CNN Truth Squad: Did Obama destroy the economy?

Are you really that stupid?

You show a web article from that nutjob website that shows "Obama's" people claim his oil drilling stoppage didn't harm jobs in the Gulf of Mexico. Gee, his people reported he didn't do anything wrong.

Meanwhile in the same article a Democat Senator from LA says he is full of shit. You must be brain dead or something....

Yeah, not allowing oil companies to do their job doesn't harm their ability to employ people. :cuckoo:

And these new regulations are unnecessary?

Well, let's examine what they did in response to the Deepwater Horizon spill.

Even though the well that caused the crisis was a deep water well, Ken Salazar at the Department of the Interior immediately enforced a moratorium on ALL new drilling in the Gulf Coast including shallow water platforms that have had a perfect safety record over the past twenty years. Then despite pleas from both Democratic and Republican politicians from the Gulf Coast, Salazar kept that moratorium in place for over six months, costing drilling companies millions of dollars and forcing the lay offs of tens of thousands of people in the Gulf Coast area. Only after oil prices spiked with people starting to pay over $4 a gallon for gas and with the Obama White House taking heat over the issue was the moratorium reluctantly lifted, at which point Salazar purposely slowed down the approval process so that getting approval to resume drilling dragged on and on while they ironed out the "process".

But the report found no large increases in unemployment claims, thanks in part to a big hiring push for cleanup crews and massive spending by BP on the recovery effort.

Drilling Moratorium Hasn't Cost Any Jobs In The Gulf, Feds Say
Why? The only thing he was good at was sending our troops off to die in a snype hunt for WMD?

See what I mean?

All you need to do is mention George W and libs begin to whine like dogs on chains.:lol:

I will assume you don't have the loss data for CAT?

Savings Of $500 million a year beginning in 2015 to offset $400 million in one-time integration costs

Read more: Caterpillar Sees Greater Cost Savings From Bucyrus Purchase | Fox Business

It would appear that CAT has shrugged off the "losses" they claimed they would take due to legislation...
Are you really that stupid?

You show a web article from that nutjob website that shows "Obama's" people claim his oil drilling stoppage didn't harm jobs in the Gulf of Mexico. Gee, his people reported he didn't do anything wrong.

Meanwhile in the same article a Democat Senator from LA says he is full of shit. You must be brain dead or something....

Yeah, not allowing oil companies to do their job doesn't harm their ability to employ people. :cuckoo:

Well, let's examine what they did in response to the Deepwater Horizon spill.

Even though the well that caused the crisis was a deep water well, Ken Salazar at the Department of the Interior immediately enforced a moratorium on ALL new drilling in the Gulf Coast including shallow water platforms that have had a perfect safety record over the past twenty years. Then despite pleas from both Democratic and Republican politicians from the Gulf Coast, Salazar kept that moratorium in place for over six months, costing drilling companies millions of dollars and forcing the lay offs of tens of thousands of people in the Gulf Coast area. Only after oil prices spiked with people starting to pay over $4 a gallon for gas and with the Obama White House taking heat over the issue was the moratorium reluctantly lifted, at which point Salazar purposely slowed down the approval process so that getting approval to resume drilling dragged on and on while they ironed out the "process".

But the report found no large increases in unemployment claims, thanks in part to a big hiring push for cleanup crews and massive spending by BP on the recovery effort.

Drilling Moratorium Hasn't Cost Any Jobs In The Gulf, Feds Say

Got proof of the "tens of thousands" of lost jobs you claimed? I'll wait..
Wolfendstein was one of the first, first-person video games. Since everyone can agree that Nazis are deplorable, they were the first human targets that kids got to shoot at on screen. (There's more to the plot than that, but yes the avatar DOES look a lot like Wolfenstein.) Duke Nuke 'Em went the other way....over the top kill everyone and make no excuses.

On the original topic...of course libs "Blame Booosh" too much and conservatives "Blame Boooosh" too little. That's the way of the world. Neither should ever delude themselves into thinking they can "win" this argument.

The tie does go to the runner say that you can blame Obama for the majority of history is just stupid.

Thanks, I wasnt familiar with the reference. Obama didnt start this mess. He is just clogging up the drain.
And these new regulations are unnecessary?

Well, let's examine what they did in response to the Deepwater Horizon spill.

Even though the well that caused the crisis was a deep water well, Ken Salazar at the Department of the Interior immediately enforced a moratorium on ALL new drilling in the Gulf Coast including shallow water platforms that have had a perfect safety record over the past twenty years. Then despite pleas from both Democratic and Republican politicians from the Gulf Coast, Salazar kept that moratorium in place for over six months, costing drilling companies millions of dollars and forcing the lay offs of tens of thousands of people in the Gulf Coast area. Only after oil prices spiked with people starting to pay over $4 a gallon for gas and with the Obama White House taking heat over the issue was the moratorium reluctantly lifted, at which point Salazar purposely slowed down the approval process so that getting approval to resume drilling dragged on and on while they ironed out the "process".

But the report found no large increases in unemployment claims, thanks in part to a big hiring push for cleanup crews and massive spending by BP on the recovery effort.

Drilling Moratorium Hasn't Cost Any Jobs In The Gulf, Feds Say

So you give me a Huffington Post article as proof jobs weren't lost? Hate to break this to you, my liberal friend but Huffington Post is a joke and has been for years. Let's look at the article they wrote a little closer...shall we? They're going along with the Administration's spin that job losses weren't as high as the Gulf locals warned they would be because of the thousands of people that were paid to pick up tar balls on the beaches. So tell me what you think the difference in pay is between on of THOSE workers and a skilled driller working on an off shore platform? It's like taking away a permanent high tech job and replacing it with a temp job putting flyers on people's cars at the mall. Yes, they are both "jobs" but one is a real job and the other isn't.

And because Ken Salazar did such a great job of stonewalling drilling permits many Oil exploration companies have moved platforms out of the Gulf Coast areas to other areas around the globe. They won't be coming back for quite some time...if ever...which means more American jobs lost to other countries.
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For the record, I think that most people can separate reality from fantasy regarding videogames and gun imagery.
Wolfendstein was one of the first, first-person video games. Since everyone can agree that Nazis are deplorable, they were the first human targets that kids got to shoot at on screen. (There's more to the plot than that, but yes the avatar DOES look a lot like Wolfenstein.) Duke Nuke 'Em went the other way....over the top kill everyone and make no excuses.

On the original topic...of course libs "Blame Booosh" too much and conservatives "Blame Boooosh" too little. That's the way of the world. Neither should ever delude themselves into thinking they can "win" this argument.

The tie does go to the runner say that you can blame Obama for the majority of history is just stupid.

Thanks, I wasnt familiar with the reference. Obama didnt start this mess. He is just clogging up the drain.

How much did the little debt cieling stunt clog the drain?
Wolfendstein was one of the first, first-person video games. Since everyone can agree that Nazis are deplorable, they were the first human targets that kids got to shoot at on screen. (There's more to the plot than that, but yes the avatar DOES look a lot like Wolfenstein.) Duke Nuke 'Em went the other way....over the top kill everyone and make no excuses.

On the original topic...of course libs "Blame Booosh" too much and conservatives "Blame Boooosh" too little. That's the way of the world. Neither should ever delude themselves into thinking they can "win" this argument.

The tie does go to the runner say that you can blame Obama for the majority of history is just stupid.

Thanks, I wasnt familiar with the reference. Obama didnt start this mess. He is just clogging up the drain.

How much did the little debt cieling stunt clog the drain?

the buck stops where? I'd hate to see Obama play chess. I'll tell you that.
Dont know what wolfistein is. The avy is just an annimation of a rapid fire pistol shoot.

But you do realize it's animated, and not a picture of a real person, right?

Do I realize its animated after stating twice its an animation?

Why dont you fill in the blanks............................

'Animation' in and of itself does not suggest not a real guy. DTMB has live-action animations as his sig lines.

Full Auto said:
The avatar is just a guy at a pistol range. For some reason the annimation portion doesnt work here.

Cuyo said:
A guy at a pistol range? It's clearly a cartoon and not a real 'guy...' But I digress..

Full Auto said:
Do you understand the difference in reading avy and signature?

So you understand my confusion. 'A guy at a pistol range' does not seem to be indicative of a cartoon or computer generated animation.
This is just yet another example of what a left wing hack Democratic Party propaganda network CNN is. Rather then asking the obvious question, has Obama helped or harmed the economy, which is harmed, they go with the liberal objective one of figuring out how to blame Bush more then Obama which somehow magically makes Obama not suck. W sucked, so does Obama. Splitting the blame changes nothing because Obama is President and Bush isn't.
...better yet, while you're waiting just hold your breath. That will help the economy out.

Are you really that stupid?

You show a web article from that nutjob website that shows "Obama's" people claim his oil drilling stoppage didn't harm jobs in the Gulf of Mexico. Gee, his people reported he didn't do anything wrong.

Meanwhile in the same article a Democat Senator from LA says he is full of shit. You must be brain dead or something....

Yeah, not allowing oil companies to do their job doesn't harm their ability to employ people. :cuckoo:

Got proof of the "tens of thousands" of lost jobs you claimed? I'll wait..
Wolfendstein was one of the first, first-person video games. Since everyone can agree that Nazis are deplorable, they were the first human targets that kids got to shoot at on screen. (There's more to the plot than that, but yes the avatar DOES look a lot like Wolfenstein.) Duke Nuke 'Em went the other way....over the top kill everyone and make no excuses.

On the original topic...of course libs "Blame Booosh" too much and conservatives "Blame Boooosh" too little. That's the way of the world. Neither should ever delude themselves into thinking they can "win" this argument.

The tie does go to the runner say that you can blame Obama for the majority of history is just stupid.

Thanks, I wasnt familiar with the reference. Obama didnt start this mess. He is just clogging up the drain.

How much did the little debt cieling stunt clog the drain?

None, as that wasnt the only part of the equation.

How much did democrats clog the drain by calling any cut extreme before any negotiations took place?
How much did the little debt cieling stunt clog the drain?

Not raising the debt ceiling because Congress and Obama are too idiotic to care that uncontrolled taxes and spending increases are crushing the life out of us is not a stunt. Saying the problem isn't taxing and spending but that their credit card limit is the problem is the stunt.

Try that with your credit card company. Call them and tell them their refusal to increase your credit card limit is a "stunt" and why you aren't able to live within your budget because your plan was to charge whatever you didn't have the ability to pay within your income to your credit card.
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Don't confuse the twit, (s)he thinks 10,000 people losing their jobs from the oil and tourist industries is offset by Obamination hiring 500 people from the ghetto along the coast to handout flyers and pick up oil blobs.

Govt jobs each are worth 100 private jobs.

This is why they think driving a private business out of business with taxes and regulations and forcing those same workers into a dead end seasonal Govt job like road crews or unemployment benefits is stimulating the economy.

Well, let's examine what they did in response to the Deepwater Horizon spill.

Even though the well that caused the crisis was a deep water well, Ken Salazar at the Department of the Interior immediately enforced a moratorium on ALL new drilling in the Gulf Coast including shallow water platforms that have had a perfect safety record over the past twenty years. Then despite pleas from both Democratic and Republican politicians from the Gulf Coast, Salazar kept that moratorium in place for over six months, costing drilling companies millions of dollars and forcing the lay offs of tens of thousands of people in the Gulf Coast area. Only after oil prices spiked with people starting to pay over $4 a gallon for gas and with the Obama White House taking heat over the issue was the moratorium reluctantly lifted, at which point Salazar purposely slowed down the approval process so that getting approval to resume drilling dragged on and on while they ironed out the "process".

But the report found no large increases in unemployment claims, thanks in part to a big hiring push for cleanup crews and massive spending by BP on the recovery effort.

Drilling Moratorium Hasn't Cost Any Jobs In The Gulf, Feds Say

So you give me a Huffington Post article as proof jobs weren't lost? Hate to break this to you, my liberal friend but Huffington Post is a joke and has been for years. Let's look at the article they wrote a little closer...shall we? They're going along with the Administration's spin that job losses weren't as high as the Gulf locals warned they would be because of the thousands of people that were paid to pick up tar balls on the beaches. So tell me what you think the difference in pay is between on of THOSE workers and a skilled driller working on an off shore platform? It's like taking away a permanent high tech job and replacing it with a temp job putting flyers on people's cars at the mall. Yes, they are both "jobs" but one is a real job and the other isn't.

And because Ken Salazar did such a great job of stonewalling drilling permits many Oil exploration companies have moved platforms out of the Gulf Coast areas to other areas around the globe. They won't be coming back for quite some time...if ever...which means more American jobs lost to other countries.
For the record, I think that most people can separate reality from fantasy regarding videogames and gun imagery.

You'd think so, right?

So tell us how mad you are at Obama for not condemning Hoffa Junior for his speech about "taking out" Republicans...

Of course that's "different." People do understand the difference when Democrats say it, right Cuyo?
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Let's be honest, shall we? Even WITH a supermajority, he was totally ineffective on Healthcare Reform....

He brought the bill back from the brink with one speech, that's not "totally inneffective".

Or are you bashing the bill that got passed itself...?

You act like the Bill is the solution. It is not. It puts Big Government, Big Pharmaceuticals, Big Insurance, Big Medical, Big Litigation, all in line at the same Buffet. It does nothing to address out of control cost of services. You are rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. The Buffet everyone is in line to get a piece of is Us.

No, I don't act like it's a solution and I don't think it is, either. Not at all. Still it's a small step in the right direction (not to guys like you, obviously).

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