Cocaine Found In The White House

Here are two articles from the New York Times about how Joe Biden’s crime bill hurt black people.

Hunter Biden smoked crack.

Why did Hunter Biden get an exemption from Joe Biden's crime bill?

Joe Biden on Crime and Mass Incarceration

During the ’80s and ’90s, Mr. Biden helped shepherd a string of bills that transformed the criminal justice system — and, experts say, hurt America’s black communities.

June 27, 2019

As Joseph R. Biden Jr. makes his third run for the White House, he is being pressed to answer for his role in legislation that criminal justice experts say helped lay the groundwork for the mass incarceration that has devastated America’s black communities.

During the 1980s and 1990s, when Mr. Biden was a senator from Delaware, he and other leaders of the powerful Senate Judiciary Committee helped fashion a string of bills that overhauled the country’s crime laws.

Among the most significant were: the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984, which established mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses; the 1986 Anti-Drug Abuse Act, which imposed harsher sentences for possession of crack than for possession of powder cocaine; and the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, which was essentially a catchall tough-on-crime bill.


‘Lock the S.O.B.s Up’: Joe Biden and the Era of Mass Incarceration

He now plays down his role overhauling crime laws with segregationist senators in the ’80s and ’90s. That portrayal today is at odds with his actions and rhetoric back then.

June 25, 2019

Now, more than 25 years later, as Mr. Biden makes his third run for the White House in a crowded field of Democrats – many calling for ambitious criminal justice reform — he must answer for his role in legislation that criminal justice experts and his critics say helped lay the groundwork for the mass incarceration that has devastated America’s black communities. That he worked with segregationists to write the bills — an issue that recently dominated the political news and seems likely to resurface in Mr. Biden’s first debate on Thursday – has only added to his challenge. So has the fact that black voters are such a crucial Democratic constituency.
Lol what? I’ll admit I don’t know what the Hatch Act is but whatever it is it hasn’t ended the investigation into the bag. Wouldn’t that be the most appropriate for a cover up?
Then look it up. Highlight "Hatch Act" right-click and presto.

Experts Baffled at WH Hatch Act Claims on Biden Cocaine Questions

Home | Newsfront
Tags: white house | hunter biden | cocaine | hatch act
By Jack Gournell | Thursday, 06 July 2023 09:11 PM EDT

Experts were left scratching their heads Thursday when the White House press office claimed it could not respond to questions of whether the cocaine found in the West Wing area of the White House could have belonged to President Joe Biden or his son, Hunter.
A reporter asked White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates during a press gaggle for a response to former President Donald Trump's recent statement that "the cocaine found in the White House had belonged to either the president or his son. Are you willing to say that that's not the case?"

Bates responded, "I don't have a response to that because we have to be careful about the Hatch Act." He then added, "What I will say is that I have noticed there does seem to be some increasing frustration coming from that corner in general, and I think it is probably rooted in the contrast between their substantive policy records."

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Then look it up. Highlight "Hatch Act" right-click and presto.

Home | Newsfront
Tags: white house | hunter biden | cocaine | hatch act

Experts Baffled at WH Hatch Act Claims on Biden Cocaine Questions

Home | Newsfront
Tags: white house | hunter biden | cocaine | hatch act

Experts Baffled at WH Hatch Act Claims on Biden Cocaine Questions​

By Jack Gournell | Thursday, 06 July 2023 09:11 PM EDT

Experts were left scratching their heads Thursday when the White House press office claimed it could not respond to questions of whether the cocaine found in the West Wing area of the White House could have belonged to President Joe Biden or his son, Hunter.
A reporter asked White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates during a press gaggle for a response to former President Donald Trump's recent statement that "the cocaine found in the White House had belonged to either the president or his son. Are you willing to say that that's not the case?"

Bates responded, "I don't have a response to that because we have to be careful about the Hatch Act." He then added, "What I will say is that I have noticed there does seem to be some increasing frustration coming from that corner in general, and I think it is probably rooted in the contrast between their substantive policy records."

Today's White House Presser was just as bad.

KJP was asked if she "could say once and for all if the cocaine belonged the Biden family."

She did not answer the question. She said that the Biden family was not present when the cocaine was found, so even asking the question was "incredibly irresponsible."

What a crock.

Whatch here (timestamped to begin)...
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Would you prefer the following?

I really don’t understand why you guys have this obsession with Hunter. Scratch that, I don’t understand why you think you’re “schooling the libs” when you make fun of him. Do you expect liberals to get all butthurt? Are you expecting me to defend his honor? Am I supposed to be like “oh how dare you say he takes drugs!”

Lol I barely even know who this guy is. Sorry i see no reason to be butthurt over your weird obsession.
If you can't raise your own child appropriately, you sure as heck can't run an entire country.

Smartest guy Joe knows, BTW.
Well with that’s the case, Trumptards shouldn’t even run for their local dog catcher. They are absolute failures of human beings in every way: intellectually, emotionally, and ethically. They are pieces of human garbage…like Trump himself. :dunno:
But it had nothing to do with Hunter being there:


Perhaps a bit off topic, but every time something like this cocaine thing comes up I can't help but think how the leftists keep saying that Biden has restored dignity and decorum to the White House.

I don't recall packets of cocaine being found in or near the West Wing or topless LGBTQX dancers on the White House lawn when Trump was president?
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I really don’t understand why you guys have this obsession with Hunter. Scratch that, I don’t understand why you think you’re “schooling the libs” when you make fun of him. Do you expect liberals to get all butthurt? Are you expecting me to defend his honor? Am I supposed to be like “oh how dare you say he takes drugs!”

Lol I barely even know who this guy is. Sorry i see no reason to be butthurt over your weird obsession.
Irritating when something approaches theTDS level and you all suddenly get itchy and pious
Thanks for clicking anyway!


The story is now uncontrollable, with both experienced outsiders weighing in and insiders anonymously planting stories that reflect their factional interests.
Meanwhile, the Secret Service, presumably aware that it is being set up as a fall guy by those taking the unsolved mystery approach, is leaking via unnamed sources that it is doing everything possible, including DNA and fingerprint analysis of the bag containing cocaine, to identify the druggie who carried cocaine into the White House and then forgot about it.
One reason why there may be such panic is that prosecution for the possession of small amounts of cocaine or the crack version of it is a particularly sore point for many Blacks angry that a vastly disproportionate number of African Americans have been prosecuted for such offenses.

Combine drugs with a whodunit, and you have a recipe for a tidal wave of media, even when the media wish, for political reasons, that the story would go away and leave the Democrats unsullied.
Excerpted from:



The story is now uncontrollable, with both experienced outsiders weighing in and insiders anonymously planting stories that reflect their factional interests.
Meanwhile, the Secret Service, presumably aware that it is being set up as a fall guy by those taking the unsolved mystery approach, is leaking via unnamed sources that it is doing everything possible, including DNA and fingerprint analysis of the bag containing cocaine, to identify the druggie who carried cocaine into the White House and then forgot about it.
One reason why there may be such panic is that prosecution for the possession of small amounts of cocaine or the crack version of it is a particularly sore point for many Blacks angry that a vastly disproportionate number of African Americans have been prosecuted for such offenses.

Combine drugs with a whodunit, and you have a recipe for a tidal wave of media, even when the media wish, for political reasons, that the story would go away and leave the Democrats unsullied.
Excerpted from:

Lol you can’t be a real doctor. Phd or MD you just can’t be. Your critical thinking skills are just awful.

But enough about you, let’s actually examine the videos you posted out of fairness. Okay so the bag was found in a secure area. There are no details on how many people frequent this area. Maybe we can rule out a simple visitor, sure. That’s fine. Someone part of the staff. That obviously doesn’t narrow much down. However, based on this information, it seems reasonable to rule out Hunter. I mean for one thing, there is no evidence he was even in the WH when the bag was found. Secondly, we know he doesn’t fucking WORK at the WH. Based on that video alone, we can only conclude that someone WORKED there. How else would they get the ultra security clearance?

Okay and then you have the press secretary’s response. Now granted ANYONE in her JOB, is going to be biased. That’s what they do. Trump’s PS was no different. They spin a political narrative for who is president. If you deny Trump’s did that, you’re a moron. Of course, taking what she said at face value, her answer was simply meant to be a response to ANY press question: it’s pointless to examine hypotheticals without more information. In that sense, her answer made perfect sense. You want to suggest this means she is saying any culprit will avoid prosecution. That’s obviously a stretch.

Altogether, don’t you think it’s pitiful you’re so goddamn obsessed with this story that will more than likely be something mundane?
But it had nothing to do with Hunter being there:


This thread has been moved to the Badlands.
Today's White House Presser was just as bad.

KJP was asked if she "could say once and for all if the cocaine belonged the Biden family."

She did not answer the question. She said that the Biden family was not present when the cocaine was found, so even asking the question was "incredibly irresponsible."

What a crock.

Whatch here (timestamped to begin)...

Biden's office and press secretary only gives answers to questions 2% of the time. That means answering 1 out of every 50 questions!

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