CNN US : Biden : "I've made it clear that if the Israelis go into population centers [such as Rafah], we will not be supplying arms [4 the job]"

Just quit.

They are slaughtering women and children with 2000 bombs dropped in residential neighborhoods.

Reality is real, Son.
what did hamas do in October? murder rape destroy. Israel is merely giving them what they gave. and they are fully justified in doing it. Why do you side with the muslims who want to force you to be subjugated to them?
To be fair dems in congress passed the aid package…it’s Joey Hamas that is unilaterally cutting aid.
And is that constitutional? In such a blatant violation, can the SCOTUS intervene?

We have a president* who is siding with HAMAS terrorists against an American ally and acting like a dictator.

P.S. Don’t try to tell me Obama isn’t behind this.
what did hamas do in October? murder rape destroy. Israel is merely giving them what they gave. and they are fully justified in doing it. Why do you side with the muslims who want to force you to be subjugated to them?
Isn't Israel supposed to be the good guys? You cannot justify killing entire families to get at a few terrorists.

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