. Maybe you could try the Ukraine quid pro quo thingy.

Another desperate tactic from a President on the verge of going down in flames. His massive defeat at the hands of Vice President Biden is a foregone conclusion. The big question is how many other Republicans bite the dust with him. His only real hope will be in trying to invalidate the election,, and with the SCOTUS in his pocket, he could damn well do it. You know he will try. He has met the perfect storn, a pandemic well beyond his ability to deal with killing Americans and race issues that, as the racist in chief, confounds him.

If, as he constantly claims, CNN is nothing but "fake news," then why is he concerned about a poll that he sees as fake?
No, I think CNN should be burnt to the ground by antifa blm queers.

Do you think about things other than doing violence to liberals and others? Do you think about doing positive things, to help build up your nation?
I didn't say I would do it bitch.

Another desperate tactic from a President on the verge of going down in flames. His massive defeat at the hands of Vice President Biden is a foregone conclusion. The big question is how many other Republicans bite the dust with him. His only real hope will be in trying to invalidate the election,, and with the SCOTUS in his pocket, he could damn well do it. You know he will try. He has met the perfect storn, a pandemic well beyond his ability to deal with killing Americans and race issues that, as the racist in chief, confounds him.

If, as he constantly claims, CNN is nothing but "fake news," then why is he concerned about a poll that he sees as fake?
No, I think CNN should be burnt to the ground by antifa blm queers.

Do you think about things other than doing violence to liberals and others? Do you think about doing positive things, to help build up your nation?

Stamping out liberalism is a positive for the nation.

Another desperate tactic from a President on the verge of going down in flames. His massive defeat at the hands of Vice President Biden is a foregone conclusion. The big question is how many other Republicans bite the dust with him. His only real hope will be in trying to invalidate the election,, and with the SCOTUS in his pocket, he could damn well do it. You know he will try. He has met the perfect storn, a pandemic well beyond his ability to deal with killing Americans and race issues that, as the racist in chief, confounds him.

If, as he constantly claims, CNN is nothing but "fake news," then why is he concerned about a poll that he sees as fake?
No, I think CNN should be burnt to the ground by antifa blm queers.

What news outlet would you leave standing since you're one of the morons who maintains the media is all left wing lies?
I know, I know.....Fox. The Trump Channel. A line up of central casting suck-ups who will lose their job if they don't kiss Trump ass.
Yeah, let's burn 'em all down.

Whelp, sure he has Fox but even he has been riding them a bit hard lately. But never fear, he always has his reliable backup OANN...wait???...they're growing a conscience??...Say it ain't so. :)
Report: OANN Staffers Decry Conspiratorial Report About ‘Antifa Provocateur’ Cited By Trump

RCP has his approve rating down to 42%.

Another desperate tactic from a President on the verge of going down in flames. His massive defeat at the hands of Vice President Biden is a foregone conclusion. The big question is how many other Republicans bite the dust with him. His only real hope will be in trying to invalidate the election,, and with the SCOTUS in his pocket, he could damn well do it. You know he will try. He has met the perfect storn, a pandemic well beyond his ability to deal with killing Americans and race issues that, as the racist in chief, confounds him.

If, as he constantly claims, CNN is nothing but "fake news," then why is he concerned about a poll that he sees as fake?
No, I think CNN should be burnt to the ground by antifa blm queers.

Do you think about things other than doing violence to liberals and others? Do you think about doing positive things, to help build up your nation?

Sure, we think about burning cars, burning buildings, looting businesses, shooting cops all the time.

Another desperate tactic from a President on the verge of going down in flames. His massive defeat at the hands of Vice President Biden is a foregone conclusion. The big question is how many other Republicans bite the dust with him. His only real hope will be in trying to invalidate the election,, and with the SCOTUS in his pocket, he could damn well do it. You know he will try. He has met the perfect storn, a pandemic well beyond his ability to deal with killing Americans and race issues that, as the racist in chief, confounds him.

If, as he constantly claims, CNN is nothing but "fake news," then why is he concerned about a poll that he sees as fake?
No, I think CNN should be burnt to the ground by antifa blm queers.

What news outlet would you leave standing since you're one of the morons who maintains the media is all left wing lies?
I know, I know.....Fox. The Trump Channel. A line up of central casting suck-ups who will lose their job if they don't kiss Trump ass.
Yeah, let's burn 'em all down.
Pretty much damn near all of them can be burnt to the ground for what they are worth. News journalism integrity is very low. This is what I get. Repubs do all the bad things. Progs are as innocent as newborn babes. And speaking of that....Get the baby food!

So our news is mainly comprised of video and photos. Video and audio of the subject at hand speaking in front of cameras. Like Trump pressers, and the Press Secty pressers, and politicians being interviewed. Not some anchor droning on about the days news with maybe a black/white photo over the anchor's shoulder, like we had back in the 60's and 70's.
It's not fake news, if there's video/audio/photo PROOF.
If what CNN or any other channel was lying, the lawsuits would be flying.
But they're not.
CNN and its allies in the MSM biggest lies are that of omission.

Another desperate tactic from a President on the verge of going down in flames. His massive defeat at the hands of Vice President Biden is a foregone conclusion. The big question is how many other Republicans bite the dust with him. His only real hope will be in trying to invalidate the election,, and with the SCOTUS in his pocket, he could damn well do it. You know he will try. He has met the perfect storn, a pandemic well beyond his ability to deal with killing Americans and race issues that, as the racist in chief, confounds him.

If, as he constantly claims, CNN is nothing but "fake news," then why is he concerned about a poll that he sees as fake?
No, I think CNN should be burnt to the ground by antifa blm queers.

What news outlet would you leave standing since you're one of the morons who maintains the media is all left wing lies?
I know, I know.....Fox. The Trump Channel. A line up of central casting suck-ups who will lose their job if they don't kiss Trump ass.
Yeah, let's burn 'em all down.
Pretty much damn near all of them can be burnt to the ground for what they are worth. News journalism integrity is very low. This is what I get. Repubs do all the bad things. Progs are as innocent as newborn babes. And speaking of that....Get the baby food!

So our news is mainly comprised of video and photos. Video and audio of the subject at hand speaking in front of cameras. Like Trump pressers, and the Press Secty pressers, and politicians being interviewed. Not some anchor droning on about the days news with maybe a black/white photo over the anchor's shoulder, like we had back in the 60's and 70's.
It's not fake news, if there's video/audio/photo PROOF.
If what CNN or any other channel was lying, the lawsuits would be flying.
But they're not.
There are lawsuits against cnn, bitch.
Small loss.

Since the public schools ceased educating in favour of leftist indoctrination they have served no useful purpose.

Those parents who want their offspring educated have the opportunity to do so at home.

Those who want the children to be good little liberals like themselves have the opportunity to do do at home - if they can get their git to pay attention at all.

The young who want success can take on apprenticeship. Eschew courses in weaving colourful baskets and learn a skill that earns a living.

Of course there will need to be some sort of re-education for former "teachers". Some might have to be coerced into the camps and others might have to be beaten into their new role as pullers of plows.

The public schools have not ceased educating in favour of leftist indoctrination they have served no useful purpose. Many schools never did.

Those parents who want their offspring educated have the opportunity to do so at home and have had that option all along.

You said, "if they can get their git to pay attention at all." "Get their git"? What does that mean?

Laziness is the main reason why the young who want success can take on apprenticeship. Eschew courses in weaving colourful baskets and learn a skill that earns a living has always been an option.

Of course there will need to be some sort of re-education for former "teachers". Some might have to be coerced into the camps and others might have to be beaten into their new role as pullers of plows. "

How about we start re-education of dullards like you who make false claims about public education? A camp would work wonders for you to make a great puller of plows.

Another desperate tactic from a President on the verge of going down in flames. His massive defeat at the hands of Vice President Biden is a foregone conclusion. The big question is how many other Republicans bite the dust with him. His only real hope will be in trying to invalidate the election,, and with the SCOTUS in his pocket, he could damn well do it. You know he will try. He has met the perfect storn, a pandemic well beyond his ability to deal with killing Americans and race issues that, as the racist in chief, confounds him.

If, as he constantly claims, CNN is nothing but "fake news," then why is he concerned about a poll that he sees as fake?

So do you like all lies and believe there is no need to apologize for them? Or only lies you like or, perhaps, originate?
Liberal pukes lie and broadcast fake polls in an attempt to rig elections. President Trump calls them out and triggers them.

The only one trying to rig the election is Trump, and he's got his lord and master on his side. Putin may pull it off for him.

View attachment 348439
Youre still mad that Putin made the brown turd Oblummer look like a fag, infront of millions of US citizens, and once that was done, the turd came out of the closet, with his first tranny...

No, ignorant cocksocket.
I'm still mad that Trump got down on his knees and sucked Putin's cock in Helsinki.
If you had have a brain, you would be too.
Only ones getting on their knees are the Demoncraps so they can show their support for convicted felons, try again, asshat.

Obama bowed to dictators. This group bowed to a common criminal...

And nancy couldnt get up...or maybe she just wasnt done blowing her black constituents.

Another desperate tactic from a President on the verge of going down in flames. His massive defeat at the hands of Vice President Biden is a foregone conclusion. The big question is how many other Republicans bite the dust with him. His only real hope will be in trying to invalidate the election,, and with the SCOTUS in his pocket, he could damn well do it. You know he will try. He has met the perfect storn, a pandemic well beyond his ability to deal with killing Americans and race issues that, as the racist in chief, confounds him.

If, as he constantly claims, CNN is nothing but "fake news," then why is he concerned about a poll that he sees as fake?
"Soon after the poll was released, Trump tweeted that he had hired Republican pollster McLaughlin & Associates to "analyze" the CNN poll and others, "which I felt were FAKE based on the incredible enthusiasm we are receiving." McLaughlin ranks as one of the least accurate pollsters in the industry, as measured by FiveThirtyEight."

McLaughlin missed Cantor losing by 45 points :)
From the article in the OP. I liked this quote from CNN's legal counsel:
"To my knowledge, this is the first time in its 40-year history that CNN had been threatened with legal action because an American politician or campaign did not like CNN's polling results," Vigilante wrote in his response. "To the extent we have received legal threats from political leaders in the past, they have typically come from countries like Venezuela or other regimes where there is little or no respect for a free and independent media."

Five thirty eight gives ssrs (the polling org) a B/C grade and said it has predicted elections accurately 50% of the time. It does use live callers only and does reach cell phones, so it is the most accurate for collecting data. Same grade five thirty eight gave Rasmussen (Rasmussen has higher prediction results 78% but uses IVR collection methods which are not deemed the most accurate). SSRS polled well over a thousand people, so it's a good size sample. It's not the pollsters fault that they happened to reach 44% Independents! I wonder if that really big number is because people are fed up with BOTH parties at this point? That would not surprise me.

Anyway, I certainly hope this gets judged a frivolous suit and Trump's lawyers get egg all over their faces for trying to waste the court's time.

Another desperate tactic from a President on the verge of going down in flames. His massive defeat at the hands of Vice President Biden is a foregone conclusion. The big question is how many other Republicans bite the dust with him. His only real hope will be in trying to invalidate the election,, and with the SCOTUS in his pocket, he could damn well do it. You know he will try. He has met the perfect storn, a pandemic well beyond his ability to deal with killing Americans and race issues that, as the racist in chief, confounds him.

If, as he constantly claims, CNN is nothing but "fake news," then why is he concerned about a poll that he sees as fake?
"Soon after the poll was released, Trump tweeted that he had hired Republican pollster McLaughlin & Associates to "analyze" the CNN poll and others, "which I felt were FAKE based on the incredible enthusiasm we are receiving." McLaughlin ranks as one of the least accurate pollsters in the industry, as measured by FiveThirtyEight."

McLaughlin missed Cantor losing by 45 points :)
From the article in the OP. I liked this quote from CNN's legal counsel:
"To my knowledge, this is the first time in its 40-year history that CNN had been threatened with legal action because an American politician or campaign did not like CNN's polling results," Vigilante wrote in his response. "To the extent we have received legal threats from political leaders in the past, they have typically come from countries like Venezuela or other regimes where there is little or no respect for a free and independent media."

Five thirty eight gives ssrs (the polling org) a B/C grade and said it has predicted elections accurately 50% of the time. It does use live callers only and does reach cell phones, so it is the most accurate for collecting data. Same grade five thirty eight gave Rasmussen (Rasmussen has higher prediction results 78% but uses IVR collection methods which are not deemed the most accurate). SSRS polled well over a thousand people, so it's a good size sample. It's not the pollsters fault that they happened to reach 44% Independents! I wonder if that really big number is because people are fed up with BOTH parties at this point? That would not surprise me.

Anyway, I certainly hope this gets judged a frivolous suit and Trump's lawyers get egg all over their faces for trying to waste the court's time.

The first time.... :auiqs.jpg:
You sure you want to go there?

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