Cohen: Trump made me do it!!

So what you are saying is Trump still controls the White House and the GOP control congress. Tissue? lol

So did Nixon.
I guess you're too ignorant to see what's right in front of your face.

You got nothing on president Trump, 21 months into his presidency and he's still standing.

His own personal attorney just implicated Trump in up to 8 federal felonies. And you're still insisting there's nothing to see.

Um, good luck with that.

It seems desperate willful ignorance is now a GOP party plank.

You don't understand how things work when you are a POTUS.

Are you saying a president can direct someone to break the law and is above the law himself?
If that president is a Republican, yes; a Democrat, no.
Cohen is a’s his word against the President. Trump is in great shape legally.

What Cohen fake pleaded to isn't even a crime. No money was spent illegally on campaign activities. No campaign money was spent to pay the two women to sign non-disclosure agreements.

Cohen either received incredibly bad representation from Clinton Crime Family Syndicate lawyer LANNY DAVIS, or he was paid off by the Clintons - or more likely, both things happened.
It obviously WAS a crime
He is going to jail for it
Trump didn't order Cohen to break campaign finance laws. He naturally expected that his LAWYER would follow the law. The President isn't in any trouble.
Trump directed his lawyer to bribe the women to affect the outcome of a federal election.

That's a violation of campaign finance laws, sweetie.

And it's a conspiracy.

Non disclosure agreements are not against the law.
That's not the problem here.
Payment for a non-disclosure agreement is not a crime.

Cohen got very bad advice and counsel from his Clinton Crime Family Syndicate lawyer LANNY FREAKIN DAVIS.

So, Occam's Razor says that the Clintons have paid off Cohen to flip on Trump with deposits to some fake offshore account that will disappear when he is no longer useful.
This is not about the Clintons

It is about Trump
Is he above the law?

What law was violated? Linky?
Campaign finance

It is a federal crime to knowingly create and submit false campaign finance reports to the Federal Election Commission. Typically, the Government charges the filing of a false campaign disclosure form as being a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1001,
Trump, Cohen, Manafort and Flynn were not running a campaign, they are running a criminal enterprise. Three down. One to go.

LMAO! They ran a sample of uranium to Moscow before the Uranium One deal went down? OH, wait! That was Mueller! And my oh my how the money rolled in. The Hildebeast made off with almost a half a billion for her campaign coffers.....courtesy of the Russian oligarchs.
Trump didn't order Cohen to break campaign finance laws. He naturally expected that his LAWYER would follow the law. The President isn't in any trouble.
Trump directed his lawyer to bribe the women to affect the outcome of a federal election.

That's a violation of campaign finance laws, sweetie.

And it's a conspiracy.

Non disclosure agreements are not against the law.
Non sequitur arguments are not relevant here.
Cohen is a’s his word against the President. Trump is in great shape legally.

What Cohen fake pleaded to isn't even a crime. No money was spent illegally on campaign activities. No campaign money was spent to pay the two women to sign non-disclosure agreements.

Cohen either received incredibly bad representation from Clinton Crime Family Syndicate lawyer LANNY DAVIS, or he was paid off by the Clintons - or more likely, both things happened.
It obviously WAS a crime
He is going to jail for it

Lanny Davis advised him to plea out to something that wasn't a crime in order to avoid 65 years in jail. His real crimes were the tax evasion associated with his taxi company that has nothing to do with Trump. That's how Manafort works. Like Beria, he finds a crime and then pressure the target to confess to fake crimes to set up a bigger target.

It's the Swamp MO.
Well, that didn't take long. Not only has Cohen plead guilty today, but he's also turned on Trump.

Seems that there was campaign finance violations concerning Ms. Daniels and the Playboy Bunny, and there are records to back it up.

Funniest part? Cohen said that Trump ordered him to do it. Here's a link from FOX News so you conservatives won't holler "fake news".............................

Michael Cohen admits violating campaign finance laws 'at direction of' Trump

Michael Cohen, President Trump's longtime personal attorney, admitted Tuesday to violating federal campaign finance laws by arranging hush money payments to adult film star Stormy Daniels and former Playboy model Karen McDougal "at the direction" of then-candidate Trump.

In entering the plea, Cohen did not specifically name the two women or even Trump, recounting instead that he worked with an "unnamed candidate." But the amounts and the dates all lined up with the payments made to Daniels and McDougal.

In total, Cohen pleaded guilty to five counts of tax evasion, one count of making false statements to a financial institution, one count of willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution, and one count of making an excessive campaign contribution.

So the traitor, liar, and criminal Cohen is now blaming President Trump.

Good luck proving it with a treasonous criminal.

Lol. :21: You mad, bro?
Prosecutors charged Cohen with two counts of violating campaign finance laws by arranging payoffs to silence two women who claimed to have had affairs with Trump. The payoffs followed the release of video from an Access Hollywood outtake in which Trump had boasted about sexual assault.

Prosecutors said Cohen worked to secure a $150,000 payment from the National Enquirer to former Playboy playmate Karen McDougal, who claimed to have had a relationship with Trump years earlier. They said he also made a $130,000 payment to a Stephanie Clifford, a pornographic actress better known as Stormy Daniels.

Prosecutors said the payments were illegal because they were made by a corporation, and because they exceeded the maximum allowable donation to a federal candidate
Cohen stunned a federal courtroom in New York on Tuesday by declaring that he made those payments “at the direction of the candidate,” by whom he plainly meant Trump. He also said he did so specifically to influence the outcome of the election.
Cohen is a’s his word against the President. Trump is in great shape legally.

What Cohen fake pleaded to isn't even a crime. No money was spent illegally on campaign activities. No campaign money was spent to pay the two women to sign non-disclosure agreements.

Cohen either received incredibly bad representation from Clinton Crime Family Syndicate lawyer LANNY DAVIS, or he was paid off by the Clintons - or more likely, both things happened.
It obviously WAS a crime
He is going to jail for it

Lanny Davis advised him to plea out to something that wasn't a crime in order to avoid 65 years in jail. His real crimes were the tax evasion associated with his taxi company that has nothing to do with Trump. That's how Manafort works. Like Beria, he finds a crime and then pressure the target to confess to fake crimes to set up a bigger target.

It's the Swamp MO.
Cohen stunned a federal courtroom in New York on Tuesday by declaring that he made those payments “at the direction of the candidate,” by whom he plainly meant Trump. He also said he did so specifically to influence the outcome of the election.

So let me get this straight.....Trump giving "hush money" to former conquests that he bedded when he wasn't a candidate, has them sign an NDA so that they can't be lured into looking for a bigger payoff is "bad". Having goons go over and threaten rape victims and sexual conquests of Bill "drop trou" to keep their mouths shut or "else" with no monetary payoff is "peachy"......Correct? Having shills like James Carville calling any woman that was a victim of Bill "drop trou's" predatory behavior "trailer trash" is simply good politics thus not clouding the issue of the wonderous leadership this bastard child of the Rockefeller clan and the "gatekeeper" of the Mena airport cocaine import business (that wasn't under the jurisdiction of the FAA)......America was (snicker) "Lucky" as shit that Bill "drop trou" became CEO of USA.INC and signed off on unfair fair trade agreements and gave China a deep sea water port in California and opened up the patent offices to the Chi-coms.

"Merica had a REAL winner in ol Bill "drop trou", the leftard clown posse's answer to the neocon's Ronald Reagan! LMAO!
Well, that didn't take long. Not only has Cohen plead guilty today, but he's also turned on Trump.

Seems that there was campaign finance violations concerning Ms. Daniels and the Playboy Bunny, and there are records to back it up.

Funniest part? Cohen said that Trump ordered him to do it. Here's a link from FOX News so you conservatives won't holler "fake news".............................

Michael Cohen admits violating campaign finance laws 'at direction of' Trump

Michael Cohen, President Trump's longtime personal attorney, admitted Tuesday to violating federal campaign finance laws by arranging hush money payments to adult film star Stormy Daniels and former Playboy model Karen McDougal "at the direction" of then-candidate Trump.

In entering the plea, Cohen did not specifically name the two women or even Trump, recounting instead that he worked with an "unnamed candidate." But the amounts and the dates all lined up with the payments made to Daniels and McDougal.

In total, Cohen pleaded guilty to five counts of tax evasion, one count of making false statements to a financial institution, one count of willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution, and one count of making an excessive campaign contribution.

Now this is some funny shit right here... Let me know when your finished making shit up and you actually have a crime...
Prosecutors charged Cohen with two counts of violating campaign finance laws by arranging payoffs to silence two women who claimed to have had affairs with Trump. The payoffs followed the release of video from an Access Hollywood outtake in which Trump had boasted about sexual assault.

Prosecutors said Cohen worked to secure a $150,000 payment from the National Enquirer to former Playboy playmate Karen McDougal, who claimed to have had a relationship with Trump years earlier. They said he also made a $130,000 payment to a Stephanie Clifford, a pornographic actress better known as Stormy Daniels.

Prosecutors said the payments were illegal because they were made by a corporation, and because they exceeded the maximum allowable donation to a federal candidate
Private funds are not illegal... You have yet to prove anything..
Alternative facts
Truth is NOT truth, lol
Only in Rumpland!

Meanwhile good Americans kick ass and shit all over the faces of the filthy, whiny bitches known as the Left....hahaha
Actually, you shit all over the principles of conservatism. You fuckwits have destroyed the good name of the GOP and conservatism for a very, very long time.

Well, I’m thinking times have fucking changed...the average conservative has filthy fucks can’t trample all over good, kind, giving religious folks anymore and you’re shitting your fucking pants...that’s all.
I’m thinking we’re doing something right...we own all of DC and you disgusting bottom feeders are gasping for breath and barely relevant.
No, conservatism has not changed. I am still here, and I will be here to clean up the stain you fuckwits have made on this country.
How can a communist sympathizer and ally be a conservative?
So what you are saying is Trump still controls the White House and the GOP control congress. Tissue? lol

So did Nixon.
I guess you're too ignorant to see what's right in front of your face.

You got nothing on president Trump, 21 months into his presidency and he's still standing.

His own personal attorney just implicated Trump in up to 8 federal felonies. And you're still insisting there's nothing to see.

Um, good luck with that.

It seems desperate willful ignorance is now a GOP party plank.

You don't understand how things work when you are a POTUS.

Are you saying a president can direct someone to break the law and is above the law himself?
Obama did that many times.
Trump pays off women with whom he’s had an affair to buy their silence and conservatives still support and defend Trump.

The blind partisan right, indeed.
Conservatives defending trump?!!! More like the worst of this nation found themselves In the orange and are following him like sheep.
So did Nixon.
I guess you're too ignorant to see what's right in front of your face.

You got nothing on president Trump, 21 months into his presidency and he's still standing.

His own personal attorney just implicated Trump in up to 8 federal felonies. And you're still insisting there's nothing to see.

Um, good luck with that.

It seems desperate willful ignorance is now a GOP party plank.

You don't understand how things work when you are a POTUS.

Are you saying a president can direct someone to break the law and is above the law himself?
Obama did that many times.
Do you play stupid or you are stupid ? Trump is a con artist, liar and criminal....if I were I'll just hide, but instead you come out and try and hide the sun with your pinky....pathetic !!!
You got nothing on president Trump, 21 months into his presidency and he's still standing.

His own personal attorney just implicated Trump in up to 8 federal felonies. And you're still insisting there's nothing to see.

Um, good luck with that.

It seems desperate willful ignorance is now a GOP party plank.

You don't understand how things work when you are a POTUS.

Are you saying a president can direct someone to break the law and is above the law himself?
Obama did that many times.
Do you play stupid or you are stupid ? Trump is a con artist, liar and criminal....if I were I'll just hide, but instead you come out and try and hide the sun with your pinky....pathetic !!!
Obama was a criminal before he even ran for Senate. That is what a “community organizer” is.

The entire Democratic Party leadership is susceptible to imprisonment.

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