Cocaine Found In The White House

With Hunter around......the White House is getting whiter by the day!

How charming~!:4_13_65:
And you did NOT leap at the chance to discuss every fake scandal about the Trumps? For instance, the Steel Dossier? And a few others?

Lol what you’re saying is entirely circular. You said this happened after the evacuation but you’re also saying the whole thing is a coverup. How does the cover up come into play? Give actual logic or examples to back it up.
The White House is invoking the Hatch Act to cover up for who the cocaine belongs to. Right now, oddsmakers have Hunter as the leading culprit.
The White House is invoking the Hatch Act to cover up for who the cocaine belongs to. Right now, oddsmakers have Hunter as the leading culprit.
Lol what? I’ll admit I don’t know what the Hatch Act is but whatever it is it hasn’t ended the investigation into the bag. Wouldn’t that be the most appropriate for a cover up?
Kinda like your 6 year obsession with Russia collusion?
You know this is funny because if I were to bring up Trump in this thread you would probably whine about it being a whataboutism but instead it’s you that made the whataboutism lol
Nope definitely not. I never even discussed this whatsoever. Nice try though
A quick search proves you are a lying sack of shit. You even started threads on it, liar.

I'm sure I'll get plenty of "funny" ratings on this post from right wingers, but they know the truth. They know they can't defend Trump on any intellectual level these days. They can't defend the growing evidence of his childish antics, stupidity, and blantant corruption.

For instance, if you ask them why no republicans in office will publically support Trump on the Russian collusion scandal, they will pathetically say crap like "well they're all RINOs anyway!"

It's becoming too much for them. It's just easier for them to deflect to Hillary.

Haha very true. In fact, the entire reason Putin wanted Trump as president is because he knew he was a moron who would weaken the US.
A quick search proves you are a lying sack of shit. You even started threads on it, liar.
Hey you dumb fuck if you’re going to claim I was outraged by the three scoop thing maybe you should actually, you know, cite an actual quote of me saying it. What the fuck is even your point with these quotes? Lol this board never ceases to amaze me with the stupidity on it.

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