CNN not again!!!!!!!

Your "proof" seems to be evaporating, but hey, no reason to allow that to stop your propaganda, right?


He lied. You know it. You saw it and heard it.
Obama lied regularly and you loved it. Why do now dislike lying?
ah, the ol "whatabout" diversion... Gipper, you just lost the argument.
Obama lied. Trump lies. Lefties love Obama, but hate Trump.

Do you see the hypocrisy yet?
Yeah, I can say the same thing about the other side. I don't see the point... I don't think many people love being lied to. People support certain candidates who they think best progress the agendas that they believe in. That doesn't mean they love everything about that person. Free thinking people should call out lies, manipulation and dishonesty no matter who is doing it. It makes no sense to try and justify Trumps lies by pointing to Obamas. It does nothing to progress the conversation.
That is my point. I unlike so many on this board, KNOWS Rs and Ds lie all the fucking time. I guess you didn't get that because you made assumptions about me.
Another Day, Another CNN 'Bombshell' Is Proven To Be A Nothing-Burger

does CNN ever have real facts? I mean public access shows give more accurate information. At this point you have to think its on purpose.

CNN uninstall!!!!
So don't watch them! For heaven's sake shut up about CNN. It's as if you're forced to watch it.

What you're missing in this narrative is the word "corrected." They even made a Big Deal about it, gave it a banner, etc. They got wrong info from a CNN legal analyst and they corrected it when they found out they were wrong and Jeff Sessions was innocent of that charge.

I'm kinda glad, because I've always thought Jeff Sessions was being pretty earnest about not doing anything wrong in that regard.

trumptards need to delegitimize the real news because they say things about the orange sociopath that they don't like.

The trumpettes don't need to do anything, the news agency's have repeatedly been proven to have lied. No one believes them anymore except for those who wish to believe.

Nope. Errors? Yes. Mistakes? Yep. Lies and made up news? Nope.

Irresponsible to make that claim. Asshole.

Ok then....they make a hell of a lot of Errors and Mistakes....almost like they were lying.
Another Day, Another CNN 'Bombshell' Is Proven To Be A Nothing-Burger

does CNN ever have real facts? I mean public access shows give more accurate information. At this point you have to think its on purpose.

CNN uninstall!!!!
So don't watch them! For heaven's sake shut up about CNN. It's as if you're forced to watch it.

What you're missing in this narrative is the word "corrected." They even made a Big Deal about it, gave it a banner, etc. They got wrong info from a CNN legal analyst and they corrected it when they found out they were wrong and Jeff Sessions was innocent of that charge.

I'm kinda glad, because I've always thought Jeff Sessions was being pretty earnest about not doing anything wrong in that regard.

trumptards need to delegitimize the real news because they say things about the orange sociopath that they don't like.

the real news that lies constantly....we knew they were lefties before, but palin and trump have proved us right....theyre not news theyre democrat propaganda
Dumb asses don't realize that the very existence of a correction is proof of integrity.

sorry pumping up a story with hpurs, days, weeks or months of coverage treating it as fact anf they putting one little disclaimor at the bottom of the screen saying opps doesnt cut it, especially with how wrong they are
Another Day, Another CNN 'Bombshell' Is Proven To Be A Nothing-Burger

does CNN ever have real facts? I mean public access shows give more accurate information. At this point you have to think its on purpose.

CNN uninstall!!!!
So don't watch them! For heaven's sake shut up about CNN. It's as if you're forced to watch it.

What you're missing in this narrative is the word "corrected." They even made a Big Deal about it, gave it a banner, etc. They got wrong info from a CNN legal analyst and they corrected it when they found out they were wrong and Jeff Sessions was innocent of that charge.

I'm kinda glad, because I've always thought Jeff Sessions was being pretty earnest about not doing anything wrong in that regard.

You might want to tell your regressive friends to stop accusing Sessions of lying about Russian contacts, how many stories have to be corrected before you realize the MSM has an agenda and it's not what's in the best interest of the country.


He did lie. Under oath. He is still lying.
clinton???? and to think you guys didnt want to toss him out of office
He lied. You know it. You saw it and heard it.
Obama lied regularly and you loved it. Why do now dislike lying?
ah, the ol "whatabout" diversion... Gipper, you just lost the argument.
Obama lied. Trump lies. Lefties love Obama, but hate Trump.

Do you see the hypocrisy yet?
Obama didn't lie and Trump never stops. You're Obama lies are very few and always turn out to be predictions that were blocked years later.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.

The SOB knew those were lies form the beginning and repeated them over and over. You contention otherwise, well, just makes you a liar.

He said those things in 2007 and 2008 when he was running for president. Not lies but hopes and predictions... Meanwhile Trump goes on about all those illegals voting, Obama being born in Kenya, Hillary being evil and corrupt with no evidence or just b*******, how he will pay more taxes, you name it. Factual lies
The left-wing media is champing at the bit to be the new Woodward and Bernstein.
That's actually a part of this.

My first assignment on my first day in my first college class (Journalism 101, no shit) was to buy and read "All The President's Men". I've always thought that that book, as important to real journalism as it was, was dangerous in that it created a "journalist as celebrity" kind of mentality.

Add to that a media landscape that has increased in size (and competition) by a factor of about a zillion, and you have the potential for real distortions about what journalism is supposed to be.

And add to THAT, ask any young reporter/"objective journalist" what their job is. It used to be to fully & accurately as possible report what happened, given time or space constraints. Today, many of them will tell you it's to "find the truth". Well, when 85% of them have a specific political agenda, they'll often be starting with THEIR VERSION of the truth and working backwards, ignoring and avoiding information and details that do not support that version.

And here we are.

All CNN, NYT, WP, NBC, CBS, ABC and NPR journalists work within a standard that requires honesty and integrity. Make shit up...get canned and blackballed. You know that. Why not say it? Too accurate?

wow if thats the case they have no employees left
Obama lied regularly and you loved it. Why do now dislike lying?
ah, the ol "whatabout" diversion... Gipper, you just lost the argument.
Obama lied. Trump lies. Lefties love Obama, but hate Trump.

Do you see the hypocrisy yet?
Obama didn't lie and Trump never stops. You're Obama lies are very few and always turn out to be predictions that were blocked years later.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.

The SOB knew those were lies form the beginning and repeated them over and over. You contention otherwise, well, just makes you a liar.

He said those things in 2007 and 2008 when he was running for president. Not lies but hopes and predictions... Meanwhile Trump goes on about all those illegals voting, Obama being born in Kenya, Hillary being evil and corrupt with no evidence or just b*******, how he will pay more taxes, you name it. Factual lies

no he didnt, he was president, trying to sell that piece of shit

did you swallow every drop from the democrat dick?
This must stop...there must be a way to punish this kind of dishonesty in the news business...a way that will really sting...
I'm sure there is it's the getting any action from don't rockk the boat repubs that's the prob
Last edited:
ah, the ol "whatabout" diversion... Gipper, you just lost the argument.
Obama lied. Trump lies. Lefties love Obama, but hate Trump.

Do you see the hypocrisy yet?
Obama didn't lie and Trump never stops. You're Obama lies are very few and always turn out to be predictions that were blocked years later.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.

The SOB knew those were lies form the beginning and repeated them over and over. You contention otherwise, well, just makes you a liar.

He said those things in 2007 and 2008 when he was running for president. Not lies but hopes and predictions... Meanwhile Trump goes on about all those illegals voting, Obama being born in Kenya, Hillary being evil and corrupt with no evidence or just b*******, how he will pay more taxes, you name it. Factual lies

no he didnt, he was president, trying to sell that piece of shit

did you swallow every drop from the democrat dick?
Vulgar duped and ignorant, the GOP voter trifecta... Change the channel read something and get it straight.
He lied. You know it. You saw it and heard it.
Obama lied regularly and you loved it. Why do now dislike lying?
ah, the ol "whatabout" diversion... Gipper, you just lost the argument.
Obama lied. Trump lies. Lefties love Obama, but hate Trump.

Do you see the hypocrisy yet?
Obama didn't lie and Trump never stops. You're Obama lies are very few and always turn out to be predictions that were blocked years later.
Obama had a few shady moments but I agree with your statement for the most part. There is no comparison when looking at Obama's honest vs. Trumps. The golden "lie" that opponents always point to is the "keep your doctor, keep your plan" statement. It always makes me laugh how they try to spin that as a LIE. The comparison game never goes anywhere though...

for starters read this.....even leftwing sites admit he lied...its obvious
All False statements involving Barack Obama | PolitiFact
Obama lied. Trump lies. Lefties love Obama, but hate Trump.

Do you see the hypocrisy yet?
Obama didn't lie and Trump never stops. You're Obama lies are very few and always turn out to be predictions that were blocked years later.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.

The SOB knew those were lies form the beginning and repeated them over and over. You contention otherwise, well, just makes you a liar.

He said those things in 2007 and 2008 when he was running for president. Not lies but hopes and predictions... Meanwhile Trump goes on about all those illegals voting, Obama being born in Kenya, Hillary being evil and corrupt with no evidence or just b*******, how he will pay more taxes, you name it. Factual lies

no he didnt, he was president, trying to sell that piece of shit

did you swallow every drop from the democrat dick?
Vulgar duped and ignorant, the GOP voter trifecta... Change the channel read something and get it straight.

dont forget accurate and true, which cnn is not
Obama lied regularly and you loved it. Why do now dislike lying?
ah, the ol "whatabout" diversion... Gipper, you just lost the argument.
Obama lied. Trump lies. Lefties love Obama, but hate Trump.

Do you see the hypocrisy yet?
Obama didn't lie and Trump never stops. You're Obama lies are very few and always turn out to be predictions that were blocked years later.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.

The SOB knew those were lies form the beginning and repeated them over and over. You contention otherwise, well, just makes you a liar.

haha, i knew you were going to say that. Such a sad attempt to spin up a lie. That is a broken promise. A goal that he was not able to achieve through legislation. Very different than a blatant lie. But nice try

No, it's a lie when he knew it wasn't true, every health policy in the counrty was mandated to change form day one. You can pretend it was just a broken promise if it helps you sleep better.

Last edited:
Ok then....they make a hell of a lot of Errors and Mistakes....almost like they were lying.
In the grand scheme of things, "mistakes" like this, whatever you want to call them, are really just the tip of the iceberg in the way the media manipulates information to push its agenda.

There are myriad ways to approach a story when you want to push an agenda, but the primary way is to ignore, downplay or minimize all facts that run counter to your end goal agenda. That's the easiest thing in the world.

Then the way a story is distributed is another issue. Do you run it at all, do you bury it, do you give it short time, how do you portray it, how you toss it to "pundits", on and on.

Holy shit, I remember watching CNN going from one show to the next, where they had a "panel" of lefties discussing Trump's mental health and whether he should go. The next show started, new panel of lefties, same topic. Incredible. And VERY serious and concerned n' stuff.

They haven't even tried to hide this since he came down the escalator to announce.
Another Day, Another CNN 'Bombshell' Is Proven To Be A Nothing-Burger

does CNN ever have real facts? I mean public access shows give more accurate information. At this point you have to think its on purpose.

CNN uninstall!!!!
So don't watch them! For heaven's sake shut up about CNN. It's as if you're forced to watch it.

What you're missing in this narrative is the word "corrected." They even made a Big Deal about it, gave it a banner, etc. They got wrong info from a CNN legal analyst and they corrected it when they found out they were wrong and Jeff Sessions was innocent of that charge.

I'm kinda glad, because I've always thought Jeff Sessions was being pretty earnest about not doing anything wrong in that regard.

trumptards need to delegitimize the real news because they say things about the orange sociopath that they don't like.

The trumpettes don't need to do anything, the news agency's have repeatedly been proven to have lied. No one believes them anymore except for those who wish to believe.

Nope. Errors? Yes. Mistakes? Yep. Lies and made up news? Nope.

Irresponsible to make that claim. Asshole.

Ok then....they make a hell of a lot of Errors and Mistakes....almost like they were lying.

Nope. They have done thousands of stories with hundreds of thousands of facts related to this president. . They miss some. So few that you hear about every one.


You are being irresponsible. As is the president.
Dumb asses don't realize that the very existence of a correction is proof of integrity.

sorry pumping up a story with hpurs, days, weeks or months of coverage treating it as fact anf they putting one little disclaimor at the bottom of the screen saying opps doesnt cut it, especially with how wrong they are

The left-wing media is champing at the bit to be the new Woodward and Bernstein.
That's actually a part of this.

My first assignment on my first day in my first college class (Journalism 101, no shit) was to buy and read "All The President's Men". I've always thought that that book, as important to real journalism as it was, was dangerous in that it created a "journalist as celebrity" kind of mentality.

Add to that a media landscape that has increased in size (and competition) by a factor of about a zillion, and you have the potential for real distortions about what journalism is supposed to be.

And add to THAT, ask any young reporter/"objective journalist" what their job is. It used to be to fully & accurately as possible report what happened, given time or space constraints. Today, many of them will tell you it's to "find the truth". Well, when 85% of them have a specific political agenda, they'll often be starting with THEIR VERSION of the truth and working backwards, ignoring and avoiding information and details that do not support that version.

And here we are.

All CNN, NYT, WP, NBC, CBS, ABC and NPR journalists work within a standard that requires honesty and integrity. Make shit up...get canned and blackballed. You know that. Why not say it? Too accurate?

wow if thats the case they have no employees left

It is absolutely the case. They still have journalists. You are being irresponsible.

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