CNN Tries to Script Students’ Meeting with President Trump

Have you commented on the fact that this is a BS story yet?

Because it is. And you have taken a shit on CNN for it since you read it.

You are the guy who cares about facts and fairness, ain't ya?

Oh no! I'm caught in the Mac1958 circle jerk vortex!!! Someone save me!!!
Could it be LL that since you are a radical leftist, you can't see the big picture?
I created a little pack of leg humpers when I started using the "Regressive Left" term (borrowed from actual liberals). Now they're absolutely fixated.

It's a weird mix of flattering and creepy. You get used to it.
IF IT HAPPENED, which is possible, I suppose

The kid should be able to show us the script CNN gave him....

has he done that...??
Now why in the Hell would they let him keep it?
Use your brain!!!
Why not? He needed to memorize it so to say and ask what was allegedly scripted that CNN allegedly gave him?

It was his father that called CNN later and said to them his son would be unable to attend, or something of the sort, is what is being reported?

And his idea of using vets to fill positions as guards at schools is not an off the wall suggestion,'s a better idea than arming teachers and putting it on to the people who are suppose to be educators and suppose to be protected by the school system/local police, as well as the students....
It's not even something's an idea that is not off the wall crazy, no reason for CNN to even keep him from suggesting it?
I think the point that CNN wants to make is that the NRA is a bunch of murderers and they don't want any guns or any kind of protection for students in our schools.
This is all about attacking Republicans and getting Democrats back in the majority and into the White House.
This is not about trying to find any valid solution.
the harder they push the uglier this is gonna get.
if you live in Bowling Green, Kentucky or Portland, Maine, you don't have a sense of all the gun deaths that are out there. we need a Gun Death Tally to count and list all the Gun Deaths in america and put em on a website

in most cities, there are seperate blogs tallying up the gun deaths, and that keeps the media honest.

we know how many police officers are killed in the line of duty each year, but there is no tally for how many Americans are killed by police officers

a Gun Death Tally would trouble even the most ardent NRA supporter's conscience!
I think we should have an abortion tally shown on the screen of our TVs. Then at the same time have a running tally of gun deaths, excluding suicide, because no abortion can be a suicide. This will give everyone a good perspective of what's going on.
the Fairness Doctrine should have included the cable news media, it is who we get our news from, and requiring a news network to cover both sides of the story, and people on panels from both sides of the aisle, would have served the public better than the one sided stuff...
Have you commented on the fact that this is a BS story yet?

Because it is. And you have taken a shit on CNN for it since you read it.

You are the guy who cares about facts and fairness, ain't ya?

Oh no! I'm caught in the Mac1958 circle jerk vortex!!! Someone save me!!!
Could it be LL that since you are a radical leftist, you can't see the big picture?

Yeah. That's me. Radical.
The only thing scripted is the response from Moscow.

Sheriff Israel seemed like a butthurt fag when she pointed out the fact that his department should have known about the threat and they did nothing.

WTF is going on in Florida? Actually according to some interpretations of "scripture" those little forehead boxes are the mark of the beast.

Rather strange how government agencies (our beloved fbi) who are all committed to perpetuating the globalist agenda, IGNORED all of the warnings.

Almost as if they were waiting and hoping. Huh....
Strange, is it not how all of these organized bus trips and hotel rooms along with the BB&T center was used to have townhall "meeting" with the scripted questions. They were caught redhanded, and the left still dont believe it, or they dont care that they scripted them. That, is the stronger likelihood. They dont care.

Btw, still A LOT of unanswered questions about the Vegas shooting. Which, just so happened to kill a bunch of white country song fans, and the country music stars immediately call for "GUN CONTROL." Huh....

We still have not seen any video of the guy getting to the hotel. We still have not seen anyone claiming they heard those strong windows being knocked out. There are a lot of things we dont know, and will never know.

You all smell that. Wooooo weeeee! Something stinks!
FL Shooting Survivor Colton Haab: CNN Told Me I Needed To “Stick To The Script”; Entire Town Hall Scripted.

Trump’s luck is pretty amazing. The entire media sets up a week-long hatefest aimed at the NRA, culminating in that shameful fake “Town Hall,” and then the very next day it comes out that there was a police officer there who was too cowardly to do anything, and Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel, who was shaming and lecturing gun owners the night before, must have known it while he was up there on stage.

Trump’s superpower is his ability, just by existing, to bring out the deep and pervasive rot in America’s institutions and the people who run them.

Never forget that this is the same CNN that, by its own admission, is guilty of complicity in Saddam's genocide so they could have "access" to him.

This is also the same CNN that blood libeled our troops with their phony "Tailwind" expose.

This is also the same CNN that has a 9-11 truther as a regular contributor.

This is also the same CNN that took a disgraced ex-governor who was literally whoring around and gave him a show.

This is the same CNN that fed questions to Hillary Clinton prior to a debate with Bernie Sanders.

Seriously, is there a more morally depraved organization in this country? I'd trust La Cosa Nostra over these Communist scum. In a heartbeat.
FL Shooting Survivor Colton Haab: CNN Told Me I Needed To “Stick To The Script”; Entire Town Hall Scripted.

Trump’s luck is pretty amazing. The entire media sets up a week-long hatefest aimed at the NRA, culminating in that shameful fake “Town Hall,” and then the very next day it comes out that there was a police officer there who was too cowardly to do anything, and Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel, who was shaming and lecturing gun owners the night before, must have known it while he was up there on stage.

Trump’s superpower is his ability, just by existing, to bring out the deep and pervasive rot in America’s institutions and the people who run them.

Never forget that this is the same CNN that, by its own admission, is guilty of complicity in Saddam's genocide so they could have "access" to him.

This is also the same CNN that blood libeled our troops with their phony "Tailwind" expose.

This is also the same CNN that has a 9-11 truther as a regular contributor.

This is also the same CNN that took a disgraced ex-governor who was literally whoring around and gave him a show.

This is the same CNN that fed questions to Hillary Clinton prior to a debate with Bernie Sanders.

Seriously, is there a more morally depraved organization in this country? I'd trust La Cosa Nostra over these Communist scum. In a heartbeat.
/----/ Sadly, the CNN viewers will never know any of this since CNN will not rat itself out.
FL Shooting Survivor Colton Haab: CNN Told Me I Needed To “Stick To The Script”; Entire Town Hall Scripted.

Trump’s luck is pretty amazing. The entire media sets up a week-long hatefest aimed at the NRA, culminating in that shameful fake “Town Hall,” and then the very next day it comes out that there was a police officer there who was too cowardly to do anything, and Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel, who was shaming and lecturing gun owners the night before, must have known it while he was up there on stage.

Trump’s superpower is his ability, just by existing, to bring out the deep and pervasive rot in America’s institutions and the people who run them.

Never forget that this is the same CNN that, by its own admission, is guilty of complicity in Saddam's genocide so they could have "access" to him.

This is also the same CNN that blood libeled our troops with their phony "Tailwind" expose.

This is also the same CNN that has a 9-11 truther as a regular contributor.

This is also the same CNN that took a disgraced ex-governor who was literally whoring around and gave him a show.

This is the same CNN that fed questions to Hillary Clinton prior to a debate with Bernie Sanders.

Seriously, is there a more morally depraved organization in this country? I'd trust La Cosa Nostra over these Communist scum. In a heartbeat.

I don't know why anyone with an ounce of intellectual honesty would watch fake news CNN, or the other mainstream news. They are not interested in the truth and nothing but the truth. They are essentially the unofficial PR and propaghanda arm of the DNC! As Paul Harvey said "I like to know the rest of the story!"
FL Shooting Survivor Colton Haab: CNN Told Me I Needed To “Stick To The Script”; Entire Town Hall Scripted.

Trump’s luck is pretty amazing. The entire media sets up a week-long hatefest aimed at the NRA, culminating in that shameful fake “Town Hall,” and then the very next day it comes out that there was a police officer there who was too cowardly to do anything, and Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel, who was shaming and lecturing gun owners the night before, must have known it while he was up there on stage.

Trump’s superpower is his ability, just by existing, to bring out the deep and pervasive rot in America’s institutions and the people who run them.

Never forget that this is the same CNN that, by its own admission, is guilty of complicity in Saddam's genocide so they could have "access" to him.

This is also the same CNN that blood libeled our troops with their phony "Tailwind" expose.

This is also the same CNN that has a 9-11 truther as a regular contributor.

This is also the same CNN that took a disgraced ex-governor who was literally whoring around and gave him a show.

This is the same CNN that fed questions to Hillary Clinton prior to a debate with Bernie Sanders.

Seriously, is there a more morally depraved organization in this country? I'd trust La Cosa Nostra over these Communist scum. In a heartbeat.
So, Weatherman2020, do you feel like a goddamned fool? You should, along with all the rest of you ignorant lemmings.



Fucking wingnuts.
CNN has an agenda to push and that's the way it's gonna go. They've long since dropped any pretenses.
This was over a townhall that CNN held last yesterday, not the White House meeting.
And we've seen celebrities on Twitter claiming that we're lying about some of these kids being scripted by the media.
Now we have one of them exposing CNN doing exactly what we have accused them of.
This is not acceptable....I don't care if you're a fence-sitter or on either side of the fence.....this shit is not acceptable.
This is where a so called 'news agency' needs to lose their status and protections under the first amendment... THEY ARE PURELY A LEFT WING PROPAGANDA AGENCY...
Congress really needs to pass a law that fake news CNN and fake news MSNBC have a disclaimer on the bottom of the screen that they are NOT journalists.

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