Code pink

Dr. Strangelove Krauthammer, to start with.

I have seen him, but I don't know enough to vouch that he is a neocon. But even if he is, you have one political commentator who's only not particularly followed by anyone. Wow, what evidence that is to show that neocons are bailing on the black guy. Typical JoeTheBigot crap.

I guess the problem is, if you want to play that game, no one ever claims to be a NeoCon.

Yeah, Bill Krystol is still beating the war drums, but most of them aren't. Yet.

Until the Zionists TELL them to, anyway.

The only game here is that you said neocons aren't supporting the black guy and you have one lame example and now you're coping out with excuses. If you know what a neocon is even though you're using the word wrong and if you know who is a neocon and you're right they aren't supporting the black guy, naming them would be easy. But you don't know what the word means and you don't know who is a neocon by the standard definition of the word, so you're hiding.

Here are some easy ones for you as measured by what they do, I don't care if they call themselves neocon or not.

Neocons - W, Cheney, Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Reid, Boehmer, McCain

Not neocon - Rush, Hannity, Beck, Rand Paul
Giving Code Pink credit, at least they are consistant.

Unlike the Neo-Cons who all sound like Dope-smoking hippies now that the Black Guy wants to blow up an Islamic Country.

As opposed to the peaceniks who now that they have the trigger, want to kill everything in sight?

What you're missing is that now Obama and the dems are doing the exact same things the neocons did.

Who knows, maybe some people are waking up to the fact that neoconservatism has had its day. The neocons wandered over from the Democratic Party in the first place.

The Republican Party should send them home.

In other words, we now have the Tyranny Party vs the Liberty Party (Democrat Party and Republican Party respectively).

This is the trend I've been noticing.

I always thought when this time finally came, it would be the other way around, how wrong I was.

If you were a true Libertarian you would understand that the Republicans have never been the "Liberty Party". Both parties are one and the same. Establishment Republicans have adopted certain Libertarian-leaning ideas in recent years, but for one reason, which is political pandering. The reason they are latching onto Ron Paul supporters is the same reason they latched onto the Tea Party in 2007. The Republican party is still being run by neo-con chickenhawks.

To be perfectly honest "true libertarians" are a colossal pain in the ass. They spend way too much time arguing for silly shit like legalizing all drugs and privatizing roads and prisons instead of getting on board with conservatives and actually doing something for the cause of liberty in this country.

The most interesting thing happening in American politics is the reform movement in the Republican Party.

By the way, it's beginning to look more and more like the neocons are losing their stranglehold on the Republican Party, no thanks to "true libertarians."
I have seen him, but I don't know enough to vouch that he is a neocon. But even if he is, you have one political commentator who's only not particularly followed by anyone. Wow, what evidence that is to show that neocons are bailing on the black guy. Typical JoeTheBigot crap.

I guess the problem is, if you want to play that game, no one ever claims to be a NeoCon.

Yeah, Bill Krystol is still beating the war drums, but most of them aren't. Yet.

Until the Zionists TELL them to, anyway.

The only game here is that you said neocons aren't supporting the black guy and you have one lame example and now you're coping out with excuses. If you know what a neocon is even though you're using the word wrong and if you know who is a neocon and you're right they aren't supporting the black guy, naming them would be easy. But you don't know what the word means and you don't know who is a neocon by the standard definition of the word, so you're hiding.

Here are some easy ones for you as measured by what they do, I don't care if they call themselves neocon or not.

Neocons - W, Cheney, Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Reid, Boehmer, McCain

Not neocon - Rush, Hannity, Beck, Rand Paul

Rush and Hannity just go with the wind. I remember Hannity being chased by Ron Paul supporters and the frightened deer look in his eyes as he bravely ducked into a restaurant. He did his level best to torpedo the Ron Paul candidacy.

Rush is an entertainer and humorist who will say whatever he needs to say for ratings.

Beck, with his ridiculous stage trappings, does more to harm conservatives than help them.
I hope Code Pink is every bit as relentless against Obama as they were against Bush

As far as I have seen, they are. But it IS interesting how they don't get at much mainstream really have to look to find out what they are doing...and continue to do. Maybe that's the problem with some here...if the Mainstream media doesn't tell the it's happening in big flashy isn't happening.
Neocons - W, Cheney, Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Reid, Boehmer, McCain

Not neocon - Rush, Hannity, Beck, Rand Paul

Rush and Hannity just go with the wind. I remember Hannity being chased by Ron Paul supporters and the frightened deer look in his eyes as he bravely ducked into a restaurant. He did his level best to torpedo the Ron Paul candidacy.

Rush is an entertainer and humorist who will say whatever he needs to say for ratings.

Beck, with his ridiculous stage trappings, does more to harm conservatives than help them.

The discussion is whether they are neocons or not. Rush, Hannity and Beck are consistently fiscally conservative, which means they aren't "neo" con.

W, Cheney, McCain Boehmer all spend like drunken sailors and they freely use the military to implement the governments they want, so they may not follow the traditional path of a neocon from the left, they arrived at the same destination.

Obama, Biden and the rest of the Democrats are classic neocons coming from the left then falling in love with using the military to chose governments ... as long as they are doing the choosing.

Obama may have run as an anti-war candidate, but he's ruled as a pure tax, spend and impose our will on others through endless use of the military neocon.

We can discuss who we like another time. Code Pink may not have the vitriol towards Dems they do for Reps, but at least they are consistent. The Democratic leadership are just pathetic, amoral liars who hold themselves and Republicans to a completely different standard.
I hope Code Pink is every bit as relentless against Obama as they were against Bush

As far as I have seen, they are. But it IS interesting how they don't get at much mainstream really have to look to find out what they are doing...and continue to do. Maybe that's the problem with some here...if the Mainstream media doesn't tell the it's happening in big flashy isn't happening.

I know they've been silenced. They are out there.

They need to act up. Like we did in the 60's and create their own press. I don't think they've gotten a grip on Axelrod et al throwing them under the bus.

They aren't their "baby"s any more. If anything they are the WH enemies.
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Neocons - W, Cheney, Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Reid, Boehmer, McCain

Not neocon - Rush, Hannity, Beck, Rand Paul

Rush and Hannity just go with the wind. I remember Hannity being chased by Ron Paul supporters and the frightened deer look in his eyes as he bravely ducked into a restaurant. He did his level best to torpedo the Ron Paul candidacy.

Rush is an entertainer and humorist who will say whatever he needs to say for ratings.

Beck, with his ridiculous stage trappings, does more to harm conservatives than help them.

The discussion is whether they are neocons or not. Rush, Hannity and Beck are consistently fiscally conservative, which means they aren't "neo" con.

W, Cheney, McCain Boehmer all spend like drunken sailors and they freely use the military to implement the governments they want, so they may not follow the traditional path of a neocon from the left, they arrived at the same destination.

Obama, Biden and the rest of the Democrats are classic neocons coming from the left then falling in love with using the military to chose governments ... as long as they are doing the choosing.

Obama may have run as an anti-war candidate, but he's ruled as a pure tax, spend and impose our will on others through endless use of the military neocon.

We can discuss who we like another time. Code Pink may not have the vitriol towards Dems they do for Reps, but at least they are consistent. The Democratic leadership are just pathetic, amoral liars who hold themselves and Republicans to a completely different standard.

Awesome post!
Yawn, guy, I'm tired of paying taxes and seeing kids come home in boxes because Zionists want to play "God Loves me the Very Best!" The sooner we get over the God delusion, the better.

You pay taxes? You're too stupid to have a job.

Next you'll be telling us how jews control the US government and world, and are telling the US to invade syria. :cuckoo:

Yes, you are THAT fucking stupid. Go back to stormfront with the rest of the trash.

I probably pay more taxes than you do...

And, yeah, the Zionists are ALREADY lobbying for the attack on Syria.

AIPAC to go all-out on Syria - Manu Raju -

The powerful pro-Israel lobby AIPAC is planning to launch a major lobbying campaign to push wayward lawmakers to back the resolution authorizing U.S. strikes against Syria, sources said Thursday.

Officials say that some 250 Jewish leaders and AIPAC activists will storm the halls on Capitol Hill beginning next week to persuade lawmakers that Congress must adopt the resolution or risk emboldening Iran’s efforts to build a nuclear weapon. They are expected to lobby virtually every member of Congress, arguing that “barbarism” by the Assad regime cannot be tolerated, and that failing to act would “send a message” to Tehran that the U.S. won’t stand up to hostile countries’ efforts to develop weapons of mass destruction, according to a source with the group.

Read more: AIPAC to go all-out on Syria - Manu Raju -

Oh, that's Politico, not Stormfront...

Israel isn't even a player in this game. It's all down to Qatar wanting a pipeline through Syria.

Stop with the Israel bullshit.

Look, Qatar has paid untold millions to the *cough * rebels aka terrorists in Syria to take out Assad.

This is fact. Assad is aligned with Putin correct? Putin and Russia dominate the natural gas market in the EU.

Qatar wants in. But the only way they can get in the game is to run a pipeline thru Syria.

Assad said no.

Consequently for Qatar, Assad must be removed. At any and all costs, and human carnage be damned.

I have to wonder if you are stupid or just batshit crazy.

Why would Qatar want to run a pipeline through Syria when they could just as easily run it through Iraq into Turkey. Do you even know how to read a fucking map?

The thing is, the Zionists want to topple Assad because they want to send a message to Iran. It's really just that simple.
Oh, I'm positive I used it in the proper context.

It's just fucking hilarious to watch you jokers all suddenly be for peace and love because your hatred of Obama is greater than your hatred for Muslims. Oh, wait, isn't Obama a Muslim?

OK, so name some neocons who aren't supporting the black guy.

Dr. Strangelove Krauthammer, to start with.

he's a paleo-con

Israel isn't even a player in this game. It's all down to Qatar wanting a pipeline through Syria.

Stop with the Israel bullshit.

Look, Qatar has paid untold millions to the *cough * rebels aka terrorists in Syria to take out Assad.

This is fact. Assad is aligned with Putin correct? Putin and Russia dominate the natural gas market in the EU.

Qatar wants in. But the only way they can get in the game is to run a pipeline thru Syria.

Assad said no.

Consequently for Qatar, Assad must be removed. At any and all costs, and human carnage be damned.

I have to wonder if you are stupid or just batshit crazy.

Why would Qatar want to run a pipeline through Syria when they could just as easily run it through Iraq into Turkey. Do you even know how to read a fucking map?

The thing is, the Zionists want to topple Assad because they want to send a message to Iran. It's really just that simple.

Because Iraq wants a pipeline to Iran, not Qatar.
Code Pink has a morale problem: It’s called Democrats

By Jacqueline Klimas


Anti-war protesters are objecting to military action in Syria, but their efforts pale compared to the crowds that came out against the Iraq and Afghanistan wars — and Medea Benjamin, co-founder of the women’s anti-war group Code Pink, blames the Democrats,

“We’ve been protesting Obama’s foreign policy for years now, but we can’t get the same numbers because the people who would’ve been yelling and screaming about this stuff under Bush are quiet under Obama,” she said.

Code Pink has seen a decrease in membership and, as a result, isn’t able to plan as many events across the country. Ms. Benjamin also said they are getting less attention from reporters, which means less visibility.


Read more: Code Pink has a morale problem: It's called Democrats - Washington Times
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I've met Madea Benjamin a few times at various functions in San Francisco. She's been touring the country speaking against drones for at least the last 3 or 4 years, never shying away from attacking Obama on war issues.

I have more respect for Code Pink than I do for most organizations of that sort.
So do I. Medea Benjamin is an American treasure. A truly fine woman.

Israel isn't even a player in this game. It's all down to Qatar wanting a pipeline through Syria.

Stop with the Israel bullshit.

Look, Qatar has paid untold millions to the *cough * rebels aka terrorists in Syria to take out Assad.

This is fact. Assad is aligned with Putin correct? Putin and Russia dominate the natural gas market in the EU.

Qatar wants in. But the only way they can get in the game is to run a pipeline thru Syria.

Assad said no.

Consequently for Qatar, Assad must be removed. At any and all costs, and human carnage be damned.

I have to wonder if you are stupid or just batshit crazy.

Why would Qatar want to run a pipeline through Syria when they could just as easily run it through Iraq into Turkey. Do you even know how to read a fucking map?

The thing is, the Zionists want to topple Assad because they want to send a message to Iran. It's really just that simple.

Because Iraq wants a pipeline to Iran, not Qatar.

Qatar is the player, Qatar you know the small country loaded with $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ who started Al Jazeera and has the only US base in the ME

You know the country that is squeezing you by the balls because they can?
I've met Madea Benjamin a few times at various functions in San Francisco. She's been touring the country speaking against drones for at least the last 3 or 4 years, never shying away from attacking Obama on war issues.

I have more respect for Code Pink than I do for most organizations of that sort.
So do I. Medea Benjamin is an American treasure. A truly fine woman.

She is for true. I admire her greatly. Even if one stands on opposing sides and these days I wonder how far apart I would be from her, she's rock freaking solid and has never given up a lick.

I could count on her to be real.
Because most of the right wingers on this page haven't been told by their leaders at faux noise or by rushie anything about Code Pink. They only take orders from these groups.

I've met Madea Benjamin a few times at various functions in San Francisco. She's been touring the country speaking against drones for at least the last 3 or 4 years, never shying away from attacking Obama on war issues.

I have more respect for Code Pink than I do for most organizations of that sort.
Medea Benjamin Booted Out of Egypt

March 5, 2014 by Matthew Vadum


Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin, a frequent teller of tall tales, claims she was detained and physically abused Monday by Egyptian authorities when she flew into Cairo’s airport –on her way to an anti-Israel rally in Gaza.

Benjamin, who has close ties to the Obama White House, was traveling to Egypt for a meeting with international delegates before a scheduled trip to Gaza for what Amy Goodman of “Democracy Now” described innocuously as a “women’s conference.”

Hours later after being deported to Turkey, Benjamin said she had been held at the Cairo airport without explanation and violently handcuffed by Egyptian officials. While in Egyptian custody she took to Twitter to ask for help. She said officials in Cairo dislocated her shoulder and broke her arm before putting her on an airplane bound for somewhere in Turkey.


Benjamin’s voice might indeed be worth listening to from time to time, if only she used it to tell the truth instead of spreading politically motivated lies and hateful propaganda.

Medea Benjamin Booted Out of Egypt | FrontPage Magazine

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