CNN Republican Debate

Watching the replay right now. I heard that Ron Paul got to answer quite a few questions and that Cain was sorta left out.

Jackson:Thanks for the info but I couldn't care less what WaPo said about the debate.

got a link to that replay?
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Ron Paul got it wrong. McVeigh wasn't caught before he killed thousands. Paul isn't living in the real world.
These guys are hilarious. They keep saying what Obama thinks. But what comes next is so bizarre, only a Republican could possibly believe it.

Kinda like your posts....

You say that, but you never prove where they're wrong.

Now if I make something up, like, "Republicans applaud executions", oh wait, that's a bad example.

OK, uh, how about, "Let him die"? No, that's another one Republicans beat me to.

Mmmm, how about, "Repeal Child Labor laws"? No Republican would be so stupid to suggest that. Oops. Sorry.

Well, OK, I'm sure you can prove me wrong on something, but Republicans are so far out there, who knows what that could be?
Ron Paul did great. I have a feeling he might take Iowa, of course there is time for things to change before then.

When everyone on stage is trying to act tuff by being pro war in every case possible one person stands out, Paul. There are shit loads of Republicans that don't want more war and would like to see the wars we have going on now end, Ron Paul take all of them. The other 3-4 players can split the pro war crowd.

In the end I think it will be about what is bigger, the Pro war crowd or the Anti pointless wars crowd.
In the end I think it will be about what is bigger, the Pro war crowd or the Anti pointless wars crowd.

I think that's always been Paul's biggest draw. His initial surge in the '08 primaries was a direct result of him being the only candidate with the balls to call bullshit on our foreign policy. He's pretty much the only choice peacenicks have. That said, I suspect he'll be rejected. Whether it's a 'War on Drugs', a 'War on Terror' or a 'War on Poverty' or a 'War on Everyone Who isn't For Us' -- Americans love a fucking war!
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In the end I think it will be about what is bigger, the Pro war crowd or the Anti pointless wars crowd.

Gosh, what a clever attempt at setting up a false choice. You're quite the political scientist alright! :rolleyes:
I think Paul and Huntsman did the best in the debate. Gingrich did pretty well too, although he did have 1 or 2 missteps.
lol, Newt comes out for amnesty for illegals.

Now we get to see how irrational and desperate his anyone but Romney supporters are.

Newt came out for a common sense approach to 12-million people, a great many of which have established their lives and have children and grandchildren who are citizens and are productive; who should not be held legally responsible for an illegal act 25 years in their past.
Winners and Losers at GOP National Security Debate

Herman Cain

Newt Gingrich

Republican debate: Winners and Losers

Newt Gingrich
John Huntsman
Ron Paul
Michelle Bachmann
Mitt Romney
Rick Santorum

Herman Cain
Rick Perry

Key moments in the CNN debate

Newt Gingrich
Mitt Romney

Rick Perry

Key moments in the CNN debate -

CNN Republican debate: Winners and losers
Newt Gingrich
John Huntsman
Mitt Romney

Herman Cain
Ron Paul

CNN Republican debate: Winners and losers - The Washington Post
And there you have it... Fuck Newt.

Are you on drugs?

Newt did what I wish someone had done a long time ago... slam-dunked Batshit Crazy Paul into the wall.

Mostly, they ignore this loon and his scary ideas. Newt just dropped kicked him by pointing out it's better to prevent an attack then avenge one.

And the insane rhetoric of "pre-emptive war" marches on..................

This will play well in the general.
lol, Newt comes out for amnesty for illegals.

Now we get to see how irrational and desperate his anyone but Romney supporters are.

Newt came out for a common sense approach to 12-million people, a great many of which have established their lives and have children and grandchildren who are citizens and are productive; who should not be held legally responsible for an illegal act 25 years in their past.

It's amnesty by definition no matter how much sense it makes.
lol, Newt comes out for amnesty for illegals.

Now we get to see how irrational and desperate his anyone but Romney supporters are.

Newt came out for a common sense approach to 12-million people, a great many of which have established their lives and have children and grandchildren who are citizens and are productive; who should not be held legally responsible for an illegal act 25 years in their past.

It's amnesty by definition no matter how much sense it makes.

Are you against amnesty?

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