Colin Powell Loses His Mind

Yes it is dumb fuck, You can not support orders of people you do not support also. EVERY NCO SNCO and assume Officer course teaches that basic principle.

Of course you can, you can follow out an order from someone I do not support. The latter is not required for the former.
No, obeying orders is not the same as supporting. I can do what I am told without supporting the one telling me to do it. And I can refuse to do what I am told to do if it is an unlawful order. As a young LCpl I had a SSgt tell me to falsity a log book to cover our asses for a mistake I made. I told the SSgt to kiss my ass, I can only get yelled out for a mistake, I can go to the brig for what he wanted me to do.
So you were one of those people, you did not believe in supporting your superiors even though you took an oath to do so. As for Illegal orders be very specific and list for us the ILLEGAL orders President Trump has issued.

Once again for the slow-witted ---- THERE IS NOTHING IN THAT OATH ABOUT "SUPPORT".

Look you fucking MORON when you are agreeing to OBEY and FOLLOW the orders of someone you are agreeing to SUPPORT them, pretty simple concept I bet even a 7 year old could understand it.
If Trump ordered you to eat sh!t, would you ask for hot sauce?
That would not be a legal order dumb ass.
Why not?
Wow. Read the article. There’s nothing Powel said that’s not true. And look at all these right wingers calling him names. Just like they call me names. They can’t handle the truth. If they disagreed with Powel, they would explain why. But they can’t.
This is why they're trying to bury the lead story here:

>> “How can a president of the United States get up and say that the media is the enemy of Americans? Hasn’t he read the First Amendment? You are not supposed to like everything the press says, or what anyone says… that’s why we have a First Amendment, to protect that kind of speech.”

“I hope the president can come to the realization that he should really stop insulting people,” Powell said. “I used this two years ago when I said I could not vote for him in the 2016 election. Why? He insulted everybody. He insulted African-Americans. He insulted women. He insulted immigrants. He insulted our best friends around the world. All of his fellow candidates up on the stage during the debates. I don’t think that’s what should be coming out of a president of the United States. But I don’t see anything that’s changed in the last two years.” << (from the OP link)

AND a worthy execution of the oath he took to defend the Constitution. An oath Rump also took. One of them is betraying that oath and it ain't Colin Powell.
So you do NOT support your superiors? Did you EVER attend any advanced courses in the military? Hell even basic ones teach the concept that YOU SUPPORT all legal orders from superiors.

And I did that for all 20 years, 1 month and 3 days that I was in the Marines.

I love how you just changed it from supporting the superiors to supporting their orders. It is not the same things you know.
Yes it is dumb fuck, You can not support orders of people you do not support also. EVERY NCO SNCO and assume Officer course teaches that basic principle.
Bullshit. The military is filled with examples of people obeying orders from people they did not support you idiot.
This is why they're trying to bury the lead story here:

>> “How can a president of the United States get up and say that the media is the enemy of Americans? Hasn’t he read the First Amendment? You are not supposed to like everything the press says, or what anyone says… that’s why we have a First Amendment, to protect that kind of speech.”

“I hope the president can come to the realization that he should really stop insulting people,” Powell said. “I used this two years ago when I said I could not vote for him in the 2016 election. Why? He insulted everybody. He insulted African-Americans. He insulted women. He insulted immigrants. He insulted our best friends around the world. All of his fellow candidates up on the stage during the debates. I don’t think that’s what should be coming out of a president of the United States. But I don’t see anything that’s changed in the last two years.” << (from the OP link)

AND a worthy execution of the oath he took to defend the Constitution. An oath Rump also took. One of them is betraying that oath and it ain't Colin Powell.
MSM is enemy of the people. That’s right!
This is why they're trying to bury the lead story here:

>> “How can a president of the United States get up and say that the media is the enemy of Americans? Hasn’t he read the First Amendment? You are not supposed to like everything the press says, or what anyone says… that’s why we have a First Amendment, to protect that kind of speech.”

“I hope the president can come to the realization that he should really stop insulting people,” Powell said. “I used this two years ago when I said I could not vote for him in the 2016 election. Why? He insulted everybody. He insulted African-Americans. He insulted women. He insulted immigrants. He insulted our best friends around the world. All of his fellow candidates up on the stage during the debates. I don’t think that’s what should be coming out of a president of the United States. But I don’t see anything that’s changed in the last two years.” << (from the OP link)

AND a worthy execution of the oath he took to defend the Constitution. An oath Rump also took. One of them is betraying that oath and it ain't Colin Powell.
So obeying orders is not support? It is not defend? Where did you serve Mickey Mouse club? When one obeys they FOLLOW, the faithfully serve and do as told. Further they interpret orders and carry out the INTENT of the President in all things.

No, obeying orders is not the same as supporting. I can do what I am told without supporting the one telling me to do it. And I can refuse to do what I am told to do if it is an unlawful order. As a young LCpl I had a SSgt tell me to falsity a log book to cover our asses for a mistake I made. I told the SSgt to kiss my ass, I can only get yelled out for a mistake, I can go to the brig for what he wanted me to do.
So you were one of those people, you did not believe in supporting your superiors even though you took an oath to do so. As for Illegal orders be very specific and list for us the ILLEGAL orders President Trump has issued.

Once again for the slow-witted ---- THERE IS NOTHING IN THAT OATH ABOUT "SUPPORT".

Look you fucking MORON when you are agreeing to OBEY and FOLLOW the orders of someone you are agreeing to SUPPORT them, pretty simple concept I bet even a 7 year old could understand it.

No you sure as hell are not.

If that were the case if a President ran for re-election the oath would REQUIRE the military to vote for him.

Wow. Read the article. There’s nothing Powel said that’s not true. And look at all these right wingers calling him names. Just like they call me names. They can’t handle the truth. If they disagreed with Powel, they would explain why. But they can’t.
Any guesses what they are calling him today?
So obeying orders is not support? It is not defend? Where did you serve Mickey Mouse club? When one obeys they FOLLOW, the faithfully serve and do as told. Further they interpret orders and carry out the INTENT of the President in all things.

No, obeying orders is not the same as supporting. I can do what I am told without supporting the one telling me to do it. And I can refuse to do what I am told to do if it is an unlawful order. As a young LCpl I had a SSgt tell me to falsity a log book to cover our asses for a mistake I made. I told the SSgt to kiss my ass, I can only get yelled out for a mistake, I can go to the brig for what he wanted me to do.
So you were one of those people, you did not believe in supporting your superiors even though you took an oath to do so. As for Illegal orders be very specific and list for us the ILLEGAL orders President Trump has issued.

Once again for the slow-witted ---- THERE IS NOTHING IN THAT OATH ABOUT "SUPPORT".

Look you fucking MORON when you are agreeing to OBEY and FOLLOW the orders of someone you are agreeing to SUPPORT them, pretty simple concept I bet even a 7 year old could understand it.

No you sure as hell are not.

If that were the case if a President ran for re-election the oath would REQUIRE the military to vote for him.


You really are as stupid as I've always thought you to be.
So obeying orders is not support? It is not defend? Where did you serve Mickey Mouse club? When one obeys they FOLLOW, the faithfully serve and do as told. Further they interpret orders and carry out the INTENT of the President in all things.

No, obeying orders is not the same as supporting. I can do what I am told without supporting the one telling me to do it. And I can refuse to do what I am told to do if it is an unlawful order. As a young LCpl I had a SSgt tell me to falsity a log book to cover our asses for a mistake I made. I told the SSgt to kiss my ass, I can only get yelled out for a mistake, I can go to the brig for what he wanted me to do.
So you were one of those people, you did not believe in supporting your superiors even though you took an oath to do so. As for Illegal orders be very specific and list for us the ILLEGAL orders President Trump has issued.

Once again for the slow-witted ---- THERE IS NOTHING IN THAT OATH ABOUT "SUPPORT".

Look you fucking MORON when you are agreeing to OBEY and FOLLOW the orders of someone you are agreeing to SUPPORT them, pretty simple concept I bet even a 7 year old could understand it.

No you sure as hell are not.

If that were the case if a President ran for re-election the oath would REQUIRE the military to vote for him.

How you figure?
One of the few Black republicans I respect.
He’s a career politician
We need more professional politicians. The buffoon currently in the WH could take some lessons from Colin.
Dumbfuck! We elected Trump because we were fed up with the messes professional politicians of both parties have gotten our country into.
Yep, Career politicians are the lowest of life forms...
No, obeying orders is not the same as supporting. I can do what I am told without supporting the one telling me to do it. And I can refuse to do what I am told to do if it is an unlawful order. As a young LCpl I had a SSgt tell me to falsity a log book to cover our asses for a mistake I made. I told the SSgt to kiss my ass, I can only get yelled out for a mistake, I can go to the brig for what he wanted me to do.
So you were one of those people, you did not believe in supporting your superiors even though you took an oath to do so. As for Illegal orders be very specific and list for us the ILLEGAL orders President Trump has issued.

Once again for the slow-witted ---- THERE IS NOTHING IN THAT OATH ABOUT "SUPPORT".

Look you fucking MORON when you are agreeing to OBEY and FOLLOW the orders of someone you are agreeing to SUPPORT them, pretty simple concept I bet even a 7 year old could understand it.

No you sure as hell are not.

If that were the case if a President ran for re-election the oath would REQUIRE the military to vote for him.


You really are as stupid as I've always thought you to be.

Considering your level of "thought" skills, thank you.
The fat pig, TWICE Obama-voting warmongering, war-pig neocon criminal Colin Powell is almost the disgusting underwear-smear of his race to me as Typhoid Barry Obamaggot. Colin Powell is a war criminal, crooked, black-crybaby scumbag I've never liked, never been fooled by, and I think that like all Medusa-snake-headed Jamaican filth, he's the cancerous pap-smear of his race. Just like Obamanure, but for completely different reasons. I can't even stand to look at Powell's fat, blubbery, bullshit-defecating face on TV or my computer monitor, it's too vomitous. I wish other Republicans would quit venerating this slimebucket as some sort of "honorable" token black.

I might remind other Repubs. that neocons like Powell and the Bushes sucked remarkable, treasonous amounts of muslim cock themselves. I LOVE President Trump for calling out that worthless, crooked, open-borders, Bush criminal family for the low-energy failures they are.
The man took an oath to support his Country and the Commander in Chief. Did it expire.

Fuck you people are stupid.

The Oath that the military takes is to support and defend the Constitution..not the country, not the POTUS

""I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; "and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

"and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States .... I can think of at least one presidente who made sure his sissy little ass didn't have to take that oath, but man, he sure is gung ho military now.
So obeying orders is not support? It is not defend? Where did you serve Mickey Mouse club? When one obeys they FOLLOW, the faithfully serve and do as told. Further they interpret orders and carry out the INTENT of the President in all things.

No, obeying orders is not the same as supporting. I can do what I am told without supporting the one telling me to do it. And I can refuse to do what I am told to do if it is an unlawful order. As a young LCpl I had a SSgt tell me to falsity a log book to cover our asses for a mistake I made. I told the SSgt to kiss my ass, I can only get yelled out for a mistake, I can go to the brig for what he wanted me to do.
So you were one of those people, you did not believe in supporting your superiors even though you took an oath to do so. As for Illegal orders be very specific and list for us the ILLEGAL orders President Trump has issued.

Once again for the slow-witted ---- THERE IS NOTHING IN THAT OATH ABOUT "SUPPORT".

Look you fucking MORON when you are agreeing to OBEY and FOLLOW the orders of someone you are agreeing to SUPPORT them, pretty simple concept I bet even a 7 year old could understand it.

No you sure as hell are not.

If that were the case if a President ran for re-election the oath would REQUIRE the military to vote for him.

No it does not you RETARD. But then why would I expect a civilian to understand the military. What I can not believe is a SNCO in this thread denying that EVERY damn school on leadership in the Corps Teaches that one SUPPORT their leaders.
The man took an oath to support his Country and the Commander in Chief. Did it expire.

Fuck you people are stupid.

The Oath that the military takes is to support and defend the Constitution..not the country, not the POTUS

""I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; "and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

"and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States .... I can think of at least one presidente who made sure his sissy little ass didn't have to take that oath, but man, he sure is gung ho military now.

LOL, first, I'm not a Rump guy...but at least he doesn't loathe the Military.

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