Colleges Have a Guy Problem


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
American colleges and universities now enroll roughly six women for every four men. This is the largest female-male gender gap in the history of higher education, and it’s getting wider. Last year, U.S. colleges enrolled 1.5 million fewer students than five years ago, The Wall Street Journal recently reported. Men accounted for more than 70 percent of the decline.

The statistics are stunning. But education experts and historians aren’t remotely surprised. Women in the United States have earned more bachelor’s degrees than men every year since the mid-1980s—every year, in other words, that I’ve been alive. This particular gender gap hasn’t been breaking news for about 40 years. But the imbalance reveals a genuine shift in how men participate in education, the economy, and society. The world has changed dramatically, but the ideology of masculinity isn’t changing fast enough to keep up.

I don't think the issue is the ideology of masculinity. I think this boils down to location and expectations. Some people want to go to college and can do it and others don't want to and should not go. The area that I live in has a vo-tech that is awesome. There is a counselor at the high school that is steady steering kids off the college track into vo-tech. I almost had to beat her up and take her lunch money.
I like Jordan Peterson. What in particular do you want me to watch?
....and we won't CRY DISCRIMINATION/RACISM/MALE HATE/etc....I couldn't care less
American colleges and universities now enroll roughly six women for every four men. This is the largest female-male gender gap in the history of higher education, and it’s getting wider. Last year, U.S. colleges enrolled 1.5 million fewer students than five years ago, The Wall Street Journal recently reported. Men accounted for more than 70 percent of the decline.

The statistics are stunning. But education experts and historians aren’t remotely surprised. Women in the United States have earned more bachelor’s degrees than men every year since the mid-1980s—every year, in other words, that I’ve been alive. This particular gender gap hasn’t been breaking news for about 40 years. But the imbalance reveals a genuine shift in how men participate in education, the economy, and society. The world has changed dramatically, but the ideology of masculinity isn’t changing fast enough to keep up.

I don't think the issue is the ideology of masculinity. I think this boils down to location and expectations. Some people want to go to college and can do it and others don't want to and should not go. The area that I live in has a vo-tech that is awesome. There is a counselor at the high school that is steady steering kids off the college track into vo-tech. I almost had to beat her up and take her lunch money.
Feminazis wanted this, now they are going to reap the whirlwind. Also these college women will end up making more money than their husbands who will want to stay at home while the cat is away. Women will start living shorter lives because of all the stress while the men will be out fooling around behind the women's back. Oh the irony of the Equal Rights Movement...
Feminazis wanted this, now they are going to reap the whirlwind. Also these college women will end up making more money than their husbands who will want to stay at home while the cat is away. Women will start living shorter lives because of all the stress while the men will be out fooling around behind the women's back. Oh the irony of the Equal Rights Movement...
and more males will murder their wives because of it---
Feminazis wanted this, now they are going to reap the whirlwind. Also these college women will end up making more money than their husbands who will want to stay at home while the cat is away. Women will start living shorter lives because of all the stress while the men will be out fooling around behind the women's back. Oh the irony of the Equal Rights Movement...

How many colleges have scholarships for poor white males?


and more males will murder their wives because of it---

On the other hand the fact that the Laws and practices that treat male victims of Domestic Violence as abusers does endanger women. Many male victims of Domestic Violence are truly trapped in abusive relationships.
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Feminazis wanted this, now they are going to reap the whirlwind. Also these college women will end up making more money than their husbands who will want to stay at home while the cat is away. Women will start living shorter lives because of all the stress while the men will be out fooling around behind the women's back. Oh the irony of the Equal Rights Movement...

I don't see how women have anything to do with this situation. Nothing is stopping males from studying hard and making good grades in high school, making plans to attend college, and competing for available scholarships. Work hard, do things for extra credit. I used to work with a Vietnamese refugee who had three kids, I think two sons and one daughter. He said that after dinner, he and his wife sat down at the table with their kids and helped them study, even though English was not the parents' first language. All of the kids went on to college and graduate school.
I don't see how women have anything to do with this situation. Nothing is stopping males from studying hard and making good grades in high school, making plans to attend college, and competing for available scholarships. Work hard, do things for extra credit. I used to work with a Vietnamese refugee who had three kids, I think two sons and one daughter. He said that after dinner, he and his wife sat down at the table with their kids and helped them study, even though English was not the parents' first language. All of the kids went on to college and graduate school.

Are you actually so fucking retarded that you can't grasp that "feminazi" is not a synonym for "women"?

Or are you just being a complete asshole and purposefully being dishonest about what his point was, and thus lying your ass off about his point, because you are an asshole?
American colleges and universities now enroll roughly six women for every four men. This is the largest female-male gender gap in the history of higher education, and it’s getting wider. Last year, U.S. colleges enrolled 1.5 million fewer students than five years ago, The Wall Street Journal recently reported. Men accounted for more than 70 percent of the decline.

The statistics are stunning. But education experts and historians aren’t remotely surprised. Women in the United States have earned more bachelor’s degrees than men every year since the mid-1980s—every year, in other words, that I’ve been alive. This particular gender gap hasn’t been breaking news for about 40 years. But the imbalance reveals a genuine shift in how men participate in education, the economy, and society. The world has changed dramatically, but the ideology of masculinity isn’t changing fast enough to keep up.

I don't think the issue is the ideology of masculinity. I think this boils down to location and expectations. Some people want to go to college and can do it and others don't want to and should not go. The area that I live in has a vo-tech that is awesome. There is a counselor at the high school that is steady steering kids off the college track into vo-tech. I almost had to beat her up and take her lunch money.
Well shit, maybe I need another degree. You know what the most popular major is?
Most people who were in colleges in 1990s or earlier do not understand how hostile are colleges to male students in 2021.

Male students are viewed as oppressors.

Many females are openly hostile to male students -- openly male bashing and even saying things like "kill all men".
Several decades ago we decided that girls needed to be encouraged to go to college, so we started all kinds of programs to do just that. At the same time, we started shaming men for acting like men in college, which in turn discouraged many from going. After all, why go spend years on a campus where you are not wanted and stand accused of all sorts of societal infractions before you ever got there? Better to get that training to be an electrician and start earning money. It is no surprise that more women are going to college now while fewer men are.

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