College boys by law must ask permission to grab girl's butt during foreplay

A Perez

Gold Member
Jan 26, 2015
A new law just passed in New York State making it illegal for a man to do things such as grab a girl's butt during foreplay without first asking if he may do so. This is only for colleges, not places outside colleges, which is strange because rape occurs more often outside campus.

My advice to parents is to instruct their sons not to have sex or even touch girls. Alternatively, they can opt for killing their own boners by asking for permission before making every little move prior to and during sex.

Thanks liberals.

Can I put my hand there New York law changes the rules of the college hook-up
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Too fuckin' funny.

Do you have to ask each time you touch her butt? Maybe some kind of volume approval, like 5 or 10 times, could be arranged. Or hand signals. Maybe a waiver could be signed while undressing.

Will there be standards for pressure levels? For example, "may I touch your butt seven times with the pressure level of a standard handshake", something like that?

And what if she confuses a touch with a slap, or vice versa? I'm assuming some kind of arbitration panel will be made available for grey areas?

This country is going completely fuckin' insane.

A new law just passed in New York State making it illegal for a man to do things such as grab a girl's butt during foreplay without first asking if he may do so. This is only for colleges, not places outside colleges, which is strange because rape occurs more often outside campus.

My advice to parents is to instruct their sons not to have sex or even touch girls. Alternatively, they can opt for killing their own boners by asking for permission before making every little move prior to and during sex.

Thanks liberals.

Can I put my hand there New York law changes the rules of the college hook-up

How about man grabbing a man's ass??? Huh????
Too fuckin' funny.

Do you have to ask each time you touch her butt? Maybe some kind of volume approval, like 5 or 10 times, could be arranged. Or hand signals. Maybe a waiver could be signed while undressing.

Will there be standards for pressure levels? For example, "may I touch your butt seven times with the pressure level of a standard handshake", something like that?

And what if she confuses a touch with a slap, or vice versa? I'm assuming some kind of arbitration panel will be made available for grey areas?

This country is going completely fuckin' insane.

Absulutely! It will be comprised of the perverts by lottery since there are so many of them it would be unfair to pick them in any other method of selection.
Well that is just hypocritical.

The state does not ask permission before mounting voters.

As Bernie Sanders would say, "Rape or get raped!"
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California recently passed a similar law regarding sex on college campuses. The idiocy behind these laws, of course, is they are completely unenforceable as it is still one party's word against another's.
A new law just passed in New York State making it illegal for a man to do things such as grab a girl's butt during foreplay without first asking if he may do so. This is only for colleges, not places outside colleges, which is strange because rape occurs more often outside campus.

My advice to parents is to instruct their sons not to have sex or even touch girls. Alternatively, they can opt for killing their own boners by asking for permission before making every little move prior to and during sex.

Thanks liberals.

Can I put my hand there New York law changes the rules of the college hook-up
It is why I believe women should be more equal regarding pay purposes and simply bear true witness to us when it is our turn to use them.
Well that is just hypocritical.

The state does not ask permission before mounting voters.

As Bernie Sanders would say, "Rape or get raped!"
A new law just passed in New York State making it illegal for a man to do things such as grab a girl's butt during foreplay without first asking if he may do so. This is only for colleges, not places outside colleges, which is strange because rape occurs more often outside campus.

My advice to parents is to instruct their sons not to have sex or even touch girls. Alternatively, they can opt for killing their own boners by asking for permission before making every little move prior to and during sex.

Thanks liberals.

Can I put my hand there New York law changes the rules of the college hook-up
It is why I believe women should be more equal regarding pay purposes and simply bear true witness to us when it is our turn to use them.

What jobs do women and men do where the pay is unequal?
To me, common sense is most definitely a thing of the past if certain things have to become laws now. Whatever happened to good ole fashioned respect? I guess that is now a thing of the past too. Well not with me it isn't. If I want to give someone a hug, kiss, etc., I ask them because it is their body and so it should be up to them what it is done with it.

God bless you always!!!

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Dear modern chics in modern times,

From one perspective and in that alternative, it is just as "easy" to use our ability to speak and be political animals for true witness bearing as it is for false witness bearing and letting us miss our turn. If, as is claimed by some, that honesty is much to be preferred to lies; then honesty being the "gold" standard worth one hundred cents on the dollar, usually means that simply using our ability to speak and be political animals for false witness bearing, really is only worth a faction of a dollar for work and pay purposes.
I think the whole sexual encounter needs to be videotaped and posted online and then viewed
by a select committee which I would be the head of.
We would view all these videos and write a report if we feel anything crosses the line.

I will gladly do this on my free time and would not seek any monetary compensation.

My work would be it's own reward.
Just liberal advocacy run amok. Requiring sex videos of every couple.

For what, screening at party conventions?

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