Code pink

Giving Code Pink credit, at least they are consistant.

Unlike the Neo-Cons who all sound like Dope-smoking hippies now that the Black Guy wants to blow up an Islamic Country.

Another liberal moron who doesn't know what "neocon" means. When you use it wrong out of context because you like the way it sounds it's amusing, but it's really funny when you use it actually contradictory to it's definition like this.

I'm pretty sure he means Mccain, Lindsay Graham and the rest of the ilk.
Why would he be listing people who are supporting Obama to mean the dope-smoking hippies who aren't supporting the black guy?

Which also shows Joe the Bigot's idiocy in that obviously black has nothing to do with it. If true, he could say double standard with liberals, but of course a Democrat has to pull race into a none race issue once again. It's tired. Joe is OK with blacks, it's Mormons and Jews he wants to die.

Yes, three are legitimate Libertarians, like myself, or true Conservatives, who oppose this war on their own terms and reasoning, but they are plenty of Neo-cons that are dumping Mccain because he supports Obama; yet, if it was John mccain who President (from 2008) they'd be supporting his invasion of Syria right now.

Can you name some of the neocons who are turning on Obama? I'm seeing neocons support him and it's cons who aren't supporting him. Please, since you're indicating you understand the term correctly, don't start listing cons who aren't neocons like Rush or Hannity.
Another liberal moron who doesn't know what "neocon" means. When you use it wrong out of context because you like the way it sounds it's amusing, but it's really funny when you use it actually contradictory to it's definition like this.

I'm pretty sure he means Mccain, Lindsay Graham and the rest of the ilk.
Why would he be listing people who are supporting Obama to mean the dope-smoking hippies who aren't supporting the black guy?

Which also shows Joe the Bigot's idiocy in that obviously black has nothing to do with it. If true, he could say double standard with liberals, but of course a Democrat has to pull race into a none race issue once again. It's tired. Joe is OK with blacks, it's Mormons and Jews he wants to die.

Yes, three are legitimate Libertarians, like myself, or true Conservatives, who oppose this war on their own terms and reasoning, but they are plenty of Neo-cons that are dumping Mccain because he supports Obama; yet, if it was John mccain who President (from 2008) they'd be supporting his invasion of Syria right now.

Can you name some of the neocons who are turning on Obama? I'm seeing neocons support him and it's cons who aren't supporting him. Please, since you're indicating you understand the term correctly, don't start listing cons who aren't neocons like Rush or Hannity.

You are correct, point conceded.
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Giving Code Pink credit, at least they are consistant.

Unlike the Neo-Cons who all sound like Dope-smoking hippies now that the Black Guy wants to blow up an Islamic Country.

again the desperate race card....

No, what's desperate is all the guys who defended the Iraq war for YEARS after it was proven Bush lied are now against Obama going after Syria for actually doing what they accused Saddam of doing.

They were all for it until the Black Guy did it.

Drone Strikes
RomneyCare (errr. Obamacare)
Wars of Choice.

What you're missing is that now Obama and the dems are doing the exact same things the neocons did.

Who knows, maybe some people are waking up to the fact that neoconservatism has had its day. The neocons wandered over from the Democratic Party in the first place.

The Republican Party should send them home.
again the desperate race card....

No, what's desperate is all the guys who defended the Iraq war for YEARS after it was proven Bush lied are now against Obama going after Syria for actually doing what they accused Saddam of doing.

They were all for it until the Black Guy did it.

Drone Strikes
RomneyCare (errr. Obamacare)
Wars of Choice.

What you're missing is that now Obama and the dems are doing the exact same things the neocons did.

Who knows, maybe some people are waking up to the fact that neoconservatism has had its day. The neocons wandered over from the Democratic Party in the first place.

The Republican Party should send them home.

In other words, we now have the Tyranny Party vs the Liberty Party (Democrat Party and Republican Party respectively).

This is the trend I've been noticing.

I always thought when this time finally came, it would be the other way around, how wrong I was.
No, what's desperate is all the guys who defended the Iraq war for YEARS after it was proven Bush lied are now against Obama going after Syria for actually doing what they accused Saddam of doing.

They were all for it until the Black Guy did it.

Drone Strikes
RomneyCare (errr. Obamacare)
Wars of Choice.

What you're missing is that now Obama and the dems are doing the exact same things the neocons did.

Who knows, maybe some people are waking up to the fact that neoconservatism has had its day. The neocons wandered over from the Democratic Party in the first place.

The Republican Party should send them home.

In other words, we now have the Tyranny Party vs the Liberty Party (Democrat Party and Republican Party respectively).

This is the trend I've been noticing.

I always thought when this time finally came, it would be the other way around, how wrong I was.

Yes, Ron Paul began the insurgent movement in the Republican Party and it has grown.
No, what's desperate is all the guys who defended the Iraq war for YEARS after it was proven Bush lied are now against Obama going after Syria for actually doing what they accused Saddam of doing.

They were all for it until the Black Guy did it.

Drone Strikes
RomneyCare (errr. Obamacare)
Wars of Choice.

What you're missing is that now Obama and the dems are doing the exact same things the neocons did.

Who knows, maybe some people are waking up to the fact that neoconservatism has had its day. The neocons wandered over from the Democratic Party in the first place.

The Republican Party should send them home.

In other words, we now have the Tyranny Party vs the Liberty Party (Democrat Party and Republican Party respectively).

This is the trend I've been noticing.

I always thought when this time finally came, it would be the other way around, how wrong I was.

If you were a true Libertarian you would understand that the Republicans have never been the "Liberty Party". Both parties are one and the same. Establishment Republicans have adopted certain Libertarian-leaning ideas in recent years, but for one reason, which is political pandering. The reason they are latching onto Ron Paul supporters is the same reason they latched onto the Tea Party in 2007. The Republican party is still being run by neo-con chickenhawks.
Giving Code Pink credit, at least they are consistant.

Unlike the Neo-Cons who all sound like Dope-smoking hippies now that the Black Guy wants to blow up an Islamic Country.

Another liberal moron who doesn't know what "neocon" means. When you use it wrong out of context because you like the way it sounds it's amusing, but it's really funny when you use it actually contradictory to it's definition like this.

Oh, I'm positive I used it in the proper context.

It's just fucking hilarious to watch you jokers all suddenly be for peace and love because your hatred of Obama is greater than your hatred for Muslims. Oh, wait, isn't Obama a Muslim?
Giving Code Pink credit, at least they are consistant.

Unlike the Neo-Cons who all sound like Dope-smoking hippies now that the Black Guy wants to blow up an Islamic Country.

Another liberal moron who doesn't know what "neocon" means. When you use it wrong out of context because you like the way it sounds it's amusing, but it's really funny when you use it actually contradictory to it's definition like this.

Oh, I'm positive I used it in the proper context.

It's just fucking hilarious to watch you jokers all suddenly be for peace and love because your hatred of Obama is greater than your hatred for Muslims. Oh, wait, isn't Obama a Muslim?

OK, so name some neocons who aren't supporting the black guy.
Another liberal moron who doesn't know what "neocon" means. When you use it wrong out of context because you like the way it sounds it's amusing, but it's really funny when you use it actually contradictory to it's definition like this.

Oh, I'm positive I used it in the proper context.

It's just fucking hilarious to watch you jokers all suddenly be for peace and love because your hatred of Obama is greater than your hatred for Muslims. Oh, wait, isn't Obama a Muslim?

OK, so name some neocons who aren't supporting the black guy.

Dr. Strangelove Krauthammer, to start with.
Giving Code Pink credit, at least they are consistant.

Unlike the Neo-Cons who all sound like Dope-smoking hippies now that the Black Guy wants to blow up an Islamic Country.

code pink is anything BUT consistent, they are fucking trash who cannot vanish from this earth fast enough.

They claim to be "anti-war", but have done NOTHING to protest what syria has been doing for 3 years. They did not even mention syria on their web site for years - but had lots of anti-israel articles.

They are an anti-israel groups of turds masquerading as an anti-war org, who have protested aggressively against the USMC recruiting center in SF - and then hilariously ran into it for protection when a massive counter-protest showed up.

They have also shown up to protest iranians who are protesting against the iranian regime. I once walked up to them to explain why they were protesting against iranians who had lost family members of the regime, knew the situation there better than anyone - and NOT ONE CODE PINK ASSHOLE could even explain the most surface-level facts about iran, not fucking one.

They make zero efforts to protest any wars that don't involve the US, they are just another dime-a-dozen group of anti-american/anti-israel, far left turds.

If they are consistent about anything, it is their focus on anti-american, anti-israel activities - while completely ignoring all of the wars elsewhere, and actions by the worst shitholes like russia, china, africa, iran, north korea, etc.
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Giving Code Pink credit, at least they are consistant.

Unlike the Neo-Cons who all sound like Dope-smoking hippies now that the Black Guy wants to blow up an Islamic Country.

code pink is anything BUT consistent, they are fucking trash who cannot vanish from this earth fast enough.

They claim to be "anti-war", but have done NOTHING to protest what syria has been doing for 3 years. They did not even mention syria on their web site for years - but had lots of anti-israel articles.

They are an anti-israel groups of turds masquerading as an anti-war org, who have protested aggressively against the USMC recruiting center in SF - and then hilariously ran into it for protection when a massive counter-protest showed up.

They have also shown up to protest iranians who are protesting against the iranian regime. I once walked up to them to explain why they were protesting against iranians who had lost family members of the regime, knew the situation there better than anyone - and NOT ONE CODE PINK ASSHOLE could even explain the most surface-level facts about iran, not fucking one.

They make zero efforts to protest any wars that don't involve the US, they are just another dime-a-dozen group of turds.

If they are consistent about anything, it is their focus on anti-american, anti-israel activities - while completely ignoring all of the wars elsewhere, and actions by the worst shitholes like russia, china, africa, iran, north korea, etc.

Ahhh, another Zionist who thinks that the interests of a few religious fanatics in Palestine are the same as the US.

The day Israel gets pushed into the sea, the world will be better off.
Ahhh, another Zionist who thinks that the interests of a few religious fanatics in Palestine are the same as the US. The day Israel gets pushed into the sea, the world will be better off.

I'm amazed someone as clearly of low intelligence as you can even spell zionist, especially since you're clearly mentally ill. The sooner the US deports all those with IQs under 40 - which would clearly include you, the world will be better off.
Ahhh, another Zionist who thinks that the interests of a few religious fanatics in Palestine are the same as the US. The day Israel gets pushed into the sea, the world will be better off.

I'm amazed someone as clearly of low intelligence as you can even spell zionist, especially since you're clearly mentally ill. The sooner the US deports all those with IQs under 40 - which would clearly include you, the world will be better off.

Yawn, guy, I'm tired of paying taxes and seeing kids come home in boxes because Zionists want to play "God Loves me the Very Best!"

The sooner we get over the God delusion, the better.
Oh, I'm positive I used it in the proper context.

It's just fucking hilarious to watch you jokers all suddenly be for peace and love because your hatred of Obama is greater than your hatred for Muslims. Oh, wait, isn't Obama a Muslim?

OK, so name some neocons who aren't supporting the black guy.

Dr. Strangelove Krauthammer, to start with.

I have seen him, but I don't know enough to vouch that he is a neocon. But even if he is, you have one political commentator who's only not particularly followed by anyone. Wow, what evidence that is to show that neocons are bailing on the black guy. Typical JoeTheBigot crap.
OK, so name some neocons who aren't supporting the black guy.

Dr. Strangelove Krauthammer, to start with.

I have seen him, but I don't know enough to vouch that he is a neocon. But even if he is, you have one political commentator who's only not particularly followed by anyone. Wow, what evidence that is to show that neocons are bailing on the black guy. Typical JoeTheBigot crap.

I guess the problem is, if you want to play that game, no one ever claims to be a NeoCon.

Yeah, Bill Krystol is still beating the war drums, but most of them aren't. Yet.

Until the Zionists TELL them to, anyway.
Yawn, guy, I'm tired of paying taxes and seeing kids come home in boxes because Zionists want to play "God Loves me the Very Best!" The sooner we get over the God delusion, the better.

You pay taxes? You're too stupid to have a job.

Next you'll be telling us how jews control the US government and world, and are telling the US to invade syria. :cuckoo:

Yes, you are THAT fucking stupid. Go back to stormfront with the rest of the trash.
Giving Code Pink credit, at least they are consistant.

Unlike the Neo-Cons who all sound like Dope-smoking hippies now that the Black Guy wants to blow up an Islamic Country.

again the desperate race card....

No, what's desperate is all the guys who defended the Iraq war for YEARS after it was proven Bush lied are now against Obama going after Syria for actually doing what they accused Saddam of doing.

They were all for it until the Black Guy did it.

Drone Strikes
RomneyCare (errr. Obamacare)
Wars of Choice.

Negged for the lamest argument on the planet.

I have had it with the race card. Go play somewhere else will you?
Yawn, guy, I'm tired of paying taxes and seeing kids come home in boxes because Zionists want to play "God Loves me the Very Best!" The sooner we get over the God delusion, the better.

You pay taxes? You're too stupid to have a job.

Next you'll be telling us how jews control the US government and world, and are telling the US to invade syria. :cuckoo:

Yes, you are THAT fucking stupid. Go back to stormfront with the rest of the trash.

ruh roh, I'm starting to like you.

I think it's the subtle way you have with words. Yeah, yeah that's the ticket....

Ahhh, another Zionist who thinks that the interests of a few religious fanatics in Palestine are the same as the US. The day Israel gets pushed into the sea, the world will be better off.

I'm amazed someone as clearly of low intelligence as you can even spell zionist, especially since you're clearly mentally ill. The sooner the US deports all those with IQs under 40 - which would clearly include you, the world will be better off.

Yawn, guy, I'm tired of paying taxes and seeing kids come home in boxes because Zionists want to play "God Loves me the Very Best!"

The sooner we get over the God delusion, the better.

Israel isn't even a player in this game. It's all down to Qatar wanting a pipeline through Syria.

Stop with the Israel bullshit.

Look, Qatar has paid untold millions to the *cough * rebels aka terrorists in Syria to take out Assad.

This is fact. Assad is aligned with Putin correct? Putin and Russia dominate the natural gas market in the EU.

Qatar wants in. But the only way they can get in the game is to run a pipeline thru Syria.

Assad said no.

Consequently for Qatar, Assad must be removed. At any and all costs, and human carnage be damned.

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