Collins: "Can Not Believe" Democrats Won't Pass Coronavirus Relief Bill; "Is This What We've Come To?"

This is getting pathetic, folks.

Lives of Americans are on the line and our brain dead Democrats are demanding we put Postal Service debt relief, jet emmissions, solar panel manufacturing tax breaks, and several other idiotic things in to a national emergency bill to keep us working.

Now Pelosi will stonewall anything getting done for days if not weeks. The markets are melting down because they know it's going to be a continuing mess.

Even the brain dead press will not be able to defend this nonsense.

When Susan Collins is berating you on the Senate floor you're failing miserably.

You know the code of the left: never let a good crisis go to waste.

When I tell the left that the Democrats could give a shit about you when discussing the border and immigrant problems, they tell me I'm full of it. People coming into our country, raping and killing our people, feeding illegal narcotics to the weak, the Democrats just don't care, because illegals are their becoming their base.

Same thing here. We have tens of millions of people out of work, tens of millions who could be facing death if this thing gets out of control, hundreds dead already, and what are they concerned about? Windmill and solar panel credits. And if you don't give them what they want, let more Americans get sick and die, who cares? The MSM will aid them in blaming the Republicans.
Dems want a bill that isnt full of RW special project funding -

Can you name the RW special projects or is this pure BS?
Munchkins slush fund and not limiting corps using money for stock buy backs are the two biggest.

You have nothing but fear mongering assumptions, name the specific "RW special projects". Like Pelosi's PORK for things that have nothing to do with the pandemic.
What? But the language drafted by Senate Republicans also allows Mnuchin to withhold the names of the companies that receive federal money and how much they get for up to six months if he so decides.

I would agree that the provisions the dems find lack any accountability can be fixed pretty easily. But the dems attempt to load this mother up with green energy and unions and shit having nothing to do with keeping businesses and pay check to paycheck folks afloat for 2 mos … is way more fundamental to how they view the economy and govt.

It's why the Trumpstettes could elect the Don Potus for life, and I'd never really become a dem.
Some Dems can't resist holding suffering people hostage to their demands.

You may want to look the bill why there’s a problem.I don’t expect Trump supporters like you understand or even know what the bill is. One of biggest sticking point is the $500bn for the large corporations of that $100bn for Mnunckin wants to control at his discretion works directly for Trump. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT.

Learn the difference between facts and talking points.

And do NOT try to claim some moral high ground about how the Democrats were "just protecting us" by trying to sneak in tons of agenda items unrelated to the coronavirus. They killed the cover story they fed you the instant they put their proposed bill out there, and you're just too stupid to realize it.
so pass pelosi's bill

No, you tell Piglosi to pass the Republicans bill. You know, the bill that has things related to this crisis we're under???

so you dont really care about the people just the politics -

got it-

This is getting pathetic, folks.

Lives of Americans are on the line and our brain dead Democrats are demanding we put Postal Service debt relief, jet emmissions, solar panel manufacturing tax breaks, and several other idiotic things in to a national emergency bill to keep us working.

Now Pelosi will stonewall anything getting done for days if not weeks. The markets are melting down because they know it's going to be a continuing mess.

Even the brain dead press will not be able to defend this nonsense.

When Susan Collins is berating you on the Senate floor you're failing miserably.

You overestimate the press if you think they can't and won't make excuses for this.
so pass pelosi's bill

One last time for the always brain-dead leftard: much of the House bill has NOTHING to do with the Chinavirus emergency, or as S Carolina Rep Jim Clyburn let slip, this is the Dem's "opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision." Yup, Democrats are traitors … every stinkin' one of you.

so pass pelosi's bill

No, you tell Piglosi to pass the Republicans bill. You know, the bill that has things related to this crisis we're under???

so you dont really care about the people just the politics -

got it-


So you're really desperate to silence the truth about your leaders. Got it.
What is "China virus"? Is this something that we have to worry about along with the coronavirus?

its all good as long as its their good -

What is "China virus"? Is this something that we have to worry about along with the coronavirus?

It's just slang for Kung Flu.
I think that your orange whore in the White House started this craziness and the ignorant follow.

In case you haven't noticed I don't give a shit what you think. Your ugly whore Nazi Pelosi is trying to make lives more miserable to get things in the bill that has nothing to do with Kung Flu.
This is getting pathetic, folks.

Lives of Americans are on the line and our brain dead Democrats are demanding we put Postal Service debt relief, jet emmissions, solar panel manufacturing tax breaks, and several other idiotic things in to a national emergency bill to keep us working.

Now Pelosi will stonewall anything getting done for days if not weeks. The markets are melting down because they know it's going to be a continuing mess.

Even the brain dead press will not be able to defend this nonsense.

When Susan Collins is berating you on the Senate floor you're failing miserably.

You know the code of the left: never let a good crisis go to waste.

When I tell the left that the Democrats could give a shit about you when discussing the border and immigrant problems, they tell me I'm full of it. People coming into our country, raping and killing our people, feeding illegal narcotics to the weak, the Democrats just don't care, because illegals are their becoming their base.

Same thing here. We have tens of millions of people out of work, tens of millions who could be facing death if this thing gets out of control, hundreds dead already, and what are they concerned about? Windmill and solar panel credits. And if you don't give them what they want, let more Americans get sick and die, who cares? The MSM will aid them in blaming the Republicans.
Yanno, I didn't leave the soulless Dem Party (decades ago) … they left me.
so pass pelosi's bill

No, you tell Piglosi to pass the Republicans bill. You know, the bill that has things related to this crisis we're under???

so you dont really care about the people just the politics -

got it-


So you're really desperate to silence the truth about your leaders. Got it.
And equally eager to spread leftarded lies. They seem to take great pride in having absolutely no integrity, as though that is an admirable trait.

Democrats are traitors … every stinkin' one of 'em.
So pass the Senate bill before anyone finds out what’s in it, right?

How exactly did you come to that conclusion?
They’re in such a rush for such a complex bill that we haven’t really even seen yet.

But I didnt hear you whine about Pelousy's "you have to pass it to see whats in it bill" When it came to barrycare.
It's real simple. If it doesnt have to do with the chink virus it has no business being brought up.
so pass pelosi's bill

No, you tell Piglosi to pass the Republicans bill. You know, the bill that has things related to this crisis we're under???

so you dont really care about the people just the politics -

got it-

Listen to yourself for a minute. You really should...

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