Colin Powell Loses His Mind

This is why they're trying to bury the lead story here:

>> “How can a president of the United States get up and say that the media is the enemy of Americans? Hasn’t he read the First Amendment? You are not supposed to like everything the press says, or what anyone says… that’s why we have a First Amendment, to protect that kind of speech.”

“I hope the president can come to the realization that he should really stop insulting people,” Powell said. “I used this two years ago when I said I could not vote for him in the 2016 election. Why? He insulted everybody. He insulted African-Americans. He insulted women. He insulted immigrants. He insulted our best friends around the world. All of his fellow candidates up on the stage during the debates. I don’t think that’s what should be coming out of a president of the United States. But I don’t see anything that’s changed in the last two years.” << (from the OP link)

AND a worthy execution of the oath he took to defend the Constitution. An oath Rump also took. One of them is betraying that oath and it ain't Colin Powell.
lol, what's happening here is that the left is almost literally throwing everything including the kitchen sink at trump to stop him from stopping them,.
He has put them under an enormous amount of pressure and knows he just has to withstand the attacks to stop them.
Look at the "tweeting", he withstood all the "help" and "advice" they tried to give him when they were kicking and screaming that they were doing what was best, did he listen? of course not, now all they can do is pretend they won that battle and that is all they are going to be able to do in the future.
Trump has them writhing, they are in the death throes as a group and an ideology and this is how ideologues respond when they are being lanced.
Does anyone think Powell [whom I greatly admire and respect] would have marched out with that tired old speech if the left didn't feel like their ship was sinking?
They are just emptying their media armory on trump and came across Powell leaning against the wall back in the corner.
No, obeying orders is not the same as supporting. I can do what I am told without supporting the one telling me to do it. And I can refuse to do what I am told to do if it is an unlawful order. As a young LCpl I had a SSgt tell me to falsity a log book to cover our asses for a mistake I made. I told the SSgt to kiss my ass, I can only get yelled out for a mistake, I can go to the brig for what he wanted me to do.
So you were one of those people, you did not believe in supporting your superiors even though you took an oath to do so. As for Illegal orders be very specific and list for us the ILLEGAL orders President Trump has issued.

Once again for the slow-witted ---- THERE IS NOTHING IN THAT OATH ABOUT "SUPPORT".

Look you fucking MORON when you are agreeing to OBEY and FOLLOW the orders of someone you are agreeing to SUPPORT them, pretty simple concept I bet even a 7 year old could understand it.

No you sure as hell are not.

If that were the case if a President ran for re-election the oath would REQUIRE the military to vote for him.

No it does not you RETARD. But then why would I expect a civilian to understand the military. What I can not believe is a SNCO in this thread denying that EVERY damn school on leadership in the Corps Teaches that one SUPPORT their leaders.

Perhaps you were lucky and never worked under a POS while in the Corps, but I did a couple. I followed their orders to the letter ,but that was all.

Two real life examples for you...

As SSgt working at the Wing G3 I worked under a GySgt that got where he was by putting in face time and having others do his work for him. I followed his order but it would not a lie to say that I ever supported him.

Contrast that to the CO of my FA-18 squadron. He had the welfare of his troops first and foremost in his mind and it showed. I followed his orders and supported him 100%. He was the type of leader you would jump on a grenade for.

In both cases I followed my Oath 100% to the T and did everything that the Marine Corps and taught me in all the Leadership courses after each promotion.

What you are describing sounds more like WWII Germany than the Marine Corps.
No, obeying orders is not the same as supporting. I can do what I am told without supporting the one telling me to do it. And I can refuse to do what I am told to do if it is an unlawful order. As a young LCpl I had a SSgt tell me to falsity a log book to cover our asses for a mistake I made. I told the SSgt to kiss my ass, I can only get yelled out for a mistake, I can go to the brig for what he wanted me to do.
So you were one of those people, you did not believe in supporting your superiors even though you took an oath to do so. As for Illegal orders be very specific and list for us the ILLEGAL orders President Trump has issued.

Once again for the slow-witted ---- THERE IS NOTHING IN THAT OATH ABOUT "SUPPORT".

Look you fucking MORON when you are agreeing to OBEY and FOLLOW the orders of someone you are agreeing to SUPPORT them, pretty simple concept I bet even a 7 year old could understand it.

No you sure as hell are not.

If that were the case if a President ran for re-election the oath would REQUIRE the military to vote for him.

No it does not you RETARD. But then why would I expect a civilian to understand the military. What I can not believe is a SNCO in this thread denying that EVERY damn school on leadership in the Corps Teaches that one SUPPORT their leaders.

Actually, he has a point. Can you claim to support the POTUS and then not vote for him?

Perhaps that is why the Oath of Office only has us defending and supporting the Constitution, not the man in the White House.
No, obeying orders is not the same as supporting. I can do what I am told without supporting the one telling me to do it. And I can refuse to do what I am told to do if it is an unlawful order. As a young LCpl I had a SSgt tell me to falsity a log book to cover our asses for a mistake I made. I told the SSgt to kiss my ass, I can only get yelled out for a mistake, I can go to the brig for what he wanted me to do.
So you were one of those people, you did not believe in supporting your superiors even though you took an oath to do so. As for Illegal orders be very specific and list for us the ILLEGAL orders President Trump has issued.

Once again for the slow-witted ---- THERE IS NOTHING IN THAT OATH ABOUT "SUPPORT".

Look you fucking MORON when you are agreeing to OBEY and FOLLOW the orders of someone you are agreeing to SUPPORT them, pretty simple concept I bet even a 7 year old could understand it.

No you sure as hell are not.

If that were the case if a President ran for re-election the oath would REQUIRE the military to vote for him.

No it does not you RETARD. But then why would I expect a civilian to understand the military. What I can not believe is a SNCO in this thread denying that EVERY damn school on leadership in the Corps Teaches that one SUPPORT their leaders.

Once AGAIN for the illiterati ---- the word "support" is in the oath ONCE, specifically pointing to the Constitution, and by the time it gets to the POTUS it swiches to "obey". And that's intentional. Even if hacks like you play Mongoloid Idiot on the internets with your "I'm too stupid to read" song and dance.
So you were one of those people, you did not believe in supporting your superiors even though you took an oath to do so. As for Illegal orders be very specific and list for us the ILLEGAL orders President Trump has issued.

Once again for the slow-witted ---- THERE IS NOTHING IN THAT OATH ABOUT "SUPPORT".

Look you fucking MORON when you are agreeing to OBEY and FOLLOW the orders of someone you are agreeing to SUPPORT them, pretty simple concept I bet even a 7 year old could understand it.

No you sure as hell are not.

If that were the case if a President ran for re-election the oath would REQUIRE the military to vote for him.

No it does not you RETARD. But then why would I expect a civilian to understand the military. What I can not believe is a SNCO in this thread denying that EVERY damn school on leadership in the Corps Teaches that one SUPPORT their leaders.

Once AGAIN for the illiterati ---- the word "support" is in the oath ONCE, specifically pointing to the Constitution, and by the time it gets to the POTUS it swiches to "obey". And that's intentional. Even if hacks like you play Mongoloid Idiot on the internets with your "I'm too stupid to read" song and dance.
So you do NOT support your superiors? Did you EVER attend any advanced courses in the military? Hell even basic ones teach the concept that YOU SUPPORT all legal orders from superiors.

And I did that for all 20 years, 1 month and 3 days that I was in the Marines.

I love how you just changed it from supporting the superiors to supporting their orders. It is not the same things you know.
Yes it is dumb fuck, You can not support orders of people you do not support also. EVERY NCO SNCO and assume Officer course teaches that basic principle.
Bullshit. The military is filled with examples of people obeying orders from people they did not support you idiot.
Like William Calley and the My Lai massacre.

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