Cohen-Trump Tape Shows no Illegality and is a Joke!

Thanks Chris Cuomo for helping GOP in 2018 middies. Typical liberal hit job. What law was broken? None. Complete joke. This more laughable than Maddow tax return bombshell! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
CNN obtains secret Trump-Cohen tape - CNNPolitics

But it shows that Trump is a liar. Well, we all know this, we can see it time and time and time again.

But again, Trump is a fucking liar and you stick by him.
He can tell an interminable inexactitude from time-to-time. But, he’s a winner and imperative that Hillary not be on Oval Office. Trump loves America and people like Cuomo have no class.
Bush, I dislike Trump a lot, but I agree that the tape is a 'nothingburger' to me. All it does is prove he is a liar (he said he knows nothing about the issue of McDougal's payoff). However everyone, including you, knows he lies like a rug daily and nobody needs the tape to prove that. Matter of fact the whole issue of Trump's adulteries is a nothingburger to me. It shows a personal flaw I do not like, but consider it between a family and between a person and God and none of my business. It is his lack of good governance that I find offensive. Such as yesterday's news that America is going to subsidize farmers hurt by tariffs. I don't think those farmers want subsidies, they want to sell their crops and not rely on our government. And what's going to happen when industry and manufacturing get hit by tariffs? More subsidies? The party of anti-bailouts is giving out bailouts like Halloween candy to support this neurotic nation destroyer?

You are right...the tapes prove nothing illegal or anything we all didn't already know. It's an empty gesture. But I think you are dead wrong that Trump loves America, certainly not more than he loves the money his enterprises are bringing in to his personal coffers due to his position or the adoration he gets for his chest thumping.
He can tell an interminable inexactitude from time-to-time. But, he’s a winner and imperative that Hillary not be on Oval Office. Trump loves America and people like Cuomo have no class.

Yes, a winner, the sort of guy who makes sure he's always winning, which means many other people have to be losing, and those people are you and your family and many others.

Trump loves RICH AMERICA. He loves he can pull the wool over your eyes every single fucking time. He loves you're willing to work for a crap deal so he can get a better deal.
Mueller investigation will be another victory for Trump. I’m not tired of winning.

Sure, how can you be tired of winning when the ONLY thing he's "won" is a tax cut for the rich that hasn't meant real wages have risen, hasn't meant much.

Then there's Syria, which Trump claims to have won, regardless of the fact that the US isn't doing much there.

Then there's North Korea which Trump claims to have won something, even though NOTHING has happened.

What winning are you fucking talking about?
Waking-up every single morning knowing Obama is gone and Hillary is not in the White House. That’s winning. :113:

That's just the mentality of a five year.

It also tells me you have nothing. You can't name one thing that the President has done that is "winning".
Supreme Court
Border Security
Restoring pride in America again.
Restoring strength to US leadership around the world.
Pressing NATO nations to pay fair share of defense cost.
Thanks Chris Cuomo for helping GOP in 2018 middies. Typical liberal hit job. What law was broken? None. Complete joke. This more laughable than Maddow tax return bombshell! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
CNN obtains secret Trump-Cohen tape - CNNPolitics
Talking about a payoff two months before an election is completely legal.
What did the accusations by a whore have to do with federal election laws?
Let's leave that up to the investigators and counsels and prosecutors who are looking into the matter...
Thanks Chris Cuomo for helping GOP in 2018 middies. Typical liberal hit job. What law was broken? None. Complete joke. This more laughable than Maddow tax return bombshell! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
CNN obtains secret Trump-Cohen tape - CNNPolitics

But it shows that Trump is a liar. Well, we all know this, we can see it time and time and time again.

But again, Trump is a fucking liar and you stick by him.
He can tell an interminable inexactitude from time-to-time. But, he’s a winner and imperative that Hillary not be on Oval Office. Trump loves America and people like Cuomo have no class.
Bush, I dislike Trump a lot, but I agree that the tape is a 'nothingburger' to me. All it does is prove he is a liar (he said he knows nothing about the issue of McDougal's payoff). However everyone, including you, knows he lies like a rug daily and nobody needs the tape to prove that. Matter of fact the whole issue of Trump's adulteries is a nothingburger to me. It shows a personal flaw I do not like, but consider it between a family and between a person and God and none of my business. It is his lack of good governance that I find offensive. Such as yesterday's news that America is going to subsidize farmers hurt by tariffs. I don't think those farmers want subsidies, they want to sell their crops and not rely on our government. And what's going to happen when industry and manufacturing get hit by tariffs? More subsidies? The party of anti-bailouts is giving out bailouts like Halloween candy to support this neurotic nation destroyer?

You are right...the tapes prove nothing illegal or anything we all didn't already know. It's an empty gesture. But I think you are dead wrong that Trump loves America, certainly not more than he loves the money his enterprises are bringing in to his personal coffers due to his position or the adoration he gets for his chest thumping.
Tariffs long overdue. Farmers have been subsidized by federal government since 1930’s. Name me a Presidential candidate that did not lie outside of George Washington?
Thanks Chris Cuomo for helping GOP in 2018 middies. Typical liberal hit job. What law was broken? None. Complete joke. This more laughable than Maddow tax return bombshell! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
CNN obtains secret Trump-Cohen tape - CNNPolitics
Talking about a payoff two months before an election is completely legal.
What did the accusations by a whore have to do with federal election laws?
Let's leave that up to the investigators and counsels and prosecutors who are looking into the matter...
...and finding nothing.
Thanks Chris Cuomo for helping GOP in 2018 middies. Typical liberal hit job. What law was broken? None. Complete joke. This more laughable than Maddow tax return bombshell! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
CNN obtains secret Trump-Cohen tape - CNNPolitics

But it shows that Trump is a liar. Well, we all know this, we can see it time and time and time again.

But again, Trump is a fucking liar and you stick by him.
He can tell an interminable inexactitude from time-to-time. But, he’s a winner and imperative that Hillary not be on Oval Office. Trump loves America and people like Cuomo have no class.
Bush, I dislike Trump a lot, but I agree that the tape is a 'nothingburger' to me. All it does is prove he is a liar (he said he knows nothing about the issue of McDougal's payoff). However everyone, including you, knows he lies like a rug daily and nobody needs the tape to prove that. Matter of fact the whole issue of Trump's adulteries is a nothingburger to me. It shows a personal flaw I do not like, but consider it between a family and between a person and God and none of my business. It is his lack of good governance that I find offensive. Such as yesterday's news that America is going to subsidize farmers hurt by tariffs. I don't think those farmers want subsidies, they want to sell their crops and not rely on our government. And what's going to happen when industry and manufacturing get hit by tariffs? More subsidies? The party of anti-bailouts is giving out bailouts like Halloween candy to support this neurotic nation destroyer?

You are right...the tapes prove nothing illegal or anything we all didn't already know. It's an empty gesture. But I think you are dead wrong that Trump loves America, certainly not more than he loves the money his enterprises are bringing in to his personal coffers due to his position or the adoration he gets for his chest thumping.
Name me a President who did not make $$$ of their status as current or ex-Commander in Chief.
...Supreme Court...

...Border Security...
The jury is still out.


...Restoring pride in America again...
Yeah... coming away empty-handed in Singapore... and Helsinki... and a thousand-and-one other huge embarrassments for the United States...

Being seen as Vlad's Bitch... then having Vlad say that the timing is wrong for a DC visit... dissing his Bitch like a cheap, ugly bar-fly...

Yeah... America is PROUD of all that... yeppers... no doubt about it... :badgrin:

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch... I thought Obumble was bad with his never-ending Apologize for America and Kiss Muzzie King-Rings Tour...

Your boy turned out to be even worse... by an order of magnitude... who woulda thunk it?

...Restoring strength to US leadership around the world...
Nope. Not even close. Your Manchurian Candidate has done more to undermine US Leadership in the past 18 months than any former President while in office.

...Pressing NATO nations to pay fair share of defense cost.
Yeah... allied contributions remain right-on-target for 2020 and 2024... nothing's changed since Obumble's time in that regard... nothing.
Last edited:
...Name me a President who did not make $$$ of their status as current or ex-Commander in Chief.
Yeah... but you're not supposed to be profiting from that position WHILE you're holding the phukking office !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Chris Cuomo for helping GOP in 2018 middies. Typical liberal hit job. What law was broken? None. Complete joke. This more laughable than Maddow tax return bombshell! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
CNN obtains secret Trump-Cohen tape - CNNPolitics

But it shows that Trump is a liar. Well, we all know this, we can see it time and time and time again.

But again, Trump is a fucking liar and you stick by him.
He can tell an interminable inexactitude from time-to-time. But, he’s a winner and imperative that Hillary not be on Oval Office. Trump loves America and people like Cuomo have no class.
Bush, I dislike Trump a lot, but I agree that the tape is a 'nothingburger' to me. All it does is prove he is a liar (he said he knows nothing about the issue of McDougal's payoff). However everyone, including you, knows he lies like a rug daily and nobody needs the tape to prove that. Matter of fact the whole issue of Trump's adulteries is a nothingburger to me. It shows a personal flaw I do not like, but consider it between a family and between a person and God and none of my business. It is his lack of good governance that I find offensive. Such as yesterday's news that America is going to subsidize farmers hurt by tariffs. I don't think those farmers want subsidies, they want to sell their crops and not rely on our government. And what's going to happen when industry and manufacturing get hit by tariffs? More subsidies? The party of anti-bailouts is giving out bailouts like Halloween candy to support this neurotic nation destroyer?

You are right...the tapes prove nothing illegal or anything we all didn't already know. It's an empty gesture. But I think you are dead wrong that Trump loves America, certainly not more than he loves the money his enterprises are bringing in to his personal coffers due to his position or the adoration he gets for his chest thumping.
Name me a President who did not make $$$ of their status as current or ex-Commander in Chief.
I'd guess most Presidents made cash as an Ex-Commander, but that NONE cashed in during their terms pre-Trump. Do you have anything to prove otherwise?
Yes, a winner, the sort of guy who makes sure he's always winning, which means many other people have to be losing, and those people are you and your family and many others.

Trump loves RICH AMERICA. He loves he can pull the wool over your eyes every single fucking time. He loves you're willing to work for a crap deal so he can get a better deal.
Mueller investigation will be another victory for Trump. I’m not tired of winning.

Sure, how can you be tired of winning when the ONLY thing he's "won" is a tax cut for the rich that hasn't meant real wages have risen, hasn't meant much.

Then there's Syria, which Trump claims to have won, regardless of the fact that the US isn't doing much there.

Then there's North Korea which Trump claims to have won something, even though NOTHING has happened.

What winning are you fucking talking about?
Waking-up every single morning knowing Obama is gone and Hillary is not in the White House. That’s winning. :113:

That's just the mentality of a five year.

It also tells me you have nothing. You can't name one thing that the President has done that is "winning".
Supreme Court
Border Security
Restoring pride in America again.
Restoring strength to US leadership around the world.
Pressing NATO nations to pay fair share of defense cost.

So, sound bites and nothing much else?

You can't even articulate yourself?
Cohen...being a douchebag who illegally recorded conversations with people who banged a Playboy Playmate?

Cohen taping President Trump isn't illegal in New York ... :thup:

New York is a single party State as far as recordings go.
Any party involved in a conversation can legally tape the conversation regardless of whether or not the other party knows (in New York and a few other states).
A third party cannot legally tape a conversation they are not party to without a warrant.

Now ... Each state also has it own ethics requirements as set by the state's supreme court.
Whereas Cohen did not violate the law ... He may have violated one of New York's ethics rules under the bar.
In that case ... It could be petitioned to have him disbarred.

Still not illegal though.

Mueller investigation will be another victory for Trump. I’m not tired of winning.

Sure, how can you be tired of winning when the ONLY thing he's "won" is a tax cut for the rich that hasn't meant real wages have risen, hasn't meant much.

Then there's Syria, which Trump claims to have won, regardless of the fact that the US isn't doing much there.

Then there's North Korea which Trump claims to have won something, even though NOTHING has happened.

What winning are you fucking talking about?
Waking-up every single morning knowing Obama is gone and Hillary is not in the White House. That’s winning. :113:

That's just the mentality of a five year.

It also tells me you have nothing. You can't name one thing that the President has done that is "winning".
Supreme Court
Border Security
Restoring pride in America again.
Restoring strength to US leadership around the world.
Pressing NATO nations to pay fair share of defense cost.

So, sound bites and nothing much else?

You can't even articulate yourself?
It’s a list of accomplishments...about 6 more than Obama had.
So what does this have to do with Russia?

What does this have to do with anything?
Cohen...being a douchebag who illegally recorded conversations with people who banged a Playboy Playmate?

Cohen taping President Trump isn't illegal in New York ... :thup:

New York is a single party State as far as recordings go.
Any party involved in a conversation can legally tape the conversation regardless of whether or not the other party knows (in New York and a few other states).
A third party cannot legally tape a conversation they are not party to without a warrant.

Now ... Each state also has it own ethics requirements as set by the state's supreme court.
Whereas Cohen did not violate the law ... He may have violated one of New York's ethics rules under the bar.
In that case ... It could be petitioned to have him disbarred.

Still not illegal though.

Mueller NKVD investigation is after Cohen. Now he is the subject of an investigation so he has turned rat fuck coward.
Thanks Chris Cuomo for helping GOP in 2018 middies. Typical liberal hit job. What law was broken? None. Complete joke. This more laughable than Maddow tax return bombshell! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
CNN obtains secret Trump-Cohen tape - CNNPolitics
I just want to know why Obama and Hillary are in Africa......

Sure, how can you be tired of winning when the ONLY thing he's "won" is a tax cut for the rich that hasn't meant real wages have risen, hasn't meant much.

Then there's Syria, which Trump claims to have won, regardless of the fact that the US isn't doing much there.

Then there's North Korea which Trump claims to have won something, even though NOTHING has happened.

What winning are you fucking talking about?
Waking-up every single morning knowing Obama is gone and Hillary is not in the White House. That’s winning. :113:

That's just the mentality of a five year.

It also tells me you have nothing. You can't name one thing that the President has done that is "winning".
Supreme Court
Border Security
Restoring pride in America again.
Restoring strength to US leadership around the world.
Pressing NATO nations to pay fair share of defense cost.

So, sound bites and nothing much else?

You can't even articulate yourself?
It’s a list of accomplishments...about 6 more than Obama had.

I guess it would appear that way if you were blind.

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