CNN on Benghazi committee: Immediate headline "GOP committee finds no wrongdoing by Clinton"

Wow! All that and you still went home empty handed? You either have the most incompetent group of investigators in history or they didn't have anything the could turn into charges.
What do you not understand...want me to type it slower for you? You can have the best investigators in the world but when you are the President and own the DOJ there is ZERO chance of getting 'true Justice', which has been repeatedly proven in regards to this administration.
Wow! All that and you still went home empty handed? You either have the most incompetent group of investigators in history or they didn't have anything the could turn into charges.
What do you not understand...want me to type it slower for you? You can have the best investigators in the world but when you are the President and own the DOJ there is ZERO chance of getting 'true Justice', which has been repeatedly proven in regards to this administration.

Okay, but they didn't put anything in the court of public opinion either. If they had hard evidence they hid it and why would they do that? why isn't that in any report? I'll tell you, they never had anything, there is no other answer.
The other thing is if the committee was so afraid of Obama and his power, why would they go through the motions to make themselves look foolish at the end?
Okay, but they didn't put anything in the court of public opinion either.
Despite what Liberals claim, the whole report did just that. For example, the report specifies that while the terrorist attack was still going on, without having ordered the military to respond yet, the Obama administration was already concocting it's false story about a video, ignoring the reports coming from those on the ground to do so. Dude, just STOP - you're embarrassing yourself.
Okay, but they didn't put anything in the court of public opinion either.
Despite what Liberals claim, the whole report did just that. For example, the report specifies that while the terrorist attack was still going on, without having ordered the military to respond yet, the Obama administration was already concocting it's false story about a video, ignoring the reports coming from those on the ground to do so. Dude, just STOP - you're embarrassing yourself.

We've argued over fine points too many times and each time you insist on your own version of the truth with no committee sourcing, I'm done with that. The 8 congressional investigations are done they have released reports, no one is going to jail, no one is pointed at as the singular cause of a great tragedy. All of that is because after four long years they came up with nothing. The Congress has moved on and I suggest you do the same.
We've argued over fine points too many times and each time you insist on your own version of the truth with no committee sourcing, I'm done with that.
No, we are debating some HUGE items, all of which are right in the Report. I understand why you are 'done'.
We've argued over fine points too many times and each time you insist on your own version of the truth with no committee sourcing, I'm done with that.
No, we are debating some HUGE items, all of which are right in the Report. I understand why you are 'done'.
he is done because he refuses to even scan the report and is simply saying what he has heard from a couple of left leaning journalists...

In other words....he has very little faith in his own ability to make a judgment call
Hey Jarhead, I am guessing you served....what do you think about going into combat wearing civies so as not to offend the terrorists trying to kill Americans and who will be shooting at you? :p
We've argued over fine points too many times and each time you insist on your own version of the truth with no committee sourcing, I'm done with that.
No, we are debating some HUGE items, all of which are right in the Report. I understand why you are 'done'.
he is done because he refuses to even scan the report and is simply saying what he has heard from a couple of left leaning journalists...

In other words....he has very little faith in his own ability to make a judgment call

Wrong. After 8 reports, 50 hearings, thirty million dollars, they ran out of things to look at and still came up with nothing. That's why the Benghazi committee is finished there was nothing to add. You on the other hand want to pretend that there is still an investigation not realizing that the players went home and took their ball with them.
If they had an ounce of truth they would have paraded it in front of the press and waved it in front of everyone's eyes. They didn't because they have nothing and never did. This was nothing more than a attempt to influence the election and if Democrats had not presented their report yesterday, you wouldn't have seen the Republican version for two or three more months.

At this point what does the death of an American Ambassador and three other Americans make?
Did I get that right?
How does that compare to the 5000+ dead U.S. military because of Bush's lies?

How many women have lost their lives due to Texas' unconstitutional extreme anti-abortion tactics? Should Texas officials be prosecuted for murder?

Maybe those 5,000 lives lost were about these lies.

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source
Obviously, the chicken had to lay the egg first, shorty! What was the SOURCE from which Kerry and Clinton got that information, hmmmmm?

"There is already a mountain of evidence that Saddam Hussein is gathering WMDs for the purpose of using them. And adding additional information is like adding a foot to Mount Everest."
--Ari Fleischer, Sept. 6, 2002 ~~

"We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud."
--Condoleezza Rice, Sept. 8, 2002 ~~Ibid~~

"There's no debate in the world as to whether they have these weapons. We all know that. A trained ape knows that."
--Donald Rumsfeld, Sept. 13, 2002 ~~Ibid~~

"Knowing these realities, America must not ignore the threat gathering against us. Facing clear evidence of peril, we cannot wait for the final proof -- the smoking gun -- that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud."
--President George W. Bush, Oct 6, 2002 - Bush: Don't wait for mushroom cloud - Oct. 6, 2002

Bush, Cheney & Co. were on a very hard push in the early fall of 2002 to falsify a basis for an Iraq invasion to get the desired WPA AUMF out of Congress to do a little Nation building, shorty! That propaganda was fed directly to Senators like Kerry, Clinton, et al. If Congress, both House and Senate, believed the lies from the Bush administration, well that only proves the Bush/Cheney cabal were fucking good liars.

You are totally full of nonsense. Kerry and Clinton got their intel from the CIA, FBI and several other foreign intelligence agencies. The same place that Bush got his intel. I have several dozen more quotes from Democrats that say the same thing.
Your obfuscation doesn't change a damn thing, fool! Everybody got the same intel from the same source which was under the DIRECT AUTHORITY AND CONTROL of the Chief Executive, BUSH. Don't pretend otherwise, shorty!

The Bush, Cheney & Co. cabal dispensed that "intel" from the very same Executive Branch Agencies and Departments which was ALLOWED TO BE RELEASED by the Bush, Cheney & Co. cabal. The Bush, Cheney & Co. cabal didn't go begging for it, they ORDERED its "collection, composition and editing" and selected what was to be released to sell the Iraq War to the Electorate! Who was responsible for their intel if not the Bush, Cheney & Co. cabal? The secretaries in the reception areas of those Agencies and Departments or did the Buck stop at the desks of the Bush, Cheney & Co. cabal who signed off and propagated it through every media outlet as well as every member of Congress?

Certainly, you can't be trying to absolve the Bush, Cheney & Co. cabal from culpability for the statements made ONLY by Democrats which were entirely based on the pumped up, overstated and blatantly false characterizations configured by the Bush, Cheney & Co. cabal. That dog don't hunt, shorty!

The Bush, Cheney & Co. cabal started pumping out the BS "intel" in late summer through early fall of 2002 to get Congress to provide the Iraq AUMF. That is why I posted those four quotes from the Bush regime to display that nearly EVERYONE in Congress was told the same fucking horseshit and saying the say thing because they were all DECEIVED, but NOT THE ADMINISTRATION FUNCTIONARIES I QUOTED who created the distortions and lies that were repeated by many outside of that neoconservative cabal. It was a very successful propaganda campaign, SHORTY!
The Report outlines how 4 Americans died at the hands of the terrorists - Al Qaeida - with whom Obama and Hillary allied themselves with and who they helped take over their own country by dragging the US into the middle of a civil war by using our military without Congressional approval to do so. Furthermore, the report details how ex-Qaddafi Generals, who Hillary and Obama called our 'enemies' and used our military to overthrow - not Hillary or Obama or anything they did - stepped in to save the lives of the other Americans in Benghazi FROM Barry and Hillary's allies - again, Al Qaeida.

The report and testimony shows both Hillary and Barry were both caught completely unprepared for the terrorist attack, despite numerous warnings and previous terrorist attacks, had no clue what to do, had a response team sitting on a runway for 6 hours changing between combat gear and civilian clothes because they could not make up their mind whether US military personnel should wear combat gear or civilian clothes when heading into battle for fear offending the attacking terrorists....

...and this is what Barry, Hillary, and Liberals believe is considered being 'exonerated' of any wrong-doing.

If it was not for the fact that 4 Americans needlessly lost their lives for the criminal incompetence and poor decision-making of the Secretary of State and the President, this would be funny.

What's funny is how you take the evidence of two congressional investigations that prove you wrong, toss them into the waste can and then pretend that the Benghazi investigation is still going on. It's not, It's done its work it is over.

You totally ignore the evidence, and take Hillary and her butt buddies in the media's false claims as fact, and expect us to listen to you.
We've argued over fine points too many times and each time you insist on your own version of the truth with no committee sourcing, I'm done with that.
No, we are debating some HUGE items, all of which are right in the Report. I understand why you are 'done'.
he is done because he refuses to even scan the report and is simply saying what he has heard from a couple of left leaning journalists...

In other words....he has very little faith in his own ability to make a judgment call

Wrong. After 8 reports, 50 hearings, thirty million dollars, they ran out of things to look at and still came up with nothing. That's why the Benghazi committee is finished there was nothing to add. You on the other hand want to pretend that there is still an investigation not realizing that the players went home and took their ball with them.
The committee released 800 pages of evidence, the media immediately within seconds claims Hillary was cleared of all blame without reading a word.....and then dickheads like you parrot their lies hoping enough dumbasses believe you.

The focus of the investigation wasn't Hillary. This is not the email scandal.
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The Report outlines how 4 Americans died at the hands of the terrorists - Al Qaeida - with whom Obama and Hillary allied themselves with and who they helped take over their own country by dragging the US into the middle of a civil war by using our military without Congressional approval to do so. Furthermore, the report details how ex-Qaddafi Generals, who Hillary and Obama called our 'enemies' and used our military to overthrow - not Hillary or Obama or anything they did - stepped in to save the lives of the other Americans in Benghazi FROM Barry and Hillary's allies - again, Al Qaeida.

The report and testimony shows both Hillary and Barry were both caught completely unprepared for the terrorist attack, despite numerous warnings and previous terrorist attacks, had no clue what to do, had a response team sitting on a runway for 6 hours changing between combat gear and civilian clothes because they could not make up their mind whether US military personnel should wear combat gear or civilian clothes when heading into battle for fear offending the attacking terrorists....

...and this is what Barry, Hillary, and Liberals believe is considered being 'exonerated' of any wrong-doing.

If it was not for the fact that 4 Americans needlessly lost their lives for the criminal incompetence and poor decision-making of the Secretary of State and the President, this would be funny.

What's funny is how you take the evidence of two congressional investigations that prove you wrong, toss them into the waste can and then pretend that the Benghazi investigation is still going on. It's not, It's done its work it is over.

You totally ignore the evidence, and take Hillary and her butt buddies in the media's false claims as fact, and expect us to listen to you.

No, I expect you to talk Benghazi until you drop dead. I just hope you realize before you croak that the investigation is ended and done and that no new information came to light and the committee went home hanging their heads in shame for spending so much money and having nothing to show for it.
How many Benghazi investigations have there been? And not one has revealed any new information.

These carefully spaced apart "reports" are the political equivalent of bumping a topic that has fallen off the front page of the forum. It's hackery intended to keep the subject alive for political reasons, not out of any desire to learn the truth or new truths.

I bet most people reading this right now who shed crocodile tears over the Four Dead Americans™ can't even name them. They might remember the Ambassador's last name, but that's it.

If you can't name them, you're just a parroting rube. Yeah, that's right.

And I would bet real money not one of you hacks can name the Americans, many more Americans, who were killed during the many more attacks on our diplomatic missions between 2001 through 2008.

I bet you can't even name the diplomat who was killed during that period, much less when and where.

You can go on and on and on about the events which occurred during the night of September 11, 2012, but can't name the diplomat who was killed on Bush's watch. You don't even know when or where. In fact, you probably didn't know one was killed until just now.

You might want to ask yourself why that is, hacks.
What's funny is how you take the evidence of two congressional investigations that prove you wrong, toss them into the waste can and then pretend that the Benghazi investigation is still going on. It's not, It's done its work it is over.
The Democrats' Benghazi report does not dispute what I posted, about how Al Qaeida - who Obama and Hillary sided with - was responsible for the attack and how Qaddafi's ex-forces had to rescue the Americans in Benghazi.

They do not dispute the fact that the vide , as Obama finally admitted, played no part in instigating the attack.

The Democrats' report's sole focus was on proclaiming Obama and Hillary did not do anything wrong. They failed to present any evidence, however, that they did anything RIGHT, either. That's hard to do when your 'allies' murder 4 Americans, to include the 1st US Ambassador to be murdered in over 30 years and when your Secretary of State fails so miserably to successfully accomplish her job of protecting the US Ambassador and other Americans.

The Obama administration along with Secretary Clinton and Ambassador Susan Rice were all absolved of wrongdoing by congress. You can't spin that and the Benghazi investigation by congress is over there will be no further investigation of any kind about Benghazi. It's done. They went home empty handed.

Susan Rice was the Clinton and Obama spokesperson and told the same LIES about an obscure internet video and a spontaneous demonstration causing the Benghazi attack on 5 Sunday talk shows.

She sure was and the House Select Committee on Intelligence absolved her of that.
Suuuuuuuuuuure they did....*rolls eyes*
The Obama administration along with Secretary Clinton and Ambassador Susan Rice were all absolved of wrongdoing by congress.

This is a continuous, repeated LIE. The report spells out exactly what they did wrong, their incompetence, their poor decision-making, and their creation and reporting of a false story that was not based in fact - not taking into account direct reporting from personnel ON-SCENE.

The ONLY ones who have declared they have been cleared of any wrong-doing are Obama, Hillary, and the rabid liberals who are defending them. NO WHERE IN THE REPORT DOES IT SAY OBAMA AND HILLARY ARE ABSOLVED OF ANY WRONG-DOING.

LOL, if there was any of what you said was true there would have been indictments. The Benghazi committee went home empty handed with their heads lowered in shame. They got nothing after four years and $30 million dollars.
Suuuuuuuuuuure they did.

I remember the media trying to close down Walter Reed and accuse Bush of abusing the military over mold and peeling paint in the do me a favor and STFU.
How many Benghazi investigations have there been? And not one has revealed any new information.

These carefully spaced apart "reports" are the political equivalent of bumping a topic that has fallen off the front page of the forum. It's hackery intended to keep the subject alive for political reasons, not out of any desire to learn the truth or new truths.

I bet most people reading this right now who shed crocodile tears over the Four Dead Americans™ can't even name them. They might remember the Ambassador's last name, but that's it.

If you can't name them, you're just a parroting rube. Yeah, that's right.

And I would bet real money not one of you hacks can name the Americans, many more Americans, who were killed during the many more attacks on our diplomatic missions between 2001 through 2008.

I bet you can't even name the diplomat who was killed during that period, much less when and where.

You can go on and on and on about the events which occurred during the night of September 11, 2012, but can't name the diplomat who was killed on Bush's watch. You don't even know when or where. In fact, you probably didn't know one was killed until just now.

You might want to ask yourself why that is, hacks.
Nothing new?


Nothing you would acknowledge you mean.
The Obama administration along with Secretary Clinton and Ambassador Susan Rice were all absolved of wrongdoing by congress.

This is a continuous, repeated LIE. The report spells out exactly what they did wrong, their incompetence, their poor decision-making, and their creation and reporting of a false story that was not based in fact - not taking into account direct reporting from personnel ON-SCENE.

The ONLY ones who have declared they have been cleared of any wrong-doing are Obama, Hillary, and the rabid liberals who are defending them. NO WHERE IN THE REPORT DOES IT SAY OBAMA AND HILLARY ARE ABSOLVED OF ANY WRONG-DOING.

LOL, if there was any of what you said was true there would have been indictments. The Benghazi committee went home empty handed with their heads lowered in shame. They got nothing after four years and $30 million dollars.
Suuuuuuuuuuure they did.

I remember the media trying to close down Walter Reed and accuse Bush of abusing the military over mold and peeling paint in the do me a favor and STFU.
Walter Reed was scheduled to be closed down and that was the source of most of its problems. The Bush administration didn't want to know about it and was more concerned about terror than soldiers and they paid for that.

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