Colin Powell Denies Affair with Romanian Politician

The reality is that the adulterous affairs of public figures will always be newsworthy. You can cry your little eyes out while you pursue your "agenda" that it should not be. And you can try and make your ad hominem attacks against me and you still won't be changing the reality.

You don't have the foggiest idea what "ad hominem" means, do you? :lol:

And no, holding the position that there is no there there is not an "agenda". It's the absence of one.

Actually, I do. And you just made another ad hominem attack, IDIOT.

.... QED ^^


The irony is that you don't know what an ad hominem attack is while you accuse me of not knowing. You made a personal putdown while not listing your logic. That's the very definition of ad hominem, you fucking moron.


.... The QED2

There she blows.


Nothing like an idiot who is fully wrong and still feels the need to mock. But, that's been your theme for virtually all of the thread.

Critical thinking requires something called rigors. When they're not followed, fallacies occur. It's actually a very precise method of communication and frankly morons like yourself would be well advised to not pretend that you are an authority on the matter.

aaaand there it is, three in a row. Let's hear it for my straight man with his amazing display of self oblivion. :clap2:


Dig deep. :up:
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.... The QED2

There she blows.


Nothing like an idiot who is fully wrong and still feels the need to mock. But, that's been your theme for virtually all of the thread.

Critical thinking requires something called rigors. When they're not followed, fallacies occur. It's actually a very precise method of communication and frankly morons like yourself would be well advised to not pretend that you are an authority on the matter.

aaaand there it is, three in a row. Let's hear it for my straight man with his amazing display of self oblivion. :clap2:


Dig deep. :up:

Yes; for the third time in a row; you have made an ad hominem attack (while sadly mocking the person who is right). Give it up already retard.
An ad hominem (Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"[1]), short for argumentum ad hominem, is an argument made personally against an opponent instead of against their argument

Okay; go back fucktard and count your personal attacks that you made while making no effort whatsoever to debate the points. And then after that, you should feel especially stupid. But, if you don't; then I'll just have to assess that you have some sort of mental or psychological deficiency and leave it at that.
An ad hominem (Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"[1]), short for argumentum ad hominem, is an argument made personally against an opponent instead of against their argument

Okay; go back fucktard and count your personal attacks that you made while making no effort whatsoever to debate the points. And then after that, you should feel especially stupid. But, if you don't; then I'll just have to assess that you have some sort of mental or psychological deficiency and leave it at that.


It's obvious to everyone else but if you insist...

Okay; go back fucktard ...especially stupid. have some sort of mental or psychological deficiency .

Oh wait, that was you.

morons like yourself

Oh wait, that was you.

That's the very definition of ad hominem, you fucking moron.

Oh wait, that was you. Dripping with irony.

Whatever dickface.

Guess who again. This time at somebody else. I'm jealous.

You're a troll that brings dead issues to conversations

Damn. You seem to have quite the monopoly here...

And you just made another ad hominem attack, IDIOT.


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do you not see the foolhardy of a public official, particularly within our state department, having an affair, particularly with foreigners? Do you not see the fact they are now in a position that if that person overhears anything, sees anything, can now use it as blackmail? Or they could sell that info to the highest bidder? Or they could possibly be a spy?

Apparently the feeling is "hands off". I'm really curious as to why we feel this need to protect Colin.

Me, too. Sadly, many don't think or seem to care what the implications of these affairs could have on officials.

It's because he backs Obama. If he had backed McCain it would be a different story. :eusa_shhh:
What's obvious Pogo? That you keep taking pot shots instead of engaging in actual critical debate? Loafers like yourself should never presume to judge anybody's alleged fallacies. Your posts are rife with inadequacies (fallacies).
Apparently the feeling is "hands off". I'm really curious as to why we feel this need to protect Colin.

Me, too. Sadly, many don't think or seem to care what the implications of these affairs could have on officials.

It's because he backs Obama. If he had backed McCain it would be a different story. :eusa_shhh:

There's no evidence of an "affair". We don't get to just make shit up.
Me, too. Sadly, many don't think or seem to care what the implications of these affairs could have on officials.

It's because he backs Obama. If he had backed McCain it would be a different story. :eusa_shhh:

There's no evidence of an "affair". We don't get to just make shit up.

That is if you don't count circumstantial evidence. The likelihood of an affair is significant.
Me, too. Sadly, many don't think or seem to care what the implications of these affairs could have on officials.

It's because he backs Obama. If he had backed McCain it would be a different story. :eusa_shhh:

There's no evidence of an "affair". We don't get to just make shit up.

Except for the fact that Colin stated that their relationship via cyberspace was of a "very personal nature" of course.

Yes...lets not pay any attention to what people actually admit to. :lol:

Maybe they didn't have an affair. But, when Powell is e-mailing the chick and visiting her after he's left his office while she's calling him "the love of her life"; the obvious conclusion is that an affair was the most likely outcome.
Now that we've established that an affair was almost certainly the most likely outcome; let us speculate about who the hacker was and what his motivations were?
It's because he backs Obama. If he had backed McCain it would be a different story. :eusa_shhh:

There's no evidence of an "affair". We don't get to just make shit up.

Except for the fact that Colin stated that their relationship via cyberspace was of a "very personal nature" of course.

Yes...lets not pay any attention to what people actually admit to. :lol:

And let's not read the actual e-mails indicating that they're all from her.


You people are so quick to condemn based on nothing. :eusa_doh:

Maybe they didn't have an affair. But, when Powell is e-mailing the chick and visiting her after he's left his office while she's calling him "the love of her life"; the obvious conclusion is that an affair was the most likely outcome.

Again. Lets ask his wife if she likes him being intimate with other women. Physically or otherwise. Somehow I doubt it.

Maybe they didn't have an affair. But, when Powell is e-mailing the chick and visiting her after he's left his office while she's calling him "the love of her life"; the obvious conclusion is that an affair was the most likely outcome.

Again. Lets ask his wife if she likes him being intimate with other women. Physically or otherwise. Somehow I doubt it.

Again let's ask each other if we even know what the fuck we're talking about. Nobody said Powell was "visiting" her. That's Gitsby making shit up yet again. It's what gits do.

Maybe they didn't have an affair. But, when Powell is e-mailing the chick and visiting her after he's left his office while she's calling him "the love of her life"; the obvious conclusion is that an affair was the most likely outcome.

Again. Lets ask his wife if she likes him being intimate with other women. Physically or otherwise. Somehow I doubt it.

Again let's ask each other if we even know what the fuck we're talking about. Nobody said Powell was "visiting" her. That's Gitsby making shit up yet again. It's what gits do. don't have to "visit" someone to be intimate with them. Just so you know.

Maybe they didn't have an affair. But, when Powell is e-mailing the chick and visiting her after he's left his office while she's calling him "the love of her life"; the obvious conclusion is that an affair was the most likely outcome.

Again. Lets ask his wife if she likes him being intimate with other women. Physically or otherwise. Somehow I doubt it.

Again let's ask each other if we even know what the fuck we're talking about. Nobody said Powell was "visiting" her. That's Gitsby making shit up yet again. It's what gits do.

Has anyone told you that you're a total horse's ass? The better question might be how many times?

Colin Powell forced to deny affair after hacker posts compromising e-mails -

He claims they have seen each other just a few times over the past eight years and he has given her advice on her career.

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