Coler's writers have tried to write fake news for liberals — but they just never take the bait.



We Tracked Down A Fake-News Creator In The Suburbs. Here's What We Learned

Coler says his writers have tried to write fake news for liberals — but they just never take the bait.

Coler's company, Disinfomedia, owns many faux news sites — he won't say how many. But he says his is one of the biggest fake-news businesses out there, which makes him a sort of godfather of the industry.

At any given time, Coler says, he has between 20 and 25 writers. And it was one of them who wrote the story in the "Denver Guardian" that an FBI agent who leaked Clinton emails was killed. Coler says that over 10 days the site got 1.6 million views. He says stories like this work because they fit into existing right-wing conspiracy theories.

"The people wanted to hear this," he says. "So all it took was to write that story. Everything about it was fictional: the town, the people, the sheriff, the FBI guy. And then ... our social media guys kind of go out and do a little dropping it throughout Trump groups and Trump forums and boy it spread like wildfire."


Hilarious. I'm guessing because they are simply to smart.

If Republicans believe the nonsense Trump says, you can get them to believe anything. Except the truth. That's one thing they don't want to hear.
Fascinating article and interview. Every single conservative here needs to read it.

This part was revealing:

When did you notice that fake news does best with Trump supporters?

Well, this isn't just a Trump-supporter problem. This is a right-wing issue. Sarah Palin's famous blasting of the lamestream media is kind of record and testament to the rise of these kinds of people. The post-fact era is what I would refer to it as. This isn't something that started with Trump. This is something that's been in the works for a while. His whole campaign was this thing of discrediting mainstream media sources, which is one of those dog whistles to his supporters. When we were coming up with headlines it's always kind of about the red meat. Trump really got into the red meat. He knew who his base was. He knew how to feed them a constant diet of this red meat.

We've tried to do similar things to liberals. It just has never worked, it never takes off. You'll get debunked within the first two comments and then the whole thing just kind of fizzles out.
Also this:

Why hide your identity?

This isn't the safest business to be in, to be honest. Just the number of death threats I've received. I have a beautiful family, a beautiful life.

Some of these people that we ... bait is probably the right word — are often — let's call them the deplorables, right? They're not the safest crowd. Some of them I would consider domestic terrorists. So they're just not people that I want to be knocking on my door.

You dumb shits swallowed more fake crap than you will ever admit, most of it came directly from the hildabitches campaign. What ever happened to the bakers dozen bimbo eruption. Or that Ms Universe the hildabitch groomed for six months planning to launch her fake sob story. Oh and let's not forget the thugs the hildabitch and the DNC hired to incite violence at Trump rallies. Yep, when it comes to gullible you folks have nearly cornered the market.
We Tracked Down A Fake-News Creator In The Suburbs. Here's What We Learned

Coler says his writers have tried to write fake news for liberals — but they just never take the bait.

Coler's company, Disinfomedia, owns many faux news sites — he won't say how many. But he says his is one of the biggest fake-news businesses out there, which makes him a sort of godfather of the industry.

At any given time, Coler says, he has between 20 and 25 writers. And it was one of them who wrote the story in the "Denver Guardian" that an FBI agent who leaked Clinton emails was killed. Coler says that over 10 days the site got 1.6 million views. He says stories like this work because they fit into existing right-wing conspiracy theories.

"The people wanted to hear this," he says. "So all it took was to write that story. Everything about it was fictional: the town, the people, the sheriff, the FBI guy. And then ... our social media guys kind of go out and do a little dropping it throughout Trump groups and Trump forums and boy it spread like wildfire."


Hilarious. I'm guessing because they are simply to smart.

If Republicans believe the nonsense Trump says, you can get them to believe anything. Except the truth. That's one thing they don't want to hear.
Liberals always take the bait when CNN broadcasts fake news. Just consider the polls before the election. They were all fake. ABC, NBC, CBS and PBS are all big time sources of fake news. Then there were all those "accusers" who turned out to be fake. The major media outlets all rushed to broadcast that fake news.

The biggest sources of fake news are all on the left, douche bag, and gullible dumbasses like you suck it up.

This whole "fake news" gambit is an attempt by the left and its propaganda organs to discredit right wing sources that have been publishing the facts. It's fake news in itself.
That's more like it.
The Coler guy took a lot from the Republican playbook. During the interview I heard, when asked if he feels he aided Trump's election, he said No, and blamed American media for not checking out the facts. Yet when facts were checked and rhetoric questioned, say by CNN...well just read previous posts in this thread. The guy claims he voted for Hillary, yet took good pay for cutting her off at the ankles at every turn. And still people here who have heard his admission and know full well the stories are complete lies, they still believe in the Clinton crime family and still chant "Lock her up!" and never seem to notice what fools they look.
Liberals would much rather have the horrible truth than a pretty lie.
So we're saying that this group, set up to publish fake news that plays on people's confimation bias and is geared specifically to discredit the right is now publishing the "news" that it only works on conservatives.


Think about that for a moment....dumbshits.
Yeah, they never fall for fake news like Trump rigged the election. Trump is a fascist. The only reason Trump was elected was because of a White Lash. Thank God they never fall for fake news. You see, that's the problem. What the Left calls "real" news is nonsense. Another example. Hillary was the most qualified candidate ever. Only they could never name an accomplishment that demonstrated the qualification. When they finally got the list put together after the staffers at the Clinton Campaign working around the clock for days the damned thing started with "Hillary has had fewer parking tickets than any other Politician in Washington." Of course, right after that her Campaign Van was parked in a handicapped spot for an hour while she went into a restaurant to order a Burrito. Yeah, it's tricky to get Parking Tickets when your car is driven by the Secret Service with orders to shoot the first Parking Enforcement person who glances at the vehicle.
Coler says his writers have tried to write fake news for liberals — but they just never take the bait.

I watched the guy on TV during an interview actually said that.

And look at the right wingers on this thread. How outraged they are. So angry., And yet they believe everything Breitbart says.

We call that proof.
Lefties have been whining about "fake news" for weeks and there are two examples fake news on the forum posted by the left. One is fiction about an elderly Vet who claims he will lose his Medicare and the other one alleges Trump has a "mental disorder" when it's clear that the left has been suffering a mental disorder since the election.
Coler says his writers have tried to write fake news for liberals — but they just never take the bait.

I watched the guy on TV during an interview actually said that.

And look at the right wingers on this thread. How outraged they are. So angry., And yet they believe everything Breitbart says.

We call that proof.

"the fake news man said so, and did it on the TV, so it must be true"

the epic stupidity of believing the guy because he says what you want to believe about your not believing what he wants you to believe is hilarious

my sides are literally aching. please stop.
We Tracked Down A Fake-News Creator In The Suburbs. Here's What We Learned

Coler says his writers have tried to write fake news for liberals — but they just never take the bait.

Coler's company, Disinfomedia, owns many faux news sites — he won't say how many. But he says his is one of the biggest fake-news businesses out there, which makes him a sort of godfather of the industry.

At any given time, Coler says, he has between 20 and 25 writers. And it was one of them who wrote the story in the "Denver Guardian" that an FBI agent who leaked Clinton emails was killed. Coler says that over 10 days the site got 1.6 million views. He says stories like this work because they fit into existing right-wing conspiracy theories.

"The people wanted to hear this," he says. "So all it took was to write that story. Everything about it was fictional: the town, the people, the sheriff, the FBI guy. And then ... our social media guys kind of go out and do a little dropping it throughout Trump groups and Trump forums and boy it spread like wildfire."


Hilarious. I'm guessing because they are simply to smart.

If Republicans believe the nonsense Trump says, you can get them to believe anything. Except the truth. That's one thing they don't want to hear.
And yet Trump is your president. Why weren't liberals smart enough to go out and vote for Hillary? Oh, that's right, she was a terrible candidate.
Coler says his writers have tried to write fake news for liberals — but they just never take the bait.

I watched the guy on TV during an interview actually said that.

And look at the right wingers on this thread. How outraged they are. So angry., And yet they believe everything Breitbart says.

We call that proof.

"the fake news man said so, and did it on the TV, so it must be true"

the epic stupidity of believing the guy because he says what you want to believe about your not believing what he wants you to believe is hilarious

my sides are literally aching. please stop.
So the Coler guy gets on TV and says, "Yep! I did it!" and you call him a fake for saying he is a fake because he said what you don't want to believe that he wants you to believe? You're right about the hilarity and the epic stupidity, only you're aiming at the wrong pew.
Coler says his writers have tried to write fake news for liberals — but they just never take the bait.

I watched the guy on TV during an interview actually said that.

And look at the right wingers on this thread. How outraged they are. So angry., And yet they believe everything Breitbart says.

We call that proof.

"the fake news man said so, and did it on the TV, so it must be true"

the epic stupidity of believing the guy because he says what you want to believe about your not believing what he wants you to believe is hilarious

my sides are literally aching. please stop.
So the Coler guy gets on TV and says, "Yep! I did it!" and you call him a fake for saying he is a fake because he said what you don't want to believe that he wants you to believe? You're right about the hilarity and the epic stupidity, only you're aiming at the wrong pew.

Bullshit. the left is laughing at the right because he claims they (the left) don't believe him. They, of course, believe that, and use him as a source for that belief

the fake news guy. that's their source. the self-admitted purveyor of utter bullshit, who offers absolutely nothing to back his claim on this. the guy they don't believe, because they don't fall for that confirmation bias BS, or believe things without facts to support them, except when they do, like now.

utterly hilarious.
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Coler says his writers have tried to write fake news for liberals — but they just never take the bait.

I watched the guy on TV during an interview actually said that.

And look at the right wingers on this thread. How outraged they are. So angry., And yet they believe everything Breitbart says.

We call that proof.

"the fake news man said so, and did it on the TV, so it must be true"

the epic stupidity of believing the guy because he says what you want to believe about your not believing what he wants you to believe is hilarious

my sides are literally aching. please stop.
So the Coler guy gets on TV and says, "Yep! I did it!" and you call him a fake for saying he is a fake because he said what you don't want to believe that he wants you to believe? You're right about the hilarity and the epic stupidity, only you're aiming at the wrong pew.

Bullshit. the left is laughing at the right because he claims they (the left) don't believe him. They, of course, believe that, and use him as a source for that belief

the fake news guy. that's their source. the self-admitted purveyor of utter bullshit, who offers absolutely nothing to back his claim on this. the guy they don't believe, because they don't fall for that confirmation bias BS, or believe things without facts to support them, except when they do, like now.

utterly hilarious.
Coler says his writers have tried to write fake news for liberals — but they just never take the bait.

I watched the guy on TV during an interview actually said that.

And look at the right wingers on this thread. How outraged they are. So angry., And yet they believe everything Breitbart says.

We call that proof.

"the fake news man said so, and did it on the TV, so it must be true"

the epic stupidity of believing the guy because he says what you want to believe about your not believing what he wants you to believe is hilarious

my sides are literally aching. please stop.
So the Coler guy gets on TV and says, "Yep! I did it!" and you call him a fake for saying he is a fake because he said what you don't want to believe that he wants you to believe? You're right about the hilarity and the epic stupidity, only you're aiming at the wrong pew.

Bullshit. the left is laughing at the right because he claims they (the left) don't believe him. They, of course, believe that, and use him as a source for that belief

the fake news guy. that's their source. the self-admitted purveyor of utter bullshit, who offers absolutely nothing to back his claim on this. the guy they don't believe, because they don't fall for that confirmation bias BS, or believe things without facts to support them, except when they do, like now.

utterly hilarious.

ooooooh. ouchie.


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