Coal Country Picked Trump. Now, They Want Him To Keep His Promises

Okay. Did you hide a point in there somewhere?

coal is not going away

anytime soon


the United States remains a net exporter of coal

drip drip drip

Our coal industry is gradually disappearing. The economics are no longer there


it was being shut down by the administration

From 2000 to 2015, the US coal consumption fell 13%.
coal is not going away

anytime soon


the United States remains a net exporter of coal

drip drip drip

Our coal industry is gradually disappearing. The economics are no longer there


it was being shut down by the administration
It has been shut down by low cost natural gas

hey moron your candidate clinton

ran on the platform of killing the coal industry
coal is not going away

anytime soon


the United States remains a net exporter of coal

drip drip drip

Our coal industry is gradually disappearing. The economics are no longer there


it was being shut down by the administration

From 2000 to 2015, the US coal consumption fell 13%.

fell of forced

the United States remains a net exporter of coal

drip drip drip

Our coal industry is gradually disappearing. The economics are no longer there


it was being shut down by the administration
It has been shut down by low cost natural gas

hey moron your candidate clinton

ran on the platform of killing the coal industry
She ran on a platform of bringing replacement industries to coal country. Trump lied and claimed he would save their coal mining jobs

Now, let's see Trump deliver
the United States remains a net exporter of coal

drip drip drip

Our coal industry is gradually disappearing. The economics are no longer there


it was being shut down by the administration
It has been shut down by low cost natural gas

hey moron your candidate clinton

ran on the platform of killing the coal industry
She ran on a platform of bringing replacement industries to coal country. Trump lied and claimed he would save their coal mining jobs

Now, let's see Trump deliver

you had a president that promised to bankrupt the coal industry

the United States remains a net exporter of coal

drip drip drip

Our coal industry is gradually disappearing. The economics are no longer there


it was being shut down by the administration
It has been shut down by low cost natural gas

hey moron your candidate clinton

ran on the platform of killing the coal industry
Not at all. Coal was already on its way out. Clinton ran on being honest & helping the Coal communities recover & move on to other things.

Trump told them he'd bring back coal - That is unlikely.
The U.S. is now pumping out a record amount of oil. Yay more jobs right?! Can anyone raise their hand and tell me how many jobs cheap oil creates in the oil industry?
Considering how obastard gutted the oil industry here by bring in cheap gas, and putting millions out of work, none. Thanks for finally admitting obastard fucked the oil fields. But, stain, when the oil is produced HERE, jobs are created.
America was the world's top oil producer under Obama. Care to try again?
the United States remains a net exporter of coal

drip drip drip

Our coal industry is gradually disappearing. The economics are no longer there


it was being shut down by the administration
It has been shut down by low cost natural gas

hey moron your candidate clinton

ran on the platform of killing the coal industry
Not at all. Coal was already on its way out. Clinton ran on being honest & helping the Coal communities recover & move on to other things.

Trump told them he'd bring back coal - That is unlikely.

yes the president promised to bankrupt the coal industry
Our coal industry is gradually disappearing. The economics are no longer there


it was being shut down by the administration
It has been shut down by low cost natural gas

hey moron your candidate clinton

ran on the platform of killing the coal industry
She ran on a platform of bringing replacement industries to coal country. Trump lied and claimed he would save their coal mining jobs

Now, let's see Trump deliver

you had a president that promised to bankrupt the coal industry

He said that under his cap & trade that a dirty coal company could not survive.
The U.S. is now pumping out a record amount of oil. Yay more jobs right?! Can anyone raise their hand and tell me how many jobs cheap oil creates in the oil industry?
Considering how obastard gutted the oil industry here by bring in cheap gas, and putting millions out of work, none. Thanks for finally admitting obastard fucked the oil fields. But, stain, when the oil is produced HERE, jobs are created.
Oil imports peaked in 2005 & have been shrinking since.
Oh okay. Did you know that India and China are behind overseas demand spikes for coal, and did you know that they absolutely do not need our coal at all because they have massive amounts if their own? But maybe Trump will get lucky and they will elect globalists who want to pay more for our coal.

blah blah blah

you like talkin out your ass
No rebuttal of course. Because you know I'm right.

no because you are full of bs

the iea sees global supply increasing at an average rate of 6% through 2020
Okay. Did you hide a point in there somewhere?

coal is not going away

anytime soon
It's been going away dummy. Otherwise there would be no jobs to "bring back."
Oh, so now your willing to wait until he is in office?

At what point in his first day will you demand to see the results of his policies before declaring him a failure?

Let's see how high a priority coal is with his Exxon corporate advisors

I though the lefty party line was that part of the problem was that Trump didn't listen to other people?

And my question was serious. If you are softening to the point that you are willing to wait to he is actually in office, at what point on DAY ONE, do you feel you've given him enough time?
I am very patient...

I can't wait for Trump to save the coal industry, give us something better than Obamacare, pay off our debt and get 100 million employed

So, now that you realize that it was unreasonable to declare him a failure 18 days before he is in office, how long are you prepared to give him before you pass judgement for real?

How long is "very patient"?

Why I'm merely laying out an agenda of what I expect Trump to accomplish. He is only following "the worst president in history". He should be able to do better than a community organizer from Kenya........shouldn't he?

Your words, from earlier in the thread.

"and now they are shocked that he can't deliver"

SO, now I am asking you, now that you have walked that back to waiting till he is in office, "the day his bills come due",

how long is "Very patient", before you declare him a failure again, or <hee hee> admit that he has succeeded?

Hours? Days?
Those who live in coal country in KY that voted Trump are no worried they will repeal the ACA & they will lose their health insurance & the black lung benefits in the ACA.
The U.S. is now pumping out a record amount of oil. Yay more jobs right?! Can anyone raise their hand and tell me how many jobs cheap oil creates in the oil industry?
Considering how obastard gutted the oil industry here by bring in cheap gas, and putting millions out of work, none. Thanks for finally admitting obastard fucked the oil fields. But, stain, when the oil is produced HERE, jobs are created.
America was the world's top oil producer under Obama. Care to try again?

maybe 3rd

not top
blah blah blah

you like talkin out your ass
No rebuttal of course. Because you know I'm right.

no because you are full of bs

the iea sees global supply increasing at an average rate of 6% through 2020
Okay. Did you hide a point in there somewhere?

coal is not going away

anytime soon
It's been going away dummy. Otherwise there would be no jobs to "bring back."


thanks to obama and other leftards
The U.S. is now pumping out a record amount of oil. Yay more jobs right?! Can anyone raise their hand and tell me how many jobs cheap oil creates in the oil industry?
Considering how obastard gutted the oil industry here by bring in cheap gas, and putting millions out of work, none. Thanks for finally admitting obastard fucked the oil fields. But, stain, when the oil is produced HERE, jobs are created.
America was the world's top oil producer under Obama. Care to try again?

maybe 3rd

not top
Oh I guess in September Saudi Arabia overtook us. I guess they're desperate because oil demand is so low and they're having a firesale.

Saudi Arabia Ousts U.S. as Biggest Oil Producer, IEA Says
No rebuttal of course. Because you know I'm right.

no because you are full of bs

the iea sees global supply increasing at an average rate of 6% through 2020
Okay. Did you hide a point in there somewhere?

coal is not going away

anytime soon
It's been going away dummy. Otherwise there would be no jobs to "bring back."


thanks to obama and other leftards
It's been going away for decades. Replaced by natural gas and oil. Natural gas having developed un insurmountable framework under Dubya and republicans in the 2000's. Kill natiral gas and oil jobs, or coal is not coming back.
The U.S. is now pumping out a record amount of oil. Yay more jobs right?! Can anyone raise their hand and tell me how many jobs cheap oil creates in the oil industry?
Considering how obastard gutted the oil industry here by bring in cheap gas, and putting millions out of work, none. Thanks for finally admitting obastard fucked the oil fields. But, stain, when the oil is produced HERE, jobs are created.
America was the world's top oil producer under Obama. Care to try again?
I never that you lying sack.
The U.S. is now pumping out a record amount of oil. Yay more jobs right?! Can anyone raise their hand and tell me how many jobs cheap oil creates in the oil industry?
Considering how obastard gutted the oil industry here by bring in cheap gas, and putting millions out of work, none. Thanks for finally admitting obastard fucked the oil fields. But, stain, when the oil is produced HERE, jobs are created.
America was the world's top oil producer under Obama. Care to try again?
I never that you lying sack.
Strange, considering you claimed Obama gutted oil fields and implied oil is not produced here
Spin it anyway you want stain, I'd expect nothing less.

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