Colin Kaepernick: The United States Is The Worst Nation In The History Of The World

That would seem to make sense but we are talking about irrational and violent whites who absolutely killed, tortured, and maimed the enslaved.

Give me a ballpark figure on that, Milkweed! You keep claiming it's a huge number and I think we both know that you're full of shit on that claim!
I think you wish I was full of shit. Wishing wont make it a reality. Whites didnt keep records of how many people they killed, maimed, and tortured so the best anyone can do is only a guesstamite

So give me your "guesstamite", Milkweed! I could use a good laugh.
I dont give guesstamites. Any data whites have recorded are suspect as well. Whites tend to lie and omit things that make them look bloodthirsty or violent.

So if you can't give real numbers...and you can't give "guesstamite" numbers...what are you basing your claims on other than your own beliefs? How could ANYONE'S data be more "suspect" than the non data that you're trying to pass off as facts?
Its not just my beliefs its data told to me by my ancestors. I trust them way more than I trust whites. So whites have their beliefs that they call facts. However there is nothing to support that other than their say so. At the end of the day I'm going to believe how I believe because whites have been caught in way too many lies.
Say, what are negroes like you still doing in America? When are you ever going to learn to speak an African language and move back to Africa?

Oh that’s right, it will never happen because white European culture is superior and blacks prefer being in white European culture than African.
We are here living and working. We built this country so we are vested. I already speak 2 African languages and I will move when I feel like it.
In other words you don’t want to live in squalor in an African shithole, gotcha.

If blacks “built” America, why aren’t all African nations built just as great, if not better?
Why would I want to live in a shit hole anywhere? When I move to Africa my land is not anywhere near a shit hole.

Depends on what you consider great. If youre assumption is that the US is the standard of greatness then you have already made yourself into a fool.

So what nation is the standard of greatness?
The Mali Empire would be my standard. BTW thats in Africa.

So your standard for greatness is an empire that flourished prior to the 15th century CE? One that went into decline not because of anything that whites did...but rather because of civil war? That's telling, Milkweed!
We are here living and working. We built this country so we are vested. I already speak 2 African languages and I will move when I feel like it.
In other words you don’t want to live in squalor in an African shithole, gotcha.

If blacks “built” America, why aren’t all African nations built just as great, if not better?
Why would I want to live in a shit hole anywhere? When I move to Africa my land is not anywhere near a shit hole.

Depends on what you consider great. If youre assumption is that the US is the standard of greatness then you have already made yourself into a fool.

So what nation is the standard of greatness?
The Mali Empire would be my standard. BTW thats in Africa.

So your standard for greatness is an empire that flourished prior to the 15th century CE? One that went into decline not because of anything that whites did...but rather because of civil war? That's telling, Milkweed!
Correct. That empire erected a university that people from around the world would come to in order to be educated.
Give me a ballpark figure on that, Milkweed! You keep claiming it's a huge number and I think we both know that you're full of shit on that claim!
I think you wish I was full of shit. Wishing wont make it a reality. Whites didnt keep records of how many people they killed, maimed, and tortured so the best anyone can do is only a guesstamite

So give me your "guesstamite", Milkweed! I could use a good laugh.
I dont give guesstamites. Any data whites have recorded are suspect as well. Whites tend to lie and omit things that make them look bloodthirsty or violent.

So if you can't give real numbers...and you can't give "guesstamite" numbers...what are you basing your claims on other than your own beliefs? How could ANYONE'S data be more "suspect" than the non data that you're trying to pass off as facts?
Its not just my beliefs its data told to me by my ancestors. I trust them way more than I trust whites. So whites have their beliefs that they call facts. However there is nothing to support that other than their say so.. At the end of the day I'm going to believe how I believe because whites have been caught in way too many lies.

Gee, the Elizabeth Warren excuse? It's a belief passed down to you by your ancestors? This gets funnier by the second!
I think you wish I was full of shit. Wishing wont make it a reality. Whites didnt keep records of how many people they killed, maimed, and tortured so the best anyone can do is only a guesstamite

So give me your "guesstamite", Milkweed! I could use a good laugh.
I dont give guesstamites. Any data whites have recorded are suspect as well. Whites tend to lie and omit things that make them look bloodthirsty or violent.

So if you can't give real numbers...and you can't give "guesstamite" numbers...what are you basing your claims on other than your own beliefs? How could ANYONE'S data be more "suspect" than the non data that you're trying to pass off as facts?
Its not just my beliefs its data told to me by my ancestors. I trust them way more than I trust whites. So whites have their beliefs that they call facts. However there is nothing to support that other than their say so.. At the end of the day I'm going to believe how I believe because whites have been caught in way too many lies.

Gee, the Elizabeth Warren excuse? It's a belief passed down to you by your ancestors? This gets funnier by the second!
Not sure what you mean. I said nothing about excuses. Is this more white people tactics?
Not your best string, Milkweed. You might want to find a good excuse to run away and hide from this debacle. Just saying...
So give me your "guesstamite", Milkweed! I could use a good laugh.
I dont give guesstamites. Any data whites have recorded are suspect as well. Whites tend to lie and omit things that make them look bloodthirsty or violent.

So if you can't give real numbers...and you can't give "guesstamite" numbers...what are you basing your claims on other than your own beliefs? How could ANYONE'S data be more "suspect" than the non data that you're trying to pass off as facts?
Its not just my beliefs its data told to me by my ancestors. I trust them way more than I trust whites. So whites have their beliefs that they call facts. However there is nothing to support that other than their say so.. At the end of the day I'm going to believe how I believe because whites have been caught in way too many lies.

Gee, the Elizabeth Warren excuse? It's a belief passed down to you by your ancestors? This gets funnier by the second!
Not sure what you mean. I said nothing about excuses. Is this more white people tactics?

Well...if you believe Warren's would be a "red" person's tactic? (eye roll)
Not your best string, Milkweed. You might want to find a good excuse to run away and hide from this debacle. Just saying...
Your observation is noted but as usual rejected. I cant concern myself with the opinion of someone that is white. I will stay on this thread until something else attracts my attention to the point i dont have time to answer or address anything on this thread.
I dont give guesstamites. Any data whites have recorded are suspect as well. Whites tend to lie and omit things that make them look bloodthirsty or violent.

So if you can't give real numbers...and you can't give "guesstamite" numbers...what are you basing your claims on other than your own beliefs? How could ANYONE'S data be more "suspect" than the non data that you're trying to pass off as facts?
Its not just my beliefs its data told to me by my ancestors. I trust them way more than I trust whites. So whites have their beliefs that they call facts. However there is nothing to support that other than their say so.. At the end of the day I'm going to believe how I believe because whites have been caught in way too many lies.

Gee, the Elizabeth Warren excuse? It's a belief passed down to you by your ancestors? This gets funnier by the second!
Not sure what you mean. I said nothing about excuses. Is this more white people tactics?

Well...if you believe Warren's would be a "red" person's tactic? (eye roll)
To be honest I dont know much about Warren except that she said one of her ancestors was a Native American.
In other words you don’t want to live in squalor in an African shithole, gotcha.

If blacks “built” America, why aren’t all African nations built just as great, if not better?
Why would I want to live in a shit hole anywhere? When I move to Africa my land is not anywhere near a shit hole.

Depends on what you consider great. If youre assumption is that the US is the standard of greatness then you have already made yourself into a fool.

So what nation is the standard of greatness?
The Mali Empire would be my standard. BTW thats in Africa.

So your standard for greatness is an empire that flourished prior to the 15th century CE? One that went into decline not because of anything that whites did...but rather because of civil war? That's telling, Milkweed!
Correct. That empire erected a university that people from around the world would come to in order to be educated.

A university that stands today? Oh, was probably replaced by an even bigger and better one...right? Oh, wait...that didn't happen. Civil wars between black leaders led to the decline of the Mali Empire. Not anything that whites had anything to do with? How does your narrative fit THAT empire?
Why would I want to live in a shit hole anywhere? When I move to Africa my land is not anywhere near a shit hole.

Depends on what you consider great. If youre assumption is that the US is the standard of greatness then you have already made yourself into a fool.

So what nation is the standard of greatness?
The Mali Empire would be my standard. BTW thats in Africa.

So your standard for greatness is an empire that flourished prior to the 15th century CE? One that went into decline not because of anything that whites did...but rather because of civil war? That's telling, Milkweed!
Correct. That empire erected a university that people from around the world would come to in order to be educated.

A university that stands today? Oh, was probably replaced by an even bigger and better one...right? Oh, wait...that didn't happen. Civil wars between black leaders led to the decline of the Mali Empire. Not anything that whites had anything to do with? How does your narrative fit THAT empire?
Lots of civilizations go into decline. Europe almost went back to the stoneage.These things a cyclic if no one interferes. Whites have interfered with Mali by colonization.
So if you can't give real numbers...and you can't give "guesstamite" numbers...what are you basing your claims on other than your own beliefs? How could ANYONE'S data be more "suspect" than the non data that you're trying to pass off as facts?
Its not just my beliefs its data told to me by my ancestors. I trust them way more than I trust whites. So whites have their beliefs that they call facts. However there is nothing to support that other than their say so.. At the end of the day I'm going to believe how I believe because whites have been caught in way too many lies.

Gee, the Elizabeth Warren excuse? It's a belief passed down to you by your ancestors? This gets funnier by the second!
Not sure what you mean. I said nothing about excuses. Is this more white people tactics?

Well...if you believe Warren's would be a "red" person's tactic? (eye roll)
To be honest I dont know much about Warren except that she said one of her ancestors was a Native American.

When she got caught passing herself off as an American Indian to help promote her academic career...she declared that she made that claim because her ancestors had passed that story down...that they were part American Indian! Total bullshit of course but she's still a US Senator...which simply proves the type of people you liberals will elect!
So what nation is the standard of greatness?
The Mali Empire would be my standard. BTW thats in Africa.

So your standard for greatness is an empire that flourished prior to the 15th century CE? One that went into decline not because of anything that whites did...but rather because of civil war? That's telling, Milkweed!
Correct. That empire erected a university that people from around the world would come to in order to be educated.

A university that stands today? Oh, was probably replaced by an even bigger and better one...right? Oh, wait...that didn't happen. Civil wars between black leaders led to the decline of the Mali Empire. Not anything that whites had anything to do with? How does your narrative fit THAT empire?
Lots of civilizations go into decline. Europe almost went back to the stoneages.

Yet Europe recovered and prospered? Why didn't the Mali Empire do the same?
The Mali Empire would be my standard. BTW thats in Africa.

So your standard for greatness is an empire that flourished prior to the 15th century CE? One that went into decline not because of anything that whites did...but rather because of civil war? That's telling, Milkweed!
Correct. That empire erected a university that people from around the world would come to in order to be educated.

A university that stands today? Oh, was probably replaced by an even bigger and better one...right? Oh, wait...that didn't happen. Civil wars between black leaders led to the decline of the Mali Empire. Not anything that whites had anything to do with? How does your narrative fit THAT empire?
Lots of civilizations go into decline. Europe almost went back to the stoneages.

Yet Europe recovered and prospered? Why didn't the Mali Empire do the same?
Europe recovered because Black people (Moors) came and retaught them civilization.

Simple answer. White colonization.
So your standard for greatness is an empire that flourished prior to the 15th century CE? One that went into decline not because of anything that whites did...but rather because of civil war? That's telling, Milkweed!
Correct. That empire erected a university that people from around the world would come to in order to be educated.

A university that stands today? Oh, was probably replaced by an even bigger and better one...right? Oh, wait...that didn't happen. Civil wars between black leaders led to the decline of the Mali Empire. Not anything that whites had anything to do with? How does your narrative fit THAT empire?
Lots of civilizations go into decline. Europe almost went back to the stoneages.

Yet Europe recovered and prospered? Why didn't the Mali Empire do the same?
Europe recovered because Black people (Moors) came and retaught them civilization.

Simple answer. White colonization.

Of what happened to the Moors again?
So your standard for greatness is an empire that flourished prior to the 15th century CE? One that went into decline not because of anything that whites did...but rather because of civil war? That's telling, Milkweed!
Correct. That empire erected a university that people from around the world would come to in order to be educated.

A university that stands today? Oh, was probably replaced by an even bigger and better one...right? Oh, wait...that didn't happen. Civil wars between black leaders led to the decline of the Mali Empire. Not anything that whites had anything to do with? How does your narrative fit THAT empire?
Lots of civilizations go into decline. Europe almost went back to the stoneages.

Yet Europe recovered and prospered? Why didn't the Mali Empire do the same?
Europe recovered because Black people (Moors) came and retaught them civilization.

Simple answer. White colonization.

So the black people taught Europe how to colonize, then the blacks fell into squalor because of colonization. I guess they weren’t advanced enough to overcome that, eh?
Correct. That empire erected a university that people from around the world would come to in order to be educated.

A university that stands today? Oh, was probably replaced by an even bigger and better one...right? Oh, wait...that didn't happen. Civil wars between black leaders led to the decline of the Mali Empire. Not anything that whites had anything to do with? How does your narrative fit THAT empire?
Lots of civilizations go into decline. Europe almost went back to the stoneages.

Yet Europe recovered and prospered? Why didn't the Mali Empire do the same?
Europe recovered because Black people (Moors) came and retaught them civilization.

Simple answer. White colonization.

Of what happened to the Moors again?
Not sure what that has to do with my point? Youre claim was that europe recovered. That was only because the Moors stayed for centuries reeducating europe.
Correct. That empire erected a university that people from around the world would come to in order to be educated.

A university that stands today? Oh, was probably replaced by an even bigger and better one...right? Oh, wait...that didn't happen. Civil wars between black leaders led to the decline of the Mali Empire. Not anything that whites had anything to do with? How does your narrative fit THAT empire?
Lots of civilizations go into decline. Europe almost went back to the stoneages.

Yet Europe recovered and prospered? Why didn't the Mali Empire do the same?
Europe recovered because Black people (Moors) came and retaught them civilization.

Simple answer. White colonization.

So the black people taught Europe how to colonize, then the blacks fell into squalor because of colonization. I guess they weren’t advanced enough to overcome that, eh?
Obviously they didnt teach europe how to colonize. If they had then the parts of Africa that are in trouble wouldnt be in trouble. When Blacks came to europe and reeducated them they did a good job. Little did they know that by reeducating whites they were interrupting the cycle and would pay for it.
A university that stands today? Oh, was probably replaced by an even bigger and better one...right? Oh, wait...that didn't happen. Civil wars between black leaders led to the decline of the Mali Empire. Not anything that whites had anything to do with? How does your narrative fit THAT empire?
Lots of civilizations go into decline. Europe almost went back to the stoneages.

Yet Europe recovered and prospered? Why didn't the Mali Empire do the same?
Europe recovered because Black people (Moors) came and retaught them civilization.

Simple answer. White colonization.

Of what happened to the Moors again?
Not sure what that has to do with my point? Youre claim was that europe recovered. That was only because the Moors stayed for centuries reeducating europe.

So why didn't the Moorish empire flourish? Once again...just as with the Mali Empire it declined because of internal conflicts. Are we noticing a pattern here?
Lots of civilizations go into decline. Europe almost went back to the stoneages.

Yet Europe recovered and prospered? Why didn't the Mali Empire do the same?
Europe recovered because Black people (Moors) came and retaught them civilization.

Simple answer. White colonization.

Of what happened to the Moors again?
Not sure what that has to do with my point? Youre claim was that europe recovered. That was only because the Moors stayed for centuries reeducating europe.

So why didn't the Moorish empire flourish? Once again...just as with the Mali Empire it declined because of internal conflicts. Are we noticing a pattern here?
The pattern I notice is that when you are proven wrong you like to change the subject. Its a common thing white people do so I understand.

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