CNN Poll: Trump’s Approval Rating On Economy “Is The Highest Number We’ve Ever Seen”

Trump didn't have the Q.E program to prop up the economy. .
Neither did Obama, from Oct 2014 to Jan 2019.

Sure, by then enough money had been pumped into the economy to sink a battleship.

Obama's economy.
Damn straight!

What fucking nerve!

Giving Trump the credit for the strong economy
and his audacity to take the credit for our strong economy
when in fact, this is Obama's economy and the fruition of....
shovel ready jobs, Solyndra and Cash for Clunkers

I wonder what lucky bastard,
will get the credit for Trump's economy in 2025
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Obama's economy.
Except for when the market corrected last year, right? That was when you and the rest of the anti-Trump crowd was dancing in the streets that the TRUMP ECONOMY was collapsing. But then remarkably a couple months later it became OBAMA's ECONOMY again. You guys are a fucking joke.

They think we're as fucking stupid as they are
Anyone with a working brain cell loves a great economy.

Because he's POTUS Trump get the credit. If it were a bad economy he would also get the blame.

Barry left Trump a fair hand when he left office but Trump has improved on it greatly. Both deserve the credit.
Trump didn't have the Q.E program to prop up the economy. .
Neither did Obama, from Oct 2014 to Jan 2019.

Sure, by then enough money had been pumped into the economy to sink a battleship.


and yet your savior in the White House is begging the Feds for more...why is that if the economy is so fucking amazing?

The Feds raised rates and spooked the markets.

If you were not an econ numbskull you'd know that.

Fcking fraud
Snowflake Meltdown.

Yet is overall approval rating is 41.8 on the average. Depending on the poll, it goes from a low of 39 to a high of 51 but only one poll has it above 45%. The Economy is just one indicator. And one that Trump really doesn't have that big an impact on. If anything, he's got somewhat of a negative impact. But his PR is humming on all cylinders trying to take all the credit. What I notice is the increase in costs of every day items in the last couple of months due to the Tariffs and such. And it''s not getting any better. His PR folks leave that part out. This is why his overall rating is so low when all the things are considered.

Sorry, but the Mueller Report has very little affect on any of this. It's a nice circus show but little else. It's Job Performance that is averaged out at 41.8% not economy alone.

Oh good grief the economy is a locomotive driving up Trump's numbers


It's just one number and one number only. His overall job performance average number is still at 4.1.8% with 53% showing dissatisfaction. And that number is what gets him reelected or not. There are other factors like the Deficit increase that is equal to the worst year for Obama. And it looks like it won't be going down. You want to blame that on the Dem House but that was done by the Republican House last year for this years budget. If it goes down, it's going to because the Dem house forces it to go down. And that means penny pinching on many of Trumps little pet projects like they have already shown they are ready to do. You say that cutting 2.5 billion isn't important but when you add that to many other programs, it all adds up. We don't need to keep adding 12 trillion dollars to the Deficit each year like we are right now. This isn't created by the Democrats for the last 2 years, it's been republican controlled. And the Public isn't ignoring that fact.

Ohhhh the deficit never increased under dems? Really? lmao

Sit down

By the way when did the deficit ever increase 12 trillion a year? Fckn moron

Sassy; you SWORE!! You're a LADY; leave that stuff to us lowbrow blokes. Now; to whom shall I address a jolly good bollocking!!?

Snowflake Meltdown.

Yet is overall approval rating is 41.8 on the average. Depending on the poll, it goes from a low of 39 to a high of 51 but only one poll has it above 45%. The Economy is just one indicator. And one that Trump really doesn't have that big an impact on. If anything, he's got somewhat of a negative impact. But his PR is humming on all cylinders trying to take all the credit. What I notice is the increase in costs of every day items in the last couple of months due to the Tariffs and such. And it''s not getting any better. His PR folks leave that part out. This is why his overall rating is so low when all the things are considered.

Sorry, but the Mueller Report has very little affect on any of this. It's a nice circus show but little else. It's Job Performance that is averaged out at 41.8% not economy alone.

Oh good grief the economy is a locomotive driving up Trump's numbers


It's just one number and one number only. His overall job performance average number is still at 4.1.8% with 53% showing dissatisfaction. And that number is what gets him reelected or not. There are other factors like the Deficit increase that is equal to the worst year for Obama. And it looks like it won't be going down. You want to blame that on the Dem House but that was done by the Republican House last year for this years budget. If it goes down, it's going to because the Dem house forces it to go down. And that means penny pinching on many of Trumps little pet projects like they have already shown they are ready to do. You say that cutting 2.5 billion isn't important but when you add that to many other programs, it all adds up. We don't need to keep adding 12 trillion dollars to the Deficit each year like we are right now. This isn't created by the Democrats for the last 2 years, it's been republican controlled. And the Public isn't ignoring that fact.

Ohhhh the deficit never increased under dems? Really? lmao

Sit down

By the way when did the deficit ever increase 12 trillion a year? Fckn moron

Sassy; you SWORE!! You're a LADY; leave that stuff to us lowbrow blokes. Now; to whom shall I address a jolly good bollocking!!?


My papa was a US Naval master chief....he taught me well
Trump didn't have the Q.E program to prop up the economy. .
Neither did Obama, from Oct 2014 to Jan 2019.

Sure, by then enough money had been pumped into the economy to sink a battleship.


and yet your savior in the White House is begging the Feds for more...why is that if the economy is so fucking amazing?

So you are demanding the Economy is Obama' yet you say Trump is begging the RB?? Are you a particular sort of stupid??

Yet is overall approval rating is 41.8 on the average. Depending on the poll, it goes from a low of 39 to a high of 51 but only one poll has it above 45%. The Economy is just one indicator. And one that Trump really doesn't have that big an impact on. If anything, he's got somewhat of a negative impact. But his PR is humming on all cylinders trying to take all the credit. What I notice is the increase in costs of every day items in the last couple of months due to the Tariffs and such. And it''s not getting any better. His PR folks leave that part out. This is why his overall rating is so low when all the things are considered.

Sorry, but the Mueller Report has very little affect on any of this. It's a nice circus show but little else. It's Job Performance that is averaged out at 41.8% not economy alone.

Oh good grief the economy is a locomotive driving up Trump's numbers


It's just one number and one number only. His overall job performance average number is still at 4.1.8% with 53% showing dissatisfaction. And that number is what gets him reelected or not. There are other factors like the Deficit increase that is equal to the worst year for Obama. And it looks like it won't be going down. You want to blame that on the Dem House but that was done by the Republican House last year for this years budget. If it goes down, it's going to because the Dem house forces it to go down. And that means penny pinching on many of Trumps little pet projects like they have already shown they are ready to do. You say that cutting 2.5 billion isn't important but when you add that to many other programs, it all adds up. We don't need to keep adding 12 trillion dollars to the Deficit each year like we are right now. This isn't created by the Democrats for the last 2 years, it's been republican controlled. And the Public isn't ignoring that fact.

Ohhhh the deficit never increased under dems? Really? lmao

Sit down

By the way when did the deficit ever increase 12 trillion a year? Fckn moron

Sassy; you SWORE!! You're a LADY; leave that stuff to us lowbrow blokes. Now; to whom shall I address a jolly good bollocking!!?


My papa was a US Naval master chief....he taught me well
I never heard my father swear until I was 25 yo and one day he said "shit". I was shocked. I had to learn the hard way; Rugby teams.

I'm catching up.

Oh good grief the economy is a locomotive driving up Trump's numbers


It's just one number and one number only. His overall job performance average number is still at 4.1.8% with 53% showing dissatisfaction. And that number is what gets him reelected or not. There are other factors like the Deficit increase that is equal to the worst year for Obama. And it looks like it won't be going down. You want to blame that on the Dem House but that was done by the Republican House last year for this years budget. If it goes down, it's going to because the Dem house forces it to go down. And that means penny pinching on many of Trumps little pet projects like they have already shown they are ready to do. You say that cutting 2.5 billion isn't important but when you add that to many other programs, it all adds up. We don't need to keep adding 12 trillion dollars to the Deficit each year like we are right now. This isn't created by the Democrats for the last 2 years, it's been republican controlled. And the Public isn't ignoring that fact.

Ohhhh the deficit never increased under dems? Really? lmao

Sit down

By the way when did the deficit ever increase 12 trillion a year? Fckn moron

Sassy; you SWORE!! You're a LADY; leave that stuff to us lowbrow blokes. Now; to whom shall I address a jolly good bollocking!!?


My papa was a US Naval master chief....he taught me well
I never heard my father swear until I was 25 yo and one day he said "shit". I was shocked. I had to learn the hard way; Rugby teams.

I'm catching up.


Lol my papa was a doubt the day I was born he said I have a fckn daughter....actually two I'm a twin
It's just one number and one number only. His overall job performance average number is still at 4.1.8% with 53% showing dissatisfaction. And that number is what gets him reelected or not. There are other factors like the Deficit increase that is equal to the worst year for Obama. And it looks like it won't be going down. You want to blame that on the Dem House but that was done by the Republican House last year for this years budget. If it goes down, it's going to because the Dem house forces it to go down. And that means penny pinching on many of Trumps little pet projects like they have already shown they are ready to do. You say that cutting 2.5 billion isn't important but when you add that to many other programs, it all adds up. We don't need to keep adding 12 trillion dollars to the Deficit each year like we are right now. This isn't created by the Democrats for the last 2 years, it's been republican controlled. And the Public isn't ignoring that fact.

Ohhhh the deficit never increased under dems? Really? lmao

Sit down

By the way when did the deficit ever increase 12 trillion a year? Fckn moron

Sassy; you SWORE!! You're a LADY; leave that stuff to us lowbrow blokes. Now; to whom shall I address a jolly good bollocking!!?


My papa was a US Naval master chief....he taught me well
I never heard my father swear until I was 25 yo and one day he said "shit". I was shocked. I had to learn the hard way; Rugby teams.

I'm catching up.


Lol my papa was a doubt the day I was born he said I have a fckn daughter....actually two I'm a twin

That's a double f'n in any sailors repertoire. lol But that chappie is a twit.


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