College boys by law must ask permission to grab girl's butt during foreplay

I have always wondered who Barney Frank asked when he wanted to grab and squeeze Dick Turbins ass.
A new law just passed in New York State making it illegal for a man to do things such as grab a girl's butt during foreplay without first asking if he may do so. This is only for colleges, not places outside colleges, which is strange because rape occurs more often outside campus.

My advice to parents is to instruct their sons not to have sex or even touch girls. Alternatively, they can opt for killing their own boners by asking for permission before making every little move prior to and during sex.

Thanks liberals.

Can I put my hand there New York law changes the rules of the college hook-up
Awesome, it's sort of like being back in the 1700s, where touching a woman in a sexual manner was an offer of marriage!
A new law just passed in New York State making it illegal for a man to do things such as grab a girl's butt during foreplay without first asking if he may do so. This is only for colleges, not places outside colleges, which is strange because rape occurs more often outside campus.

My advice to parents is to instruct their sons not to have sex or even touch girls. Alternatively, they can opt for killing their own boners by asking for permission before making every little move prior to and during sex.

Thanks liberals.

Can I put my hand there New York law changes the rules of the college hook-up
. Glad I'm out of college.
oh, so its ok if a black man wants to grab a white ass, but not ok if a white guy wants to grab a white ass, right?
Yes, you got it. Finally, you are coming to around...
ok, next scenario. what if Bruce Jenner wants to grab my ass, who does he need permission from?
If you are a man, Bruce Jenner doesn't want to grab your ass at all. He's not gay.
What is he? Now if he is a woman he might want to grab his ass. …or he is a lesbian? Aren't we boys all lesbians?
Remember the movie "Coneheads"? Everyone thought it was hilarious that the coneheads would take everything literally. Along came the pop-culture politically correct left and presto, it's not only a good idea but it's the law.
I see no problem with this.

There have been plenty of times when a young, cute lady digs her polished talons into my manly buns of steel. Hell, I still have scars.

Every day at work it's a walk through the jungle. One young, male CNA/nursing student who is tall, clean-shaven, and with broad shoulders with a calm, gentle, and kind demeanor busting butt across the floor.

Male to female ratio is 1:22.

I may be big, but I am severely outnumbered. Prey. Slow, timid prey. Fearful.

Been grabbed at by female coworkers, been hit on, some have stupidly moved in sexually suggestive ways to get my attention [I play dumb], or 'randomly' ask me why I have no wedding band on my finger yet.

I may as well be a plump, delicious shep in a den full of slavering, female wolves.

If this law takes us one step closer to protecting my chiseled cheeks then I am all for it.

I shall fear no evil.
But what if an ASS {donkey} wants to grab your human ass?
That's fucked up. Would be painful.. Well, if the ass (donkey) wants to grab your ass, he needs to ask the DNC
actually being attacked by a rabid nancy pelosi would be more painful (i hear she turns into a man eating gremlin most nights at midnite)
She's been always scary but now you put the fear into me for real
I think its time that some mask/halloween company make a "Pelosi without Make-Up" mask. i am sure it would sell millions.
But what if an ASS {donkey} wants to grab your human ass?
That's fucked up. Would be painful.. Well, if the ass (donkey) wants to grab your ass, he needs to ask the DNC
actually being attacked by a rabid nancy pelosi would be more painful (i hear she turns into a man eating gremlin most nights at midnite)
She's been always scary but now you put the fear into me for real
I think its time that some mask/halloween company make a "Pelosi without Make-Up" mask. i am sure it would sell millions.
She is coming for you
Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton are at least two real monsters that would scare freddie krueger.
But what if an ASS {donkey} wants to grab your human ass?
That's fucked up. Would be painful.. Well, if the ass (donkey) wants to grab your ass, he needs to ask the DNC
actually being attacked by a rabid nancy pelosi would be more painful (i hear she turns into a man eating gremlin most nights at midnite)
She's been always scary but now you put the fear into me for real
I think its time that some mask/halloween company make a "Pelosi without Make-Up" mask. i am sure it would sell millions.
First the mind control, hypnotizing you:

Now, under hypnosis you see her as this

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