collective punishments

Thank you, that's fair enough and much better than the one liners you usually post. I think that then it is a matter of semantics as "3000+ Palestinians killed on occasion leads one to take it as one time, one incident. Not over a period of years as your information provides.
I hope by now you have seen this post about ~3000 Palestinians killed by Israel on a single occasion.
Who don't you stop posting your ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA then

I will help. I have a somewhat---"special" understanding of amity because my very own husband
was born into the system she supports-----to wit DHIMMIA in a classical shariah society. Let me
explain. Under the details of the DHIMMIA system-----jews do not get to charge persons of her group
with damage of any kind----ie they cannot "bring suit" against herself and her fellow jihadists for any
reason. Thus in the world of Amity----if one of her group slits the throat of a jewish infant------
no crime has been committed. If one of her group rapes a jewish woman-----no problem----
if the jewish woman becomes pregnant----by the rapist----the rapist OWNS the child. Therefore----
in her world----if HER PEOPLE toss a bomb on the heads of Israeli children----no crime has
been committed--------therefore "retaliation" is not warranted

I really know not very much about Sharia law, irosie, but you seem to know way less. I have never once spoken from an Islamic point of view because I don't know what that would be. The reason I believe that settlers are legitimate targets is because they are illegally occupying another people's country pure and simple.

Most of the other crimes you mention are happening inside Israel! By the very people who are claimed to be so enamored of their high standard of living that they now support Israel. In fact they are apparently being driven to insanity by their situation and undertaking entirely independent acts of resistance. No one can prevent that but the nation which is refusing a just solution.

Aenmity---your response makes no sense "I do not know anything about Shariah law and you
know far less" No--in fact I know a whole lot about it----which is why you did not even address
the issue-----you simply emitted eructations.. Anyone who wants to "drive any people to insanity"---
can simply impose the laws of DHIMMIA upon them. The laws of Dhimmia are how muslims
got rid of Christians, jews, Zoroastrians, etc etc in countries now overwhelmingly or completely
muslim------IE ---it is genocidal In fact----how do you think the Persians got rid of their
Zoroastrians? and---their Christians?-----and most of their jews?-----for that matter---how did "the
west bank" become devoid of jews? You express a POV that has interested me since I
spent several days ----in may and june 1967 listening to the rants of your fellows as they spoke
in the UN--- in this and that odd interview. It was back there in the 60s---when there were people
in the USA who thought that the world's greatest travesty as a marriage between a "colored person"
and a white person-------they claimed that they did not WANT to hurt "colored people"---they
just did not want to sit at the same lunch counter with them.

Your fellows made it perfectly clear in their statements-----"WE WILL NOT TOLERATE
A ZIONIST ENCLAVE IN OUR MIDST" I understand----even back then when
I was a teen----there was not a single black family living in my lily white Nazi town.
I know Nazism up close-------I was reading YOUR literature at age 10 Jews have lived
in the middle east------in the area YOU CALL Palestine------for some 4000 years-------
In the little US town in which I grew up-----American Indians had resided for thousands
of years-----(people still found arrow heads along the river and streams)----but I doubt
that the Nazis over there would have tolerated an AMERICAN INDIAN HOMEOWNER
in that town------in 1940-----if fact I know that they would have not.

you express the Islamic fascist POV------just as did the Saudi Arabian ambassador to
the UN ------in may 1967 -----just as some of my neighbors in the 1950s ---expressed
their fascist KU KLUX KLAN notions in the 1950s. Interesting reminiscence>>>>
when I was a kid-----I barely understood why when my mom felt annoyed by our
Nazi neighbors she would say "when I sell this house----I am going to make sure
to sell it to a colored family"

In sum---that which you are supporting is a fascist POV-----"arabs are entitled
to establish communities and states in the middle east---but jews are not"

In Iran----muslims are entitled----but Zoroastrians are not. (for that matter---
neither are Christians or Jews)
Find me ONE credible source that says the Katyn massacre was done by the soviets! That is ludicrous. Everyone who has known it was Germans. The survivors said it was Germans. Witnesses said it was Germans.

Are you actually sitting there defending the Nazis?

The soviets have admitted doing it, and every western nation should be demanding they be executed for the massacre.

Again, mea culpa, I meant Lidice. See above.
FUCK YOU... YOU P..CK !! How about condemning the Pieces of SCUM who kidnapped those Israelis??

They were settlers!

ON JEWISH OWNED LAND WITH TITLE DEEDS TO BACK IT UP, does this mean that Israel can kidnap Palestinian children who are squatting on Jewish owned land in East jerusalem

You would have to understand how Israel acquired land in Israel and how it acquires it now in the West Bank. Usually it was/is confiscated, turned over to the JNF, and then resold to Jews. So your "legal titles" mean nothing.
They were settlers!

ON JEWISH OWNED LAND WITH TITLE DEEDS TO BACK IT UP, does this mean that Israel can kidnap Palestinian children who are squatting on Jewish owned land in East jerusalem

You would have to understand how Israel acquired land in Israel and how it acquires it now in the West Bank. Usually it was/is confiscated, turned over to the JNF, and then resold to Jews. So your "legal titles" mean nothing.

You mean all the land that the Turks sold to the Jews was really not legal? You must tell us all about that. By the way, why not tell us why your friends were not clamoring for their own state when the Egyptians and Jordanians were administering the territories? Could it be that it was because they didn't mind who was administering them as long as the administrators were Muslims, but God forbid that any Jews should have any say-so over them.
Why the people are in a known condition and a known place, so what is there to condemn. If they weren't terrorists then they would not be in detention

Phoenall, this qualifies as the stupidest thing I have yet heard anyone on this forum say, Sally included. How do you know someone is a terrorist if they're in administrative detention. By definition administrative detention means they can be held without proof of any crime, without even evidence being presented. They could just be the most effective leaders, the people Israel fears most, but who really have committed no crime.
No 1948 borders is there according to the palestinians so they will stay were they are. As for the occupation when the Palestinians stop occupying Jewish land then the Jews will stop occupying Palestinian land.
How can the Palestinians be occupying Jewish land?
The land was never Palestinian in the first place, it was ottoman until 1919 when it was handed to the allies as SPOILS OF WAR. They being the legal owners under INTERNATIONAL LAW at the time had the legal right to give the land to whoever they wished. So do find a document that gives the land to the Palestinians that was not a breach of INTERNATIONAL LAW of the time.
We need to introduce you to the concept of an indigenous people. When Israel was formed, Algeria still "belonged" to France. Eventually they were persuaded to give up that claim by means of a sea change in attitude worldwide, and plenty of violence in Algeria.
And you need to enter the 21st century in your thinking. No one HAD a legitimate claim to Palestine but the Palestinians.
Your version of "liberate" includes the destruction of Israel and the mass murder of 6 million Jews. ( the PLO definition of Palestinian Jew has ended because no Jew if 164 years old )
No Palestinian rep EVER called for mass extermination of 6 million.
The call was always for a binational state.
Why the people are in a known condition and a known place, so what is there to condemn. If they weren't terrorists then they would not be in detention

Phoenall, this qualifies as the stupidest thing I have yet heard anyone on this forum say, Sally included. How do you know someone is a terrorist if they're in administrative detention. By definition administrative detention means they can be held without proof of any crime, without even evidence being presented. They could just be the most effective leaders, the people Israel fears most, but who really have committed no crime.
That area, being a small place, gives Israeli Intelligence the ability to know who are and who aren't terrorists. Just like I know who the crooks and sleazebags are in my district, Little Miss Terrorist Supporter. And don't insult my intelligence by saying you're not.
Your version of "liberate" includes the destruction of Israel and the mass murder of 6 million Jews. ( the PLO definition of Palestinian Jew has ended because no Jew if 164 years old )
No Palestinian rep EVER called for mass extermination of 6 million.
The call was always for a binational state.
At the time, the Mufti of Jerusalem wanted to kill all the Jews in Palestine and the ME. He wanted a deal with your Uncle Adolph.
There is no such thing as "peace with terrorists!"

That's like saying "MAKE PEACE WITH YOUR TUMOR!"

Lipush----I grew up in the USA-----very near but not actually in-----
a mafia enclave My little area was not really affected----but
some areas nearby were. ------peace with terrorists is like
peace with the Mafia--------you get it if you GIVE IN TO THEIR
DEMANDS-------pay them what they want and KEEP PAYING ----
when you can no longer pay------you end up floating in the
_________River. (I will not name the river---it would
identify my home state)'

Peace with Islamic terrorists has been achieved historically----
review the PACT OF OMAR----and dhimmia

it is also good to keep in mind that THE MAFIA developed in
Sicily----during the time that Sicily was occupied by muslim
Why the people are in a known condition and a known place, so what is there to condemn. If they weren't terrorists then they would not be in detention

Phoenall, this qualifies as the stupidest thing I have yet heard anyone on this forum say, Sally included. How do you know someone is a terrorist if they're in administrative detention. By definition administrative detention means they can be held without proof of any crime, without even evidence being presented. They could just be the most effective leaders, the people Israel fears most, but who really have committed no crime.
That area, being a small place, gives Israeli Intelligence the ability to know who are and who aren't terrorists. Just like I know who the crooks and sleazebags are in my district, Little Miss Terrorist Supporter. And don't insult my intelligence by saying you're not.

As someone pointed out the other day, Amity and her gang who probably take shifts are propagandists. That much is very obvious. For what group, only the FBI or the NSA will be able to figure that one out. It really isn;t up to us, but we have to be aware of just what they are. I think most of the viewers have already figured them out.
It interesting to note that the hate directed at Israel and Jews is never referred to as ‘disproportionate.’ It is also true that the lopsided voting record against Israel by the United Nations Human Rights Commission (an assembly that includes some of the most oppressive and failed nation-states in the world) is never referred to as ‘disproportionate’ despite the admonition of three successive United Nations Secretaries- General. The same applies to United Nations General Assembly, now a forum for over the top racism, bigotry and hate- none of which seems to qualify as ‘disproportionate.’

None of the institutionalized hate and bigotry of the Arab world is ‘disproportionate.’ In fact, the Arabs will tell you that there are not enough calls to genocide and there is not enough hate and racism directed at Israel and Jews. In schools, media and from the pulpit, calls for genocide, bigotry and hate are considered ‘proportionate’ and reasonable.

SOURCE: December 31, 2008

The Ignorance of Proportional Response said:
To illustrate the difference between a proportional response and a measured response think of the following scenario: In a proportional response an intruder is attempting to break into your house and is armed with a .22 caliber pistol that holds 15 rounds. Therefore, in response you get your own .22 with a 15 round clip to confront him. You fire no more rounds or generate no more wounds to him than he does to you. Conversely, in a measured response you simply keep count of the number of entry wounds you feel you need to place in the intruder prior to any cease fire. My personal preference is that the number of holes should be directly related to the number of rounds in my clip.

The tit-for-tat diplomacy of proportional response is a dangerous concept. It makes potential victims out of even the strongest of nations. That’s because it allows your enemies the opportunity to enjoy equal footing regardless of any real strength differentials.

SOURCE: MarkEtterling on May 29, 2014

In dealing with Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) Terrorists, you don't use a "proportional response," and you don't use a "measured response." You use and "effective response" that deals with the threat at hand, and sends the message of deterrence. If the previous response was not strong enough to get the message through to the HoAP, you increase the impact of the response.

If HAMAS fires one rocket, you fire rockets back until the gun tubes are destroyed.

Palestinians Celebrate Kidnapping of Three Israeli ‘Shalits’
The Palestinians have launched a full-fledged social media campaign celebrating the recent kidnapping of three Israeli teenagers as a “heroic” act and dubbing the hostages as the “three Shalits,” a reference to …
The Washington Free Beacon · 6/18/2014​
Palestinians Harass Jews Visiting Temple Mount, Gloat Over Abduction of Israeli Teens
Jun. 26, 2014 by Sharona Schwartz
“Hundreds of Muslim men and women and a Hamas organized summer camp for Muslim children greeted the Jews with thunderous jeers and curses, waving their shoes and holding up their newly minted obscenity: a three-finger ‘victory’ sign, signifying their gloating pride in the kidnapping of the three Jewish boys. For more than one hour the Muslim mob followed and lunged at the Jewish worshipers,” wrote the Temple Institute, an organization dedicated to teaching about the ancient temple and one day rebuilding it according to biblical specifications.​

Let the HoAP dance and gloat. But don't let them hide behind the "Proportional Response" argument of the virtual victim. The Palestinians that support such atrocities are just as responsible for the despicable crime as the cowardly HoAP the carried it off.

Israel needs to tighten the ring around them even more; in the name of crime prevention.

Most Respectfully,

So one rocket means that you inflict as much death and destruction as possible in response, huh?

There is so much LESS hatred directed at Israel for its actions than they deserve, I was totally overwhelmed while living there with how comparatively magnanimous the spirit among Palestinians was. Even little kids, if they would say "I hate Israel. Israel must die" or something equally extreme, when you would ask them what they meant, did they want to kill all those Israelis, they would say "No, but they have to let us live, too." Then I asked where would the Jews go if Israel was destroyed, and they would say "There with us." I think both sides may have been radicalized a bit since then, but to justify maximum response to minimum provocation in every case is tantamount to justification of genocide. Because they have no choice whatsoever but to keep fighting until their rights are fully acknowledged and secured.
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As you have said you reap what you sow, and they have sown violence, bloodshed and war since 1929 when they massacred the Jews in Hebron.

Actually, the Palestinian response has always been pretty measured compared to what they're up against. I think 1929 was the first year they realized the Jews were trying to steal their country! The death toll on the Arab side has always been disproportionately huge compared to Jews. It didn't start with Hebron.
Not at all if you can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that individual IDF soldiers pre meditate about killing Palestinian children without a care for their families then take it to the Israeli courts. But if you are claiming that children used as human shields have been killed then take it up with the Palestinian courts as the Palestinians are responsible for the murders. Covered in the Geneva conventions and the apportionment of blame is on the scum using the children as human shields.

That is why you have not read about it because the Palestinians have suppressed the truth, and started BLOOD LIBELS.

On this forum people have complained about settlers' babies being hurt, when they deliberately bring them into a dangerous situation in illegal settlements. That isn't using children as human shields? Can you explain the moral difference?
I heard the "destroy Israel" mantra----from the mouths of diplomats from
arab countries and also from other muslim countries in May 1967----during
televised UN sessions. It went like this "we will not tolerate the existence of the
Zionist entity---in our midst" -------I took that as a desire to destroy Israel--how do you
interpret it?

I take it as a desire to destroy Israel's existence as a Jewish state, although have never heard anyone say they want to destroy the people.
Not at all if you can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that individual IDF soldiers pre meditate about killing Palestinian children without a care for their families then take it to the Israeli courts. But if you are claiming that children used as human shields have been killed then take it up with the Palestinian courts as the Palestinians are responsible for the murders. Covered in the Geneva conventions and the apportionment of blame is on the scum using the children as human shields.

That is why you have not read about it because the Palestinians have suppressed the truth, and started BLOOD LIBELS.

On this forum people have complained about settlers' babies being hurt, when they deliberately bring them into a dangerous situation in illegal settlements. That isn't using children as human shields? Can you explain the moral difference?

You should meet SherriMunnerlyn. You echoed her words.

Fucking despicable!

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