College boys by law must ask permission to grab girl's butt during foreplay

I bet those college boys miss the good ole days when they could just get them drunk and rape them

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i wonder if the Japanese have a proposal for the next monster blockbuster. "Godzilla Meets Nancy Pelosi" the epic battle to end all epic battles.
Should guys insist women have to "ask for permission" before "harassing" us for a really really serious relationship?
A new law just passed in New York State making it illegal for a man to do things such as grab a girl's butt during foreplay without first asking if he may do so. This is only for colleges, not places outside colleges, which is strange because rape occurs more often outside campus.

My advice to parents is to instruct their sons not to have sex or even touch girls. Alternatively, they can opt for killing their own boners by asking for permission before making every little move prior to and during sex.

Thanks liberals.

Can I put my hand there New York law changes the rules of the college hook-up

It's all in line with having women so difficult to approach the boys give up and go queer. Don't's working and has produced thousands of queers who'd have never gone south but for man-hating feminazis taking over our schools.
a slight change of subject: what about dog owners needing permission from a home owner to allow their dog to crap on their front lawn/walkway.
That's stupid. If the guy has gotten all the way to foreplay I don't care if he grabs my butt, matter of fact he damn sure better grab it,spank it,caress it. It's foreplay so you're getting some for sure, make me happy damn it.

If NY wants to make things better,how about they make a law that foreplay has to be at least five minutes long instead of the usual three seconds most guys think passes as foreplay now.:mad-61:
actually i am very offended whenever a male dog rubs his nose in my butt. i think we have to create a law for dogs too.
That's stupid. If the guy has gotten all the way to foreplay I don't care if he grabs my butt, matter of fact he damn sure better grab it,spank it,caress it. It's foreplay so you're getting some for sure, make me happy damn it.


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