CO liberals force HS students to say Pledge of Allegiance in ARABIC!!!

According to Dr. Robert Morey, one of the top non Muslim scholars in the world
Face it ......the guy is a disgraced fraud, thief, and an outright liar. ... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

"Robert Morey also served as a pastor at the Faith Community Church in California, where members of his church accused him of illegal and immoral behavior, including using church money for his personal expenses. Consequently, the Fellowship of Independent Reformed Evangelicals (F.I.R.E.) had “Robert Morey Thrown Out Of His Denomination” and forcibly resigned him in a unanimous vote by board officials, declaring that he had “abused his pastoral authority.”

My God is Better Than Yours (II): Robert Morey, The Fake Doctor Behind the "Allah is the Moon-God" Theory |
According to Dr. Robert Morey, one of the top non Muslim scholars in the world
Face it ......the guy is a disgraced fraud, thief, and an outright liar. ... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

"Robert Morey also served as a pastor at the Faith Community Church in California, where members of his church accused him of illegal and immoral behavior, including using church money for his personal expenses. Consequently, the Fellowship of Independent Reformed Evangelicals (F.I.R.E.) had “Robert Morey Thrown Out Of His Denomination” and forcibly resigned him in a unanimous vote by board officials, declaring that he had “abused his pastoral authority.”

My God is Better Than Yours (II): Robert Morey, The Fake Doctor Behind the "Allah is the Moon-God" Theory |
Just like Mohammed, the ass-wiper-with-rocks prophet.
My God is Better Than Yours: Robert Morey, The Fake Doctor Behind the “Allah is the Moon-God” Theory

It would behoove us to first question the source of this moon-god theory: who is Robert Morey? Is he a credible scholar? The answer is an emphatic no. He is a Christian Evangelist and anti-Muslim polemicist: it seems fairly obvious that he has a strong bias. As is the case with other pro-Christian anti-Muslim ideologues who claim to be “scholars on Islam” (such as Robert Spencer), Morey possesses absolutely no credible academic qualifications on the subject of Islam.

Worse than this, Morey is a quack, claiming credentials that are outright fake: on his website, he claims that he has an honorary doctor of divinity (D.D.) in Islamic Studies from the Faith Theological Seminary located in Pakistan. Firstly, it should be noted that an “honorary degree” would mean that he never actually attended the school at all.

But if this wasn’t bad enough, the degree itself is fraudulent. When the Faith Theological Seminary found out Morey was claiming to have a degree from their school, they categorically denied that they had ever issued such a degree to him and ordered him to remove the claim from his site or face criminal charges. The school referred to Morey’s “degree” as an “illegal and fake degree”. (Morey did not remove it from his site and continues to claim the degree.)

Robert Morey also claims a PhD in Islamic Studies from the Louisiana Baptist University (LBU). This is an unaccredited institution that is not recognized by the U.S. Department of Education or by the Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). LBU is a “distance learning program” (teaching via the internet), with one alumnus boasting that “the LBU program may be completed 100% via distance learning”, while noting that “I did spend one week on campus”. In other words, the PhD is “earned” over the internet, not the classroom.

My God is Better Than Yours (II): Robert Morey, The Fake Doctor Behind the "Allah is the Moon-God" Theory |

Quoting a hate website. Completely false.

Robert Morey

Robert Morey refined his expertise and his knowledge over more than three and a half decades of study and practice. He began his education at Covenant College where he graduated with a B.A. in Philosophy in 1969. Continuing quickly into his graduate studies at Westminster Theological Seminary, Robert Morey earned a M.Div. in Theology 1972. Robert Morey went on to earn a D.Min. in Apologetics at the same institution. In 1997, he received high recognition from the Faith Theological Seminary, which bestowed on him an Honorary D.Div. In 2004, he added a Ph.D. in Islamic Studies from the Louisiana Baptist University to his already extensive list of credentials.

In addition to these official degrees, Robert Morey sought out and was mentored by a number of important leaders and scholars. He learned under the direction of Dr. Stephen Olford of the Calvary Baptist Church for eight years. He also studied with some of primary figures of the Covenant College, including Dr. Gordon Clark and Dr. Francis Schaeffer. Robert Morey received other personal professional trainings from Dr. Hans Rookmaaker, Dr. Walter Martin, and Dr. Cornelius Van Til ..... continue reading on link...
Dr. Robert Morey holds a PH.D in Islamic Studies. Fact check it.

Dr. Robert Morey is very well known for having proven his point ( he won a public debate with Islamic Scholars on moon god ) that allah is not the same God as the God of the bible. Therein there should not be any pledge of allegience using the word allah.

Loonwatch is a hate site that is very easy to expose. The unwarranted hatred for Dr. Morey is over the top. Next?
Dr. Robert Morey is very well known for having proven his point ( he won a public debate with Islamic Scholars on moon god ) that allah is not the same God as the God of the bible.
When and where did this alleged debate take place?

Who judged the debate?

What award was given to the winner? .. :cool:
We discussed the entire matter of the Morey debate months ago. Why would I care to do it again? I won hands down last go round, Sunni.

Now on the matter of who is Allah? See the link and realize this is why it is incorrect to pledge allegience to allah. In my opinion Dr. Morey is right, Sunni Man. Which is possibly why you become so upset at the mention his name.

Faith Defenders | Where Did Allah Come From?

Islam's origins have been traced back by scholars to the ancient fertility religion of the worship of the moon god which was always the dominant religion of Arabia. The moon god was worshipped by praying toward Mecca several times a day, making an annual pilgrimage to the Kabah which was a temple of the moon god, running around the Kabah seven times, caressing an idol of a black stone set in the wall of the Kabah, running between two hills, making animal sacrifices, gathering on Fridays for prayers, giving alms to the poor, etc.. These were pagan rites practiced by the Arabs long before Muhammad was born. Continue reading on link...


As the reader will see Dr. Morey is quite thorough into his research on who allah was and why he is not the G-d of the Bible. Note that these pre-islamic rituals continue to be practiced today by those following Islam. Why? Because the moon god allah has always been worshiped that way. Thanks for reading!!
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We discussed the entire matter of the Morey debate months ago. Why would I care to do it again? I won hands down last go round, Sunni.
Sorry, but I don't remember discussing this issue with you before?

Anyway, I am not wanting to have a debate with you.

I'm just asking 3 simple questions:

1) When and where was the debate?

2) Who were the judges?

3) What award was given to the winner? .. :cool:
Let's listen to Dr. Morey's advice on what we should say to Muslims who refuse to accept facts about Islam such as allah is worshiped by Muslims the same way idolators in Mecca worshiped him prior to Islam founders birth - Mohammads birth was in 570 A.D. Perhaps after they learn the truth they will be able to see Israel's name written on a map! Then we can agree that the Pledge of Allegience is to G-d of the bible. Not allah the moon god.

[ame=]What Do I Say to Muslims? - YouTube[/ame]
We discussed the entire matter of the Morey debate months ago. Why would I care to do it again? I won hands down last go round, Sunni.
Sorry, but I don't remember discussing this issue with you before?

Anyway, I am not wanting to have a debate with you.

I'm just asking 3 simple questions:

1) When and where was the debate?

2) Who were the judges?

3) What award was given to the winner? .. :cool:

You don't want a debate with me because you know the outcome is going to be you lose. On the matter of Dr. Morey winning the debate? Still no answer forthcoming from the loser of the debate on the internet. The award given to the winner? Acid thrown on his car as he was leaving. True story. :cool:

The debate subject might be helpful to some who have been indoctrinated into a pseudo Islam which doesn't exist according to Dr. Morey.

Common Logical Fallacies Made By Muslims

Phonic Fallacies: The phonetic sound of a word should not be used to twist its meaning. For example,
a. Some Muslims try to prove that the word "Allah" is in the Greek New Testament because of the Greek word alla. But while the word is pronounced "alla," it only means "but" in Greek. It has nothing to do with the Arabic "Allah."
b. Some Muslims have claimed that the word "Allah" is in the Bible because the Biblical word "Allelujah." They then mispronounce the word as "Allah-lujah!" But "Allelujah" is not a compound Arabic word with "Allah" being the first part of the word. It is a Hebrew word with the name of God being "JAH" (or Yahweh) and the verb "alle" meaning "praise to." It means "praise to Yahweh." The Arabic word "Allah" is not in the word.
c. The same error is found in the Muslim argument that the word "Baca" (Psa. 84:6) really means "Mecca." The valley of Baca is in northern Israel.
d. Some Muslims have tried to go from "Amen" to "Ahmed" to "Muhammed!" Such nonsense is beyond belief.

More evidence that Americans should never use the word allah when saying the Pledge of Allegience to the United States of America.
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You don't want a debate with me because you know the outcome is going to be you lose.
Like I said, I'm not looking for a debate with you on this subject.

Just asking for 3 simple questions to be answered by you:

1) When and where was the debate?

2) Who were the judges?

3) What award was given to the winner?

Unless the the alleged debate never happened and you and the fake Dr Morey are making up lies. . :cool:
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Now for a moment of silence - let us recite the pledge of allegience the way it was written.

pledge_of_allegianceI Pledge Allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the Republic
for which it stands,
one Nation under God,
with liberty and justice for all. There are few verses that have been memorized by so many people and uttered as often as the thirty-one word Pledge of Allegiance.

Every morning school children, across the United States of America, place their hand across their chest, above their heart and, in unison, recite the Pledge.

Because the Pledge as become so ingrained in our daily life, like so many other things, we can habituate to its presence and stop paying attention to its deep meaning.

Continue reading on link....


The deep meaning is obvious. We must not pledge our allegiance ( to America ) under
any other than name but God.
My 2 cents. Thanks for reading!!

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You don't want a debate with me because you know the outcome is going to be you lose.
Like I said, I'm not looking for a debate with you on this subject.

Just asking for 3 simple questions to be answered by you:

1) When and where was the debate?

2) Who were the judges?

3) What award was given to the winner?
Waiting for my 3 question to be directly answered........ :cool:
I answered his questions about Dr. Morey months ago in a discussion thread about Dr. Morey's credentials, Mr. Max. No sense in reviewing past material. It's available on the internet. If he wishes he can do that by himself.
So we can only pledge ourselves to the United States in English? Why on earth does it matter what language they say the pledge in if they are loyal to the United States?

What a stupid question.

HERE'S why >> NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture and language in common. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)

In the US, that language is English, and ONLY English. Reciting the pledge in another language is NOT BEING loyal to the US, and its language/culture. This is a NATION. Not a mish-mash.
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I answered his questions about Dr. Morey months ago in a discussion thread about Dr. Morey's credentials.
Please quit lying Jeremiah.....Jesus doesn't like it. .. :eusa_hand:


1) When and where was the debate?

2) Who were the judges?

3) What award was given to the winner? . :cool:

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Islam is obviously not banned in America. All reasonable people reading will likely have evaluated and dismissed the headcase by now anyway.

Arabic will obviously not be banned in America, regardless of whatever rantings from the headcase soon fill this thread.
I have to wonder how accurate this story is. Arabic is not the easiest language for a native English speaker to pronounce. Without at least some prior practice I don't think a bunch of high school kids would make it through the entire pledge, even if just attempting to parrot a native speaker.

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