CNN now admits Biden's COVID response is a failure.

One more nail in the narrative the MSM never, ever says bad things about Biden.
Except that narrative is in itself a lie.

Virtually no one makes an asinine claim like the 'MSM never, ever says bad things about Biden.'

They say that the media is massively biased to the left save for a tiny minority. Of course the majority of that tiny minority is massively biased to the right. Something that even this story proves in spades. All you have to do is ask yourself where the media coverage would be today had any of this occurred under Trump.

Or don't even bother asking, just look at FOX.
Well, that is certainly your choice...As a truck driver, I am on the road every day, and see at least a couple of people per day driving their car with no one else in it, all masked up...What is it with people?

Look, are we totally immune from the flu yet? no...It mutates every season, that's why there is a flu shot every year. Are we immune from the common cold, (which is also a Coronavirus)? No.....So, should we lock down whenever these things appear as well? No, we live with them, which is what we are going to have to do with this thing as well...

Cancelling football games, Teachers threatening to not open schools, knowing full well the damage being done to our youth, and really stupid things like threatening peoples lively hoods based on fear of political fall out is detrimental to this country's national security. And has to stop....

You talk about 'two covids'? WTH? Do you also wear more than one mask at a time? If not, why not? Wasn't that the recomendation from Fauci earlier last year?

Do you wear a mask alone in your car? Or out for a walk alone? Or sitting in your office alone? and if so why?

This is the result of fear mongering, and with people now acting out against their own neighbors over this shit, we have done harm to this nation....
Very well said.

The reality that people seem unwilling to face is that this thing is over, period. COVID is now done, not only do we have a vaccine that virtually removes your risk factors making COVID a lesser threat than a thousand others you face on a daily basis but it has mutated into something that is not even particularly deadly without getting the shot, as was expected from the get go even if no one will talk about it. Finally, should all else fail, there are now several treatments available.
Allow me to clarify...I am not against vaccines, and have had both, plus the booster....But, I am for people making their own choice to get, or not, the vaccines....But, yes, studies have shown that those who have had a previous infection have immunity that is about 95% effective against further infection for as long as 8 months out....So, why is there no discussion, or tracking of those who have previously had the infection in the past year?
Because such information is not useful for the powers to be in shaping policy.

It is sad to see but it is pretty clear given what the CDC is overtly ignoring and what they are stating, the interest seems to be in upholding the powers the government took without the authority to do so rather than public health. If the answers will not further that goal then it seems the answers suddenly become uninteresting.
Learn to use some common sense and pay attention to what the medical community is saying. Then you may have something worth reading about. You are just flapping in the breeze.
Only 28% of minorities are vaccinated.
Well that's just an outright lie. Virtually every Trump supporter I know are "vaccinated". Of course this so called "vaccine" doesn't prevent infection or transmission, so it's not really a "vaccine".

That's nice.

Does not change the fact that the majority of those not vaccinating are Trump supporters. Asking for proof of such (whilst also decrying the vaccine in the same breath) is just as asinine as asking for a link to prove the color of the sky is blue.

It is a disingenuous ask, you and everyone else are well aware that the majority of vaccine resistance is from the right at this moment in time no matter how much you pretend that is not the case.
That's nice.

Does not change the fact that the majority of those not vaccinating are Trump supporters. Asking for proof of such (whilst also decrying the vaccine in the same breath) is just as asinine as asking for a link to prove the color of the sky is blue.

It is a disingenuous ask, you and everyone else are well aware that the majority of vaccine resistance is from the right at this moment in time no matter how much you pretend that is not the case.
Proves who the thinking people are vs you lemmings.
That's nice.

Does not change the fact that the majority of those not vaccinating are Trump supporters. Asking for proof of such (whilst also decrying the vaccine in the same breath) is just as asinine as asking for a link to prove the color of the sky is blue.

It is a disingenuous ask, you and everyone else are well aware that the majority of vaccine resistance is from the right at this moment in time no matter how much you pretend that is not the case.

Wow, you seem to have all the commie talking points down pat. Yet you conveniently ignore the fact that this so called "vaccine" doesn't prevent infection or transmission.

What has helped President Trump more than anything is President Biden

It’s Biden’s bad year that has literally re-energized the Trump base
so Dr Fauci is a liar? how many other l

so dr fauci is a liar? how many other liars are in this admin?
I just explained this for you. I don't know if he lied or not. If what you say is true, then it was because Fauci was trying not to cause any tension in what was a very tense situation between he and Trump.

Maybe you should just stick to parroting your bumper sticker slogans.
I just explained this for you. I don't know if he lied or not. If what you say is true, then it was because Fauci was trying not to cause any tension in what was a very tense situation between he and Trump.

Maybe you should just stick to parroting your bumper sticker slogans.
He lied under oath about funding GOF. That is well documented.
I bet you didn't even know who Fauci was until Trump turned all you sheep against him.
trump didn’t have to do anything for the Doc to lose the. trust of the American people…that didn’t happen til he started working for xiden
I just explained this for you. I don't know if he lied or not. If what you say is true, then it was because Fauci was trying not to cause any tension in what was a very tense situation between he and Trump.

Maybe you should just stick to parroting your bumper sticker slogans.
you explained that you thought he was a liar. I simply asked the logical follow up…
trump didn’t have to do anything for the Doc to lose the. trust of the American people…that didn’t happen til he started working for xiden
So you can confirm that you didn't even know who Fauci was until Trump turned you against him.

Great, thanks.

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