Col. Richard Black: U.S. Leading World to Nuclear War

Most Americans are kept in the dark by a well-controlled media about the entire history of the world , especially the Middle East going back to Iran in 1953.

Afghanistan is technically Southeast Asia and then we have troops in 150 some odd other countries in Africa and everywhere else.
Libya was the richest African nation until we f***** them up
This is very true. Dumb Americans condemn Putin’s war of aggression, but think their country’s multiple wars of aggression are perfectly acceptable. WTF?

The American public knows almost nothing about why this war started, thanks to a media and government that controls what they are told.

We just might be allowing our corrupt government officials to sleep walk us into a nuclear holocaust.
This is very true. Dumb Americans condemn Putin’s war of aggression, but think their country’s multiple wars of aggression are perfectly acceptable. WTF?

The American public knows almost nothing about why this war started, thanks to a media and government that controls what they are told.

We just might be allowing our corrupt government officials to sleep walk us into a nuclear holocaust.
Even if most of us know the truth they have so much control we now have no real means of communicating it...... social media and the internet ?

Let's just say Big Brother's practice round was the Arab Spring when they shut it all down
I hear from Col Black that there have been calls from US Politicians (republicans) to nuke Russia. Given that Russia has nukes which it would be impossible for the US to detect, the wants to make sure it does not get Russia thinking it is going to fire them.

Are you impressed with Colonel Black?

Most Americans are kept in the dark by a well-controlled media about the entire history of the world , especially the Middle East going back to Iran in 1953.

Afghanistan is technically Southeast Asia and then we have troops in 150 some odd other countries in Africa and everywhere else.
Libya was the richest African nation until we f***** them up

Libya has suffered since Gaddafi threw out the Idris constitution in 1970. He was very much like Trump. The US had nothing to do with the Arab Spring in Libya. The Eastern tribes hated Gaddafi for the past 40 years. Why do you think Gaddafi's police and military were all foreign nationals?
Libya has suffered since Gaddafi threw out the Idris constitution in 1970. He was very much like Trump. The US had nothing to do with the Arab Spring in Libya. The Eastern tribes hated Gaddafi for the past 40 years. Why do you think Gaddafi's police and military were all foreign nationals?
Is that a justification for O’s invasion and the resulting destruction of Libya?
Is that a justification for O’s invasion and the resulting destruction of Libya?
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The US didn't invade Libya. By the time the US caved to NATO and the Arabs all foreign embassies had left.. all the oil companies had left and Libyan refugees were pouring into Italy. Gadaffi promised the streets would run with blood.
The US didn't invade Libya. By the time the US caved to NATO and the Arabs all foreign embassies had left.. all the oil companies had left and Libyan refugees were pouring into Italy. Gadaffi promised the streets would run with blood.
CIA false flag op in Tripoli ....look it up
The US didn't invade Libya. By the time the US caved to NATO and the Arabs all foreign embassies had left.. all the oil companies had left and Libyan refugees were pouring into Italy. Gadaffi promised the streets would run with blood.
We didn’t? Really? How do you define invade? Does it not include bombing the place and stationing troops and other personnel there?
We didn’t? Really? How do you define invade? Does it not include bombing the place and stationing troops and other personnel there?

It was the enforcement of a no fly zone. You guys want to blame Obama. Truth is the US was happy with the status quo. But, maybe you need another crackpot conspiracy.
We didn’t? Really? How do you define invade? Does it not include bombing the place and stationing troops and other personnel there?

We didn't station any troops in Libya. We couldn't have changed the course of events in Libya without a massive occupation force.. say 400,000.
We didn't station any troops in Libya. We couldn't have changed the course of events in Libya without a massive occupation force.. say 400,000.
Wrong. There were troops there. The whole Benghazi thing proved we had military personnel on the ground in several places.

What was going on there was none of our business. Our government’s involvement as always, only made matters worse.
Are you impressed with Colonel Black?

To be honest it was sometime ago I listened to that video and I did not know the man before. I can remember it was interesting. I think at the time it was about the first alternative point of view I had heard. Today I am listening to John Mearsheimer. I am going to have to listen to it again because I kept falling asleep!!!!! He has spoken about the US and Ukraine before. I understand what he is saying. It is pretty much the accepted alternative view.
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To be honest it was sometime ago I listened to that video and I did not know the man before. I can remember it was interesting. I think at the time it was about the first alternative point of view I had heard. Today I am listening to John Mearsheimer. I am going to have to listen to it again because I kept falling asleep!!!!! He has spoken about the US and Ukraine before. I understand what he is saying. It is pretty much the accepted alternative view.
Noam Chomsky too.
But the US barrage of propaganda won't be dispelled quickly.
The U.S. isn't the one who keeps using Nuclear threats. Russia is. If Russia acts on those threats, we will respond in kind. Admitting that we will respond, isn't making us the bad guy.

The whole war in the Ukraine was about the Ukraine trying to join NATO, which means putting NATO nukes on Russia's border.

Trying to claim that Russia then started the nuclear threat is silly.
That would be like claiming the US started the nuclear threat with the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1964.
That is true, but it was the US missiles we put in Turkey that were the start, not Cuba.
Clearly now it is the US that is threatening nuclear war by trying to put an unstoppable first strike nuclear force on Russia's border, in the Ukraine.

Russia has no choice but to respond with nuclear weapons if the US continues to try to put NATO nukes in the Ukraine.
That does not make Russia the one starting this, or the bad guy.
Clearly the US started this, is the bad guy, and has to stop arming the Ukraine with missiles.
Warning that if we meddle with their plans, they'll nuke us sounds a lot like a threat.

If a guy starts touching your wife, and you go up to give him what for, and the guy says "don't interrupt me, or I'll shoot you". That's a threat. That's when you pull out your gun and say that you will respond in kind. That's a warning. Your gun will scare the guy off. It's no different between Russia and the U.S. only more lives at stake.

There is no question the US started this first.
It started before 2014 really, but that is when the US bribed the military coup that took over, prevented elections, imprisoned or poisoned any opposition, etc.

The stated goal of Zelensky is to join NATO and put nukes on Russia's border.
So then it is Kyiv who is committing acts of war and started this conflict.
Russia is the victim and has no choice at all.
I'm kind of horrified so many ex-Army officers are willing to sell out to the Russians..

That is silly.
The Russians have ZERO history of colonial imperialism like the US has.
The Russians did not at all start this, and Kyiv was warned as early as 2006 that any attempt to join NATO was a treaty violation that would force an invasion.
When Putin says "I have nuclear weapons and I may have to use them, that's a threat because Putin is in control of said weapons. Whether or not he uses said weapons is entirely in his control and no one else.

Russia has repeatedly explained that as long as the Ukraine did not violate treaties, then there would no violence.
But if Kyiv ever tries to join NATO or any alliance hostile to Russia, they would have to be invaded.
So then whether or not the invasion of the Ukraine happened was NOT at all under the control of Putin.
It was entirely and completely up to the Ukraine if they were going to violate treaties or not.
Thank you, Baron for sharing Col. Black's viewpoint. My viewpoint is a little different because on the outside, Russia is no longer a communist state. However, from Putin's "warnings," it is clear to me that he would like to enjoy the same privileges as former President of the USSR, Nikita Kruschev, he would like to take his shoe and whack his podium smartly a few times to warn that "we will bury you," baloney that I saw Kruschev saying on tv when I was a teenager at Aldine High School in Houston. I didn't like his attitude. So the more things change in Russia, the more they stay the same. They just wanna beat up on anyone who stands in their cruel way. Because nothing could be more cruel than vaporizing an orphanage on the first day of a war by an agressor nation against a sovereign state they "used to own" under Communistic circumstance. Just my opinion that Putin was wishing to have the power he perceived is more pleasurable than giving a damn about the innocent people he just put through his malicious and inhumane meatgrinder weaponry. :cranky:
Oh, and no disrespect intended toward your post of excellence and Col. Black's experience delivered, none.

That is uninformed propaganda.

Khrushchev was "banging his shoe on the table" because the US had put nuclear missiles in Turkey, near the Russian border.
So Khrushchev was NOT the bad guy.
It was the US who was the bad guy.
And Khrushchev proved that by doing the same thing, putting nukes near the US, in Cuba, (Cuban Missile Crisis of 1964).

The result was that the US removed our missiles from Turkey, and only then did Russia remove their missiles from Cuba.

Russia has never "beat up" on anyone.
Russia has always been a defender, with nothing to gain.
Such as in China, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, Syria, etc.
It is the US that is out for the colonial imperialism, profit, exploitation, etc.

This war was caused entirely by the US, who encouraged, bribed, and armed Zelensky, so that the US could test Russian weapons.

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