Collusion, Collusion, Collusion.

Every democrat out there is screaming about collusion. Can anyone tell me where it says that collusion in is a crime? We seem to have a special prosecutor to investigate collusion which isn’t a crime to start with.
Collusion doesn't seem like a crime to Republicans because they've been doing it for so long. In the Mueller case it doesn't stand alone. The issue is collusion with a foreign government to influence an American election. IMHO Gerrymandering too is collusion, to stack districts for a specific outcome, a very old Republican custom. The Supremes will have to untie that knot, unless they are colluders too. Nunes colludes with the WH daily as he works hand in hand with the Rusbots and coordinates with the CYA team. And Ryan is the biggest colluder of all, by his inaction.
Gerrymandering? Both sides do it. However, take a look at District 5 in Florida. I've never seen anything like this from Republicans.

View attachment 174106

Actually, that district was designed by Republicans in accordance with guidance provided by the Justice Department to prevent being sued in federal court. That district is designed to all but ensure that a minority will win as it encompasses almost every black neighborhood in three major Florida cities.

If you look at the area around Jacksonville, the portion of the district to the east that looks like a bird, the beak would point to the neighborhood where I lived. Every house west of there was in a predominantly black neighborhood.
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Every democrat out there is screaming about collusion. Can anyone tell me where it says that collusion in is a crime? We seem to have a special prosecutor to investigate collusion which isn’t a crime to start with.
Collusion in a crime is a crime
So everyone that was involved in creating this dossier and using it to get a FISA warrant is guilty and needs to go to prison.

Could be if it were a crime

Dossier has accurate info in it

the dossier confirmed what the FBI already knew from a human informant within the trump campaign. names, dates, locations..... rumor has it that it's felix sater...
If the FBI already knew all of that why would the Clintons pay so much for a dossier to be drawn up by a foreign operative?
Remember, tards. You have set a benchmark. You are okay with a hostile foreign power interfering in our elections.

Your steadfast silence is consent.
Remember, tards. You have set a benchmark. You are okay with a hostile foreign power interfering in our elections.

Your steadfast silence is consent.
Let me know when we actually bring in 3-4 million illegal russians to vote republican to counter the Mexicans you think are citizens.
Hey dum dum, why do you think Mueller is following the money and hired a team of investigators that are experts in white collar crime? Hint: because money was exchanged by many parties for information, and the spreading of information. Including false information.
If you axtually followed the money you would be standing in the middle of the Clintons home surrounded by the DNC enablers.
Now that you've religiously recited your dumb nonsense about Clinton, you can bow out of the conversation and stop trying to derail. K thanks.
You go full retard and now I'm the one derailing a thread? Follow the money, DNC and Clinton cash paid for the fake dossier that was used to get an illegal wiretap on a presidential candidate. Do you want to follow the money or not?
Dude, everybody in the world knows that Clinton paid Fusion GPS. You don't have to follow anything. That has nothing to do with the topic. If the GOP thinks that the memo your opinion comes from (even thought you haven't seen it) somehow cancels the investigation and means that all the so far discovered collusions must be forgotten about, then why are they so reluctant to release it? It's going to be a big ol' nothingburger, and the investigation will continue.
You said to follow the money. Unfortunate for you but the money trail ends at the Clinton camp. The fact that it was used as the reason for the spying absolutely ends the investigation.

a republican hired fusion GPS first as oppositional research. that's nothing new. when they were dropped, that's when clinton hired them on. & when they dug further, that's when they put the pieces together & found russia was all over trumpco.
Every democrat out there is screaming about collusion. Can anyone tell me where it says that collusion in is a crime? We seem to have a special prosecutor to investigate collusion which isn’t a crime to start with.

EVERY spy and traitor in history would fully AGREE with you.

(BTW, moron.........the diversion is cute BUT the investigation is about obstruction of an investigation AND possible money laundering,)
Every democrat out there is screaming about collusion. Can anyone tell me where it says that collusion in is a crime? We seem to have a special prosecutor to investigate collusion which isn’t a crime to start with.
Collusion in a crime is a crime
So everyone that was involved in creating this dossier and using it to get a FISA warrant is guilty and needs to go to prison.

Could be if it were a crime

Dossier has accurate info in it

the dossier confirmed what the FBI already knew from a human informant within the trump campaign. names, dates, locations..... rumor has it that it's felix sater...
If the FBI already knew all of that why would the Clintons pay so much for a dossier to be drawn up by a foreign operative?

the FBI was investigating on their own. then fusion GPS went to them with what THEY knew & it was then that the intel linked up.
There are at least 8 people fired or removed from their posts due to Corruption and Bias against President Trump, and many of them were defending and protecting Clinton during Benghazi and were covering for Clinton during her email scandal and somehow ended up on Mueller’s team or in The FBI plotting a Coup.

When Law Enforcement is Corrupted No number of Investigations will ever Achieve Justice.

An Honorable FBI and DOJ
Busts Clinton for Benghazi, prosecutes Holder for Fast and Furious, does not Allow Uranium One to happen, puts Lois Lerner and Koskinen in shackles, and Hillary Clinton on Trial for Espionage, Treason and there never is a COUP Conspired to be carried out from McCabe’s Office.

Fusion GPS Pakistani Hackers and Seth Rich’s Murder never happens.
Neither does ISIS, Nor a Nuclear Iran!

It’s nothing but a strategy to employ Russian Style Propaganda To undermine The President!

Two Years, 7 Investigations and near a Billion Dollars Spent and Zero Evidence

Even in private texts uncovered The Corrupted FBI admits there is no evidence and no collusion!

Every democrat out there is screaming about collusion. Can anyone tell me where it says that collusion in is a crime? We seem to have a special prosecutor to investigate collusion which isn’t a crime to start with.

There were at least 10 Benghazi investigations, and long did those last? None of them found any intentional wrong doing.
It’s nothing but a strategy to employ Russian Style Propaganda To undermine The President!

Two Years, 7 Investigations and near a Billion Dollars Spent and Zero Evidence

Even in private texts uncovered The Corrupted FBI admits there is no evidence and no collusion!

Every democrat out there is screaming about collusion. Can anyone tell me where it says that collusion in is a crime? We seem to have a special prosecutor to investigate collusion which isn’t a crime to start with.
How do you know there is zero evidence? Do you get daily reports of Mueller's progress? Flynn plead guilty, as did Manafort and Popadapoulos, and Carter Page has been recorded working with the Russians, who are also recorded as saying he is dumb as a box of rocks. Hang in there, the last commercial hasn't shown yet and the fat lady hasn't started singing either. I actually expect Trump to come out smelling like a in his real time, it's somebody else..not him.

Hey dumb ass! Manafort pleaded not guilty.
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There are at least 8 people fired or removed from their posts due to Corruption and Bias against President Trump, and many of them were defending and protecting Clinton during Benghazi and were covering for Clinton during her email scandal and somehow ended up on Mueller’s team or in The FBI plotting a Coup.

When Law Enforcement is Corrupted No number of Investigations will ever Achieve Justice.

An Honorable FBI and DOJ
Busts Clinton for Benghazi, prosecutes Holder for Fast and Furious, does not Allow Uranium One to happen, puts Lois Lerner and Koskinen in shackles, and Hillary Clinton on Trial for Espionage, Treason and there never is a COUP Conspired to be carried out from McCabe’s Office.

Fusion GPS Pakistani Hackers and Seth Rich’s Murder never happens.
Neither does ISIS, Nor a Nuclear Iran!

It’s nothing but a strategy to employ Russian Style Propaganda To undermine The President!

Two Years, 7 Investigations and near a Billion Dollars Spent and Zero Evidence

Even in private texts uncovered The Corrupted FBI admits there is no evidence and no collusion!

Every democrat out there is screaming about collusion. Can anyone tell me where it says that collusion in is a crime? We seem to have a special prosecutor to investigate collusion which isn’t a crime to start with.

There were at least 10 Benghazi investigations, and long did those last? None of them found any intentional wrong doing.

You took it hook, line, and sinker, didn't you?
Every democrat out there is screaming about collusion. Can anyone tell me where it says that collusion in is a crime? We seem to have a special prosecutor to investigate collusion which isn’t a crime to start with.
Collusion doesn't seem like a crime to Republicans because they've been doing it for so long. In the Mueller case it doesn't stand alone. The issue is collusion with a foreign government to influence an American election. IMHO Gerrymandering too is collusion, to stack districts for a specific outcome, a very old Republican custom. The Supremes will have to untie that knot, unless they are colluders too. Nunes colludes with the WH daily as he works hand in hand with the Rusbots and coordinates with the CYA team. And Ryan is the biggest colluder of all, by his inaction.

Collusion is not a crime, any more than the rest of your fantasies.

You don't have a clue as to what gerrymandering is if you think the Republicans are the only ones guilty.

Diana Ross is not in the government.

You really need to read a little less propaganda.
Collusion in a crime makes you an accessory
Every democrat out there is screaming about collusion. Can anyone tell me where it says that collusion in is a crime? We seem to have a special prosecutor to investigate collusion which isn’t a crime to start with.
Collusion doesn't seem like a crime to Republicans because they've been doing it for so long. In the Mueller case it doesn't stand alone. The issue is collusion with a foreign government to influence an American election. IMHO Gerrymandering too is collusion, to stack districts for a specific outcome, a very old Republican custom. The Supremes will have to untie that knot, unless they are colluders too. Nunes colludes with the WH daily as he works hand in hand with the Rusbots and coordinates with the CYA team. And Ryan is the biggest colluder of all, by his inaction.

Collusion is not a crime, any more than the rest of your fantasies.

You don't have a clue as to what gerrymandering is if you think the Republicans are the only ones guilty.

Diana Ross is not in the government.

You really need to read a little less propaganda.
Collusion in a crime makes you an accessory

Quote the law, dumb ass!
Every democrat out there is screaming about collusion. Can anyone tell me where it says that collusion in is a crime? We seem to have a special prosecutor to investigate collusion which isn’t a crime to start with.
Collusion in a crime is a crime

Quote the federal law that was broken, dumb ass!

923. 18 U.S.C. § 371—Conspiracy to Defraud the United States | USAM | Department of Justice

Section 903 - Title 18 - CRIMES AND OFFENSES
Every democrat out there is screaming about collusion. Can anyone tell me where it says that collusion in is a crime? We seem to have a special prosecutor to investigate collusion which isn’t a crime to start with.
Collusion in a crime is a crime

Quote the federal law that was broken, dumb ass!

Hacking into the DNC servers Dummy

Who did that? Did anyone ever examine those servers to determine who did the hacking or if any hacking occurred?

You can't answer those questions honestly, can you dumb ass?
And you took stupid pills Johnny Reb!

There are at least 8 people fired or removed from their posts due to Corruption and Bias against President Trump, and many of them were defending and protecting Clinton during Benghazi and were covering for Clinton during her email scandal and somehow ended up on Mueller’s team or in The FBI plotting a Coup.

When Law Enforcement is Corrupted No number of Investigations will ever Achieve Justice.

An Honorable FBI and DOJ
Busts Clinton for Benghazi, prosecutes Holder for Fast and Furious, does not Allow Uranium One to happen, puts Lois Lerner and Koskinen in shackles, and Hillary Clinton on Trial for Espionage, Treason and there never is a COUP Conspired to be carried out from McCabe’s Office.

Fusion GPS Pakistani Hackers and Seth Rich’s Murder never happens.
Neither does ISIS, Nor a Nuclear Iran!

It’s nothing but a strategy to employ Russian Style Propaganda To undermine The President!

Two Years, 7 Investigations and near a Billion Dollars Spent and Zero Evidence

Even in private texts uncovered The Corrupted FBI admits there is no evidence and no collusion!

Every democrat out there is screaming about collusion. Can anyone tell me where it says that collusion in is a crime? We seem to have a special prosecutor to investigate collusion which isn’t a crime to start with.

There were at least 10 Benghazi investigations, and long did those last? None of them found any intentional wrong doing.

You took it hook, line, and sinker, didn't you?
My conclusion about the "collusion" is that none of the regressive liars knows jack.
Every democrat out there is screaming about collusion. Can anyone tell me where it says that collusion in is a crime? We seem to have a special prosecutor to investigate collusion which isn’t a crime to start with.
Collusion in a crime is a crime

Quote the federal law that was broken, dumb ass!

Hacking into the DNC servers Dummy

Who did that? Did anyone ever examine those servers to determine who did the hacking or if any hacking occurred?

You can't answer those questions honestly, can you dumb ass?

holy cow- where have you been?

Meet Fancy Bear and Cozy Bear, Russian groups blamed for DNC hack

By Jeff Stone, Staff writer June 15, 2016

The hackers who spent at least a year lurking inside the Democratic National Committee’s computers don’t appear to be just any cybercriminals. They’re suspected in a number of high-profile attacks against the US and other Western countries going back almost a decade. Now, investigators say they’re directly tied to Russian spy agencies.

In addition to swiping research on Donald Trump from DNC networks, experts who investigated the hack say these two outfits have previously stolen research on Hillary Clinton, and have also spied on computers belonging to Republican operatives.

While the Russian government denies any involvement with the DNC hack or these two operations – which the cybersecurity firm Crowdstrike referred to as Cozy Bear and Fancy Bear – many experts say the digital theft is a further sign that hacking is becoming the preferred tool for modern day espionage.

Meet Fancy Bear and Cozy Bear, Russian groups blamed for DNC hack

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