CNN Virus Townhall Features Greta Thunberg

What is the opinion of a 17 year old kid with zero medical background worth to CNN and their viewers? Don't you think that's a legitimate question? My son is the same age and has the same qualifications as her to sit on that panel, which is none. Why don't they have him on?
Fuck if I know. Ask someone that gives a damn.

But you decided to comment on the topic anyway
What is the opinion of a 17 year old kid with zero medical background worth to CNN and their viewers? Don't you think that's a legitimate question? My son is the same age and has the same qualifications as her to sit on that panel, which is none. Why don't they have him on?
Fuck if I know. Ask someone that gives a damn.

But you decided to comment on the topic anyway
So perceptive of you.
Amazing how a little girl gets your panties all wadded up.

What qualifies her to be on a coronavirus panel?
Its TV and they will probably get many viewers. I don't follow her. She means nothing to me but she sure gets the publicity and drives the wingers nuts.

So she's not qualified?
Qualified to give her opinion. Doesn't move me in any direction.

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