CNN US : Biden : "I've made it clear that if the Israelis go into population centers [such as Rafah], we will not be supplying arms [4 the job]"

President Truman ordered the atom bomb to be dropped on Japan killing and maiming thousands of innocent Japanese citizens. We are in no position to condemn Israel.
That was different - this is the Joooo country.
those bombs saved hundreds of thousands of lives on both sides, we were gearing up for a land invasion of Japan that would have cost more lives than the bombs took.
Dropping the atom bomb was not necessary as the Japanese were already prepared to surrender.
President Truman ordered the atom bomb to be dropped on Japan killing and maiming thousands of innocent Japanese citizens. We are in no position to condemn Israel.
Well you don't have to arm them either... Simple...

US can simply say, Isreal you play by our rules or you can deal with the blowback on your own... US runs cover for them in UN and makes sure EU doesn't boycott them... EU is basically playing nice at the request of US...
By the way you think the genocide of
5 million Palestinians
88.5 million Irans

will solve the problem...

You can't see any problems that might occur if that happens? None at all....
The muslims started the shit. Israel is merely retaliating. Islam is on a 1000 year jihad to rule the world and idiots like you are helping them.
Because no matter what Joe Biden does, it will always be the wrong thing.
The New Republican's, the party of Benedict Donald, Mantra since Jan. 20, 2021. Very similar to the way they tried to denigrate and deny any victory to Obama to make him a one term wonder like Donnie Dangerously.
Dropping the atom bomb was not necessary as the Japanese were already prepared to surrender.
wrong, that is revisionist history which is bullshit. Japan was trying to hold all of the Pacific islands to use as bases to protect their homeland. Truman did the right thing and Truman was a democrat. BTW, if Truman and Kennedy were alive today they would not be democrats of today.
The muslims started the shit. Israel is merely retaliating. Islam is on a 1000 year jihad to rule the world and idiots like you are helping them.
Muslims started this? Really?

Well that is very debatable...

Arabs have been living there for centuries before the State of Isreal was invented...

Isreal is the country who is taking in immigrants and letting them and protecting them taking Palestinian land illegally...

I am not claiming one side is innocent here, but lets be clear saying side stared or the other is a joke...
The muslims started the shit. Israel is merely retaliating. Islam is on a 1000 year jihad to rule the world and idiots like you are helping them.
And they’re making fast inroads into this country too. The compounds the Jew-hating Muslims and their idiot supporters have set up on colelge campuses nationwide is the start of a caliphate.
Thanks for your ignorance...

I would ask you for evidence but that will set off the insulting brain cell..
Geez man, he’s cutting off congressional approved military aid to the folks fighting hamas

How can you all be this dumb
No he didin't...

What Biden made clear is that you aren't bombing innocent people with US made bombs...
Gaza is not innocent. they attacked Israel and murdered thousands of innocents. Israel is fully justified in retaliating. Funny how you libs support sending billions to Ukraine but not to our real ally, Israel.
Weird how that is OK with a (D) after the name.

How the cult cannot reconcile they are brainwashed is so absurd.

Israel does need to wrap it up soon.

Same with Russia Ukraine.

The US exports war and death.
The reason its taking months is because they are trying to limit civilian casualties with a ground offensive (and at risk for themselves).

If Biden is going to cut off Israel, they’ll need to broaden their approach and just level the place. Tragic for the hostages.
Gaza is not innocent. they attacked Israel and murdered thousands of innocents. Israel is fully justified in retaliating. Funny how you libs support sending billions to Ukraine but not to our real ally, Israel.
To be fair dems in congress passed the aid package…it’s Joey Hamas that is unilaterally cutting aid.
The New Republican's, the party of Benedict Donald, Mantra since Jan. 20, 2021. Very similar to the way they tried to denigrate and deny any victory to Obama to make him a one term wonder like Donnie Dangerously.
Obama? you mean the first gay POTUS and the first trans FLOTUS?

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