CNN, "You are FAKE News!"

This is why your politicians and politics were roundly rejected in the election. Americans are tired of your lies and stupidity. Keep it up and the father of the next Democrat President hasn't been born yet.

And what's remarkable is -- Unemployment was low, the economy was moving, we weren't at War, there were no serious scandals, no indictments, housing prices and the Equiteies Markets were growing, there was no inflation........

And dimocrap scum got shown the door -- BIG TIME.

Not just by a little bit -- It was an ass-kicking of historical proportions. Republicans are in the strongest position we've been in since 1920.

Know why? We do. dimocrap scum don't

Because -- Well........ They're just simply stupid

No more complicated than that
Because their nominee wasn't a GOPer?
What CNN wrote about Trump was true

Prove it Moon Bat.

Facts are not what you stupid hateful confused Moon Bats want them to be but what they really are. Clapper said that was not an intelligence report. It was a fake story. Stop being a partisan shithead asshole. It just makes you look like an idiot.
They didn't report the salacious rumors, just that it was out there. ZZZZZZZZZZZ
This society is clearly dysfunctionally unable to govern itself.
One man's opinion.

Others may agree.

I beg to differ.

We can govern ourselves.

It it those that represent us who have failed in their responsibilities.

DC is dysfunctional. Not America.

No, your excuse is what is widely employed by the public to excuse themselves of any and all responsibility. It's not your politicans, it is the public who allows it, participates, complies, and sanctions the entire mess.
"CNN is in a total meltdown with their FAKE NEWS because their ratings are tanking since election and their credibility will soon be gone!" - Trump
I watched CNN last night just to see them stressing out, and having some fits. I was not disappointed.
When children are petulant and doing things they should not do, especially dishonest things, they need to be corrected.
Perhaps CNN, will finally begin to reform, clean house, and begin to engage in Non Biased Reporting and Real Journalism.
Then instead of declaring bankruptcy in the next couple years, they can win back some of The Public.

I, too.

Interesting hour with Anderson Cooper trying to defend CNN...and lying about their role.

This, after Anderson Cooper kept denying that they preceded the BuzzFeed smear.

"Other media outlets including the Guardian had obtained and reviewed the documents in recent weeks but declined to publish because there was no way to independently verify them.

The stakes rose on Tuesday when CNN reported ....

An hour after CNN’s initial story, BuzzFeed went ahead and published the documents."
BuzzFeed publishes unsubstantiated Trump report, raising ethics questions

The only criticism I have of Conway is that she did not come out and smack Anderson Cooper and CNN upside the head with the accusation that they were engaging in a campaign of "Plausible Deniability!"

They knew the report was unsubstantiated. So what they did was go forward with it anyways as a "hit job", because they were biased and have been biased against Trump, and then let BuzzFeed finish The Dirty Work for them so they could set up "plausible deniability" and escape responsibility for "tabloid journalism."


What they did, was to say in denial, "Well, we only reported on the "rumor" BuzzFeed published the actual documents."

People have to be stupid if they believe anything CNN or Cooper says. They knew exactly what they were doing.
Reporting the news, but not the rumors? It's called JOURNALISM. Dupes don' understand the diff, and neither does their fake news bureau.
Years of fake news in the form of Birtherism, .

You mean Crooked Hillary was putting out fake news about Obama in the 2008 Moon Bat Primaries when she was the first one to raise the issue?

You were one of these dumbass Moon Bats that voted for her, aren't you?

Are you a hypocrite or simply a partisan asshole? Maybe both?
Debunked fake news except in dupe world...
‘You Are Fake News!’: Trump and CNN’s Jim Acosta Get Into Shouting Match at Presser

During President-elect Donald Trump’s press conference today, Trump took aim at “fake news” regarding the release of an unverified dossier by Buzzfeed, calling them a “failing piece of garbage.” Following that, he ended up getting into an argument with a CNN reporter, who he also called out during the presser over their report on a two-page synopsis they claim was presented to Trump.

With Trump looking to call on other reporters, Jim Acosta yelled out, “You are attacking our news organization, can you give us a chance to ask a question, sir?”

“I’m not going to give you a question,” Trump responded. “You are fake news!”


I heard Hugh Hewitt say today that CNN made a mistake and that Trump should make a truce with them

In reality, nothing could be farther from the truth. CNN is merely an extension of the DNC, giving Hillary debate questions. They made no mistake and Trump should attack them at every chance and make known to anyone who will listen that they have no credibility. He should sue them.
ONE CNNer, a Dem leader, gave ONE question, a totally obvious one. ZZZZZZZZZZZZ
What CNN wrote about Trump was true

Prove it Moon Bat.

Facts are not what you stupid hateful confused Moon Bats want them to be but what they really are. Clapper said that was not an intelligence report. It was a fake story. Stop being a partisan shithead asshole. It just makes you look like an idiot.
They didn't report the salacious rumors, just that it was out there. ZZZZZZZZZZZ

According to Clapper the "report" didn't come from the intelligence community which CNN reported. That means they either purposely lied or they took something without substance and tried to make Trump look bad. That is dishonest journalism. Do you even understand that?

There were "reports" that Obama was born in Kenya and that he had homosexual relationships in college but I never saw a CNN reporter try to shout him down over that.

Stop trying to defend the indefensible. It just makes you look like a fool.
What CNN wrote about Trump was true

Prove it Moon Bat.

Facts are not what you stupid hateful confused Moon Bats want them to be but what they really are. Clapper said that was not an intelligence report. It was a fake story. Stop being a partisan shithead asshole. It just makes you look like an idiot.
They didn't report the salacious rumors, just that it was out there. ZZZZZZZZZZZ

According to Clapper the "report" didn't come from the intelligence community which CNN reported. That means they either purposely lied or they took something without substance and tried to make Trump look bad. That is dishonest journalism. Do you even understand that?

There were "reports" that Obama was born in Kenya and that he had homosexual relationships in college but I never saw a CNN reporter try to shout him down over that.

Stop trying to defend the indefensible. It just makes you look like a fool.
BS. The CNN report was factual as always and didn't report the salacious rumors. As even Fox is now reporting. Ha Ha. Only Fox and Rush etc reported the Obama fake news. CNN reported it was out there. Same thing. Fake news vs real news, dupe.
Did Donald Trump say, "Fake news?"

Why yes. Yes he did.

Thousands and thousands of Muslims on rooftops cheered when Trump knocked down CNN. Ted Cruz's dad put down his Mannlicher–Carcano. Millions of illegal Mexicans retracted their votes. Obama took his Kenyan birth certificate and went home.

It's morning in America.

BS. Cooper is right. CNN only said there was possible info, didn't report rumors..

So you're telling me it's good journal practice to put out info that we dont know is true?

Like the thousnds of bs hate stories the RW did on the Clintons? Poor RWers. You made the bed.

I didn't know the FBI was a BS organization.

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