Colin Kaepernick: The United States Is The Worst Nation In The History Of The World

What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence? This Fourth of July is yours, not mine…There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.”

– Frederick Douglass

Which has nothing to do with something someone said in 2019.
At the time Douglas was absolutely correct. It was not black people's nation then.
But that is not at all, in any way, none, nada, zip relevant to today.
Actually its very relevant today. I dont celebrate the 4th for that very reason. I celebrated Juneteenth which is the day that finally all americans were free.

Well La Di Friggin Da... no one cares.
If you don't consider America as your country, then get the hell out. It's real easy. Just leave.
Good luck getting as much free stuff somewhere else and pay nothing for it.
I didnt ask you if you cared. I just pointed out that it was relevant.
If you want me to get out then you are free to try and make that a reality.
What US policy has killed tens of millions of people?
Slavery for starters.

Yea with most dying on the trip over here from their black masters

Atlantic slave trade - Wikipedia

Why the hell would you spend money on a slave and then kill it?
White people are weird. Are you actually attempting to claim that white people didnt kill their slaves?

Most slave owners DIDN'T kill their slaves! Why? Because they were considered a valuable asset! Why would you kill a valuable asset? Did SOME white people kill slaves! Yes they did. Was it done on a wholesale fashion like Stalin, Hitler and Mao did it? NOT EVEN REMOTELY CLOSE!!!
That would seem to make sense but we are talking about irrational and violent whites who absolutely killed, tortured, and maimed the enslaved.

Give me a ballpark figure on that, Milkweed! You keep claiming it's a huge number and I think we both know that you're full of shit on that claim!
What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence? This Fourth of July is yours, not mine…There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.”

– Frederick Douglass

Say, what are negroes like you still doing in America? When are you ever going to learn to speak an African language and move back to Africa?

Oh that’s right, it will never happen because white European culture is superior and blacks prefer being in white European culture than African.
Slavery for starters.

Yea with most dying on the trip over here from their black masters

Atlantic slave trade - Wikipedia

Why the hell would you spend money on a slave and then kill it?
White people are weird. Are you actually attempting to claim that white people didnt kill their slaves?

Most slave owners DIDN'T kill their slaves! Why? Because they were considered a valuable asset! Why would you kill a valuable asset? Did SOME white people kill slaves! Yes they did. Was it done on a wholesale fashion like Stalin, Hitler and Mao did it? NOT EVEN REMOTELY CLOSE!!!
That would seem to make sense but we are talking about irrational and violent whites who absolutely killed, tortured, and maimed the enslaved.

Give me a ballpark figure on that, Milkweed! You keep claiming it's a huge number and I think we both know that you're full of shit on that claim!
I think you wish I was full of shit. Wishing wont make it a reality. Whites didnt keep records of how many people they killed, maimed, and tortured so the best anyone can do is only a guesstamite
Less than 400,000 Africans were brought to America as slaves. If ALL of them had been killed it would STILL have only been a small percentage of the numbers that Stalin, Hitler and Mao ALL killed! Get your head out of your ass, Milkweed! You're showing a level of ignorance which is breathtaking!
You seem to be an idiot. Millions of Africans were brought to the Americas. 10 million officially and probably much more unofficially. Thats not counting the millions that were lost at sea or torutured to death and raped on the ships.
How Many Slaves Landed in the U.S.? | The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross | PBS

I thought we were discussing slavery in you want to include the Caribbean and South America as part of your totals? I don't think you had a clue about the real numbers!
No we were discussing how the US was the worst ( I would also add most hypocritical) nation in the history of the world which isnt just limited to slavery.

Here's a clue to who's the worst nation in the world, Milkweed! We have to build walls to keep people from trying to come here. The Soviets had to build walls to keep people from LEAVING! Duh?
Youre giving me your opinion which of course is wrong. If you had to build walls to keep people from coming then why is Canada and Mexico still inhabited by millions more people not trying to get to the US?

Have you not noticed that there are Hispanics from Central America EVERYWHERE in the US now? They've been pouring into our country for decades now! So tell me how many people were rushing to get into the Soviet Union when Stalin was in power?
Yea with most dying on the trip over here from their black masters

Atlantic slave trade - Wikipedia

Why the hell would you spend money on a slave and then kill it?
White people are weird. Are you actually attempting to claim that white people didnt kill their slaves?

Most slave owners DIDN'T kill their slaves! Why? Because they were considered a valuable asset! Why would you kill a valuable asset? Did SOME white people kill slaves! Yes they did. Was it done on a wholesale fashion like Stalin, Hitler and Mao did it? NOT EVEN REMOTELY CLOSE!!!
That would seem to make sense but we are talking about irrational and violent whites who absolutely killed, tortured, and maimed the enslaved.

Give me a ballpark figure on that, Milkweed! You keep claiming it's a huge number and I think we both know that you're full of shit on that claim!
I think you wish I was full of shit. Wishing wont make it a reality. Whites didnt keep records of how many people they killed, maimed, and tortured so the best anyone can do is only a guesstamite

So give me your "guesstamite", Milkweed! I could use a good laugh.
What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence? This Fourth of July is yours, not mine…There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.”

– Frederick Douglass

Say, what are negroes like you still doing in America? When are you ever going to learn to speak an African language and move back to Africa?

Oh that’s right, it will never happen because white European culture is superior and blacks prefer being in white European culture than African.
We are here living and working. We built this country so we are vested. I already speak 2 African languages and I will move when I feel like it.
White people are weird. Are you actually attempting to claim that white people didnt kill their slaves?

Most slave owners DIDN'T kill their slaves! Why? Because they were considered a valuable asset! Why would you kill a valuable asset? Did SOME white people kill slaves! Yes they did. Was it done on a wholesale fashion like Stalin, Hitler and Mao did it? NOT EVEN REMOTELY CLOSE!!!
That would seem to make sense but we are talking about irrational and violent whites who absolutely killed, tortured, and maimed the enslaved.

Give me a ballpark figure on that, Milkweed! You keep claiming it's a huge number and I think we both know that you're full of shit on that claim!
I think you wish I was full of shit. Wishing wont make it a reality. Whites didnt keep records of how many people they killed, maimed, and tortured so the best anyone can do is only a guesstamite

So give me your "guesstamite", Milkweed! I could use a good laugh.
I dont give guesstamites. Any data whites have recorded are suspect as well. Whites tend to lie and omit things that make them look bloodthirsty or violent.
What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence? This Fourth of July is yours, not mine…There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.”

– Frederick Douglass

Say, what are negroes like you still doing in America? When are you ever going to learn to speak an African language and move back to Africa?

Oh that’s right, it will never happen because white European culture is superior and blacks prefer being in white European culture than African.
We are here living and working. We built this country so we are vested. I already speak 2 African languages and I will move when I feel like it.
In other words you don’t want to live in squalor in an African shithole, gotcha.

If blacks “built” America, why aren’t all African nations built just as great, if not better?
What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence? This Fourth of July is yours, not mine…There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.”

– Frederick Douglass

Say, what are negroes like you still doing in America? When are you ever going to learn to speak an African language and move back to Africa?

Oh that’s right, it will never happen because white European culture is superior and blacks prefer being in white European culture than African.
We are here living and working. We built this country so we are vested. I already speak 2 African languages and I will move when I feel like it.
In other words you don’t want to live in squalor in an African shithole, gotcha.

If blacks “built” America, why aren’t all African nations built just as great, if not better?
Why would I want to live in a shit hole anywhere? When I move to Africa my land is not anywhere near a shit hole.

Depends on what you consider great. If youre assumption is that the US is the standard of greatness then you have already made yourself into a fool.
What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence? This Fourth of July is yours, not mine…There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.”

– Frederick Douglass

Say, what are negroes like you still doing in America? When are you ever going to learn to speak an African language and move back to Africa?

Oh that’s right, it will never happen because white European culture is superior and blacks prefer being in white European culture than African.
We are here living and working. We built this country so we are vested. I already speak 2 African languages and I will move when I feel like it.
In other words you don’t want to live in squalor in an African shithole, gotcha.

If blacks “built” America, why aren’t all African nations built just as great, if not better?
Why would I want to live in a shit hole anywhere? When I move to Africa my land is not anywhere near a shit hole.

Depends on what you consider great. If youre assumption is that the US is the standard of greatness then you have already made yourself into a fool.

So what nation is the standard of greatness?
What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence? This Fourth of July is yours, not mine…There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.”

– Frederick Douglass

Which has nothing to do with something someone said in 2019.
At the time Douglas was absolutely correct. It was not black people's nation then.
But that is not at all, in any way, none, nada, zip relevant to today.
Actually its very relevant today. I dont celebrate the 4th for that very reason. I celebrated Juneteenth which is the day that finally all americans were free.

Well La Di Friggin Da... no one cares.
If you don't consider America as your country, then get the hell out. It's real easy. Just leave.
Good luck getting as much free stuff somewhere else and pay nothing for it.
I didnt ask you if you cared. I just pointed out that it was relevant.
If you want me to get out then you are free to try and make that a reality.

So you just want to bitch about it, not actually do something about it.
If I hated the country I was in so much, I would leave. It's not that difficult. There are plenty to choose from.
Canada and Mexico are literally hours away.
Why are you still here?
What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence? This Fourth of July is yours, not mine…There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.”

– Frederick Douglass

Say, what are negroes like you still doing in America? When are you ever going to learn to speak an African language and move back to Africa?

Oh that’s right, it will never happen because white European culture is superior and blacks prefer being in white European culture than African.
We are here living and working. We built this country so we are vested. I already speak 2 African languages and I will move when I feel like it.
In other words you don’t want to live in squalor in an African shithole, gotcha.

If blacks “built” America, why aren’t all African nations built just as great, if not better?
Why would I want to live in a shit hole anywhere? When I move to Africa my land is not anywhere near a shit hole.

Depends on what you consider great. If youre assumption is that the US is the standard of greatness then you have already made yourself into a fool.

So what nation is the standard of greatness?
The Mali Empire would be my standard. BTW thats in Africa.
What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence? This Fourth of July is yours, not mine…There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.”

– Frederick Douglass

Which has nothing to do with something someone said in 2019.
At the time Douglas was absolutely correct. It was not black people's nation then.
But that is not at all, in any way, none, nada, zip relevant to today.
Actually its very relevant today. I dont celebrate the 4th for that very reason. I celebrated Juneteenth which is the day that finally all americans were free.

Well La Di Friggin Da... no one cares.
If you don't consider America as your country, then get the hell out. It's real easy. Just leave.
Good luck getting as much free stuff somewhere else and pay nothing for it.
I didnt ask you if you cared. I just pointed out that it was relevant.
If you want me to get out then you are free to try and make that a reality.

So you just want to bitch about it, not actually do something about it.
If I hated the country I was in so much, I would leave. It's not that difficult. There are plenty to choose from.
Canada and Mexico are literally hours away.
Why are you still here?
I am doing something about it. Calling it out as truth so people start adjusting their behavior.

I'm not a quitter like you. Never have been and never will be. Quitters are losers.

I already explained why I was here. However I will tell you one more time. I have property and family here plus I'm not going to leave the country in the hands of whites
Say, what are negroes like you still doing in America? When are you ever going to learn to speak an African language and move back to Africa?

Oh that’s right, it will never happen because white European culture is superior and blacks prefer being in white European culture than African.
We are here living and working. We built this country so we are vested. I already speak 2 African languages and I will move when I feel like it.
In other words you don’t want to live in squalor in an African shithole, gotcha.

If blacks “built” America, why aren’t all African nations built just as great, if not better?
Why would I want to live in a shit hole anywhere? When I move to Africa my land is not anywhere near a shit hole.

Depends on what you consider great. If youre assumption is that the US is the standard of greatness then you have already made yourself into a fool.

So what nation is the standard of greatness?
The Mali Empire would be my standard. BTW thats in Africa.

They were big on slavery too.
We are here living and working. We built this country so we are vested. I already speak 2 African languages and I will move when I feel like it.
In other words you don’t want to live in squalor in an African shithole, gotcha.

If blacks “built” America, why aren’t all African nations built just as great, if not better?
Why would I want to live in a shit hole anywhere? When I move to Africa my land is not anywhere near a shit hole.

Depends on what you consider great. If youre assumption is that the US is the standard of greatness then you have already made yourself into a fool.

So what nation is the standard of greatness?
The Mali Empire would be my standard. BTW thats in Africa.

They were big on slavery too.
Not chattel slavery
Let's list all the worst nations in history.

Mao's China that killed millions? Nope. Nazi Germany that killed millions and tried to eliminate an entire religion? Nope. Communist Russia which killed millions and starved its own people? Nope. The Khmer Republic, which killed a third of their own people? And again, nope.

It's the United States.

Colin Kaepernick should go down to the border and convince those hundreds of thousands that are trying to get into America to turn back and go home because Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, etc., are all much better than the most evil nation in history.
Let's list all the worst nations in history.

Mao's China that killed millions? Nope. Nazi Germany that killed millions and tried to eliminate an entire religion? Nope. Communist Russia which killed millions and starved its own people? Nope. The Khmer Republic, which killed a third of their own people? And again, nope.

It's the United States.

Colin Kaepernick should go down to the border and convince those hundreds of thousands that are trying to get into America to turn back and go home because Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, etc., are all much better than the most evil nation in history.
I think what youre forgetting is every nation you listed came under the sway of a madman while the US has a consistent pattern of doing these things that spans centuries.
Most slave owners DIDN'T kill their slaves! Why? Because they were considered a valuable asset! Why would you kill a valuable asset? Did SOME white people kill slaves! Yes they did. Was it done on a wholesale fashion like Stalin, Hitler and Mao did it? NOT EVEN REMOTELY CLOSE!!!
That would seem to make sense but we are talking about irrational and violent whites who absolutely killed, tortured, and maimed the enslaved.

Give me a ballpark figure on that, Milkweed! You keep claiming it's a huge number and I think we both know that you're full of shit on that claim!
I think you wish I was full of shit. Wishing wont make it a reality. Whites didnt keep records of how many people they killed, maimed, and tortured so the best anyone can do is only a guesstamite

So give me your "guesstamite", Milkweed! I could use a good laugh.
I dont give guesstamites. Any data whites have recorded are suspect as well. Whites tend to lie and omit things that make them look bloodthirsty or violent.

So if you can't give real numbers...and you can't give "guesstamite" numbers...what are you basing your claims on other than your own beliefs? How could ANYONE'S data be more "suspect" than the non data that you're trying to pass off as facts?

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