CNN POLL: 75% Of Financial Experts Say Romney Victory Would Improve Markets...

Romney will go along with whatever the Fed tells him to do like every other president. He will appoint a bunch of G+S alumni to regulatory positions like every other president. He will know who rules the economy like every other, he is no cure for any of that shit.

Perhaps. Out of the two choices, Romney still has the most experience turning around financial situations.

I am going with the warts that give me the best opportunity to succeed by my hand and abilities.

I don't agree, he has experience in personally benefiting from bad situations but that is nothing like salvaging a situation for all involved.

How did Romney gain from fixing the olympics? Besides the dollar a year that he took in pay. Romney is very wealthy, but he is not greedy. He donates heavily to charities every year, and he donated all of his inheritance to charity.

One thing that many of you fail to consider, is that high risk investments can only be justified by large profits when one wins, to offset the large losses when one loses.
Once again we are presented with a faith based statement that Romney can directly effect the economy in an immediate and dramatic fashion without a hint of detail.

Swear to God, they've never heard of the concept of vetting before.

Vetting is fine and necessary. Trying to twist someone's record because you can't tout the record of your own candidate is just slimy politics.

We've discussed Bain to death. Nothing new has come to light but we continue to discuss it and only it.

Tunnel vision leads to being side swiped.

Yes, let's only talk about how crappy Obama is, like every other day of the week, seriously, practice what you are preaching. If Romney is so great he should stand up to any amount of discussion or criticism.
the benefit is trying to turn around the economy, im not going to shock ur base, but liberals too love money and if you dont agree see hollywood. For further prrof see Soros. To get the economy going again would allow the country to focus on other problems but all problems need money. So our benefit with Romney is getting the economy healthy where OBAMA has proven to be a failure.

Once again we are presented with a faith based statement that Romney can directly effect the economy in an immediate and dramatic fashion without a hint of detail.


Obama will be gone.

Pass it on

Really? Cuz Romney won't get past this. :thup:
Boy, this one should send all the CNN (Communist News Network/Clinton News Network) sicophants into a tizzy.

A recent CNNMoney survey found that 75% of money managers and investment strategists believe a Mitt Romney victory would lift U.S. markets. The survey also found that "many are also hoping for the GOP to gain control of both the House and the Senate."

Leading up to the November elections, 80 percent of those surveyed agreed that the stock market will remain volatile and possibly get worse.

John Praveen, managing director and chief investment strategist for Prudential International Investments Advisers says investors are not sanguine about lawmakers' ability to keep America from driving off the fiscal cliff:

"In case investors are not sufficiently convinced that policy makers and politicians are up to the task of handling the fiscal cliff in a reasonably effective manner, financial markets are likely to again fall sharply, similar to the plunge around the debt ceiling debacle in 2011."

Chase Investment Counsel President Peter Tuz was more direct:

"At this point, I think markets would appreciate a clear Republican mandate. That provides the best chance for continued low tax rates. If investors see the likelihood of an Obama victory, coupled with Democrats retaining control of the Senate, they will react by taking advantage of the low tax rates that still exist, so a sell-off in markets would be a distinct possibility."

The sputtering U.S. economic recovery, the European debt crisis, the slowing of growth in China, the need to cut government spending, and the looming expiration of the Bush tax cuts were cited as troubling economic signs for America's financial future.

CNN POLL: 75% Of Financial Experts Say Romney Victory Would Improve Markets

Rich guys working for, with, and around other rich guys essentially campaigning for a Romney win.

Big surprise.
Once again we are presented with a faith based statement that Romney can directly effect the economy in an immediate and dramatic fashion without a hint of detail.


Obama will be gone.

Pass it on

I do not share your faith that his mere absence is the cure for anything except republican whining.

Obama's absence is a good start... At least we can replace him with someone who isn't anti-capitalist that will in fact help America to restore its employment numbers, and prosperity. Unlike Obama who wants nothing more than to destroy America's Coal, and Gas industry (among other things) for the sake of misguided ideology. You don't wreck the industries that keep our nation running, before you have a proven replacement in place... Unless his ideology trumps common sense, and supersedes America's return to prosperity.
Americans prefer to be paid well and not live in a polluted shithole at the mercy of crooked banks and shady investors, weeeeeellllll excuse us.

Which crooked banks and shady investors ate your cookie today baby?

Which ones are you defending? All of them? Companies moved overseas to exploit cheap labor and nonexistent environmental laws, quit making it the fault of Americans because we refuse to stoop to their level of exploitation.

Perhaps you should consider that clean air and clean water are not free. To live, humans pollute their environment. Three hundred million people require a lot of resources that have to be taken from the earth. Those processes create pollution that adds to the pollution that humans naturally contribute to the air and water.

Intelligent people know that we have to have a trade off between absolutely clean air and water, and human survival. Although we all need healthy air and water, we also need to eat, heat our homes and earn a living. Forcing needed industries out of business or out of the country through unreasonable and costly environmental regulations is not the answer to any of our problems.
Boy, this one should send all the CNN (Communist News Network/Clinton News Network) sicophants into a tizzy.

A recent CNNMoney survey found that 75% of money managers and investment strategists believe a Mitt Romney victory would lift U.S. markets. The survey also found that "many are also hoping for the GOP to gain control of both the House and the Senate."

Leading up to the November elections, 80 percent of those surveyed agreed that the stock market will remain volatile and possibly get worse.

John Praveen, managing director and chief investment strategist for Prudential International Investments Advisers says investors are not sanguine about lawmakers' ability to keep America from driving off the fiscal cliff:

"In case investors are not sufficiently convinced that policy makers and politicians are up to the task of handling the fiscal cliff in a reasonably effective manner, financial markets are likely to again fall sharply, similar to the plunge around the debt ceiling debacle in 2011."

Chase Investment Counsel President Peter Tuz was more direct:

"At this point, I think markets would appreciate a clear Republican mandate. That provides the best chance for continued low tax rates. If investors see the likelihood of an Obama victory, coupled with Democrats retaining control of the Senate, they will react by taking advantage of the low tax rates that still exist, so a sell-off in markets would be a distinct possibility."

The sputtering U.S. economic recovery, the European debt crisis, the slowing of growth in China, the need to cut government spending, and the looming expiration of the Bush tax cuts were cited as troubling economic signs for America's financial future.

CNN POLL: 75% Of Financial Experts Say Romney Victory Would Improve Markets

Rich guys working for, with, and around other rich guys essentially campaigning for a Romney win.

Big surprise.

Hiding destructive ideologies, and policies of Obama by misguiding the public into thinking the main issue is about the division between rich and poor.
Big surprise.
Which crooked banks and shady investors ate your cookie today baby?

Which ones are you defending? All of them? Companies moved overseas to exploit cheap labor and nonexistent environmental laws, quit making it the fault of Americans because we refuse to stoop to their level of exploitation.

Perhaps you should consider that clean air and clean water are not free. To live, humans pollute their environment. Three hundred million people require a lot of resources that have to be taken from the earth. Those processes create pollution that adds to the pollution that humans naturally contribute to the air and water.

Intelligent people know that we have to have a trade off between absolutely clean air and water, and human survival. Although we all need healthy air and water, we also need to eat, heat our homes and earn a living. Forcing needed industries out of business or out of the country through unreasonable and costly environmental regulations is not the answer to any of our problems.

We have very few substances that are zero tolerance pollutants, and you had better be glad of it, the trade-offs are already there with gradual pressure to improve upon them.
The stock market will hit a high for the year the day after his election is known.
Swear to God, they've never heard of the concept of vetting before.

Vetting is fine and necessary. Trying to twist someone's record because you can't tout the record of your own candidate is just slimy politics.

We've discussed Bain to death. Nothing new has come to light but we continue to discuss it and only it.

Tunnel vision leads to being side swiped.

Yes, let's only talk about how crappy Obama is, like every other day of the week, seriously, practice what you are preaching. If Romney is so great he should stand up to any amount of discussion or criticism.

Practice what I preach? You do indeed have tunnel vision. I've started countless threads ranging from our party has shitty candidates to thanking Obama for something he did. When I start threads about Obama being bad they always have a different topic. You idiots on the other hand only talk about how evil Bain is.

Apparently its all you got. Tunnel vision indeed.
Which ones are you defending? All of them? Companies moved overseas to exploit cheap labor and nonexistent environmental laws, quit making it the fault of Americans because we refuse to stoop to their level of exploitation.

Perhaps you should consider that clean air and clean water are not free. To live, humans pollute their environment. Three hundred million people require a lot of resources that have to be taken from the earth. Those processes create pollution that adds to the pollution that humans naturally contribute to the air and water.

Intelligent people know that we have to have a trade off between absolutely clean air and water, and human survival. Although we all need healthy air and water, we also need to eat, heat our homes and earn a living. Forcing needed industries out of business or out of the country through unreasonable and costly environmental regulations is not the answer to any of our problems.

We have very few substances that are zero tolerance pollutants, and you had better be glad of it, the trade-offs are already there with gradual pressure to improve upon them.

When is clean air and water clean enough for you? And, if it is clean enough, why do we need the cost of gradual pressure to make it cleaner? The answer is simple; to zealots, our air and water will never be clean enough.

And, you failed to address the cost of clean air and water in good paying manufacturing jobs. That is also indicative of zealots. You fail to consider that your desire for pristine air and water is paid for by a loss of manufacturing jobs, while you continue to lambaste the capitalists for moving their operations to more favorable environments.

Those capitalists learned, many years ago, that the same people who scream for clean air and water will not pay the extra cost to manufacturing to meet the desired standards. Instead, they buy products made overseas, in countries that are not concerned so much with clean air and water.
Boy, this one should send all the CNN (Communist News Network/Clinton News Network) sicophants into a tizzy.

A recent CNNMoney survey found that 75% of money managers and investment strategists believe a Mitt Romney victory would lift U.S. markets. The survey also found that "many are also hoping for the GOP to gain control of both the House and the Senate."

Leading up to the November elections, 80 percent of those surveyed agreed that the stock market will remain volatile and possibly get worse.

John Praveen, managing director and chief investment strategist for Prudential International Investments Advisers says investors are not sanguine about lawmakers' ability to keep America from driving off the fiscal cliff:

"In case investors are not sufficiently convinced that policy makers and politicians are up to the task of handling the fiscal cliff in a reasonably effective manner, financial markets are likely to again fall sharply, similar to the plunge around the debt ceiling debacle in 2011."

Chase Investment Counsel President Peter Tuz was more direct:

"At this point, I think markets would appreciate a clear Republican mandate. That provides the best chance for continued low tax rates. If investors see the likelihood of an Obama victory, coupled with Democrats retaining control of the Senate, they will react by taking advantage of the low tax rates that still exist, so a sell-off in markets would be a distinct possibility."

The sputtering U.S. economic recovery, the European debt crisis, the slowing of growth in China, the need to cut government spending, and the looming expiration of the Bush tax cuts were cited as troubling economic signs for America's financial future.

CNN POLL: 75% Of Financial Experts Say Romney Victory Would Improve Markets

By having one of their own in the house should allow them to get away with murder if they so please.
Perhaps you should consider that clean air and clean water are not free. To live, humans pollute their environment. Three hundred million people require a lot of resources that have to be taken from the earth. Those processes create pollution that adds to the pollution that humans naturally contribute to the air and water.

Intelligent people know that we have to have a trade off between absolutely clean air and water, and human survival. Although we all need healthy air and water, we also need to eat, heat our homes and earn a living. Forcing needed industries out of business or out of the country through unreasonable and costly environmental regulations is not the answer to any of our problems.

We have very few substances that are zero tolerance pollutants, and you had better be glad of it, the trade-offs are already there with gradual pressure to improve upon them.

When is clean air and water clean enough for you? And, if it is clean enough, why do we need the cost of gradual pressure to make it cleaner? The answer is simple; to zealots, our air and water will never be clean enough.

And, you failed to address the cost of clean air and water in good paying manufacturing jobs. That is also indicative of zealots. You fail to consider that your desire for pristine air and water is paid for by a loss of manufacturing jobs, while you continue to lambaste the capitalists for moving their operations to more favorable environments.

Those capitalists learned, many years ago, that the same people who scream for clean air and water will not pay the extra cost to manufacturing to meet the desired standards. Instead, they buy products made overseas, in countries that are not concerned so much with clean air and water.

You were not alive before the 80's, the '70's. You never heard of the massive pollution put out by industries? They also covered up pollution and built houses on the land, causing the people to die from toxic exposure. Trust industry to police it's own pollution, not in a million years the way that greedy people run them for profit at the cost of human life.
The stock market will hit a high for the year the day after his election is known.

More faith based prophesy.

These are the same people that have sold America into the great depression and the last recession. Ha! Theses people bet that you will lose your job and not be able to pay for your house, after giving you the loan.. These people laugh at us, they have us by a ring in our noses called money.
Trust a financier, why yes the OP does business with Bernard Madoff and other crimminals that call themselve finaciers.

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