CNN to hold debate between Crazy Bernie & Lyin Ted next Tuesday

Why have a debate between two losers? No one will watch. Good move, CNN!

they WON 2nd place.
Isn't that equal to a "Participation" trophy?

no, comin in 2nd in a presidential election in the greatest country on earth is like gettin the silver medal in the olympics.
And where are they now? Licking their wounds.

Lyin Ted is on Trump's shortlist for the Supreme Court. and Crazy Bernie is..........on the shortlist for the Canadian supreme court!
Why have a debate between two losers? No one will watch. Good move, CNN!

I'd watch it if I knew ahead of time.

It could be an interesting exchange of ideas. And watching Cruz wipe the floor with Sanders could be fun.
Crazy Bernie will NEVER win a debate against Lyin Ted cause the truth belongs to us!

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