Coal Country Picked Trump. Now, They Want Him To Keep His Promises

Our coal industry is gradually disappearing. The economics are no longer there


it was being shut down by the administration
It has been shut down by low cost natural gas

hey moron your candidate clinton

ran on the platform of killing the coal industry
She ran on a platform of bringing replacement industries to coal country. Trump lied and claimed he would save their coal mining jobs

Now, let's see Trump deliver

you had a president that promised to bankrupt the coal industry
No we didn't.

Being pragmatic about the dim future of the coal industry is not a promise to bankrupt it
The U.S. is now pumping out a record amount of oil. Yay more jobs right?! Can anyone raise their hand and tell me how many jobs cheap oil creates in the oil industry?
Considering how obastard gutted the oil industry here by bring in cheap gas, and putting millions out of work, none. Thanks for finally admitting obastard fucked the oil fields. But, stain, when the oil is produced HERE, jobs are created.
America was the world's top oil producer under Obama. Care to try again?

maybe 3rd

not top
Oh I guess in September Saudi Arabia overtook us. I guess they're desperate because oil demand is so low and they're having a firesale.

Saudi Arabia Ousts U.S. as Biggest Oil Producer, IEA Says

pretty much every year

them and Russia also

although we are trying to reclaim the European market

without much success

we do sell them coal half assed through the Netherlands resale to Europe

it was being shut down by the administration
It has been shut down by low cost natural gas

hey moron your candidate clinton

ran on the platform of killing the coal industry
She ran on a platform of bringing replacement industries to coal country. Trump lied and claimed he would save their coal mining jobs

Now, let's see Trump deliver

you had a president that promised to bankrupt the coal industry
No we didn't.

Being pragmatic about the dim future of the coal industry is not a promise to bankrupt it

indeed he did

It has been shut down by low cost natural gas

hey moron your candidate clinton

ran on the platform of killing the coal industry
She ran on a platform of bringing replacement industries to coal country. Trump lied and claimed he would save their coal mining jobs

Now, let's see Trump deliver

you had a president that promised to bankrupt the coal industry
No we didn't.

Being pragmatic about the dim future of the coal industry is not a promise to bankrupt it

indeed he did

"What I have said is that for us to take coal off the table as an ideological matter, ..r."

looks like they are going to get a wake up call on being conned

From West Virginia to Wyoming, coal country overwhelmingly voted for Donald Trump and his message that he will bring coal jobs back. Now, those same voters are eyeing his incoming administration closely, careful to see if he will keep his promises to revive the coal industry and get miners back to work.

These hopes have become increasingly desperate as the industry has floundered. U.S. coal production in 2016 is projected to be at its lowest level since 1978, and over the past few years, the country has lost about 30,000 coal jobs.

Coal Country Picked Trump. Now, They Want Him To Keep His Promises
When gas prices go up artificially you'll see just like in the bush years Republicans are good to the energy companies.

I'm in a much better place this time. Instead of driving. 2 hours a day I now drive a total of 14 miles a day. High gas prices help the energy companies but hurts us all. Ha ha those who vote Republican. You're going to be worse off.

And Republicans are going to stop green technology 4 years. Or pay private companies to get er done. Solyndra anyone?
hey moron your candidate clinton

ran on the platform of killing the coal industry
She ran on a platform of bringing replacement industries to coal country. Trump lied and claimed he would save their coal mining jobs

Now, let's see Trump deliver

you had a president that promised to bankrupt the coal industry
No we didn't.

Being pragmatic about the dim future of the coal industry is not a promise to bankrupt it

indeed he did

"What I have said is that for us to take coal off the table as an ideological matter, ..r."


It's real dirty. We should sell our coal to china
"What I have said is that for us to take coal off the table as an ideological matter, ..r."


Yep, as a truth denying liberal, looks like you "somehow" forgot the part where he said that it would bankrupt you to open a coal plat.
Let's see how high a priority coal is with his Exxon corporate advisors

I though the lefty party line was that part of the problem was that Trump didn't listen to other people?

And my question was serious. If you are softening to the point that you are willing to wait to he is actually in office, at what point on DAY ONE, do you feel you've given him enough time?
I am very patient...

I can't wait for Trump to save the coal industry, give us something better than Obamacare, pay off our debt and get 100 million employed

So, now that you realize that it was unreasonable to declare him a failure 18 days before he is in office, how long are you prepared to give him before you pass judgement for real?

How long is "very patient"?

Why I'm merely laying out an agenda of what I expect Trump to accomplish. He is only following "the worst president in history". He should be able to do better than a community organizer from Kenya........shouldn't he?

Your words, from earlier in the thread.

"and now they are shocked that he can't deliver"

SO, now I am asking you, now that you have walked that back to waiting till he is in office, "the day his bills come due",

how long is "Very patient", before you declare him a failure again, or <hee hee> admit that he has succeeded?

Hours? Days?
I am as patient as Job

Those in coal country will not be
I though the lefty party line was that part of the problem was that Trump didn't listen to other people?

And my question was serious. If you are softening to the point that you are willing to wait to he is actually in office, at what point on DAY ONE, do you feel you've given him enough time?
I am very patient...

I can't wait for Trump to save the coal industry, give us something better than Obamacare, pay off our debt and get 100 million employed

So, now that you realize that it was unreasonable to declare him a failure 18 days before he is in office, how long are you prepared to give him before you pass judgement for real?

How long is "very patient"?

Why I'm merely laying out an agenda of what I expect Trump to accomplish. He is only following "the worst president in history". He should be able to do better than a community organizer from Kenya........shouldn't he?

Your words, from earlier in the thread.

"and now they are shocked that he can't deliver"

SO, now I am asking you, now that you have walked that back to waiting till he is in office, "the day his bills come due",

how long is "Very patient", before you declare him a failure again, or <hee hee> admit that he has succeeded?

Hours? Days?
I am as patient as Job

Those in coal country will not be
Fortunately, the vast majority of hard working people are not liberals. So there will be nothing.
looks like they are going to get a wake up call on being conned

From West Virginia to Wyoming, coal country overwhelmingly voted for Donald Trump and his message that he will bring coal jobs back. Now, those same voters are eyeing his incoming administration closely, careful to see if he will keep his promises to revive the coal industry and get miners back to work.

These hopes have become increasingly desperate as the industry has floundered. U.S. coal production in 2016 is projected to be at its lowest level since 1978, and over the past few years, the country has lost about 30,000 coal jobs.

Coal Country Picked Trump. Now, They Want Him To Keep His Promises
When gas prices go up artificially you'll see just like in the bush years Republicans are good to the energy companies.

I'm in a much better place this time. Instead of driving. 2 hours a day I now drive a total of 14 miles a day. High gas prices help the energy companies but hurts us all. Ha ha those who vote Republican. You're going to be worse off.

And Republicans are going to stop green technology 4 years. Or pay private companies to get er done. Solyndra anyone?

Gas prices will not be artificially increased. If anything laxer regulations should continue to drive down price.

An economic upswing, could increase demand.

Republicans are not going to "Stop" green tech. We just aren't going to pretend it is equal to conventional.
I though the lefty party line was that part of the problem was that Trump didn't listen to other people?

And my question was serious. If you are softening to the point that you are willing to wait to he is actually in office, at what point on DAY ONE, do you feel you've given him enough time?
I am very patient...

I can't wait for Trump to save the coal industry, give us something better than Obamacare, pay off our debt and get 100 million employed

So, now that you realize that it was unreasonable to declare him a failure 18 days before he is in office, how long are you prepared to give him before you pass judgement for real?

How long is "very patient"?

Why I'm merely laying out an agenda of what I expect Trump to accomplish. He is only following "the worst president in history". He should be able to do better than a community organizer from Kenya........shouldn't he?

Your words, from earlier in the thread.

"and now they are shocked that he can't deliver"

SO, now I am asking you, now that you have walked that back to waiting till he is in office, "the day his bills come due",

how long is "Very patient", before you declare him a failure again, or <hee hee> admit that he has succeeded?

Hours? Days?
I am as patient as Job

Those in coal country will not be

How long do you consider reasonable to give a President before you pass judgement on his presidency?
The U.S. is now pumping out a record amount of oil. Yay more jobs right?! Can anyone raise their hand and tell me how many jobs cheap oil creates in the oil industry?
Considering how obastard gutted the oil industry here by bring in cheap gas, and putting millions out of work, none. Thanks for finally admitting obastard fucked the oil fields. But, stain, when the oil is produced HERE, jobs are created.
America was the world's top oil producer under Obama. Care to try again?

maybe 3rd

not top
Oh I guess in September Saudi Arabia overtook us. I guess they're desperate because oil demand is so low and they're having a firesale.

Saudi Arabia Ousts U.S. as Biggest Oil Producer, IEA Says

pretty much every year

them and Russia also

although we are trying to reclaim the European market

without much success

we do sell them coal half assed through the Netherlands resale to Europe
Half-assed because the demand for coal in Europe isn't there
She ran on a platform of bringing replacement industries to coal country. Trump lied and claimed he would save their coal mining jobs

Now, let's see Trump deliver

you had a president that promised to bankrupt the coal industry
No we didn't.

Being pragmatic about the dim future of the coal industry is not a promise to bankrupt it

indeed he did

"What I have said is that for us to take coal off the table as an ideological matter, ..r."


It's real dirty. We should sell our coal to china


or directly to Europe
She ran on a platform of bringing replacement industries to coal country. Trump lied and claimed he would save their coal mining jobs

Now, let's see Trump deliver

you had a president that promised to bankrupt the coal industry
No we didn't.

Being pragmatic about the dim future of the coal industry is not a promise to bankrupt it

indeed he did

"What I have said is that for us to take coal off the table as an ideological matter, ..r."


It's real dirty. We should sell our coal to china

And do what for all the energy that we suddenly don't have?
Considering how obastard gutted the oil industry here by bring in cheap gas, and putting millions out of work, none. Thanks for finally admitting obastard fucked the oil fields. But, stain, when the oil is produced HERE, jobs are created.
America was the world's top oil producer under Obama. Care to try again?

maybe 3rd

not top
Oh I guess in September Saudi Arabia overtook us. I guess they're desperate because oil demand is so low and they're having a firesale.

Saudi Arabia Ousts U.S. as Biggest Oil Producer, IEA Says

pretty much every year

them and Russia also

although we are trying to reclaim the European market

without much success

we do sell them coal half assed through the Netherlands resale to Europe
Half-assed because the demand for coal in Europe isn't there

you live in a bubble man

The downturn in the primary production of hard coal, lignite, crude oil, natural gas and more recently nuclear energy led to a situation where the EU was increasingly reliant on primary energy imports in order to satisfy demand, although this situation stabilised in the aftermath of the financial and economic crisis. The EU-28’s imports of primary energy exceeded exports by some 881 Mtoe in 2014. The largest net importers of primary energy were generally the most populous EU Member States, with the exception of Poland (where some indigenous reserves of coal remain). In 2004, Denmark had been the only net exporter of primary energy among the EU Member States, but in 2013 Danish energy imports exceeded exports such that there were no longer any Member States that were net exporters of energy (see Table 2). Relative to population size, the largest net importers in 2014 were Luxembourg, Malta and Belgium.

he origin of EU-28 energy imports has changed somewhat in recent years, although Russia has maintained its position as the main supplier of crude oil and natural gas (despite seeing its share reduced somewhat in recent years) and also emerged as the leading supplier of solid fuels (see Table 3). In 2014, some 29.0 % of the EU-28’s imports of crude oil were from Russia: it became the principal supplier of solid fuels in 2006, overtaking South Africa, having overtaken Australia in 2004 and Colombia in 2002. Russia’s share of EU-28 solid fuels imports rose from 18.0 % in 2004 to 30.0 % by 2009, before falling somewhat to 25.7 % by 2012 and rebounding to 29.0 % in 2014. By contrast, Russia’s share of EU-28 imports of natural gas declined from 43.6 % to 32.1 % between 2004 and 2010, but this development was reversed with increases thereafter leading to a share of 37.5 % in 2014. Throughout the 10 years shown in Table 3, Norway remained the second largest supplier of EU imports of crude oil and natural gas.

EU-28 dependency on energy imports increased from less than 40 % of Gross inland energy consumption, sometimes abbreviated as gross inland consumption, is the total energy demand of a country or region. ..." gloss-idx="7" original-title="Glossary:Gross inland energy consumption" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(40, 115, 230);">gross energy consumption in the 1980s to reach 53.5 % by 2014 (see Figure 3). This latest figure marked a slight decrease in the dependency rate, which had peaked at 54.5 % in 2008. The highest energy dependency rate shows the proportion of energy that an economy must import. It is defined as net energy imports divided by gross ..." gloss-idx="8" original-title="Glossary:Energy dependency rate" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(40, 115, 230);">energy dependency rates in 2014 were recorded for crude oil (88.2 %) and for natural gas (67.4 %). In the last decade (between 2004 and 2014), the EU’s dependency on non-member countries for supplies of natural gas grew 13.8 percentage points, faster than the growth in dependency for crude oil (7.5 percentage points) and solid fuels (7.4 percentage points). Since 2004, the EU-28’s net imports of energy have been greater than its primary production; in other words, more than half of the EU-28’s gross inland energy consumption was supplied by net imports.

As it was no longer a net exporter, Denmark’s energy dependency rate turned positive in 2013 and remained positive in 2014, which was also the case for all of the other EU Member States (see Figure 4). The lowest energy dependency rates in 2014 were recorded for Estonia, Denmark, Romania and Poland (the only other Member States to report dependency rates below 30.0 %). Malta, Luxembourg and Cyprus were (almost) entirely dependent on primary energy imports, with dependency rates that were over 90 %.

Energy production and imports - Statistics Explained
I am very patient...

I can't wait for Trump to save the coal industry, give us something better than Obamacare, pay off our debt and get 100 million employed

So, now that you realize that it was unreasonable to declare him a failure 18 days before he is in office, how long are you prepared to give him before you pass judgement for real?

How long is "very patient"?

Why I'm merely laying out an agenda of what I expect Trump to accomplish. He is only following "the worst president in history". He should be able to do better than a community organizer from Kenya........shouldn't he?

Your words, from earlier in the thread.

"and now they are shocked that he can't deliver"

SO, now I am asking you, now that you have walked that back to waiting till he is in office, "the day his bills come due",

how long is "Very patient", before you declare him a failure again, or <hee hee> admit that he has succeeded?

Hours? Days?
I am as patient as Job

Those in coal country will not be
Fortunately, the vast majority of hard working people are not liberals. So there will be nothing.

They are hard working people who were promised jobs

And yes'm there will be nothing
I am very patient...

I can't wait for Trump to save the coal industry, give us something better than Obamacare, pay off our debt and get 100 million employed

So, now that you realize that it was unreasonable to declare him a failure 18 days before he is in office, how long are you prepared to give him before you pass judgement for real?

How long is "very patient"?

Why I'm merely laying out an agenda of what I expect Trump to accomplish. He is only following "the worst president in history". He should be able to do better than a community organizer from Kenya........shouldn't he?

Your words, from earlier in the thread.

"and now they are shocked that he can't deliver"

SO, now I am asking you, now that you have walked that back to waiting till he is in office, "the day his bills come due",

how long is "Very patient", before you declare him a failure again, or <hee hee> admit that he has succeeded?

Hours? Days?
I am as patient as Job

Those in coal country will not be

How long do you consider reasonable to give a President before you pass judgement on his presidency?
I plan on evaluating his progress monthly
Nothing from them because nothing will happen. It was Clintler who said she would put them out of business. There's even a video on it. I'm sure you would deny all that though.
So, now that you realize that it was unreasonable to declare him a failure 18 days before he is in office, how long are you prepared to give him before you pass judgement for real?

How long is "very patient"?

Why I'm merely laying out an agenda of what I expect Trump to accomplish. He is only following "the worst president in history". He should be able to do better than a community organizer from Kenya........shouldn't he?

Your words, from earlier in the thread.

"and now they are shocked that he can't deliver"

SO, now I am asking you, now that you have walked that back to waiting till he is in office, "the day his bills come due",

how long is "Very patient", before you declare him a failure again, or <hee hee> admit that he has succeeded?

Hours? Days?
I am as patient as Job

Those in coal country will not be

How long do you consider reasonable to give a President before you pass judgement on his presidency?
I plan on evaluating his progress monthly

Oh, and the first 30 days? you are claiming that your first evaluation will not be a blanket declaration of failure like "he can't deliver" like earlier?

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