Cocaine Found In The White House

They know exactly who it is. They knew probably within an hour. The delay is so they can come up with a narrative that they are vetting. That's why their story keeps changing, and they aren't releasing any details.

All guests are vetted, and everyone is checked in. There are cameras literally everywhere, as it is one of the most secure places on the planet. They use all kinds of means to keep track of everyone. They have real-time monitoring with facial recognition (same technology that was used to track down all the "guests" at the Capital on Jan 6th, who had not been vetted or signed in.) :)

If it had been a grenade or any kind of threat, the secret service would know in an instant. They would pull video from the room, and there is probably a list of everyone in that room they can pull.

They can identify everyone at all times in the White House. They know who entered what room at what time, and when they left. No question about it, I think.
I agree.

If it was any other substance, we'd have known who and when it was left there within hours.

My guess is that someone or several someones will be "reassigned" or fired for having disclosed that the substance is cocaine.
Maybe Doocey will.

“You claimed the Bidens were not in the White House on Friday, June 30th. However, the official public schedule of the President shows they were in the WH until 4pm.

Is the schedule wrong or did you lie?”
They need to ask her how/why this misinformation from official sources could happen too.

She does not answer most sensitive questions, saying they are within the purview of other executive agencies (which she is still the official White House spokesperson for). When she does answer a question, her replies are vetted in advance, and there is no reasonable excuse for making such blatant factual errors.

If it was really a “guest or visitor” they would have revealed a name by now. The longer they drag this out, the worse it’s going to get.
It is my bet we will never know who the guilty person is. Of course the authorities will and it is obviously someone important. Someone so important they are totally above the rule of law.

Perhaps a whistleblower will come forward but I don’t count on it.
But it had nothing to do with Hunter being there:


What will be the response from KJP when she is asked this afternoon?

Sorry, KJP permits answering only one question per week and to has to be softball.

The White House advises the best topics to include:
  • Joe's preferences in ice cream.
  • How much the economy has improved under Joe Biden.
  • And if he has done enough to advance the interests of either the 1% LGBT community or illegal aliens, or could do more.
Didn't read your links, did you? This is from your second link and you can read about on medscape.

According to, cocaine, when turned into a substance called cocaine hydrochloride, is said to act as an advanced local anesthetic that helps block the conduction of nerve impulses.

This hazardous material that was recently found in the White House premises is typically used to numb the area around the mouth lining, nose, and throat, ahead of surgical procedures. This allows doctors to carry out operations without causing discomfort or pain.

In fact, cocaine hydrochloride is better than raw cocaine, as it lowers the risk of abuse and can only be found for clinical use. It is mainly administered by cotton applicators, packs, sprays, or in rare cases, instilled into dental cavities.
Cocaine is a highly controlled substance and doctors and nurses need to sign in and out to use it and is used in surgeries. To have it anywhere else is highly unusual and it is illegal to possess.
Cocaine is a highly controlled substance and doctors and nurses need to sign in and out to use it and is used in surgeries. To have it anywhere else is highly unusual and it is illegal to possess.

Cocaine used to be served in cola drinks and was freely used by people like Sigmund Freud and Einstein until the government came along and found it something they could control to justify their existence.
Cocaine used to be served in cola drinks and was freely used by people like Sigmund Freud and Einstein until the government came along and found it something they could control to justify their existence.
/-----/ "Cocaine used to be served in cola drinks "
Only in trace amounts and only for a year or two. My grandfather called Coca-Cola, Dope and refused to have it in the house. He drank Royal Crown because it had no dope in it. However, in patent medicine, it was mixed with alcohol and sold as a cure all, even for children. That's where the FDA came in. See what you learn by watching the History Channel?
Only in trace amounts and only for a year or two.
It was enough to give you an energy boost, and likely was in the drink for at least 7-8 years. And dissolved into a liquid, it takes more coca alkaloid to feel it absorbed through the intestine than in the nose.

My grandfather called Coca-Cola, Dope and refused to have it in the house.
I think the guy who invented Coca Cola made it looking for something to help him kick morphine.
Cocaine used to be served in cola drinks and was freely used by people like Sigmund Freud and Einstein until the government came along and found it something they could control to justify their existence.
So that puts Hunter on an intellectual level of Freud and Einstein so it's okay that cocaine is being hidden in the White House? What's the matter with you?
A pyromaniac is suddenly placed in the White House
A fire quickly ensues.
Where does thinking lead one??
I'm curious if any journalist will ask her at the Monday press briefing why she lied on Friday.

I misspoke? I thought they had left. They were here? Who knew? Cocaine? What cocaine?
She can’t answer because Hatch Act…..

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