CNN Republican Debate

I'm watching the After-Debate discussion as we speak, what's Erin Burnett doing there? she is way out of their league, and too sexy for my cat !!!
Two media have entered winners. CNN just had a panel of the five reporters and it was unanimous that Newt Gingrich was the winner. Although one added, Obama will still be answering the 3 am call after the election, lol.

Here's the Washington Post winners/losers:
Newt Gingrich
John Huntsman
Mitt Romney

Herman Cain
Ron Paul

No mention of Bachman or Santorum.
Watching the replay right now. I heard that Ron Paul got to answer quite a few questions and that Cain was sorta left out.

Jackson:Thanks for the info but I couldn't care less what WaPo said about the debate.
Watching the replay right now. I heard that Ron Paul got to answer quite a few questions and that Cain was sorta left out.

Jackson:Thanks for the info but I couldn't care less what WaPo said about the debate.

Oh, okay. Sorry. It was just that those were the only two I recognized.

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