Collins: "Can Not Believe" Democrats Won't Pass Coronavirus Relief Bill; "Is This What We've Come To?"

What is "China virus"? Is this something that we have to worry about along with the coronavirus?

It's just slang for Kung Flu.
I think that your orange whore in the White House started this craziness and the ignorant follow.

In case you haven't noticed I don't give a shit what you think. Your ugly whore Nazi Pelosi is trying to make lives more miserable to get things in the bill that has nothing to do with Kung Flu.
All because I don't follow your orange whore.
Here is some of their Christmas in March list they want included, as one outlet so aptly called it-
The bill unveiled Monday includes a section calling for “grants for conducting risk-limiting audits of results of elections.” Such action generally requires a manual review of statistical samples of paper ballots to see if official election results were tallied correctly.

The measure also would require early voting in states, and same-day voter registration...

“They are delaying direct assistance so they can play to the liberal left,” Mr. Barrasso said. “They want to put up an entire cap-and-trade system for the airline industry. Nancy Pelosi has been pushing this extreme environmental agenda from the moment she cut the deal to remain as speaker.”
Sen. Tom Cotton, Arkansas Republican, picked apart the Pelosi bill, for example mocking its proposal for diversity on corporate boards of directors.
“The Democrats want to impose quotas for race and sex on corporate boards,” Mr. Cotton said. “I know they’ve wanted to do that for a long time. Is that going to stop anyone from getting sick from the coronavirus?”
Of early voting and same-day voter registration, Mr. Cotton asked, “Now they want to pile election rules on a bill that’s designed to stop a pandemic?”
He also took aim at the Democrats’ proposal for airlines to go “carbon-neutral” by 2025 with emissions offsets.
“I wonder if that will apply to the private planes that Nancy Pelosi and her family flies in, and all their buddies in Hollywood,” Mr. Cotton said.
He said of requiring union officials to get paid by taxpayers for union organizing work, “Is that going to stop the pandemic?”

Remember this is just a partial list. So they want to hold up the bill for their pet projects rather than help suffering American’s now.
What is "China virus"? Is this something that we have to worry about along with the coronavirus?

It's just slang for Kung Flu.
I think that your orange whore in the White House started this craziness and the ignorant follow.

In case you haven't noticed I don't give a shit what you think. Your ugly whore Nazi Pelosi is trying to make lives more miserable to get things in the bill that has nothing to do with Kung Flu.
All because I don't follow your orange whore.

How is that even a response to the subject?
Some Dems can't resist holding suffering people hostage to their demands.

You may want to look the bill why there’s a problem.I don’t expect Trump supporters like you understand or even know what the bill is. One of biggest sticking point is the $500bn for the large corporations of that $100bn for Mnunckin wants to control at his discretion works directly for Trump. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT.

Right, rather than fix that one item Pelosi drafted her own bill full of Dem PORK and liberal agenda crap like climate change, solar subsidies, gifts to labor unions, and automated voter registration, protection for illegals. Yes I'm sure those are the priorities in this global health crisis. /sarcasm
so pass pelosi's bill

No, you tell Piglosi to pass the Republicans bill. You know, the bill that has things related to this crisis we're under???

so you dont really care about the people just the politics -

got it-

I'd rather get the stinking virus than allow Pelosi get away with her BS......

Who's infected.......heard they give you 7000 for testing.........get paid to get it over way or the other. are your choices folks...........get stuck on an elevator with Pelosi or get the virus.....

I'll take the virus.
Some Dems can't resist holding suffering people hostage to their demands.

You may want to look the bill why there’s a problem.I don’t expect Trump supporters like you understand or even know what the bill is. One of biggest sticking point is the $500bn for the large corporations of that $100bn for Mnunckin wants to control at his discretion works directly for Trump. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT.

Right, rather than fix that one item Pelosi drafted her own bill full of Dem PORK and liberal agenda crap like climate change, solar subsidies, gifts to labor unions, and automated voter registration, protection for illegals. Yes I'm sure those are the priorities in this global health crisis. /sarcasm
I can actually agree with protecting the illegals...

We need to return them all to Mexico (or Guatemala and the Honduras), where they can work without worrying about catching the Coronavirus!!!
This is getting pathetic, folks.

Lives of Americans are on the line and our brain dead Democrats are demanding we put Postal Service debt relief, jet emmissions, solar panel manufacturing tax breaks, and several other idiotic things in to a national emergency bill to keep us working.

Now Pelosi will stonewall anything getting done for days if not weeks. The markets are melting down because they know it's going to be a continuing mess.

Even the brain dead press will not be able to defend this nonsense.

When Susan Collins is berating you on the Senate floor you're failing miserably.

You know the code of the left: never let a good crisis go to waste.

When I tell the left that the Democrats could give a shit about you when discussing the border and immigrant problems, they tell me I'm full of it. People coming into our country, raping and killing our people, feeding illegal narcotics to the weak, the Democrats just don't care, because illegals are their becoming their base.

Same thing here. We have tens of millions of people out of work, tens of millions who could be facing death if this thing gets out of control, hundreds dead already, and what are they concerned about? Windmill and solar panel credits. And if you don't give them what they want, let more Americans get sick and die, who cares? The MSM will aid them in blaming the Republicans.
Yanno, I didn't leave the soulless Dem Party (decades ago) … they left me.

How anybody can defend this, I have no idea. I guess that's why this topic is void of most leftists except Siete. Nobody wants to get into a game they lost before they hit one stroke on their keyboard. On the other hand, some are just a glutton for punishment.
She is one of the straighter shooters in Congress

the Democrats are playing politics and pushing agenda driven goodies when it is time to work together

they will be punished at the polls

Big League

Sen. Susan Collins said Monday on the Senate floor that she "can not believe that the answer" to the coronavirus crisis from Senate Democrats "is delay, delay, delay. No sense of urgency."

"Never have I seen Republicans and Democrats fail to come together when confronted with a crisis."

"Is that what we’ve come to?" Collins said, criticizing Democrats over the delay.

"We don’t have another day. We don’t have another hour. We don’t have another minute to delay acting."

Funny, since sue collins is not going to survive election day.

Question, why do republics want a trump slush fund in bill with no oversight?
so pass pelosi's bill

No, you tell Piglosi to pass the Republicans bill. You know, the bill that has things related to this crisis we're under???

so you dont really care about the people just the politics -

got it-


Caring about the people means give Democrats everything they want? You better get something straight here, it's the Republicans trying to help the people--not the Democrats. Democrats don't care about Americans, and haven't for a very long time. Democrats carry about themselves, power, and their pet projects that buy votes. That's all they care about. Why do you think they would rather see a dead American than a foreigner turned away at our border?

This is truly disgusting. Do you think any one of us here would support the Republicans throwing in 15 billion for more southern walls in the aid package at a time like this? How about a national reciprocity for conceal carry of firearms in all states? Maybe a rider eliminating all Planned Parenthood funding? You people would be going nuts right now. I could just imagine the commie media if one of the riders contained a total elimination of Commie Care.

Holding the American people (and job providers) hostage to push PARTISAN agendas through shows how dumb Democrats are. And to have puppets support it? How do you people wake up with yourselves in the morning?
What is "China virus"? Is this something that we have to worry about along with the coronavirus?

It's just slang for Kung Flu.
I think that your orange whore in the White House started this craziness and the ignorant follow.

In case you haven't noticed I don't give a shit what you think. Your ugly whore Nazi Pelosi is trying to make lives more miserable to get things in the bill that has nothing to do with Kung Flu.
All because I don't follow your orange whore.

How is that even a response to the subject?
It is if one is leftarded enough.
This is getting pathetic, folks.

Lives of Americans are on the line and our brain dead Democrats are demanding we put Postal Service debt relief, jet emmissions, solar panel manufacturing tax breaks, and several other idiotic things in to a national emergency bill to keep us working.

Now Pelosi will stonewall anything getting done for days if not weeks. The markets are melting down because they know it's going to be a continuing mess.

Even the brain dead press will not be able to defend this nonsense.

When Susan Collins is berating you on the Senate floor you're failing miserably.

You know the code of the left: never let a good crisis go to waste.

When I tell the left that the Democrats could give a shit about you when discussing the border and immigrant problems, they tell me I'm full of it. People coming into our country, raping and killing our people, feeding illegal narcotics to the weak, the Democrats just don't care, because illegals are their becoming their base.

Same thing here. We have tens of millions of people out of work, tens of millions who could be facing death if this thing gets out of control, hundreds dead already, and what are they concerned about? Windmill and solar panel credits. And if you don't give them what they want, let more Americans get sick and die, who cares? The MSM will aid them in blaming the Republicans.
Yanno, I didn't leave the soulless Dem Party (decades ago) … they left me.

How anybody can defend this, I have no idea. I guess that's why this topic is void of most leftists except Siete. Nobody wants to get into a game they lost before they hit one stroke on their keyboard. On the other hand, some are just a glutton for punishment.

It's simple ray.

The 'slush' fund
A prime case in point regarding the above is the almost visceral Democrat reaction to the distressed industries fund in the current proposal.

The proposal includes roughly $500 billion in funds for loans and loan guarantees to be doled out to distressed companies, states and localities. What it doesn't include, however, are strict guidelines as to which companies would be eligible, guarantees that any company that taps the funding pool maintains its current workforce and the ability for the treasury secretary to waive, at his discretion, any restrictions on stock buybacks for recipients. It also doesn't require any reporting of which companies took loans until six months after the fact.

The lack of oversight and significant discretion given to the part of the treasury secretary infuriated Democrats and perhaps just as importantly, their outside allies, and played a major role in unifying the caucus against the proposal on Sunday.

I'm glad the Democrats don't want another republic TARP bailout bill.
This is getting pathetic, folks.

Lives of Americans are on the line and our brain dead Democrats are demanding we put Postal Service debt relief, jet emmissions, solar panel manufacturing tax breaks, and several other idiotic things in to a national emergency bill to keep us working.

Now Pelosi will stonewall anything getting done for days if not weeks. The markets are melting down because they know it's going to be a continuing mess.

Even the brain dead press will not be able to defend this nonsense.

When Susan Collins is berating you on the Senate floor you're failing miserably.

You know the code of the left: never let a good crisis go to waste.

When I tell the left that the Democrats could give a shit about you when discussing the border and immigrant problems, they tell me I'm full of it. People coming into our country, raping and killing our people, feeding illegal narcotics to the weak, the Democrats just don't care, because illegals are their becoming their base.

Same thing here. We have tens of millions of people out of work, tens of millions who could be facing death if this thing gets out of control, hundreds dead already, and what are they concerned about? Windmill and solar panel credits. And if you don't give them what they want, let more Americans get sick and die, who cares? The MSM will aid them in blaming the Republicans.
Yanno, I didn't leave the soulless Dem Party (decades ago) … they left me.

How anybody can defend this, I have no idea. I guess that's why this topic is void of most leftists except Siete. Nobody wants to get into a game they lost before they hit one stroke on their keyboard. On the other hand, some are just a glutton for punishment.

It's simple ray.

The 'slush' fund
A prime case in point regarding the above is the almost visceral Democrat reaction to the distressed industries fund in the current proposal.

The proposal includes roughly $500 billion in funds for loans and loan guarantees to be doled out to distressed companies, states and localities. What it doesn't include, however, are strict guidelines as to which companies would be eligible, guarantees that any company that taps the funding pool maintains its current workforce and the ability for the treasury secretary to waive, at his discretion, any restrictions on stock buybacks for recipients. It also doesn't require any reporting of which companies took loans until six months after the fact.

The lack of oversight and significant discretion given to the part of the treasury secretary infuriated Democrats and perhaps just as importantly, their outside allies, and played a major role in unifying the caucus against the proposal on Sunday.

I'm glad the Democrats don't want another republic TARP bailout bill.
So you can't comprehend what the Pelosi bill contains or do you just refuse to look?
Much of her House bill has NOTHING TO DO with the Chinavirus emergency, or as S Carolina Rep Jim Clyburn let slip, this is the Dem's "opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision." Yup, Democrats are traitors … every stinkin' one of you.

Here is the Far-Left Wish List Nancy Pelosi Just Blew Everything Up For
This is getting pathetic, folks.

Lives of Americans are on the line and our brain dead Democrats are demanding we put Postal Service debt relief, jet emmissions, solar panel manufacturing tax breaks, and several other idiotic things in to a national emergency bill to keep us working.

Now Pelosi will stonewall anything getting done for days if not weeks. The markets are melting down because they know it's going to be a continuing mess.

Even the brain dead press will not be able to defend this nonsense.

When Susan Collins is berating you on the Senate floor you're failing miserably.

You know the code of the left: never let a good crisis go to waste.

When I tell the left that the Democrats could give a shit about you when discussing the border and immigrant problems, they tell me I'm full of it. People coming into our country, raping and killing our people, feeding illegal narcotics to the weak, the Democrats just don't care, because illegals are their becoming their base.

Same thing here. We have tens of millions of people out of work, tens of millions who could be facing death if this thing gets out of control, hundreds dead already, and what are they concerned about? Windmill and solar panel credits. And if you don't give them what they want, let more Americans get sick and die, who cares? The MSM will aid them in blaming the Republicans.
Yanno, I didn't leave the soulless Dem Party (decades ago) … they left me.

How anybody can defend this, I have no idea. I guess that's why this topic is void of most leftists except Siete. Nobody wants to get into a game they lost before they hit one stroke on their keyboard. On the other hand, some are just a glutton for punishment.

It's simple ray.

The 'slush' fund
A prime case in point regarding the above is the almost visceral Democrat reaction to the distressed industries fund in the current proposal.

The proposal includes roughly $500 billion in funds for loans and loan guarantees to be doled out to distressed companies, states and localities. What it doesn't include, however, are strict guidelines as to which companies would be eligible, guarantees that any company that taps the funding pool maintains its current workforce and the ability for the treasury secretary to waive, at his discretion, any restrictions on stock buybacks for recipients. It also doesn't require any reporting of which companies took loans until six months after the fact.

The lack of oversight and significant discretion given to the part of the treasury secretary infuriated Democrats and perhaps just as importantly, their outside allies, and played a major role in unifying the caucus against the proposal on Sunday.

I'm glad the Democrats don't want another republic TARP bailout bill.

Oh please, a company does whatever they feel is necessary for survival. Government shouldn't be overseeing their decisions. They even went as far as demanding CEO salary caps. You can't run a business that way. BTW, you are correct, these are loans and not bailouts. Loans have to be paid back.
She is one of the straighter shooters in Congress

the Democrats are playing politics and pushing agenda driven goodies when it is time to work together

they will be punished at the polls

Big League

Sen. Susan Collins said Monday on the Senate floor that she "can not believe that the answer" to the coronavirus crisis from Senate Democrats "is delay, delay, delay. No sense of urgency."

"Never have I seen Republicans and Democrats fail to come together when confronted with a crisis."

"Is that what we’ve come to?" Collins said, criticizing Democrats over the delay.

"We don’t have another day. We don’t have another hour. We don’t have another minute to delay acting."

Funny, since sue collins is not going to survive election day.

Question, why do republics want a trump slush fund in bill with no oversight?
We shall see...

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