CNN ‘Republican’ Ana Navarro Contributed Thousands and Thousands of Dollars to Democrats

Ana is obnoxious and a bad debater. She just starts yelling over everyone when they say something she doesn't like.

It's ... dare I say ... deplorable??
This is what we always suspect about self described "Republicans" in the media who are always attacking Republican politicians. Scratch them, and underneath you find a died in the wool snowflake.
Self described "Republicans" who are always attacking Republican politicians. Hmmm, who does that remind me of?

Oh yeah!

Most of Donald Trump's Political Money Went To Democrats — Until 5 Years Ago

Big name donors fuel McAuliffe's bid for Virginia governor

Donald Trump is just one of many big name donors funding Terry McAuliffe's campaign to win the Virginia governor's mansion this fall, according to newly released financial disclosure reports
It reminds me of you, douche bag.
Perhaps it doesn't sound like state run to you, but it does to millions.

and millions think that global warming is a 'hoax'

so there ya go.

Sure, but the global warming deniers are idiots.
Wrong. The global warming cult is where you find the idiots.

Name a non-political organization or entity that thinks global warming is a hoax.
Robert Spence, Judith Curry,,

Two people and an amateur website.
Direct communication and coordination with the White House. Sounds pretty state run to me.


Perhaps it doesn't sound like state run to you, but it does to millions.

and millions think that global warming is a 'hoax'

so there ya go.

Sure, but the global warming deniers are idiots.
Wrong. The global warming cult is where you find the idiots.

No idiota. Climate change is real. The idiots who pretend science is fake are the hoax.


Perhaps it doesn't sound like state run to you, but it does to millions.

and millions think that global warming is a 'hoax'

so there ya go.

Sure, but the global warming deniers are idiots.
Wrong. The global warming cult is where you find the idiots.

No idiota. Climate change is real. The idiots who pretend science is fake are the hoax.

Wrong, dingbat, Climate has always changed. The theory that humans are causing it is a con.
Perhaps it doesn't sound like state run to you, but it does to millions.

and millions think that global warming is a 'hoax'

so there ya go.

Sure, but the global warming deniers are idiots.
Wrong. The global warming cult is where you find the idiots.

No idiota. Climate change is real. The idiots who pretend science is fake are the hoax.

Wrong, dingbat, Climate has always changed. The theory that humans are causing it is a con.

gee.... who to believe... 98% of climate scientists or a sub-literate hack on the internets....

and millions think that global warming is a 'hoax'

so there ya go.

Sure, but the global warming deniers are idiots.
Wrong. The global warming cult is where you find the idiots.

No idiota. Climate change is real. The idiots who pretend science is fake are the hoax.

Wrong, dingbat, Climate has always changed. The theory that humans are causing it is a con.

gee.... who to believe... 98% of climate scientists or a sub-literate hack on the internets....

The 98% figure is bullshit warmist propaganda. Furthermore, even if it were true, that's just an appeal to authority. The bottom line is that all the predictions of these "experts" have failed to pan out. Would you hand your money over to a stock broker who lost money for everyone who let him do their investing?
Ana Navarro's crime is she dares to criticize Trump . Breitbart has no credibility whatsoever. They are a part of state run media.

breitbart is not state run. they're just loons.

They act exactly like state run media. They provide pro-Trump propaganda.
The media votes for dems and are aggressive in their approach. You are the problem. You do as you are told.

if that were true, CNN wouldn't have lovingly played the orange idiot's press conferences beginning to end.

the media plays what gets ads.

the reality is you hate fact and THAT is your problem.

so you love faux news, breitbart and the infowars loons adore the orange loon

THAT is the propaganda. if you watched a broad array of media you'd know what is fact and what is fiction.
Jil, I don't watch or read the media listed in your response. I don't adore an orange loon. The mainstream media is still crap. Go ahead and listen to the large corporations you claim are independent. Whatever helps you sleep.
and millions think that global warming is a 'hoax'

so there ya go.

Sure, but the global warming deniers are idiots.
Wrong. The global warming cult is where you find the idiots.

No idiota. Climate change is real. The idiots who pretend science is fake are the hoax.

Wrong, dingbat, Climate has always changed. The theory that humans are causing it is a con.

gee.... who to believe... 98% of climate scientists or a sub-literate hack on the internets....

Jil had no idea the supreme court ruled the frozen money barry gave to Iran was dedicated to the victims of Iranian terrorism.
This is what we always suspect about self described "Republicans" in the media who are always attacking Republican politicians. Scratch them, and underneath you find a died in the wool snowflake.

CNN 'Republican' Ana Navarro Contributed Thousands and Thousands of Dollars to Democrats - Breitbart

The leftwing (and last place) cable news network CNN just loves them some Ana Navarro, and does so only because of how useful she makes herself to them. Because Navarro identifies publicly as a Republican and regularly launches into grandstanding meltdowns about how awful, crazy, stupid, and racist President Donald Trump is, CNN rewards her with all the air time a witless narcissist could ask for. Well, as it turns out, Navarro’s political contributions are about as Republican as the words that screech out of her neurotic mouth.

An investigation by LifeZette reveals that Navarro has literally donated thousands of dollars to Democrats, hard-left Democrats like — brace yourself — Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. According to Lifezette, over the years, Navarro has donated a total of $1000 to the woman who until recently ran the Democratic National Committee.

Of the total of $18,000(!) Navarro has donated to Democrats since 1997, former-Senator Bob Graham of Florida received $200, as did New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez. Moreover, in 2006, although control of the U.S. Senate was on the line, Navarro organized three fundraisers for Menendez, who was in a tough re-election battle that he eventually won. Republicans also lost control of the Senate.

After the Lifezette report ran, Navarro defended herself with this tweet:

"So? Like many Miami R's, I gave to some D's who bucked Party, stood vs Ortega & Castros. Freedom over partisanship."

While it is true that Navarro has donated to Republicans of the John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Lisa Murkowski stripe, how does her virtue-signaling explanation wash with the news that she also donated $2000 to what Lifezette describes as “political action committees known as Democrats Win Seats and Help Elect America’s Team”?
Ana is smart woman and nobody's fool despite being a republican. She knew DT would be horrendous for this country and she was right. Also look for more former Trump supporters giving money to the DNC in the next year.

A focus group inPittsburgh held this week all of former trump voters got their message across loudly clearly. " He's been such a disappointment."
My favorite comment was " He's not even professional nonetheless presidential."
The trump base is evaporating faster then his sanity.
This is what we always suspect about self described "Republicans" in the media who are always attacking Republican politicians. Scratch them, and underneath you find a died in the wool snowflake.

CNN 'Republican' Ana Navarro Contributed Thousands and Thousands of Dollars to Democrats - Breitbart

The leftwing (and last place) cable news network CNN just loves them some Ana Navarro, and does so only because of how useful she makes herself to them. Because Navarro identifies publicly as a Republican and regularly launches into grandstanding meltdowns about how awful, crazy, stupid, and racist President Donald Trump is, CNN rewards her with all the air time a witless narcissist could ask for. Well, as it turns out, Navarro’s political contributions are about as Republican as the words that screech out of her neurotic mouth.

An investigation by LifeZette reveals that Navarro has literally donated thousands of dollars to Democrats, hard-left Democrats like — brace yourself — Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. According to Lifezette, over the years, Navarro has donated a total of $1000 to the woman who until recently ran the Democratic National Committee.

Of the total of $18,000(!) Navarro has donated to Democrats since 1997, former-Senator Bob Graham of Florida received $200, as did New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez. Moreover, in 2006, although control of the U.S. Senate was on the line, Navarro organized three fundraisers for Menendez, who was in a tough re-election battle that he eventually won. Republicans also lost control of the Senate.

After the Lifezette report ran, Navarro defended herself with this tweet:

"So? Like many Miami R's, I gave to some D's who bucked Party, stood vs Ortega & Castros. Freedom over partisanship."

While it is true that Navarro has donated to Republicans of the John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Lisa Murkowski stripe, how does her virtue-signaling explanation wash with the news that she also donated $2000 to what Lifezette describes as “political action committees known as Democrats Win Seats and Help Elect America’s Team”?
Ana is smart woman and nobody's fool despite being a republican. She knew DT would be horrendous for this country and she was right. Also look for more former Trump supporters giving money to the DNC in the next year.

A focus group inPittsburgh held this week all of former trump voters got their message across loudly clearly. " He's been such a disappointment."
My favorite comment was " He's not even professional nonetheless presidential."
The trump base is evaporating faster then his sanity.
The most awkward President in a long time. I do not believe his base is evaporating.
Ana is obnoxious and a bad debater. She just starts yelling over everyone when they say something she doesn't like.

It's ... dare I say ... deplorable??
When you deal with Deplorables as Ana is forced to many times on CNN it's a challenge not to pull your hair out.
When she's on Bill Maher she extols conservative values.
Remember conservative values? Your pussy grabber and his sheep don't.
This is what we always suspect about self described "Republicans" in the media who are always attacking Republican politicians. Scratch them, and underneath you find a died in the wool snowflake.

CNN 'Republican' Ana Navarro Contributed Thousands and Thousands of Dollars to Democrats - Breitbart

The leftwing (and last place) cable news network CNN just loves them some Ana Navarro, and does so only because of how useful she makes herself to them. Because Navarro identifies publicly as a Republican and regularly launches into grandstanding meltdowns about how awful, crazy, stupid, and racist President Donald Trump is, CNN rewards her with all the air time a witless narcissist could ask for. Well, as it turns out, Navarro’s political contributions are about as Republican as the words that screech out of her neurotic mouth.

An investigation by LifeZette reveals that Navarro has literally donated thousands of dollars to Democrats, hard-left Democrats like — brace yourself — Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. According to Lifezette, over the years, Navarro has donated a total of $1000 to the woman who until recently ran the Democratic National Committee.

Of the total of $18,000(!) Navarro has donated to Democrats since 1997, former-Senator Bob Graham of Florida received $200, as did New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez. Moreover, in 2006, although control of the U.S. Senate was on the line, Navarro organized three fundraisers for Menendez, who was in a tough re-election battle that he eventually won. Republicans also lost control of the Senate.

After the Lifezette report ran, Navarro defended herself with this tweet:

"So? Like many Miami R's, I gave to some D's who bucked Party, stood vs Ortega & Castros. Freedom over partisanship."

While it is true that Navarro has donated to Republicans of the John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Lisa Murkowski stripe, how does her virtue-signaling explanation wash with the news that she also donated $2000 to what Lifezette describes as “political action committees known as Democrats Win Seats and Help Elect America’s Team”?
Ana is smart woman and nobody's fool despite being a republican. She knew DT would be horrendous for this country and she was right. Also look for more former Trump supporters giving money to the DNC in the next year.

A focus group inPittsburgh held this week all of former trump voters got their message across loudly clearly. " He's been such a disappointment."
My favorite comment was " He's not even professional nonetheless presidential."
The trump base is evaporating faster then his sanity.
The most awkward President in a long time. I do not believe his base is evaporating.
The independents that held their nose and voted for trump are already gone. The racists, White supremacists ( many on this forum) will always stick by him.

His base has dwindled from the 40's to the low 30's.
This is what we always suspect about self described "Republicans" in the media who are always attacking Republican politicians. Scratch them, and underneath you find a died in the wool snowflake.

CNN 'Republican' Ana Navarro Contributed Thousands and Thousands of Dollars to Democrats - Breitbart

The leftwing (and last place) cable news network CNN just loves them some Ana Navarro, and does so only because of how useful she makes herself to them. Because Navarro identifies publicly as a Republican and regularly launches into grandstanding meltdowns about how awful, crazy, stupid, and racist President Donald Trump is, CNN rewards her with all the air time a witless narcissist could ask for. Well, as it turns out, Navarro’s political contributions are about as Republican as the words that screech out of her neurotic mouth.

An investigation by LifeZette reveals that Navarro has literally donated thousands of dollars to Democrats, hard-left Democrats like — brace yourself — Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. According to Lifezette, over the years, Navarro has donated a total of $1000 to the woman who until recently ran the Democratic National Committee.

Of the total of $18,000(!) Navarro has donated to Democrats since 1997, former-Senator Bob Graham of Florida received $200, as did New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez. Moreover, in 2006, although control of the U.S. Senate was on the line, Navarro organized three fundraisers for Menendez, who was in a tough re-election battle that he eventually won. Republicans also lost control of the Senate.

After the Lifezette report ran, Navarro defended herself with this tweet:

"So? Like many Miami R's, I gave to some D's who bucked Party, stood vs Ortega & Castros. Freedom over partisanship."

While it is true that Navarro has donated to Republicans of the John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Lisa Murkowski stripe, how does her virtue-signaling explanation wash with the news that she also donated $2000 to what Lifezette describes as “political action committees known as Democrats Win Seats and Help Elect America’s Team”?
Ana is smart woman and nobody's fool despite being a republican. She knew DT would be horrendous for this country and she was right. Also look for more former Trump supporters giving money to the DNC in the next year.

A focus group inPittsburgh held this week all of former trump voters got their message across loudly clearly. " He's been such a disappointment."
My favorite comment was " He's not even professional nonetheless presidential."
The trump base is evaporating faster then his sanity.
The most awkward President in a long time. I do not believe his base is evaporating.
The independents that held their nose and voted for trump are already gone. The racists, White supremacists ( many on this forum) will always stick by him.

His base has dwindled from the 40's to the low 30's.

Are you are going to allow the next DNC candidate to win the primaries with help from the DNC over other candidates?
This is what we always suspect about self described "Republicans" in the media who are always attacking Republican politicians. Scratch them, and underneath you find a died in the wool snowflake.

CNN 'Republican' Ana Navarro Contributed Thousands and Thousands of Dollars to Democrats - Breitbart

The leftwing (and last place) cable news network CNN just loves them some Ana Navarro, and does so only because of how useful she makes herself to them. Because Navarro identifies publicly as a Republican and regularly launches into grandstanding meltdowns about how awful, crazy, stupid, and racist President Donald Trump is, CNN rewards her with all the air time a witless narcissist could ask for. Well, as it turns out, Navarro’s political contributions are about as Republican as the words that screech out of her neurotic mouth.

An investigation by LifeZette reveals that Navarro has literally donated thousands of dollars to Democrats, hard-left Democrats like — brace yourself — Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. According to Lifezette, over the years, Navarro has donated a total of $1000 to the woman who until recently ran the Democratic National Committee.

Of the total of $18,000(!) Navarro has donated to Democrats since 1997, former-Senator Bob Graham of Florida received $200, as did New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez. Moreover, in 2006, although control of the U.S. Senate was on the line, Navarro organized three fundraisers for Menendez, who was in a tough re-election battle that he eventually won. Republicans also lost control of the Senate.

After the Lifezette report ran, Navarro defended herself with this tweet:

"So? Like many Miami R's, I gave to some D's who bucked Party, stood vs Ortega & Castros. Freedom over partisanship."

While it is true that Navarro has donated to Republicans of the John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Lisa Murkowski stripe, how does her virtue-signaling explanation wash with the news that she also donated $2000 to what Lifezette describes as “political action committees known as Democrats Win Seats and Help Elect America’s Team”?
Ana is smart woman and nobody's fool despite being a republican. She knew DT would be horrendous for this country and she was right. Also look for more former Trump supporters giving money to the DNC in the next year.

A focus group inPittsburgh held this week all of former trump voters got their message across loudly clearly. " He's been such a disappointment."
My favorite comment was " He's not even professional nonetheless presidential."
The trump base is evaporating faster then his sanity.
The most awkward President in a long time. I do not believe his base is evaporating.
The independents that held their nose and voted for trump are already gone. The racists, White supremacists ( many on this forum) will always stick by him.

His base has dwindled from the 40's to the low 30's.

Are you are going to allow the next DNC candidate to win the primaries with help from the DNC over other candidates?
Newsflash. I have no control over who wins the D primary.
Which of course has NOTHING to do with Trump's base seriously eroding.
Ana is obnoxious and a bad debater. She just starts yelling over everyone when they say something she doesn't like.

It's ... dare I say ... deplorable??
Ana Navarro has always been an intelligent well spoken conservative even though I don't agree with a lot of what she says.
But what has united millions of conservatives and liberals is the shock and horror of watching DT ruin and embarrass this country.
DT really is a uniter. He's united the country against him
This is what we always suspect about self described "Republicans" in the media who are always attacking Republican politicians. Scratch them, and underneath you find a died in the wool snowflake.

CNN 'Republican' Ana Navarro Contributed Thousands and Thousands of Dollars to Democrats - Breitbart

The leftwing (and last place) cable news network CNN just loves them some Ana Navarro, and does so only because of how useful she makes herself to them. Because Navarro identifies publicly as a Republican and regularly launches into grandstanding meltdowns about how awful, crazy, stupid, and racist President Donald Trump is, CNN rewards her with all the air time a witless narcissist could ask for. Well, as it turns out, Navarro’s political contributions are about as Republican as the words that screech out of her neurotic mouth.

An investigation by LifeZette reveals that Navarro has literally donated thousands of dollars to Democrats, hard-left Democrats like — brace yourself — Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. According to Lifezette, over the years, Navarro has donated a total of $1000 to the woman who until recently ran the Democratic National Committee.

Of the total of $18,000(!) Navarro has donated to Democrats since 1997, former-Senator Bob Graham of Florida received $200, as did New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez. Moreover, in 2006, although control of the U.S. Senate was on the line, Navarro organized three fundraisers for Menendez, who was in a tough re-election battle that he eventually won. Republicans also lost control of the Senate.

After the Lifezette report ran, Navarro defended herself with this tweet:

"So? Like many Miami R's, I gave to some D's who bucked Party, stood vs Ortega & Castros. Freedom over partisanship."

While it is true that Navarro has donated to Republicans of the John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Lisa Murkowski stripe, how does her virtue-signaling explanation wash with the news that she also donated $2000 to what Lifezette describes as “political action committees known as Democrats Win Seats and Help Elect America’s Team”?
Ana is smart woman and nobody's fool despite being a republican. She knew DT would be horrendous for this country and she was right. Also look for more former Trump supporters giving money to the DNC in the next year.

A focus group inPittsburgh held this week all of former trump voters got their message across loudly clearly. " He's been such a disappointment."
My favorite comment was " He's not even professional nonetheless presidential."
The trump base is evaporating faster then his sanity.
The most awkward President in a long time. I do not believe his base is evaporating.
The independents that held their nose and voted for trump are already gone. The racists, White supremacists ( many on this forum) will always stick by him.

His base has dwindled from the 40's to the low 30's.

Are you are going to allow the next DNC candidate to win the primaries with help from the DNC over other candidates?
Newsflash. I have no control over who wins the D primary.
Which of course has NOTHING to do with Trump's base seriously eroding.
Start thinking about it.

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