collective punishments

RoccoR said:
In 1967/68, the Palestinians updated and formalized their threat against Israel; and essentially declared Jihad and Armed Struggle against Israel with the goal of attempting to control all of the former territory under the British Mandate.
The mandate was temporarily assigned to Palestine to render administrative assistance and advise according to the League of Nations Covenant. It had no territory of its own. Palestine existed separate from the mandate.

So, what was your purpose for using that term?
You've had that issue explained a hundred times and you continue to dig, Tinmore. Soon you will be speaking Chinese if you don't stop digging.

The mandate was temporarily assigned to Palestine to render administrative assistance and advise according to the League of Nations Covenant. It had no territory of its own. Palestine existed separate from the mandate.

So, what was your purpose for using that term?
You've had that issue explained a hundred times and you continue to dig, Tinmore. Soon you will be speaking Chinese if you don't stop digging.

Go to hell, Tinmore. :D
The mandate was temporarily assigned to Palestine to render administrative assistance and advise according to the League of Nations Covenant. It had no territory of its own. Palestine existed separate from the mandate.

So, what was your purpose for using that term?
You've had that issue explained a hundred times and you continue to dig, Tinmore. Soon you will be speaking Chinese if you don't stop digging.


I have an idea. When your questions are answered time and time again - the same questions from you and the same answers from others on here - then save them Tinmore. Save them to your favorites bar or print them out. Then we don't have to waste so much time on you.
I have an idea. When your questions are answered time and time again - the same questions from you and the same answers from others on here - then save them Tinmore. Save them to your favorites bar or print them out. Then we don't have to waste so much time on you.

It is not my job. If someone makes a claim it is his responsibility to back it up.
Israel never invaded the territory of the State of Palestine.

Egypt and Jordan did not invade Palestine in 1948. They entered Palestine to fight Israeli troops. They did not "invade Palestine" as they were not at war with Palestine.

Nevertheless they occupied Palestinian territory until 1967.

What state were they occupying?

What legal right did the arab league have in occupying Palestine and refusing to allow the inhabitants the right to self determination. The arab league proclaimed that they would not allow the Palestinians to declare independence and interfered with their rights in this respect.
Israel never invaded the territory of the State of Palestine.

Egypt and Jordan did not invade Palestine in 1948. They entered Palestine to fight Israeli troops. They did not "invade Palestine" as they were not at war with Palestine.

Nevertheless they occupied Palestinian territory until 1967.

What state were they occupying?

What legal right did the arab league have in occupying Palestine and refusing to allow the inhabitants the right to self determination. The arab league proclaimed that they would not allow the Palestinians to declare independence and interfered with their rights in this respect.

Nice parry.

Doesn't answer the question.
Translation; The end of the Jewish State. That will never happen. :D

It'll NEVER happen? It HAS to happen. Even Rome wasn't eternal.

Tell us WHY it HAS to happen. No respect for " borders?" According to. " International Law?" By your own admission, there can't be peace :D

Because in the grand sweep of history all these conflicts seem petty. Eventually there is peace, the walls come down, and all these hot heated intransigents blend together once again. I'm in favor of a two state solution for the immediate future, and that means preservation of a Jewish state as a transitional form, but eventually with no raison d'etre even the most militant Zionists will give birth to generations will no longer care to perpetuate exclusivity and xenophobia. I don't really believe a one state solution needs codifying in a treaty. Other issues and nationalisms will come to the fore and no one will care anymore.
I have an idea. When your questions are answered time and time again - the same questions from you and the same answers from others on here - then save them Tinmore. Save them to your favorites bar or print them out. Then we don't have to waste so much time on you.

It is not my job. If someone makes a claim it is his responsibility to back it up.

But we do, time after time after time. You ask the same questions and we give you the answers, then a few days later you ask them again. It is some game with you I think.
RoccoR said:
In 1967/68, the Palestinians updated and formalized their threat against Israel; and essentially declared Jihad and Armed Struggle against Israel with the goal of attempting to control all of the former territory under the British Mandate.
The mandate was temporarily assigned to Palestine to render administrative assistance and advise according to the League of Nations Covenant. It had no territory of its own. Palestine existed separate from the mandate.

So, what was your purpose for using that term?

How many more times does it have to be proven to you that palestines borders were those that included Jordan, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. They were defined as such so that the LoN mandates ( note more than one mandate ) could allocate LoN land to the above nations to create them inside Palestine. They did the same with the NATIONAL HOME OF THE JEWS after taking 70% of the original allocation away to placate two arab princes. This led to the arabs realising the LoN was weakened and immediately started to attack the British and the Jews . This led to many Islamic terrorist attacks and finally the Jewish terrorist attacks on valid military targets.
The LoN won the land at the end of WW1 and it was theirs to do with as they wanted, read the relevant treaty assigning the sovereignty of the land to the LoN and how the ottomans were left with a tiny portion of their vast empire. The Palestine you know is but a small part of the ancient Palestine that existed before the muslims were invented by the false prophet.
The mandate was temporarily assigned to Palestine to render administrative assistance and advise according to the League of Nations Covenant. It had no territory of its own. Palestine existed separate from the mandate.

So, what was your purpose for using that term?
You've had that issue explained a hundred times and you continue to dig, Tinmore. Soon you will be speaking Chinese if you don't stop digging.


Look in your archives they are all there, start with the treaties that gave the LoN axis land as part reparation for WW1.
I have an idea. When your questions are answered time and time again - the same questions from you and the same answers from others on here - then save them Tinmore. Save them to your favorites bar or print them out. Then we don't have to waste so much time on you.

It is not my job. If someone makes a claim it is his responsibility to back it up.

Like you do when asked for unbiased non partisan links to your claims.............. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
If you all don't STOP this the thread will be closed down.

Any attempts to discuss anything are so futile here ... usually. I am going to start just post and run. No point in reading the comments because there really aren't any.

Now does anyone have anything to say about Israel's policy of retaliatory attacks and collective punishment? No?

Who don't you stop posting your ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA then

I will help. I have a somewhat---"special" understanding of amity because my very own husband
was born into the system she supports-----to wit DHIMMIA in a classical shariah society. Let me
explain. Under the details of the DHIMMIA system-----jews do not get to charge persons of her group
with damage of any kind----ie they cannot "bring suit" against herself and her fellow jihadists for any
reason. Thus in the world of Amity----if one of her group slits the throat of a jewish infant------
no crime has been committed. If one of her group rapes a jewish woman-----no problem----
if the jewish woman becomes pregnant----by the rapist----the rapist OWNS the child. Therefore----
in her world----if HER PEOPLE toss a bomb on the heads of Israeli children----no crime has
been committed--------therefore "retaliation" is not warranted

I really know not very much about Sharia law, irosie, but you seem to know way less. I have never once spoken from an Islamic point of view because I don't know what that would be. The reason I believe that settlers are legitimate targets is because they are illegally occupying another people's country pure and simple.

Most of the other crimes you mention are happening inside Israel! By the very people who are claimed to be so enamored of their high standard of living that they now support Israel. In fact they are apparently being driven to insanity by their situation and undertaking entirely independent acts of resistance. No one can prevent that but the nation which is refusing a just solution.
They nothing but reap what they've sown:eusa_whistle:




The people of the West Bank did NOT kidnap those three young men. Do you see how automatic and WRONG your knee jerk reaction was? You have inadvertently provided a perfect illustration of the "collective punishment mentality."

Collective punishment is the punishment of a group of people as a result of the behavior of one or more other individuals or groups. The punished group may often have no direct association with the other individuals or groups, or direct control over their actions. In times of war and armed conflict, collective punishment has resulted in atrocities, and is a violation of the laws of war and the Geneva Conventions. Historically, occupying powers have used collective punishment to retaliate against and deter attacks on their forces by resistance movements (e.g. destroying entire towns and villages where such attacks have occurred).

Look at the Nazi collective punish of Khatyn:
Khatyn massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A convoy of Nazis was attacked by Soviet-allied insurgents and allegedly fled to a nearby town. The Nazis undertook collective punishment against the town for refusal (or inability) to turn over the attackers. This is in essence what Israel is doing.

The scale of sheer death is usually not as gosh-awful yet (although Israel has killed up to 3000+ plus Palestinians in a single incident on occasion) but the facility of denials that this IS what is happening, in the face of the fact that the dynamic is exactly the same, worries me. I think Israel is heading for a multiplicity of Khatyns.

What a pack of LIES, they were kidnapped from the west bank by Palestinian terrorist scum so the Palestinians of the west bank are the ones to blame
You don't even hear what you are saying, the hatred of an entire people has become so entrenched? Did the ENTIRE West Bank participate? are the ones that didn't able to control the ones that did? did they even have knowledge?

So why are they deserving of punishment?
As for Katyn you are again wrong as it was the soviets that massacred all the people not the Germans. The Soviets admitted to doing it a few years back now, but it seems that the truth has not yet hit the scripts of the ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDISTS.

Sorry, meant Lidice. WWII is not my area at all.

Lidice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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