Coldest winter in Green Bay......EVER!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
6,393 stoopid do the AGW fascist climate k00ks look today? Just a few years back, they were telling people that even in northern states, typical winters would be coming to an more snow......etc.......etc........

Now of course, they look so dumb that they've changed their tune and the cold is directly a result of the warming.

Hmmm........Im sure your average Green Bay guy standing in his backyard with his balls turning blue today, concurs!!!!:D:D:D:eusa_dance:
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its colie cold here too today

has been for some time

a good chunk of the country is is in cold down mode today
New York has been a block of ice for almost 8 straight weeks now. The Great South Bay is frozen solid here. Thirteen degrees last night......lots of global warming jokes at happy hour last night.
New York has been a block of ice for almost 8 straight weeks now. The Great South Bay is frozen solid here. Thirteen degrees last night......lots of global warming jokes at happy hour last night.

yeah we are looking at zero today then -17 below tonight

with snow of course
I personally like the cold and I have been enjoying this winter. Driving in the snow isn't any worse than driving on pavement. Just slow it down. Common sense.
The global warming argument goes something like this:

It gets hot: its global warming.
It gets cold: its global warming.

There is no time when its not global warming. stoopid do the AGW fascist climate k00ks look today? Just a few years back, they were telling people that even in northern states, typical winters would be coming to an more snow......etc.......etc........

Now of course, they look so dumb that they've changed their tune and the cold is directly a result of the warming.

Hmmm........Im sure your average Green Bay guy standing in his backyard with his balls turning blue today, concurs!!!!:D:D:D:eusa_dance:

Yes, Green Bay was hit very hard, as were these 10 others.

10 Cities Where February Could Rank as a Top 10 Coldest - Tips to Beat the Winter Blues stoopid do the AGW fascist climate k00ks look today? Just a few years back, they were telling people that even in northern states, typical winters would be coming to an more snow......etc.......etc........

Now of course, they look so dumb that they've changed their tune and the cold is directly a result of the warming.

Hmmm........Im sure your average Green Bay guy standing in his backyard with his balls turning blue today, concurs!!!!:D:D:D:eusa_dance:

Yes, Green Bay was hit very hard, as were these 10 others.

10 Cities Where February Could Rank as a Top 10 Coldest - Tips to Beat the Winter Blues
The Sun's behavior will by far be the biggest determinant of the climate on this planet:

Russian Scientists say period of global cooling ahead due to changes in the sun

Russia’s Pulkovo Observatory: “we could be in for a cooling period that lasts 200-250 years”
Scientists at Russia’s famous Pulkovo Observatory are convinced that the world is in for a period of global cooling.

Global warming which has been the subject of so many discussions in recent years, may give way to global cooling. According to scientists from the Pulkovo Observatory in St.Petersburg, solar activity is waning, so the average yearly temperature will begin to decline as well. Scientists from Britain and the US chime in saying that forecasts for global cooling are far from groundless. Some experts warn that a change in the climate may affect the ambitious projects for the exploration of the Arctic that have been launched by many countries.

Just recently, experts said that the Arctic ice cover was becoming thinner while journalists warned that the oncoming global warming would make it possible to grow oranges in the north of Siberia. Now, they say a cold spell will set in. Apparently, this will not occur overnight, Yuri Nagovitsyn of the Pulkovo Observatory, says. “Journalists say the entire process is very simple: once solar activity declines, the temperature drops. But besides solar activity, the climate is influenced by other factors, including the lithosphere, the atmosphere, the ocean, the glaciers. The share of solar activity in climate change is only 20%. This means that sun’s activity could trigger certain changes whereas the actual climate changing process takes place on the Earth”.

Solar activity follows different cycles, including an 11-year cycle, a 90-year cycle and a 200-year cycle. Yuri Nagovitsyn comments. “Evidently, solar activity is on the decrease. The 11-year cycle doesn’t bring about considerable climate change – only 1-2%. The impact of the 200-year cycle is greater – up to 50%. In this respect, we could be in for a cooling period that lasts 200-250 years. The period of low solar activity could start in 2030-2040 but it won’t be as pervasive as in the late 17th century”.

Even though pessimists say global cooling will hamper exploration of the Arctic, experts say it won’t. Climate change and the resulting increase in the thickness of the Arctic ice cover pose no obstacles to the extraction of oil and gas on the Arctic shelf. As oil and gas reserves of the Arctic sea shelf are estimated to be billions of tons, countries are demonstrating more interest in the development of the Arctic. Climate change will also have no impact on the Northern Sea Route, which makes it possible to cut trade routes between Europe, Asia and America. Professor Igor Davidenko comments.

“The Northern Sea Route has never opened so early or closed so late over the past 30 years. Last year saw a cargo transit record – more than five million tons. The first Chinese icebreaker sailed along the Northern Sea Route in 2012. China plans it to handle up to 15% of its exports”. As Russia steps up efforts to upgrade its icebreaker fleet, new-generation icebreakers are set to arrive in the years to come. No climate changes will thus be able to impede an increase in shipping traffic via the Northern Sea Route.
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The suns output over the last, 50 years say, does NOT match the warming pattern. The magnitude of TSI has NOT been adequate to have caused the observed warming. Those are pretty much showstoppers for Pulkovo's ideas. The radiative imbalance at the ToA HAS been sufficient to have caused the observed warming. That is NOT a product of solar irradiance. It is a product of the Greenhouse Effect.
The Sun doesn't care what insane liberals think, it will do its own thing.

The sun fell asleep? Sun is in a phase of 'solar lull' and Earth is getting colder

Scientists are saying that the Sun has entered a phase of Solar lull, which in essence, means it has fallen asleep. The scientists feel this could lead to another ice age. History suggests that periods of unusual "solar lull" coincide with bitterly cold winters.

The sun's activity hit a dramatic low in 2008, a historic lull that caused a similar drop in magnetic effects on Earth - with an eight-month lag, a new study suggests.The study found that many magnetic changes on Earth are indeed strongly linked to the solar activity cycle, though not in perfect synchrony, and it can help scientists map out some causes. The speed of the solar wind - the 1-million-mph stream of particles coming from the sun - as well as the strength and direction of the magnetic fields embedded in it helped produce the low readings on our planet, researchers said.
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New paper predicts a sharp decline in solar activity until 2100

A new paper published in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Research shows solar activity peaked at the end of the 20th century, but predicts a strong decrease in solar activity until around 2100 AD to low levels similar to the Dalton Minimum.

Friedhelm Steinhilber, Jürg Beer: Prediction of solar activity for the next 500 years

Abstract: Recently a new low-noise record of solar activity has been reconstructed for the past 9.400 years by combining two 10 Be records from Greenland and Antarctica with 14 C from tree rings [F. Steinhilber et al., 2012]. This record confirms earlier results, namely that the Sun has varied with distinct periodicities in the past. We present a prediction of mean solar magnetic activity averaged over 22 years for the next 500 years mainly based on the spectral information derived from the record of the past solar activity.

Assuming that the Sun will continue varying with the same periodicities for the next centuries we extract the spectral information from the past and apply it in two different methods to predict the future of solar magnetic activity. First, the two methods are tested by predicting past changes. Our methods are able to predict periods of high and low solar activity for a few centuries in the past. However, they are less successful in predicting the correct amplitude. Then, the methods were used to predict the period 2000-2500.

Both methods predict a period of low activity around 2100 AD. Between 2100 AD and 2350 AD the results are inconsistent regarding the duration of the low activity state in 2100 AD and the level of activity until 2250 AD. Around 2250 AD both methods predict a period of moderate activity. After 2350 AD both methods point to a period of high activity. The period of high activity will end around 2400 AD and will be followed by a period of moderate activity.
However, as shown by the graph below, the current solar cycle [SC 24, red] is already closely tracking the first solar cycle [SC 5, pink] of the Dalton Minimum, and both are quite weak in comparison to the average of solar cycles 1 through 23 [blue].
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And what effect does your paper predict variations in solar activity will have on the Earth's climate?
Even if the sun went much colder, something that very few are predicting, that would only delay the warming by a few years. The current forcings from human greenhouse gas emissions are way bigger than any forcings from solar changes.
And what effect does your paper predict variations in solar activity will have on the Earth's climate?
Is that like a trick question? Duh. Sun gets colder = earth gets colder.
It's not temporary either.

Rocket scientist?
Even if the sun went much colder, something that very few are predicting, that would only delay the warming by a few years. The current forcings from human greenhouse gas emissions are way bigger than any forcings from solar changes.
So you think the earth will keep getting warmer because of the polution no matter what the sun does? :cuckoo:

Denial is not a river in Egypt.
The global warming argument goes something like this:

It gets hot: its global warming.
It gets cold: its global warming.

There is no time when its not global warming.

there are a few variations but otherwise yes
Even if the sun went much colder, something that very few are predicting, that would only delay the warming by a few years. The current forcings from human greenhouse gas emissions are way bigger than any forcings from solar changes.

Not according to the UN or NASA asshole >>>

NASA - Solar Variability: Striking a Balance with Climate Change

Report shows UN admitting solar activity may play significant role in global warming | Fox News

Do you enjoy getting kicked in the nut sack? Is there some self-injury component you want to tell us about? DD by chance?

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Even if the sun went much colder, something that very few are predicting, that would only delay the warming by a few years. The current forcings from human greenhouse gas emissions are way bigger than any forcings from solar changes.

How's that Nigerian Diamond mine working out for you?
The Sun, yeah, oh it has some slight, small, insignificant, immeasurable effect on Earth climate, but leave your SUV running overnight and the AGW will cause record cold in Green Bay
The Sun, yeah, oh it has some slight, small, insignificant, immeasurable effect on Earth climate, but leave your SUV running overnight and the AGW will cause record cold in Green Bay

the global warmists will say you are just being silly now

everyone knows it takes two SUVs running overnight

for AGW to make record cold in green bay

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