CNN not again!!!!!!!

Another Day, Another CNN 'Bombshell' Is Proven To Be A Nothing-Burger

does CNN ever have real facts? I mean public access shows give more accurate information. At this point you have to think its on purpose.

CNN uninstall!!!!

There is a movie running on cable called "Truth" starring a rapidly aging Robert Redford as Dan Rather. The plot involves the borderline treasonous attempt by CBS to use forged documents to influence a presidential election. The movie admits the deception but the kicker is that it claims that Rather and producer Mapes were justified because George Bush was such a bastard. No doubt the MSM today and especially CNN justifies their fake news because they think their cause is just.
It's also a fact that everything in those put up fake papers was true... There should be a real big investigation of who produced those papers in the first place. That is the true disgrace. The few mistakes that CNN makes they retract the story and apologize and suspend the reporters. That has never happened with Fox Rush Limbaugh etc etc who are actually Non-Stop innuendo b*******and ridiculous character assassination.
CNN, MSLSD, and CBS News are guilty of media malpractice (as is most of the MSM). Why would any American believe anything they report?

Great column from Greenwald outines it totally and completely.

The U.S. Media Suffered Its Most Humiliating Debacle in Ages and Now Refuses All Transparency Over What Happened

You know how you can tell the media is 100% bias? Can ANYONE tell us when the last time they announced something GOOD that Trump did, and then had to walk it back? As far as I can remember, NEVER!

And yet, here we are, the economy picking up, jobs coming back, but crickets.

The truth is---------> the MSM has been a very large part of the problem on the collusion-delusion. They just parrot what their un-named SOURCES tell them, and never investigate.

Well, I am NOT a reporter, a journalist, nor even write opinion pieces; but let me tell every LEFTIST on here this----------> IF the FISA warrants were gotten by using the DOSSIER as evidence which it looks like is probable, your whole group of leaders is SUNK.......deeper than the Titanic.

So time for a little levity-) Do you know what happens if the Republicans get their tax bill? How about if they get reciprocity on conceal and carry? What if they do welfare reform? And what is going to happen now that we have all these pipelines running?

WELL, let me tell ya------->

I always feel like I need to wear some kind of mental condom whenever I visit a Daily Caller link so I don't catch some kind of incurable brain virus. It's pretty clear a lot of pseudocons are infected.
Ok then....they make a hell of a lot of Errors and Mistakes....almost like they were lying.
In the grand scheme of things, "mistakes" like this, whatever you want to call them, are really just the tip of the iceberg in the way the media manipulates information to push its agenda.

There are myriad ways to approach a story when you want to push an agenda, but the primary way is to ignore, downplay or minimize all facts that run counter to your end goal agenda. That's the easiest thing in the world.

Then the way a story is distributed is another issue. Do you run it at all, do you bury it, do you give it short time, how do you portray it, how you toss it to "pundits", on and on.

Holy shit, I remember watching CNN going from one show to the next, where they had a "panel" of lefties discussing Trump's mental health and whether he should go. The next show started, new panel of lefties, same topic. Incredible. And VERY serious and concerned n' stuff.

They haven't even tried to hide this since he came down the escalator to announce.

That's a legitimate subject to explore. No need to hide anything.
Another Day, Another CNN 'Bombshell' Is Proven To Be A Nothing-Burger

does CNN ever have real facts? I mean public access shows give more accurate information. At this point you have to think its on purpose.

CNN uninstall!!!!

There is a movie running on cable called "Truth" starring a rapidly aging Robert Redford as Dan Rather. The plot involves the borderline treasonous attempt by CBS to use forged documents to influence a presidential election. The movie admits the deception but the kicker is that it claims that Rather and producer Mapes were justified because George Bush was such a bastard. No doubt the MSM today and especially CNN justifies their fake news because they think their cause is just.
It's also a fact that everything in those put up fake papers was true... There should be a real big investigation of who produced those papers in the first place. That is the true disgrace. The few mistakes that CNN makes they retract the story and apologize and suspend the reporters. That has never happened with Fox Rush Limbaugh etc etc who are actually Non-Stop innuendo b*******and ridiculous character assassination.
CNN, MSLSD, and CBS News are guilty of media malpractice (as is most of the MSM). Why would any American believe anything they report?

Great column from Greenwald outines it totally and completely.

The U.S. Media Suffered Its Most Humiliating Debacle in Ages and Now Refuses All Transparency Over What Happened

You know how you can tell the media is 100% bias? Can ANYONE tell us when the last time they announced something GOOD that Trump did, and then had to walk it back? As far as I can remember, NEVER!

And yet, here we are, the economy picking up, jobs coming back, but crickets.

The truth is---------> the MSM has been a very large part of the problem on the collusion-delusion. They just parrot what their un-named SOURCES tell them, and never investigate.

Well, I am NOT a reporter, a journalist, nor even write opinion pieces; but let me tell every LEFTIST on here this----------> IF the FISA warrants were gotten by using the DOSSIER as evidence which it looks like is probable, your whole group of leaders is SUNK.......deeper than the Titanic.

So time for a little levity-) Do you know what happens if the Republicans get their tax bill? How about if they get reciprocity on conceal and carry? What if they do welfare reform? And what is going to happen now that we have all these pipelines running?

WELL, let me tell ya------->

Jobs coming back is the result of Obama polices coming to fruition. When those jobs leave again we can give Drumpf the credit he deserves.
Obama lied regularly and you loved it. Why do now dislike lying?
ah, the ol "whatabout" diversion... Gipper, you just lost the argument.
Obama lied. Trump lies. Lefties love Obama, but hate Trump.

Do you see the hypocrisy yet?
Obama didn't lie and Trump never stops. You're Obama lies are very few and always turn out to be predictions that were blocked years later.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.

The SOB knew those were lies form the beginning and repeated them over and over. You contention otherwise, well, just makes you a liar.

He said those things in 2007 and 2008 when he was running for president. Not lies but hopes and predictions... Meanwhile Trump goes on about all those illegals voting, Obama being born in Kenya, Hillary being evil and corrupt with no evidence or just b*******, how he will pay more taxes, you name it. Factual lies

My b/u

Here are the 37 instances we could find in which President Barack Obama or a top administration official said something close to, “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan,” referring to health insurance changes under the Affordable Care Act.

Obama: 'If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan' | PolitiFact

Example from the link, I think your dear leader was president in June 2009.

President’s weekly address, June 6, 2009: "If you like the plan you have, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too. The only change you’ll see are falling costs as our reforms take hold."

He lied about the costs going down also.

Here's one after the plan passed from the same link:

Remarks on the Affordable Care Act Supreme Court ruling, June 28, 2012: "If you’re one of the more than 250 million Americans who already have health insurance, you will keep your health insurance — this law will only make it more secure and more affordable."

There are more at the link.

You can pretend they were just campaign promises, but that too is a lie, I'll be waiting for your apology.

Last edited:
Another Day, Another CNN 'Bombshell' Is Proven To Be A Nothing-Burger

does CNN ever have real facts? I mean public access shows give more accurate information. At this point you have to think its on purpose.

CNN uninstall!!!!
So don't watch them! For heaven's sake shut up about CNN. It's as if you're forced to watch it.

What you're missing in this narrative is the word "corrected." They even made a Big Deal about it, gave it a banner, etc. They got wrong info from a CNN legal analyst and they corrected it when they found out they were wrong and Jeff Sessions was innocent of that charge.

I'm kinda glad, because I've always thought Jeff Sessions was being pretty earnest about not doing anything wrong in that regard.
Seriously? You think we should shut up about a major cable news network decimating fake news as a matter of course?

I've got news for you sister. Real news - that's not going to happen!

On the other hand there is no doubt that are media are way too obsessed with getting clicks and ratings instead of covering news. CNN Fox and MSNBC are non-stop Gab fests and for example Al Jazeera has more reporters and foreign offices then all our media combined. That doesn't change the fact that only right-wing media is not journalism at all. Fox Rush Limbaugh Savage Levin heritage Etc not to mention GOP politicians are a fake news disgrace. Breaking for dupes... Hillary and Obama are not evil Crooks LOL if you count all taxes everyone pays about the same percentage and the rich get all the new wealth, we are not investing in the country and our people, all to save the greedy idiot GOP mega-rich from paying their fair share... For 35 years now!
who claimed they were journalist? They are show hosts.

Guys, guys, have you forgotten how Obysmal was treated as the messiah?

Well, in case you forget, lets take a trip down memory lane-)

Another Day, Another CNN 'Bombshell' Is Proven To Be A Nothing-Burger

does CNN ever have real facts? I mean public access shows give more accurate information. At this point you have to think its on purpose.

CNN uninstall!!!!

There is a movie running on cable called "Truth" starring a rapidly aging Robert Redford as Dan Rather. The plot involves the borderline treasonous attempt by CBS to use forged documents to influence a presidential election. The movie admits the deception but the kicker is that it claims that Rather and producer Mapes were justified because George Bush was such a bastard. No doubt the MSM today and especially CNN justifies their fake news because they think their cause is just.
It's also a fact that everything in those put up fake papers was true... There should be a real big investigation of who produced those papers in the first place. That is the true disgrace. The few mistakes that CNN makes they retract the story and apologize and suspend the reporters. That has never happened with Fox Rush Limbaugh etc etc who are actually Non-Stop innuendo b*******and ridiculous character assassination.
CNN, MSLSD, and CBS News are guilty of media malpractice (as is most of the MSM). Why would any American believe anything they report?

Great column from Greenwald outines it totally and completely.

The U.S. Media Suffered Its Most Humiliating Debacle in Ages and Now Refuses All Transparency Over What Happened

You know how you can tell the media is 100% bias? Can ANYONE tell us when the last time they announced something GOOD that Trump did, and then had to walk it back? As far as I can remember, NEVER!

And yet, here we are, the economy picking up, jobs coming back, but crickets.

The truth is---------> the MSM has been a very large part of the problem on the collusion-delusion. They just parrot what their un-named SOURCES tell them, and never investigate.

Well, I am NOT a reporter, a journalist, nor even write opinion pieces; but let me tell every LEFTIST on here this----------> IF the FISA warrants were gotten by using the DOSSIER as evidence which it looks like is probable, your whole group of leaders is SUNK.......deeper than the Titanic.

So time for a little levity-) Do you know what happens if the Republicans get their tax bill? How about if they get reciprocity on conceal and carry? What if they do welfare reform? And what is going to happen now that we have all these pipelines running?

WELL, let me tell ya------->

Jobs coming back is the result of Obama polices coming to fruition. When those jobs leave again we can give Drumpf the credit he deserves.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, after 8 years, lol! Are you trying to actually kid me, or are you that dumb? You a car salesman or something with a Yugo for sale, lololol!
Another Day, Another CNN 'Bombshell' Is Proven To Be A Nothing-Burger

does CNN ever have real facts? I mean public access shows give more accurate information. At this point you have to think its on purpose.

CNN uninstall!!!!

There is a movie running on cable called "Truth" starring a rapidly aging Robert Redford as Dan Rather. The plot involves the borderline treasonous attempt by CBS to use forged documents to influence a presidential election. The movie admits the deception but the kicker is that it claims that Rather and producer Mapes were justified because George Bush was such a bastard. No doubt the MSM today and especially CNN justifies their fake news because they think their cause is just.
It's also a fact that everything in those put up fake papers was true... There should be a real big investigation of who produced those papers in the first place. That is the true disgrace. The few mistakes that CNN makes they retract the story and apologize and suspend the reporters. That has never happened with Fox Rush Limbaugh etc etc who are actually Non-Stop innuendo b*******and ridiculous character assassination.
CNN, MSLSD, and CBS News are guilty of media malpractice (as is most of the MSM). Why would any American believe anything they report?

Great column from Greenwald outines it totally and completely.

The U.S. Media Suffered Its Most Humiliating Debacle in Ages and Now Refuses All Transparency Over What Happened

You know how you can tell the media is 100% bias? Can ANYONE tell us when the last time they announced something GOOD that Trump did, and then had to walk it back? As far as I can remember, NEVER!

And yet, here we are, the economy picking up, jobs coming back, but crickets.

The truth is---------> the MSM has been a very large part of the problem on the collusion-delusion. They just parrot what their un-named SOURCES tell them, and never investigate.

Well, I am NOT a reporter, a journalist, nor even write opinion pieces; but let me tell every LEFTIST on here this----------> IF the FISA warrants were gotten by using the DOSSIER as evidence which it looks like is probable, your whole group of leaders is SUNK.......deeper than the Titanic.

So time for a little levity-) Do you know what happens if the Republicans get their tax bill? How about if they get reciprocity on conceal and carry? What if they do welfare reform? And what is going to happen now that we have all these pipelines running?

WELL, let me tell ya------->

Jobs coming back is the result of Obama polices coming to fruition. When those jobs leave again we can give Drumpf the credit he deserves.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, after 8 years, lol! Are you trying to actually kid me, or are you that dumb? You a car salesman or something with a Yugo for sale, lololol!

8 years? Obama has only been out of office 1 year. Are you drinking again or just having trouble keeping track of time?
CNN lies again, damaging our international relations, they could be a larger threat to national security than NK.
Another Day, Another CNN 'Bombshell' Is Proven To Be A Nothing-Burger

does CNN ever have real facts? I mean public access shows give more accurate information. At this point you have to think its on purpose.

CNN uninstall!!!!

It's also a fact that everything in those put up fake papers was true... There should be a real big investigation of who produced those papers in the first place. That is the true disgrace. The few mistakes that CNN makes they retract the story and apologize and suspend the reporters. That has never happened with Fox Rush Limbaugh etc etc who are actually Non-Stop innuendo b*******and ridiculous character assassination.
CNN, MSLSD, and CBS News are guilty of media malpractice (as is most of the MSM). Why would any American believe anything they report?

Great column from Greenwald outines it totally and completely.

The U.S. Media Suffered Its Most Humiliating Debacle in Ages and Now Refuses All Transparency Over What Happened

You know how you can tell the media is 100% bias? Can ANYONE tell us when the last time they announced something GOOD that Trump did, and then had to walk it back? As far as I can remember, NEVER!

And yet, here we are, the economy picking up, jobs coming back, but crickets.

The truth is---------> the MSM has been a very large part of the problem on the collusion-delusion. They just parrot what their un-named SOURCES tell them, and never investigate.

Well, I am NOT a reporter, a journalist, nor even write opinion pieces; but let me tell every LEFTIST on here this----------> IF the FISA warrants were gotten by using the DOSSIER as evidence which it looks like is probable, your whole group of leaders is SUNK.......deeper than the Titanic.

So time for a little levity-) Do you know what happens if the Republicans get their tax bill? How about if they get reciprocity on conceal and carry? What if they do welfare reform? And what is going to happen now that we have all these pipelines running?

WELL, let me tell ya------->

Jobs coming back is the result of Obama polices coming to fruition. When those jobs leave again we can give Drumpf the credit he deserves.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, after 8 years, lol! Are you trying to actually kid me, or are you that dumb? You a car salesman or something with a Yugo for sale, lololol!

8 years? Obama has only been out of office 1 year. Are you drinking again or just having trouble keeping track of time?

So, he blames Bush for all of his troubles for 8 years, and now you give him credit, lololol. In YUGOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You are really that dizzy, aren't you.

Of course it was going to go up, it just accelerated because Trump removed all Obysmal regulations he could. I mean you actually believe in your foggy mind, that magically it just turned around that quick? Do you realize the market is up........way up.........and the government isn't even pumping money into the system!

I do not understand people like you, I really do not when it comes to what is good economically, and bad.
Another Day, Another CNN 'Bombshell' Is Proven To Be A Nothing-Burger

does CNN ever have real facts? I mean public access shows give more accurate information. At this point you have to think its on purpose.

CNN uninstall!!!!

CNN, MSLSD, and CBS News are guilty of media malpractice (as is most of the MSM). Why would any American believe anything they report?

Great column from Greenwald outines it totally and completely.

The U.S. Media Suffered Its Most Humiliating Debacle in Ages and Now Refuses All Transparency Over What Happened

You know how you can tell the media is 100% bias? Can ANYONE tell us when the last time they announced something GOOD that Trump did, and then had to walk it back? As far as I can remember, NEVER!

And yet, here we are, the economy picking up, jobs coming back, but crickets.

The truth is---------> the MSM has been a very large part of the problem on the collusion-delusion. They just parrot what their un-named SOURCES tell them, and never investigate.

Well, I am NOT a reporter, a journalist, nor even write opinion pieces; but let me tell every LEFTIST on here this----------> IF the FISA warrants were gotten by using the DOSSIER as evidence which it looks like is probable, your whole group of leaders is SUNK.......deeper than the Titanic.

So time for a little levity-) Do you know what happens if the Republicans get their tax bill? How about if they get reciprocity on conceal and carry? What if they do welfare reform? And what is going to happen now that we have all these pipelines running?

WELL, let me tell ya------->

Jobs coming back is the result of Obama polices coming to fruition. When those jobs leave again we can give Drumpf the credit he deserves.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, after 8 years, lol! Are you trying to actually kid me, or are you that dumb? You a car salesman or something with a Yugo for sale, lololol!

8 years? Obama has only been out of office 1 year. Are you drinking again or just having trouble keeping track of time?

So, he blames Bush for all of his troubles for 8 years, and now you give him credit, lololol. In YUGOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You are really that dizzy, aren't you.

Of course it was going to go up, it just accelerated because Trump removed all Obysmal regulations he could. I mean you actually believe in your foggy mind, that magically it just turned around that quick? Do you realize the market is up........way up.........and the government isn't even pumping money into the system!

I do not understand people like you, I really do not when it comes to what is good economically, and bad.

Now youre catching on. Bush massively fucked up the economy and Obama spent most of his time repairing the fuckup. Now his work is starting to bear fruit.
He lied. You know it. You saw it and heard it.
Obama lied regularly and you loved it. Why do now dislike lying?
ah, the ol "whatabout" diversion... Gipper, you just lost the argument.
Obama lied. Trump lies. Lefties love Obama, but hate Trump.

Do you see the hypocrisy yet?
Yeah, I can say the same thing about the other side. I don't see the point... I don't think many people love being lied to. People support certain candidates who they think best progress the agendas that they believe in. That doesn't mean they love everything about that person. Free thinking people should call out lies, manipulation and dishonesty no matter who is doing it. It makes no sense to try and justify Trumps lies by pointing to Obamas. It does nothing to progress the conversation.
That is my point. I unlike so many on this board, KNOWS Rs and Ds lie all the fucking time. I guess you didn't get that because you made assumptions about me.
I was just responding to the obama deflection. I agree that partisanship on boths sides is corrupted by dishonesty
So don't watch them! For heaven's sake shut up about CNN. It's as if you're forced to watch it.

What you're missing in this narrative is the word "corrected." They even made a Big Deal about it, gave it a banner, etc. They got wrong info from a CNN legal analyst and they corrected it when they found out they were wrong and Jeff Sessions was innocent of that charge.

I'm kinda glad, because I've always thought Jeff Sessions was being pretty earnest about not doing anything wrong in that regard.

trumptards need to delegitimize the real news because they say things about the orange sociopath that they don't like.

The trumpettes don't need to do anything, the news agency's have repeatedly been proven to have lied. No one believes them anymore except for those who wish to believe.

Nope. Errors? Yes. Mistakes? Yep. Lies and made up news? Nope.

Irresponsible to make that claim. Asshole.

Ok then....they make a hell of a lot of Errors and Mistakes....almost like they were lying.

Nope. They have done thousands of stories with hundreds of thousands of facts related to this president. . They miss some. So few that you hear about every one.


You are being irresponsible. As is the president.

Is that right, we hear about every one, and it's a new one just about every day.
trumptards need to delegitimize the real news because they say things about the orange sociopath that they don't like.

The trumpettes don't need to do anything, the news agency's have repeatedly been proven to have lied. No one believes them anymore except for those who wish to believe.

Nope. Errors? Yes. Mistakes? Yep. Lies and made up news? Nope.

Irresponsible to make that claim. Asshole.

Ok then....they make a hell of a lot of Errors and Mistakes....almost like they were lying.

Nope. They have done thousands of stories with hundreds of thousands of facts related to this president. . They miss some. So few that you hear about every one.


You are being irresponsible. As is the president.

Is that right, we here about every one, and it's a new one just about every day.

no lying loon. that isn't the case. you need to stop being reality averse.
The trumpettes don't need to do anything, the news agency's have repeatedly been proven to have lied. No one believes them anymore except for those who wish to believe.

Nope. Errors? Yes. Mistakes? Yep. Lies and made up news? Nope.

Irresponsible to make that claim. Asshole.

Ok then....they make a hell of a lot of Errors and Mistakes....almost like they were lying.

Nope. They have done thousands of stories with hundreds of thousands of facts related to this president. . They miss some. So few that you hear about every one.


You are being irresponsible. As is the president.

Is that right, we here about every one, and it's a new one just about every day.

no lying loon. that isn't the case. you need to stop being reality averse.

Ok, I exaggerated, a new one every other day....and it wasn't a was a mistake...dumbass.
trumptards need to delegitimize the real news because they say things about the orange sociopath that they don't like.

The trumpettes don't need to do anything, the news agency's have repeatedly been proven to have lied. No one believes them anymore except for those who wish to believe.

Nope. Errors? Yes. Mistakes? Yep. Lies and made up news? Nope.

Irresponsible to make that claim. Asshole.

Ok then....they make a hell of a lot of Errors and Mistakes....almost like they were lying.

Nope. They have done thousands of stories with hundreds of thousands of facts related to this president. . They miss some. So few that you hear about every one.


You are being irresponsible. As is the president.

Is that right, we hear about every one, and it's a new one just about every day.

Nope. Not every day. Try again.
Obama lied regularly and you loved it. Why do now dislike lying?
ah, the ol "whatabout" diversion... Gipper, you just lost the argument.
Obama lied. Trump lies. Lefties love Obama, but hate Trump.

Do you see the hypocrisy yet?
Obama didn't lie and Trump never stops. You're Obama lies are very few and always turn out to be predictions that were blocked years later.
Obama had a few shady moments but I agree with your statement for the most part. There is no comparison when looking at Obama's honest vs. Trumps. The golden "lie" that opponents always point to is the "keep your doctor, keep your plan" statement. It always makes me laugh how they try to spin that as a LIE. The comparison game never goes anywhere though...

for starters read this.....even leftwing sites admit he lied...its obvious
All False statements involving Barack Obama | PolitiFact
Kudos to politifact for fact checking and trying to add accountability to the powerful. It was good for Obama opponents even supporters to be critical of dishonest and incorrect statements just as it is important to now keep Trump in check

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

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