CNN not again!!!!!!!

Obama lied regularly and you loved it. Why do now dislike lying?
ah, the ol "whatabout" diversion... Gipper, you just lost the argument.
Obama lied. Trump lies. Lefties love Obama, but hate Trump.

Do you see the hypocrisy yet?
Yeah, I can say the same thing about the other side. I don't see the point... I don't think many people love being lied to. People support certain candidates who they think best progress the agendas that they believe in. That doesn't mean they love everything about that person. Free thinking people should call out lies, manipulation and dishonesty no matter who is doing it. It makes no sense to try and justify Trumps lies by pointing to Obamas. It does nothing to progress the conversation.
That is my point. I unlike so many on this board, KNOWS Rs and Ds lie all the fucking time. I guess you didn't get that because you made assumptions about me.
I was just responding to the obama deflection. I agree that partisanship on boths sides is corrupted by dishonesty


Politicians are, by necessity, loose with facts.

But Dem politicians CAN NOT get away with lying once their spin has been exposed as being false.

R's can IMPROVE their chances by repeating KNOWN lies.

Both sides my ass.
Same stuff happens at Fox right?
I can't think of any reporters suspended for lying at FOX...
O’Reilly and bolling were recently fired. And Bair, Hannity, and a handful of recent reports have been false and redacted.

ah, the ol "whatabout" diversion... Gipper, you just lost the argument.
Obama lied. Trump lies. Lefties love Obama, but hate Trump.

Do you see the hypocrisy yet?
Obama didn't lie and Trump never stops. You're Obama lies are very few and always turn out to be predictions that were blocked years later.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.

The SOB knew those were lies form the beginning and repeated them over and over. You contention otherwise, well, just makes you a liar.

haha, i knew you were going to say that. Such a sad attempt to spin up a lie. That is a broken promise. A goal that he was not able to achieve through legislation. Very different than a blatant lie. But nice try

no you're full of shit, he said it as fact, show me where he said it was a goal or any conditional language
ok, then are you going to hold Trump to those same standards? Like when he said that Obamacare repeal and replace would happen so quickly, or that he was going to give the biggest tax cut in American history, shall i go on?
ah, the ol "whatabout" diversion... Gipper, you just lost the argument.
Obama lied. Trump lies. Lefties love Obama, but hate Trump.

Do you see the hypocrisy yet?
Obama didn't lie and Trump never stops. You're Obama lies are very few and always turn out to be predictions that were blocked years later.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.

The SOB knew those were lies form the beginning and repeated them over and over. You contention otherwise, well, just makes you a liar.

haha, i knew you were going to say that. Such a sad attempt to spin up a lie. That is a broken promise. A goal that he was not able to achieve through legislation. Very different than a blatant lie. But nice try

No, it's a lie when he knew it wasn't true, every health policy in the counrty was mandated to change form day one. You can pretend it was just a broken promise if it helps you sleep better.

I will, because I understand the message. I don't agree with it. I find it dishonest, but i can tell the difference between campaign rhetoric and lies. Under your standards you should be furious over Trumps lies. Ocare repeal and replace quick and easy, biggest tax cut in american history, balanced budget, locking up Hillary. What say you about all those "lies"
Obama lied regularly and you loved it. Why do now dislike lying?
ah, the ol "whatabout" diversion... Gipper, you just lost the argument.
Obama lied. Trump lies. Lefties love Obama, but hate Trump.

Do you see the hypocrisy yet?
Obama didn't lie and Trump never stops. You're Obama lies are very few and always turn out to be predictions that were blocked years later.
Obama had a few shady moments but I agree with your statement for the most part. There is no comparison when looking at Obama's honest vs. Trumps. The golden "lie" that opponents always point to is the "keep your doctor, keep your plan" statement. It always makes me laugh how they try to spin that as a LIE. The comparison game never goes anywhere though...

for starters read this.....even leftwing sites admit he lied...its obvious
All False statements involving Barack Obama | PolitiFact
Another Day, Another CNN 'Bombshell' Is Proven To Be A Nothing-Burger

does CNN ever have real facts? I mean public access shows give more accurate information. At this point you have to think its on purpose.

CNN uninstall!!!!

CNN, MSLSD, and CBS News are guilty of media malpractice (as is most of the MSM). Why would any American believe anything they report?

Great column from Greenwald outines it totally and completely.

The U.S. Media Suffered Its Most Humiliating Debacle in Ages and Now Refuses All Transparency Over What Happened

You know how you can tell the media is 100% bias? Can ANYONE tell us when the last time they announced something GOOD that Trump did, and then had to walk it back? As far as I can remember, NEVER!

And yet, here we are, the economy picking up, jobs coming back, but crickets.

The truth is---------> the MSM has been a very large part of the problem on the collusion-delusion. They just parrot what their un-named SOURCES tell them, and never investigate.

Well, I am NOT a reporter, a journalist, nor even write opinion pieces; but let me tell every LEFTIST on here this----------> IF the FISA warrants were gotten by using the DOSSIER as evidence which it looks like is probable, your whole group of leaders is SUNK.......deeper than the Titanic.

So time for a little levity-) Do you know what happens if the Republicans get their tax bill? How about if they get reciprocity on conceal and carry? What if they do welfare reform? And what is going to happen now that we have all these pipelines running?

WELL, let me tell ya------->

Jobs coming back is the result of Obama polices coming to fruition. When those jobs leave again we can give Drumpf the credit he deserves.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, after 8 years, lol! Are you trying to actually kid me, or are you that dumb? You a car salesman or something with a Yugo for sale, lololol!

8 years? Obama has only been out of office 1 year. Are you drinking again or just having trouble keeping track of time?

So, he blames Bush for all of his troubles for 8 years, and now you give him credit, lololol. In YUGOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You are really that dizzy, aren't you.

Of course it was going to go up, it just accelerated because Trump removed all Obysmal regulations he could. I mean you actually believe in your foggy mind, that magically it just turned around that quick? Do you realize the market is up........way up.........and the government isn't even pumping money into the system!

I do not understand people like you, I really do not when it comes to what is good economically, and bad.

Well what's left them with a corrupt depression meltdown and destroyed Middle East d u h! The economy just continues to grow at the same rate that it did under Obama. Wall Street continues to grow, a little better because they expect Trump to let them run wild again like Bush did...
O’Reilly and bolling were recently fired. And Bair, Hannity, and a handful of recent reports have been false and redacted
Hannity pulled a story back but still stands by it...he pulled it because the family of the individual in question asked him to...Bill O'Reilly and Bolling were removed for accusations of misbehavior in the workplace...O'Reilly's was probably more true than not but Bolling was asked about the complaint and decided to leave in frustration...his son was deathly ill at the time...I don't believe he was even close to being guilty...Fox news has a much better track record than any of the mainstream news outlets...IMO
Obama lied. Trump lies. Lefties love Obama, but hate Trump.

Do you see the hypocrisy yet?
Obama didn't lie and Trump never stops. You're Obama lies are very few and always turn out to be predictions that were blocked years later.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.

The SOB knew those were lies form the beginning and repeated them over and over. You contention otherwise, well, just makes you a liar.

haha, i knew you were going to say that. Such a sad attempt to spin up a lie. That is a broken promise. A goal that he was not able to achieve through legislation. Very different than a blatant lie. But nice try

No, it's a lie when he knew it wasn't true, every health policy in the counrty was mandated to change form day one. You can pretend it was just a broken promise if it helps you sleep better.

I will, because I understand the message. I don't agree with it. I find it dishonest, but i can tell the difference between campaign rhetoric and lies. Under your standards you should be furious over Trumps lies. Ocare repeal and replace quick and easy, biggest tax cut in american history, balanced budget, locking up Hillary. What say you about all those "lies"

See post 106, he said it after he was president and even after the law passed, it wasn't just campaign rhetoric. But you know that already.

O’Reilly and bolling were recently fired. And Bair, Hannity, and a handful of recent reports have been false and redacted
Hannity pulled a story back but still stands by it...he pulled it because the family of the individual in question asked him to...Bill O'Reilly and Bolling were removed for accusations of misbehavior in the workplace...O'Reilly's was probably more true than not but Bolling was asked about the complaint and decided to leave in frustration...his son was deathly ill at the time...I don't believe he was even close to being guilty...Fox news has a much better track record than any of the mainstream news outlets...IMO

You are delusional. If you ever wake up and can bring yourself to be honest, let's talk.
O’Reilly and bolling were recently fired. And Bair, Hannity, and a handful of recent reports have been false and redacted
Hannity pulled a story back but still stands by it...he pulled it because the family of the individual in question asked him to...Bill O'Reilly and Bolling were removed for accusations of misbehavior in the workplace...O'Reilly's was probably more true than not but Bolling was asked about the complaint and decided to leave in frustration...his son was deathly ill at the time...I don't believe he was even close to being guilty...Fox news has a much better track record than any of the mainstream news outlets...IMO
I like Fox and watch it just as much as CNN, more so even. But they are just as guilty of bias and false reporting as CNN is. Do some research and fact check Fox, you might be surprised from what you find. I don't think either network reports "fake news" on purpose. It is the nature of the game that reporters get things wrong or get fed bad info from bad sources. Also, both networks are corrupted by pundits who want to push a political agenda.
ah, the ol "whatabout" diversion... Gipper, you just lost the argument.
Obama lied. Trump lies. Lefties love Obama, but hate Trump.

Do you see the hypocrisy yet?
Obama didn't lie and Trump never stops. You're Obama lies are very few and always turn out to be predictions that were blocked years later.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.

The SOB knew those were lies form the beginning and repeated them over and over. You contention otherwise, well, just makes you a liar.

haha, i knew you were going to say that. Such a sad attempt to spin up a lie. That is a broken promise. A goal that he was not able to achieve through legislation. Very different than a blatant lie. But nice try

No, it's a lie when he knew it wasn't true, every health policy in the counrty was mandated to change form day one. You can pretend it was just a broken promise if it helps you sleep better.

Obama didn't lie and Trump never stops. You're Obama lies are very few and always turn out to be predictions that were blocked years later.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.

The SOB knew those were lies form the beginning and repeated them over and over. You contention otherwise, well, just makes you a liar.

haha, i knew you were going to say that. Such a sad attempt to spin up a lie. That is a broken promise. A goal that he was not able to achieve through legislation. Very different than a blatant lie. But nice try

No, it's a lie when he knew it wasn't true, every health policy in the counrty was mandated to change form day one. You can pretend it was just a broken promise if it helps you sleep better.

I will, because I understand the message. I don't agree with it. I find it dishonest, but i can tell the difference between campaign rhetoric and lies. Under your standards you should be furious over Trumps lies. Ocare repeal and replace quick and easy, biggest tax cut in american history, balanced budget, locking up Hillary. What say you about all those "lies"

See post 106, he said it after he was president and even after the law passed, it wasn't just campaign rhetoric. But you know that already.

Only on Fox and Rush... They're really great at confusing the hell out of you people...
I like Fox and watch it just as much as CNN, more so even. But they are just as guilty of bias and false reporting as CNN is. Do some research and fact check Fox
The problem is who did the fact checking?...I let the story play out watch the denials and the bitching and moaning and then I wait to see who was right and who was wrong ...In other words I do my own fact checking and that is why I watch Fox and not CNN...CNN is off the charts dishonest...there is a real hatred there for the's ridiculous!
Obama didn't lie and Trump never stops. You're Obama lies are very few and always turn out to be predictions that were blocked years later.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.

The SOB knew those were lies form the beginning and repeated them over and over. You contention otherwise, well, just makes you a liar.

haha, i knew you were going to say that. Such a sad attempt to spin up a lie. That is a broken promise. A goal that he was not able to achieve through legislation. Very different than a blatant lie. But nice try

No, it's a lie when he knew it wasn't true, every health policy in the counrty was mandated to change form day one. You can pretend it was just a broken promise if it helps you sleep better.

I will, because I understand the message. I don't agree with it. I find it dishonest, but i can tell the difference between campaign rhetoric and lies. Under your standards you should be furious over Trumps lies. Ocare repeal and replace quick and easy, biggest tax cut in american history, balanced budget, locking up Hillary. What say you about all those "lies"

See post 106, he said it after he was president and even after the law passed, it wasn't just campaign rhetoric. But you know that already.

And what of Trumps promises. Are they a lie under your same standards?
Obama lied. Trump lies. Lefties love Obama, but hate Trump.

Do you see the hypocrisy yet?
Obama didn't lie and Trump never stops. You're Obama lies are very few and always turn out to be predictions that were blocked years later.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.

The SOB knew those were lies form the beginning and repeated them over and over. You contention otherwise, well, just makes you a liar.

haha, i knew you were going to say that. Such a sad attempt to spin up a lie. That is a broken promise. A goal that he was not able to achieve through legislation. Very different than a blatant lie. But nice try

No, it's a lie when he knew it wasn't true, every health policy in the counrty was mandated to change form day one. You can pretend it was just a broken promise if it helps you sleep better.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.

The SOB knew those were lies form the beginning and repeated them over and over. You contention otherwise, well, just makes you a liar.

haha, i knew you were going to say that. Such a sad attempt to spin up a lie. That is a broken promise. A goal that he was not able to achieve through legislation. Very different than a blatant lie. But nice try

No, it's a lie when he knew it wasn't true, every health policy in the counrty was mandated to change form day one. You can pretend it was just a broken promise if it helps you sleep better.

I will, because I understand the message. I don't agree with it. I find it dishonest, but i can tell the difference between campaign rhetoric and lies. Under your standards you should be furious over Trumps lies. Ocare repeal and replace quick and easy, biggest tax cut in american history, balanced budget, locking up Hillary. What say you about all those "lies"

See post 106, he said it after he was president and even after the law passed, it wasn't just campaign rhetoric. But you know that already.

Only on Fox and Rush... They're really great at confusing the hell out of you people...
PolitiFact Is Centrist and often agrees with you people just to prove it... Obama did not control what the Democrats in Congress came up with...
I like Fox and watch it just as much as CNN, more so even. But they are just as guilty of bias and false reporting as CNN is. Do some research and fact check Fox
The problem is who did the fact checking?...I let the story play out watch the denials and the bitching and moaning and then I wait to see who was right and who was wrong ...In other words I do my own fact checking and that is why I watch Fox and not CNN...CNN is off the charts dishonest...there is a real hatred there for the's ridiculous!
CNN are journalists and correct and apologize when they're wrong. Fox does not. Funny how our very eager justice system hasn't been able to find any of that Hillary is evil and corrupt b*******. Or Obama or the foundation etc etc etc. Meanwhile the greedy idiot GOP billionaires rob you blind for 30 years.
I like Fox and watch it just as much as CNN, more so even. But they are just as guilty of bias and false reporting as CNN is. Do some research and fact check Fox
The problem is who did the fact checking?...I let the story play out watch the denials and the bitching and moaning and then I wait to see who was right and who was wrong ...In other words I do my own fact checking and that is why I watch Fox and not CNN...CNN is off the charts dishonest...there is a real hatred there for the's ridiculous!
Thats what i'm saying do some of your own fact checking but look into Fox with an objective eye. They had a false report this week. Look at Brett Baers report about hillary getting indicted right before the election. There have been some major mistakes.
Another Day, Another CNN 'Bombshell' Is Proven To Be A Nothing-Burger

does CNN ever have real facts? I mean public access shows give more accurate information. At this point you have to think its on purpose.

CNN uninstall!!!!

Proven by WHO? The daily caller? Oh, please.

What CNN reported was the DOJ said that Sessions hadn't disclosed meetings.

They did NOT report that Sessions hasn't disclosed meeting, they reported that SOMEONE IN THE DOJ SAID THIS.

God, what does it take for simple reading skills?
Thats what i'm saying do some of your own fact checking but look into Fox with an objective eye. They had a false report this week. Look at Brett Baers report about hillary getting indicted right before the election. There have been some major mistakes
People make mistakes but I'll look closer at Fox...but when it's blatant dishonesty like we see today in the MSM it stands out...there is a hatred for Trump like we have never seen in the media...
Thats what i'm saying do some of your own fact checking but look into Fox with an objective eye. They had a false report this week. Look at Brett Baers report about hillary getting indicted right before the election. There have been some major mistakes
People make mistakes but I'll look closer at Fox...but when it's blatant dishonesty like we see today in the MSM it stands out...there is a hatred for Trump like we have never seen in the media...
It is more amplified as ever and that is Trumps intension. He has created an enemy out of the MSM. He has been calling them names and provoking them since the campaign. He has done this so he can brand them as liars and discredit them when they are critical. You see that don't you?
There is a movie running on cable called "Truth" starring a rapidly aging Robert Redford as Dan Rather. The plot involves the borderline treasonous attempt by CBS to use forged documents to influence a presidential election. The movie admits the deception but the kicker is that it claims that Rather and producer Mapes were justified because George Bush was such a bastard. No doubt the MSM today and especially CNN justifies their fake news because they think their cause is just.
It's also a fact that everything in those put up fake papers was true... There should be a real big investigation of who produced those papers in the first place. That is the true disgrace. The few mistakes that CNN makes they retract the story and apologize and suspend the reporters. That has never happened with Fox Rush Limbaugh etc etc who are actually Non-Stop innuendo b*******and ridiculous character assassination.


The judge dude on Fox was benched for false reporting last year

Thats what i'm saying do some of your own fact checking but look into Fox with an objective eye. They had a false report this week. Look at Brett Baers report about hillary getting indicted right before the election. There have been some major mistakes
People make mistakes but I'll look closer at Fox...but when it's blatant dishonesty like we see today in the MSM it stands out...there is a hatred for Trump like we have never seen in the media...
They don't like brainwashed or lying president's much... Or lying networks like Fox etc etc

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