CNN Republican Debate

lol, Newt comes out for amnesty for illegals.

Now we get to see how irrational and desperate his anyone but Romney supporters are.

Newt came out for a common sense approach to 12-million people, a great many of which have established their lives and have children and grandchildren who are citizens and are productive; who should not be held legally responsible for an illegal act 25 years in their past.

It's amnesty by definition no matter how much sense it makes.

Yeah, well, we're going to have to get over terminology like "Amnesty".

Amnesty would mean citizenship, and Newt didn't say that. My impression was that he was talking about them becoming properly documented. Truth be known, you don't give a s*** about that issue, just that you want it used to divide the opposition.
Newt came out for a common sense approach to 12-million people, a great many of which have established their lives and have children and grandchildren who are citizens and are productive; who should not be held legally responsible for an illegal act 25 years in their past.

It's amnesty by definition no matter how much sense it makes.

Are you against amnesty?

I'm against all immigration, period. But since that position has no place in practical politics, I don't bother to express it.
Newt came out for a common sense approach to 12-million people, a great many of which have established their lives and have children and grandchildren who are citizens and are productive; who should not be held legally responsible for an illegal act 25 years in their past.

It's amnesty by definition no matter how much sense it makes.

Yeah, well, we're going to have to get over terminology like "Amnesty".

Amnesty would mean citizenship, and Newt didn't say that. My impression was that he was talking about them becoming properly documented. Truth be known, you don't give a s*** about that issue, just that you want it used to divide the opposition.

The 'opposition' was already divided on the issue. WTF?
Are you against amnesty?

I'm against all immigration, period. But since that position has no place in practical politics, I don't bother to express it.

So that's a yes. You are against amnesty?

I don't vote based on the issue of immigration. If Newt wants to place a 25 year statute of limitations on deportation for illegal immigration, fine. If he doesn't, fine. I'm not going to vote for him either way.
It's amnesty by definition no matter how much sense it makes.

Yeah, well, we're going to have to get over terminology like "Amnesty".

Amnesty would mean citizenship, and Newt didn't say that. My impression was that he was talking about them becoming properly documented. Truth be known, you don't give a s*** about that issue, just that you want it used to divide the opposition.

The 'opposition' was already divided on the issue. WTF?

Some of us focus on single issues early on, but when it comes down to crunch time we won't be played like you'd like us to be. Newt was bold, going into Iowa with that statement. It's a salient one there, but common sense will win out. Too bad your side can't win on the issues but has to rely on gaming the debate. That's not a winning stragegy, and it's not productive, but WTF.
Ron Paul got it wrong. McVeigh wasn't caught before he killed thousands. Paul isn't living in the real world.

He never said that, but he knows what the Patroit Act and the endless power it potentially gives the govt. can do. And that is a much bigger threat to us than terrorist attacks right now.

Common known statistic I'm sure you haven't heard buddy, you are 8 times more likely to die by a cop than a terrorist. That is the real world, not this 24 nonsense you watch on TV and your insane idea that people from halfway across the world are going to kill you because 'you're free'.
Ron Paul got it wrong. McVeigh wasn't caught before he killed thousands. Paul isn't living in the real world.

He never said that, but he knows what the Patroit Act and the endless power it potentially gives the govt. can do. And that is a much bigger threat to us than terrorist attacks right now.

Common known statistic I'm sure you haven't heard buddy, you are 8 times more likely to die by a cop than a terrorist. That is the real world, not this 24 nonsense you watch on TV and your insane idea that people from halfway across the world are going to kill you because 'you're free'.


Of course, you realize you're preaching to the choir.
We are all immigrants except for the Native Americans.

People are an asset, whether they are immigrants or not. This is the thing that Republicans don't realize. When you invest in people, you make your country stronger.

And the Mexicans I know are the hardest working people I have ever seen. They pick vegs in the fields all day long in 100 degree heat.

We need to invest in people to make our country stronger.
If they hate us because we are free and we restrict our freedoms to combat them, then don't they win? I don't believe they hate us because we are free but I just wanted to point out a hole in the logic. They hate us because we support their enemies and we have no regard for their traditions, heritage, or borders. We lob bombs inside their countries without regard for collateral damage. We fly drones over them and spy on them and then use the drones to kill them. They hate us because our footprints are everywhere in the world and we use our wealth and military to interfere directly or indirectly with every government on the planet.

Ron Paul is right, if any other country did this to us we would not stand for it.
The following is from the New YorkTimes Coverage of the Debate:

"The debate at Constitution Hall, just blocks from the White House, put pressure on the candidates to show their policy expertise in a way few, if any, have had to yet. Mr. Blitzer’s questions were augmented by those of a lineup that included Edwin Meese III, who served as attorney general under President Ronald Reagan; Paul D. Wolfowitz, a former deputy defense secretary and a leading architect of the Iraq war under President George W. Bush; and David S. Addington, a counselor to former Vice President Dick Cheney."

With those additional questioners present (Meese,Wolfowitz, and Addington) I'm surprised that the candidates were not "waterboarded" on live TV to help nail down their positions on National Security/ Foreign Policy issues. (smile)
And there you have it... Fuck Newt.

Are you on drugs?

Newt did what I wish someone had done a long time ago... slam-dunked Batshit Crazy Paul into the wall.

Mostly, they ignore this loon and his scary ideas. Newt just dropped kicked him by pointing out it's better to prevent an attack then avenge one.

Odd how Paul raped Newt, this was Newts worst showing, he still did better than others but I think he lost a lot of support tonight.
We are all immigrants except for the Native Americans.

People are an asset, whether they are immigrants or not. This is the thing that Republicans don't realize. When you invest in people, you make your country stronger.

And the Mexicans I know are the hardest working people I have ever seen. They pick vegs in the fields all day long in 100 degree heat.

We need to invest in people to make our country stronger.

So what kind of border security does a country have any right to?
If they hate us because we are free and we restrict our freedoms to combat them, then don't they win? I don't believe they hate us because we are free but I just wanted to point out a hole in the logic. They hate us because we support their enemies and we have no regard for their traditions, heritage, or borders. We lob bombs inside their countries without regard for collateral damage. We fly drones over them and spy on them and then use the drones to kill them. They hate us because our footprints are everywhere in the world and we use our wealth and military to interfere directly or indirectly with every government on the planet.

Ron Paul is right, if any other country did this to us we would not stand for it.

I would agree if you put the US on equal footing with countries like Iran and Syria. But the difference is, those countries promote global terrorism and the US does not. Do you think we are in countries like Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, South Korea etc... without the full consent of the respective governments?

One word comes to mind when I hear Paul speak of foreign affairs, "naivete' ".
Didn't clinton bomb the hell out of suspected terrorist sites in Afghanistan after a terrorist attack on one of our embassies in africa? We just sent a seal team into Pakistan without their knowledge to get Bin laden. In fact we send drones over countries all the time. Besides we are giving all of those countries aid so we are essentially buying our way in and then we never leave. It doesn't really matter if we think we are on the side of the righteous because you know what? Thats the same thing they think when they attack us.
People are an asset, whether they are immigrants or not. This is the thing that Republicans don't realize. When you invest in people, you make your country stronger.


This also comports with the Constitution and its case law, something most republicans also fail to realize.

If they hate us because we are free and we restrict our freedoms to combat them, then don't they win?


The Patriot Act was a victory for the terrorists. The Guantanamo Bay detention facility is a victory for the terrorists. Opposition to due process rights for enemy combatants, to mosques being built, to keeping Muslims out of government service is a victory for terrorists.

Almost every day Americans say and do things that contribute to the terrorist cause.
Ron Paul got it wrong. McVeigh wasn't caught before he killed thousands. Paul isn't living in the real world.

He never said that, but he knows what the Patroit Act and the endless power it potentially gives the govt. can do. And that is a much bigger threat to us than terrorist attacks right now.

Common known statistic I'm sure you haven't heard buddy, you are 8 times more likely to die by a cop than a terrorist. That is the real world, not this 24 nonsense you watch on TV and your insane idea that people from halfway across the world are going to kill you because 'you're free'.

That post was irrational and absurd.

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