Colin Kaepernick: The United States Is The Worst Nation In The History Of The World

A university that stands today? Oh, was probably replaced by an even bigger and better one...right? Oh, wait...that didn't happen. Civil wars between black leaders led to the decline of the Mali Empire. Not anything that whites had anything to do with? How does your narrative fit THAT empire?
Lots of civilizations go into decline. Europe almost went back to the stoneages.

Yet Europe recovered and prospered? Why didn't the Mali Empire do the same?
Europe recovered because Black people (Moors) came and retaught them civilization.

Simple answer. White colonization.

So the black people taught Europe how to colonize, then the blacks fell into squalor because of colonization. I guess they weren’t advanced enough to overcome that, eh?
Obviously they didnt teach europe how to colonize. If they had then the parts of Africa that are in trouble wouldnt be in trouble. When Blacks came to europe and reeducated them they did a good job. Little did they know that by reeducating whites they were interrupting the cycle and would pay for it.

What cycle would you be speaking of?
Lots of civilizations go into decline. Europe almost went back to the stoneages.

Yet Europe recovered and prospered? Why didn't the Mali Empire do the same?
Europe recovered because Black people (Moors) came and retaught them civilization.

Simple answer. White colonization.

So the black people taught Europe how to colonize, then the blacks fell into squalor because of colonization. I guess they weren’t advanced enough to overcome that, eh?
Obviously they didnt teach europe how to colonize. If they had then the parts of Africa that are in trouble wouldnt be in trouble. When Blacks came to europe and reeducated them they did a good job. Little did they know that by reeducating whites they were interrupting the cycle and would pay for it.

What cycle would you be speaking of?

"Lots of civilizations go into decline. Europe almost went back to the stoneages."
Yet Europe recovered and prospered? Why didn't the Mali Empire do the same?
Europe recovered because Black people (Moors) came and retaught them civilization.

Simple answer. White colonization.

Of what happened to the Moors again?
Not sure what that has to do with my point? Youre claim was that europe recovered. That was only because the Moors stayed for centuries reeducating europe.

So why didn't the Moorish empire flourish? Once again...just as with the Mali Empire it declined because of internal conflicts. Are we noticing a pattern here?
The pattern I notice is that when you are proven wrong you like to change the subject. Its a common thing white people do so I understand.

Ah...the person that's avoiding an answer to a simple question would be you, Milkweed. Changing the subject? More like AVOIDING the subject on your part because you can't come up with an answer that's not laughable.
A university that stands today? Oh, was probably replaced by an even bigger and better one...right? Oh, wait...that didn't happen. Civil wars between black leaders led to the decline of the Mali Empire. Not anything that whites had anything to do with? How does your narrative fit THAT empire?
Lots of civilizations go into decline. Europe almost went back to the stoneages.

Yet Europe recovered and prospered? Why didn't the Mali Empire do the same?
Europe recovered because Black people (Moors) came and retaught them civilization.

Simple answer. White colonization.

So the black people taught Europe how to colonize, then the blacks fell into squalor because of colonization. I guess they weren’t advanced enough to overcome that, eh?
Obviously they didnt teach europe how to colonize. If they had then the parts of Africa that are in trouble wouldnt be in trouble. When Blacks came to europe and reeducated them they did a good job. Little did they know that by reeducating whites they were interrupting the cycle and would pay for it.

I guess they weren’t very good teachers. Of course, we still don’t know what exactly it is all these blacks taught in Europe.
Yet Europe recovered and prospered? Why didn't the Mali Empire do the same?
Europe recovered because Black people (Moors) came and retaught them civilization.

Simple answer. White colonization.

So the black people taught Europe how to colonize, then the blacks fell into squalor because of colonization. I guess they weren’t advanced enough to overcome that, eh?
Obviously they didnt teach europe how to colonize. If they had then the parts of Africa that are in trouble wouldnt be in trouble. When Blacks came to europe and reeducated them they did a good job. Little did they know that by reeducating whites they were interrupting the cycle and would pay for it.

What cycle would you be speaking of?

"Lots of civilizations go into decline. Europe almost went back to the stoneages."

Europe almost went back to the Stone Age because of The Black Plague! It wiped out most of the population of Europe!
Europe recovered because Black people (Moors) came and retaught them civilization.

Simple answer. White colonization.

Of what happened to the Moors again?
Not sure what that has to do with my point? Youre claim was that europe recovered. That was only because the Moors stayed for centuries reeducating europe.

So why didn't the Moorish empire flourish? Once again...just as with the Mali Empire it declined because of internal conflicts. Are we noticing a pattern here?
The pattern I notice is that when you are proven wrong you like to change the subject. Its a common thing white people do so I understand.

Ah...the person that's avoiding an answer to a simple question would be you, Milkweed. Changing the subject? More like AVOIDING the subject on your part because you can't come up with an answer that's not laughable.
You brought up the point that europe recovered from their decline. I didnt avoid that. I explained why.
Europe recovered because Black people (Moors) came and retaught them civilization.

Simple answer. White colonization.

So the black people taught Europe how to colonize, then the blacks fell into squalor because of colonization. I guess they weren’t advanced enough to overcome that, eh?
Obviously they didnt teach europe how to colonize. If they had then the parts of Africa that are in trouble wouldnt be in trouble. When Blacks came to europe and reeducated them they did a good job. Little did they know that by reeducating whites they were interrupting the cycle and would pay for it.

What cycle would you be speaking of?

"Lots of civilizations go into decline. Europe almost went back to the stoneages."

Europe almost went back to the Stone Age because of The Black Plague! It wiped out most of the population of Europe!
The Black Plague was a disease. Prior to that the Roman empire fell. That had nothing to do with the Black Plague. You need to find a better excuse.
Lots of civilizations go into decline. Europe almost went back to the stoneages.

Yet Europe recovered and prospered? Why didn't the Mali Empire do the same?
Europe recovered because Black people (Moors) came and retaught them civilization.

Simple answer. White colonization.

So the black people taught Europe how to colonize, then the blacks fell into squalor because of colonization. I guess they weren’t advanced enough to overcome that, eh?
Obviously they didnt teach europe how to colonize. If they had then the parts of Africa that are in trouble wouldnt be in trouble. When Blacks came to europe and reeducated them they did a good job. Little did they know that by reeducating whites they were interrupting the cycle and would pay for it.

I guess they weren’t very good teachers. Of course, we still don’t know what exactly it is all these blacks taught in Europe.
Most intelligent people know exactly what the Blacks taught europe. One thing in particular that stands out to me is that they taught europeans not to fear taking baths
That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
You dumbfuck. None of those people were alive when Douglass made his quote. Even if they were, its still not as fucked up as what whites did to Blacks here in the US

This is just stupid. Hitler and Stalin each murdered millions of people. What they did is every bit as wrong as what happened in the United States to black people.
Hitlar and Stalin werent around you dumbfuck. Are you having trouble reading? Even if they were it still wasnt as bad as all the Black families torn apart, murdered or lost at sea, sold into chattel slavery, stripped of their language, their religions and their customs
Wasn't Shaka Zulu raping, killing, enslaving at that time in Africa?
That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
You dumbfuck. None of those people were alive when Douglass made his quote. Even if they were, its still not as fucked up as what whites did to Blacks here in the US

This is just stupid. Hitler and Stalin each murdered millions of people. What they did is every bit as wrong as what happened in the United States to black people.
Hitlar and Stalin werent around you dumbfuck. Are you having trouble reading? Even if they were it still wasnt as bad as all the Black families torn apart, murdered or lost at sea, sold into chattel slavery, stripped of their language, their religions and their customs
Wasn't Shaka Zulu raping, killing, enslaving at that time in Africa?
I dont recall Shaka Zulu raping or enslaving any white soilders back then. He did kill some though.
So the black people taught Europe how to colonize, then the blacks fell into squalor because of colonization. I guess they weren’t advanced enough to overcome that, eh?
Obviously they didnt teach europe how to colonize. If they had then the parts of Africa that are in trouble wouldnt be in trouble. When Blacks came to europe and reeducated them they did a good job. Little did they know that by reeducating whites they were interrupting the cycle and would pay for it.

What cycle would you be speaking of?

"Lots of civilizations go into decline. Europe almost went back to the stoneages."

Europe almost went back to the Stone Age because of The Black Plague! It wiped out most of the population of Europe!
The Black Plague was a disease. Prior to that the Roman empire fell. That had nothing to do with the Black Plague. You need to find a better excuse.

Well wait just a moment! The Holy Roman Empire wasn't black! If it's fall was also part of the problems that led up to the Dark Ages (which it was!) then doesn't that make the Roman's the great "educators" of Europe long before the Moors?
Obviously they didnt teach europe how to colonize. If they had then the parts of Africa that are in trouble wouldnt be in trouble. When Blacks came to europe and reeducated them they did a good job. Little did they know that by reeducating whites they were interrupting the cycle and would pay for it.

What cycle would you be speaking of?

"Lots of civilizations go into decline. Europe almost went back to the stoneages."

Europe almost went back to the Stone Age because of The Black Plague! It wiped out most of the population of Europe!
The Black Plague was a disease. Prior to that the Roman empire fell. That had nothing to do with the Black Plague. You need to find a better excuse.

Well wait just a moment! The Holy Roman Empire wasn't black! If it's fall was also part of the problems that led up to the Dark Ages (which it was!) then doesn't that make the Roman's the great "educators" of Europe long before the Moors?
The Roman empire was mostly european. They did have some Black emperors. However, in your haste to change the topic you forget that Rome learned from the Greeks who in turn learned from Africa. Let me give you a little hint so you dont look like youre floundering. Stay on the topic or you wind up introducing things that are going to only make you feel more uncomfortable.
That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
You dumbfuck. None of those people were alive when Douglass made his quote. Even if they were, its still not as fucked up as what whites did to Blacks here in the US

This is just stupid. Hitler and Stalin each murdered millions of people. What they did is every bit as wrong as what happened in the United States to black people.
Hitlar and Stalin werent around you dumbfuck. Are you having trouble reading? Even if they were it still wasnt as bad as all the Black families torn apart, murdered or lost at sea, sold into chattel slavery, stripped of their language, their religions and their customs
Wasn't Shaka Zulu raping, killing, enslaving at that time in Africa?
I dont recall Shaka Zulu raping or enslaving any white soilders back then. He did kill some though.
Correct. He was primarily military and diplomatic with pressure added-like Trump.
What cycle would you be speaking of?

"Lots of civilizations go into decline. Europe almost went back to the stoneages."

Europe almost went back to the Stone Age because of The Black Plague! It wiped out most of the population of Europe!
The Black Plague was a disease. Prior to that the Roman empire fell. That had nothing to do with the Black Plague. You need to find a better excuse.

Well wait just a moment! The Holy Roman Empire wasn't black! If it's fall was also part of the problems that led up to the Dark Ages (which it was!) then doesn't that make the Roman's the great "educators" of Europe long before the Moors?
The Roman empire was mostly european. They did have some Black emperors. However, in your haste to change the topic you forget that Rome learned from the Greeks who in turn learned from Africa. Let me give you a little hint so you dont look like youre floundering. Stay on the topic or you wind up introducing things that are going to only make you feel more uncomfortable.

Ah yes...the so called "black" Roman emperors? Septimius Severus and his son? They were actually of Libyan descent but of course you want to rewrite history so you claim them as "Africans".
I think there should be a large movement to start boycotting all Nike products. It will teach a valuable lesson to large corporations run by anti American Leftists. Hit them where it hurts and get some assholes fired in the process.

No one is going to get fired because some irrelevant clowns boycott Nike.
If you have some states and corporations, and large swaths of the country in the millions boycotting them, then it will hurt, and people will get fired for causing unnessasary losses to the bottom line.
"If" a cow had balls it would be a bull. The point is that there wont be "large swaths" of anything boycotting Nike. Ifing wont change that nor will wishing,
I guess the fact that his America-hating, chip-on-his-shoulder, race-baiting butt has been boycotted by the entire NFL and he doesn't have work any longer isn't enough for you guys.
Which has nothing to do with something someone said in 2019.
At the time Douglas was absolutely correct. It was not black people's nation then.
But that is not at all, in any way, none, nada, zip relevant to today.
Actually its very relevant today. I dont celebrate the 4th for that very reason. I celebrated Juneteenth which is the day that finally all americans were free.

Well La Di Friggin Da... no one cares.
If you don't consider America as your country, then get the hell out. It's real easy. Just leave.
Good luck getting as much free stuff somewhere else and pay nothing for it.
I didnt ask you if you cared. I just pointed out that it was relevant.
If you want me to get out then you are free to try and make that a reality.

So you just want to bitch about it, not actually do something about it.
If I hated the country I was in so much, I would leave. It's not that difficult. There are plenty to choose from.
Canada and Mexico are literally hours away.
Why are you still here?
I am doing something about it. Calling it out as truth so people start adjusting their behavior.

I'm not a quitter like you. Never have been and never will be. Quitters are losers.

I already explained why I was here. However I will tell you one more time. I have property and family here plus I'm not going to leave the country in the hands of whites

That's weak.
But you are weak, so expected.
Anyone staying in a place they are not wanted, or in your case it's just in your head, and stays anyway is weak. Same with anyone who stays with someone who doesn't want them is weak.
You can sell property. And buy somewhere else.
As far as you changing someones mind...hahahaha... never going to happen.
YOU in a nutshell...
You white people need to listen to me because I hate you.
And not have the simple, basic understanding that is never going to get you anywhere.
If you don't like where you are in your life. Either do something about it, or get the fuck out. No one cares about your whining.
"Lots of civilizations go into decline. Europe almost went back to the stoneages."

Europe almost went back to the Stone Age because of The Black Plague! It wiped out most of the population of Europe!
The Black Plague was a disease. Prior to that the Roman empire fell. That had nothing to do with the Black Plague. You need to find a better excuse.

Well wait just a moment! The Holy Roman Empire wasn't black! If it's fall was also part of the problems that led up to the Dark Ages (which it was!) then doesn't that make the Roman's the great "educators" of Europe long before the Moors?
The Roman empire was mostly european. They did have some Black emperors. However, in your haste to change the topic you forget that Rome learned from the Greeks who in turn learned from Africa. Let me give you a little hint so you dont look like youre floundering. Stay on the topic or you wind up introducing things that are going to only make you feel more uncomfortable.

Ah yes...the so called "black" Roman emperors? Septimius Severus and his son? They were actually of Libyan descent but of course you want to rewrite history so you claim them as "Africans".
Thats because Libya is in Africa dummy and the indigenous population was Black before being overun by the mix breed arabs we see today.
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I think there should be a large movement to start boycotting all Nike products. It will teach a valuable lesson to large corporations run by anti American Leftists. Hit them where it hurts and get some assholes fired in the process.

No one is going to get fired because some irrelevant clowns boycott Nike.
If you have some states and corporations, and large swaths of the country in the millions boycotting them, then it will hurt, and people will get fired for causing unnessasary losses to the bottom line.
"If" a cow had balls it would be a bull. The point is that there wont be "large swaths" of anything boycotting Nike. Ifing wont change that nor will wishing,
I guess the fact that his America-hating, chip-on-his-shoulder, race-baiting butt has been boycotted by the entire NFL and he doesn't have work any longer isn't enough for you guys.
Youre wrong on two counts. Its only the owners that dont support him (Which has made him a millionaire off the field). Also he has plenty of work. You dont get million dollar contracts for doing nothing.
That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
You dumbfuck. None of those people were alive when Douglass made his quote. Even if they were, its still not as fucked up as what whites did to Blacks here in the US

This is just stupid. Hitler and Stalin each murdered millions of people. What they did is every bit as wrong as what happened in the United States to black people.
Hitlar and Stalin werent around you dumbfuck. Are you having trouble reading? Even if they were it still wasnt as bad as all the Black families torn apart, murdered or lost at sea, sold into chattel slavery, stripped of their language, their religions and their customs
Most of that was done by other blacks not whites. It was blacks that tore Black families apart in their wars, blacks who sold them into slavery, blacks who razed villages of all potential other blacks who they ate or sold as slaves. Whites just traded a few colored beads for them.
Less than 400,000 Africans were brought to America as slaves. If ALL of them had been killed it would STILL have only been a small percentage of the numbers that Stalin, Hitler and Mao ALL killed! Get your head out of your ass, Milkweed! You're showing a level of ignorance which is breathtaking!
You seem to be an idiot. Millions of Africans were brought to the Americas. 10 million officially and probably much more unofficially. Thats not counting the millions that were lost at sea or torutured to death and raped on the ships.
Not true. We didn't have enough ships to transport millions. Muslims took most of those slaves bitch at them.

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